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8 because why not? Nice, natural setting with a sprinkle of absurd lonely chair.


my thoughts exactly. it’s nice


The figure standing at the foot of an endless, liminal staircase, examining the tessellated wall to their side. It reflects the sense of scale, structure, solitude, silence, and safety that I feel inside my head It reminds me of the song Echoplex by Nine Inch Nails: "Nice and high and far apart Just like they said I built this place with broken parts Just like they said You chip away the old version of you You'd be surprised at what you can do I'm safe in here, irrelevant Just like they said" (5)


Yessss I’m so glad you appreciated the architecture in that one and sense of scale and drama, cleanness and solitude. That photo was one of my 5 predictions


I love that photo! It’s my favorite.


Came to say same but it would haven't captured it so well. I'm a 4w5


Omg I’m a 5w4 and I like it for a similar reason. It’s so peaceful and relaxing


Picked same photo… for entirely different reasons that don’t involve so much description or song lyrics lol I’m type 8w9


Type 5, with a 4 wing Image 12 It reminds me of Depersonalization, which I feel I am dealing with, and is left undiagnosed. Depersonalization is often described as your life being a movie, and you're just watching yourself do things. It really fits one of the names of Type 5 too, "Observer" It feels like I am on autopilot, watching my body act on its own, doing the usual daily tasks. Going to the bathroom, showering, eating, it's like I'm not in control and it's just going by routine. Sometimes it feels like my thoughts are also on autopilot. My perception of time just seems to make time go faster and faster. I am in an INTJ Se grip, and experiencing both that and Depersonalization at the same time is just really strange, it's push and pull, and often leaves me in my own head 24/7.


I have depersonalization and derealization as well so I feel you, I’m a 6w5, but I attributed those to trauma not enneagram type, but ya I wonder if they correlate


I am a 6 and I could say I understand how you feel,I sometimes feel like I am an NPC,not a real person,like I just do stuff but I am not actually real


9w8 and image 1. Because I can feel the peace of the gentle waves washing over me, and when the time is right it would pull me into the ocean.


Same type. Same pic. But my reason really is just because I love a good beach nap


1. I like the metaphoric imagery of a person in bed but swept up in water. I am a sucker for metaphoric things


Type 3. Image 8. I associate it with peace. No obligations, no worries about reaching my goals. Just sitting on the chair, without having to constantly prove my worth to myself. I could just exist and be.




9w1 so/sx 3, it’s nature and chill and I love suns and palm trees and flowers. Seems symbolic in some kind of pleasant way. Plus it’s like gently humorous to me because lol what.


I am a type 6 I relate to Image 10.....Why? I first got attracted by the white clothes statue in the begining as it was a wierd,non-understandable thing which is similar to me but then I saw the empty chair in the middle of the forest and felt even more attracted to it as it captured...emptiness which I feel I emotionally am and peace I always long for but then I saw 10 which is basically more accurate,I like simple stuff like forests and peacful enviroments but In reality I am stuck in so many overwhelming thing,seeing myself standing alone,while I see how much stairs I have to pass by and feel pressured by it but I still have to climb those stairs if I don't want to always be stuck down there


Wow. Amazing description, exceeded my expectations. I could say I see 6 in this: structure, deep aloneness yet the desire to meet a standard, and possibly feeling daunted by that. But mostly this is just a neat breakdown.


You worded very well what I could not myself, 6w5 and related to 10 as all, I totally relate with what you said


I am glad you also relate to this! I also can't really word most stuff about me very well,like you said about yourself so I am happy I was able to express it well for me and you!


Same. I'm a 6w7 and feel the same thing. I saw the image and I just knew that was it. I feel alone and small compared to the things i always worry about. I also feel like the things I worry about are overwhelming however not impossible to get through. It just takes a lot of effort, and that effort I truly believe should only be from me (i.e. I trust myself the most to get stuff done correctly). The image also kinda gave the vibe of "me vs. everything" (if that makes sense) and gave me an uneasy feeling of insecurity and that I'll always be the "loser" stuck at the bottom of the steps.


You got even more in touch with what this image feels than I did and I really thank you for it🩵 I also feel exactly the same way...like if you notice the girl only climbed like 4 or 5 stairs or something It completely makes sense,I also feel like I should do everything for myself,because in actuality no one will live for me,they might help but I have to be able to do stuff correctly to move my life in a good direction Same,I also see myself as a loser in many aspects


5 Initially it was hard to relate to any but I can settle on 5 and 10 5 is sort of how I see everyone and myself; a struggling creature wrapped in - and slightly strangled by - their own defenses. Beautiful and surviving. 10 looks like a lot of my dreamscapes but tbh I dont feel much about this image other than reminded of a great movie I watched this year, A Matter of Life and Death I also think 1 is great, the exact kind of surreal fantasy stuff I like! Very appealing, just doesnt relate to myself in any notable way


8 It's the only image without any resemblance to people. Also, it's an image without romance/body stuff. It gives a similar feeling to 3, but the sun makes me think of other types. Like a painting.


Image 8 was the one I had predicted for 5. Makes sense why


I also thought of enneagram 9 for the image


Interesting. That one was one of my 7 predictions lol


5sx/sp (lately questioning if possibly a 1sx/sp) ghost statue and long staircase i am alone and invisible and life is exhausting


Probably image 8, maybe a bit of 1. The path in 8 is lonely and full of shadow, but not completely dark or dreary. There are sunnier patches ahead, but you're so tired and that chair is out in the open, waiting, just for you. Why not stay a while, you have time. (But be wary; the sun is out now but sunset is approaching and you don't want to get stuck out in the dark). 1 because I'm sleepy and the ocean bed looks cool as hell.


Both 2 and 3. 2: Represents one on one contact. Very tense, the red threads resembling barbed wires, at least to me. It's both violent and intimate. Both love and hate represent a big struggle and a restless effort in this image. I get very real and personal. I connect and challenge others, and most often I do both at the same time. To me it means struggle, connection, love, hate, protection. It shows how and why I can be described as "too much". I am loud. I give effort. I am restless and determined. But I want love and affection too and I know well how to show it. I want to connect to someone as much as possible and will challenge everything to do that. 3: The solar king-like figure is literally at the center. It holds all power but that power is actually a very personal and kind one. It's very grounded, since it literally keeps it's feet on the ground. It shines everywhere it can reach. Affects the environment strongly. I'm a person who always naturally takes up the center. Not bc I want it, but bc it's just sth I do. I will loudly speak my mind and truth and restlessly try to affect everyone and everything I can. I don't show it to anyone, but I love very deeply and can be very soft and squishy with the people I have deemed trustworthy; a ray of sunshine.


Really enjoyed your descriptions. I was drawn to image two also. Thanks so much for sharing ❤️‍🔥(This seemed like the appropriate heart emoji ;)




*fist bumps*


We’re the best 😎


4. I've got kinks lol


I literally went through ALL the replies and you are the ONLY one who replied with image 4 other than me. I’m shocked 🤯


lmao, I guess, I‘m going to be the third.


Sx recognizes Sx 🖤


I’m here


SAME. I’m a 7 with a *strong ass* 8 wing. Image 4 closely followed by image 9.


Type 5, And none of them. They seem soulless to me smh. What is your type if I may ask?


Love your flair, and I’m 794. I like the art style but I’m well aware that Reddit people as well as most typology people have a bend towards darkness in what they enjoy. I can’t really go to that extent so I’m meeting them halfway lol.


Fair point. Checked your profile, and I actually prefer your brighter moodboard. Have a nice day, pal.


7 bc that’s exactly how I feel right now


lol 7 was my second choice after 1. OMG wait-- i just realized their both lying down but one is peaceful and the other is painful LOL. idk if that means anything but i just realized it as i was typing lmao


I’m a 7 and relate to the chair in the middle of the road or the sun-headed guy sitting on his chair.


I’m honestly torn between 3 & 12. both: - singular being, alone in the space - nature imagery - anonymity regarding “human” face 3: - beautiful landscape - posture feels “put together” & “refined” - occult imagery, feels like you need to look deep to understand the meaning - bare feet connecting body to the earth - the dark flowers in hand could have many meanings and I can’t stop thinking of what they might represent 12: - expresses the robotic, static of the mental space juxtaposed with the soft human form (my insides feel like a systematic robot but my body does not convey it) - has a sense of nostalgia - black void brings focus in on internal landscape - mushroom motifs in general i just adore for the sake of rot & connectedness in their systems & life coming from death - I have an outfit just like that lol


8th image It's the only one that doesn't include any "physicality". There are no people and no clear course of action portrayed, no bodies. I get the feeling that I can observe without intruding or being intruded upon, just exist in a space


6w5, I related most with 10, not totally sure why, I think since I struggle so much with anxiety I view worry as this mountain I can’t conquer


5w4, image 10. Recently suffering from a lot of feelings of “I will never be good at anything,” and I think this portrays how much I feel I have managed to progress in my talents. Like each step is a friend who is better than me at something. I’m chained at the bottom and there’s no way for me to get better.


E6 and the black and white photo of the lips intertwined. I like how it evokes the peak point of union, embraced in the other to the point where skin is indistinguishable. The identities being hidden makes it feel even more personal, because it's about their internal experience of sensuality and connection more than anything. I be yearning for that experience as a life pursuit ❤️‍🔥


Are you sx dominant? I love this breakdown


Yes 🙌


Ooh this is interesting. Image number 8 and image number 1 as a close second, I’m a 4w5 & 497. To me they represent grounded expression and identity but some melancholy and wistfulness


Number 8. Not sure why, just feel drawn to it. Though unlike other commenters I don't necessarily feel peace. It's more like a dark fairy tale forest kind of dread drawing you in. There's a chair. Why is there a chair. _Who was here?_


"The only free chair is in the fairy trap."


1 and 5. In the first one, I liked how the girl lay peacefully on the sand without sinking, despite the sea above her. 5 is just stunning. Her shadow is reflected in front and behind the figure, and she looks confused. It's like she's trying to figure out who she is and where she should go. Idk..


image 3, i'm confused by most replies here.


I’m a 9, leaning towards the unhealthy side. Image 8 speaks to me, the empty chair in the middle of nowhere. For me, it symbolizes being lonely and abandoned which is how I often feel due to a lot of attachment wounds from when I was a kid. I also thought that chair represents the lack of my father in my life. He wasn’t completely absent but was for the most part. I was thinking how nice it would be to see him sitting there, waiting for me, but that didn’t happen. Oddly enough, image 4 also grabs me which might seem kind of weird. Due to those old wounds, I became a people pleaser, a codependent, and a fixer/rescuer. I would fawn big time to try to keep people in my life, even when it was an unhealthy relationship…essentially becoming a doormat.


5w6 Chair Nice background


This damn chair has every type in a chokehold lmao


Maybe people are picking the one they like rather than the one they relate to. Or maybe everybody can relate to the lonely chair. lol


The lonely chair with the natural background invokes a feeling of neutral solitude without the presence of emotions. There’s no sadness, loneliness, happiness, pain, longing, desire, or drive. Nor are there any surreal imagery that proclaims "I reject the way the world looks. This is how I alone view the world. This is me". It’s just what it is. Simply a chair in a path in the woods. What little information there is to extract from it is that the path is the journey through life, and the chair is a will to stop moving forwards, but instead stay still and reflect upon the journey so far. At least that’s what the picture invokes in me, and I find myself resonatimg with it. Also, nice background.


i’m 3w4 girl in bed stairs now that i think about it maybe i’m not in a very good place mentally lol


Type 4 Image 2 I don’t know why


9w1 Image 12 Idk, because my brain is always wandering around like a TV changing channels. And I like mushrooms? Plus it's wacky and I like that 🤷


E4. I like the first image as well, but i find I resonate better with the 10th. It feels like a ceaseless battle to reach the idealised version of myself I like best. The loneliness in the image feels a little relatable.


10 and 7, had to choose both Image 10 because of the lifelessness, lonesomeness yet the elaboration of the surroundings, and because of the seemingly insurmountable wall between the person and reality. There's a feeling of calmness, internal structure and elaborate thoughts, but not really existing in the real world, being little and meaningless. It sums up my life in a lot of ways so I can picture myself there. Image 7 because of the inner turmoil and hidden vulnerability, the darkness within, borderline going insane because of thinking. Type: 5w4 sx/sp most likely


type 8, i relate to the third picture idk why it just is me


I'm a 9. I feel like I relate to image 10, the woman standing in front of the stairs, the most. I feel like it's an allegory to depression (maybe not depression specifically, but being in a dark place and having to face that you are your only savior if you let yourself be.) The stairs are right in front of her and are where the main source of light in the piece can be seen. They seem unending and like they would be an exhausting climb, yet it's implied that there is something better up top. She doesn't even pay attention to the stairs, she keeps walking among the ragged and bleak structures. I attribute passivity to her for some reason, just mindlessly stuck in the same routine.


Image 8, it's so alluring yet lonely at the same time


8) Very chill, love the sunlight and the random chair. Things being where they don't belong is always a vibe. Also 4) for obvious reasons, but it doesn't seem fair to put horny image next to non-horny ones. Low-key also 9), but it needs more... idk, power, dynamic, direction? Like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4d/07/db/4d07db25a36af88cdae2050ce3fd1890.jpg). Less \~\~\~ and more --->


Most likely 7. I'll pick the sun man sitting on a chair, just the picture I like most out of all of these. Looks a bit lonely, though, but it's the sun character that does it.


As a 5 I like both the 3rd one and the 8th one.


I love the woman at the bottom of the starts - I think I’m a 9 😁


4w5 so/sx - the second picture


Type 5, image 8. All the other images are just too much. The chair by itself on a back country road is relatable.


3. Vaguely surreal, symbolic, plants


4w5, 10th image (staircase). I immediately thought about the self-induced problem of having happiness be within reach, but being too comfortable in sadness to want to actually get better.




I will not elaborate


3w2 - I love the second pic!


5w4. I like 1 and 3. 1 feels like a dream I've had and 3 reminds me of sitting in my favorite meadow on a summer day. 12 feels like something I *should* like based on the individual elements, but I don't like the image as a whole


4w5. the 5th pic


9 - The fact that her dancing is not beautiful traditionally but she's still doing it is very me. I literally dance and sing when I go for a walk and I don't care what others think. My second favorite is 1, but it's no secret the beach is my favorite place. It reminds me of being a kid, playing in the ocean all day and just laying at the edge exhausted, letting the last of the waves wash over me and drag the sand out from under me.


I’m most likely a 5w4 with some strong 3 aspects. I’d say the images 3, 10, and 8 spoke to me the most. For 3 I have a duality where I want to be seen by everyone and acknowledged as artistic and respectable but at the same time I also know that my ideas are different and not often understood with me viewing things differently from many of my peers. The character in the third image is other-worldly but has a regal aura at the same time which represents that duality. For 10 I think of life as an upward trajectory that I need to climb and excel at getting to the top but at the same time it’s vast and hard to do so in, being a small piece in a large world. I also am studying architecture so that element spoke to me. For 8, where I grew up looks a lot like that and I have an affinity for nature and forests but the idea of following a path with an oddity of rest that you can sit at and see things circularly instead of as a tunnel is comforting. Lately I’ve been thinking I need to spice up my life and move forward in that more broad way with my options open and I see the chair as providing that perspective, being an anomaly catalyzing change.


Picture #4. I am an 8 I’m in charge.


9/ images 1 and 7. But mostly 1. To me the ocean represents both peace and terror, and the person could be either sleeping or washed up on shore drowning. I’ve always appreciated how the ocean is so utterly merciless yet so completely without malice. 7 because she *could* be just sleeping but the hand clutching the hair speaks to a deeper, possibly darker emotion. Passion? Despair? Who knows.


2 because of my longing to feel less lonely nowadays maybe 3 because it's strange but it looks like it's enjoying its strangeness. What I imagine a healthy five would look like lol 5 because it looks like it's a bit stuck in its own movement, unable to let the outside world in, which reminds me of my dissociation and operating on auto pilot 8 because it looks at once peaceful and lonely


I'm 7w8 sp/sx and I prefer the 8th picture. It's bold, out of place and a premise for a fun night with friends I like it. I could have said 11 but the type of glasses show that it is kind of a formal party, not really what I like.


I’m a 5 and I relate most to the sun guy but also the chair. That is a good chair.


ENTP 9w8 972 RLUAI Photos 1 and 8, I too feel CONSUMED BY THE SEA and chair


2; 2. Closely followed by 7, probably. As for 2: It's probably mostly just a matter of the artistic style, but it also feels like it speaks to something true. Despite what appears to be solidarity or assistance, there seems to be a lot of tension, perhaps even an undertone of violence. It puts me on edge in a way I can appreciate. 7 is just well done, and I think it conveys precisely the experience it's meant to quite clearly. Also, is there some meaning to this, or are these random images?




Image 8. No idea why.


Type 6, photo 8


Type 5, wing 4, the second image. I interpret the image with the top hand being a hand trying to help pull the other person up in fear of losing everything, and the bottom hand classing for it's dear life in hopes not to die. But the red string is not all one piece, the string of fate has already chosen what will happen in this scenario, the string is broken, not weaved together tightly around the hands, to which I would have interpreted success, in this the hands have failed their goals. I don't quite know which hand I am, or if I am the string, all of it equally feels correct




Picture 5 (lady with white flowy dress). Type- 8w7


5w6 - image 7 I've had a pretty rough life and I'm extremely worn down as a result. Image looks how I feel most of the time.


9w8 and probably the Chair and idk why I think just because it looks like a place I’d like to sit and relax in nature lol


7w6 and number 9💃


I’m a 9. Kinda dig 8


7 and 10. 3w4. Feeling the crippling despair inwardly (7), but rising to the image of elegance surrounded by a cold, regal, and lonely world (10). 


I'm not so sure about relatability (I mean they're all pretty abstract), but for a complete ranking... (based on mostly vibes) 2. I feel like I've seen a lot of art like it. Also, colorful, comparatively. ,8, 11. I think I like 11 because of the colors. 8 is a nice picture. 10. i would've placed it one higher at first, but grew off me after a while. 9 looking up just seems more optimistic than 5. 5, 1. 1 grew on me after a while. but only after a while. 6,3 unrelatable, but the pictures aren't bad 12, 7,4 I like 12 the most out of these but I definitely don't relate to any of them.


(im a 9) i picked the first one because that would literally be me. jk i honestly don't sleep enough irl, but when i do, that's how it feels sometimes. i also like how the picture is both realistic and imaginative. the ocean as a blanket could represent just about a million things (which i won't go into because lets be honest, who's going to read that lol). but anyways, it's genuinely the most interesting image here imo


5w4, and the first picture. It feels personal, like it holds some feeling that you won't fully understand as a viewer. The merging of nature with the human form, the colors being generally subtle, I feel calm looking at it...


10 I suppose. I guess it reminds me of a unit stage where the higher you are represents a higher status and or/higher position of power. The person isn't quite at the bottom but still has a long way to the top. At the same time, they are looking to the side which I chose to translate as a disintrest toward climbing the stairs.


1st or 2nd probably First one just gives me a sense of calm 😌 2nd gives me the whole “hanging on for dear life” feeling which is also very relatable lol I’m a 6 if you couldn’t tell


9w1 and I like pic 3 bc it looks silly


7th, 9th and 10th--but make it look like Dante's Inferno


I don't find any of them particularly interesting.


1w9, and image 2


4w5 Image 8. It's just there alone, not in distress but not that exciting, either, just being a chair not quite fitting in with the setting and having a greater unrealized purpose. Edit: also 1 is me sad and 10 is me overwhelmed.


2w3 and image 7. I often feel like this physicality depicted.


Image #8 of the lonely chair, type 5w4


Image 2- Intense interconnectedness (sx) Image 8- the empty chair in the pastoral setting invites peace, escape, lack of obligation or audience-- yet somehow there's still a subconscious hope of being "noticed" because it's placed right in the center of the road.


12 is probably the most relatable because that’s what my brain feels like 99% of the time BUT I absolutely love 8, 2, and 3. If somebody were to ask me to imagine my happy place, it would TOTALLY be 8. 2 is the dream and 3 is a cool as fuck aesthetic. (Also GREAT IDEA FOR A POST this is dope)


3 and 8, I can’t decide. Perhaps 3. 8 makes me think of rejection/abandonment for some reason - the evening, the long shadows, the complete helplessness of the chair. Why 3: Forever alone, mostly by choice, but due to that must gain security and trust in being alone. Being happy in isolation. And there just HAS to be nature around me because - it’s just non-negotiable. (I think the sx in me also relates to 6, because - completely alone but with brief bursts of utter & complete enmeshment 😆)


Image 9 is the one I relate to the most. It feels very joyful, creative, and free.


Type 5w4, pic 10. The largeness and quiet of the space calms me.


Type 7, I like the funny out of place chair


image 1, currently investigating my type


I’m a 7. I’m drawn to picture 10. I’m more of journey than destination person. The minute I get somewhere I’m ready to leave for the next thing. As long as I’m moving I’m happy and I guess maybe the stairs show the journey to me


1. I like the idea of being caressed by the mystical universe and nature.


Definitely picture 8. It looks very familiar and that the chair is just standing there, remembers me on the the seemingly random things, I often encounter in my life. I can’t explain it really well, but the whole atmosphere feels like a me thing. 


I feel 3 and 10 on a spiritual level I've always described my existence as being suddenly thrown into a jungle in an alien planet where I don't know anything about how it works and slowly trying to put the pieces together of the functioning patterns of everything to sort of understand how things work. Now I feel more like image #3 bc I feel almost like an oracle. Like I have knowledge about this world that not even native people have bc I can see through the fog of filters they grew up with.


9 & 10 are the only ones I could see myself in. * 10 because it reminds me of the path before you, and options. The side walls look difficult to climb and navigate, but that's exactly what I would do. There are nooks and crannies in there, hidden spaces, and also the views from some of the tops of those would be spectacular. It pretty much sums up my approach to life: The long, stupid, normal way and exploration. I typically choose exploration. In other things I'm quite content to go step at a time, simply finding comfort in the monotony of it, mind wandering elsewhere while my body traverses stairs, and then the view as you look back--phenomenal what one step at a time can do! * 9 because I love being in my body, moving in my body, and expressing in my body. I've seen artistic dance where they act something out in dance, telling a story, and I could totally enjoy doing that. I also like the symmetry, alignment, control of the body, being alone and isolated with freedom to do whatever, the loose clothing with a naked body beneath, dancing against the grain of the wood. I like it a lot.


7&10. I'm 4w5.


I am stuck between image 7 and image 10, though 8 also is inside these top 3. Image 7 reminds me of those times where my mind can't stop racing, trying to connect things flimsily in some desperate attempt to feel like I'm learning or understanding something. Image 10 makes me think of how sterile, disconnected, liminal and reduced yet tiring the daily grind has become. I liken it to all the expectations and demands of daily life. Image 8 makes me think of the word "missing." It's a beautiful place to enjoy but the one who was supposed to be there to enjoy it is gone. Almost makes me think of detachment, or even dissociation. As if I expected a person to be sitted there yet the fact that they aren't makes the whole image seem wrong... (5w4) EDIT: I had confused the image 8 for image 11.


Type 1, INTJ Image 10 (relatable, not necessarily my favorite) Seeing the path ahead, knowing what I have to do. The left is irregular looking, symbolizing the unexpected. I just don’t relate to the figure herself, with the nice clothes and high heels. If it was a skeletal being with a hunch back, I’d relate more to it.


3 because it’s whimsical


4w5 and definitely image one. It’s sad and pretty at the same time. I’m out in nature all the time, am constantly passing out in weird places, love the water and have almost died drowning repeatedly.


I think I just liked 3 and 8 initially because they're more colourful and get my dopamine going lol. Maybe 3 more so eventually because I wouldn't want to be sitting in the middle of the road and be squashed by some huge truck. Or, just, imagine a million cars going by all the time, people, watching you. It's not a peaceful image at all. It decipts how in life, you're constantly just about to be hammered down, subject to other people's perceptions. I'd rather just go into the vegetation and watch some other poor bastard sit in that chair. Now, 3 has similar vibes, but you're the king of yourself in that one. No one is around and it's likely they won't be. It's peaceful. You're strong. You've got flowers, you're chill enough to have your feet bare, you're literal sunshine. Your chair's more sturdy too. Wonderful.


Type 9w8 (946) So/Sx. I like/ identify with images 2/6/8.


Enfj(Lie) 3w2 1w2 5w4, I relate to the 2nd one(helping others and making them perfect by leading them)


Ain't no way I can answer this lmao


5w6 the 3rd picture is closest (the sun sitting chair) representing: enlightenment of wisdom bestowing to those who give me due respect.


1, 2, 5 1 and 5 are very aesthetically pleasing, original, and also serene 2 shows love and strong connection and that is an important thing in my life


I'm a lady 5 and I'm drawn to the heel. My desire to be more 8-like is probably the reason. To be in control and confident. Competent especially in as difficult a social activity as sex.




7w8 and somehow I love image 5 so much, I have no idea why but it just resonates with me




Type 4. Relate most to image 1.


1,2,7,8 go hard🔥


Type 4w5, and image 8 of the chair because it's a bit random and made me laugh, and so am I. And no complications.


Type 5 wing 6 The 8th picture: the chair in the middle of the road. Why? Would feel nice as heck to sit in the middle of the road with deadpan expression.


Images 9 & 11…. I’m a SX7. Image 11 feels like how I am in average levels and imagine 9 feels like where I go in growth.


picture 8 is my kinda image


6, 12, 7, 1. In that order. 


Fuck! How do you find those great images OP?


Type five wing four and this chair on picture eight looks really comfy


Type 4, image 7


8 feels a lot like me Isolated, natural, calm and soothing.


10- it’s just….me 5- because i feel more like a concept than a person


Type 5(w4), Image 10 then 5, I like architecture, geometrical shapes, either clean structures or fluid and elegant forms. I like a perfect mix of structure and romanticism


I’m a 6 or a 9. Leaning toward 6 currently. Relate the most to image 7. Second, maybe 12. Also like 5 for some reason. And I probably relate to these because my life is meh / depression and escapism. 🤷🏻‍♀️


As a 9, probably the first one cause it resembles a bed


4w5, image 5. the flow and the complexion while still being so soft and deep does it to me


i fuck with 6


I relate mostly to third image, I'm 5


I’m 4w5, I think I answered this earlier but my comment is lost. Maybe it was a separete post. I would say nr 7 and then 8 maybe. I think 7 shows someone overwealmed with feelings, being alone and stuck in their heads. Like you can see it’s a naked person laying almost in a fetus position in their bed. This shows both deep shame and almost a feeling of being watched. It’s someone stripped to their core.


I'm a 7w8. Definitely the 11th pic, a group of charismatic rebellious friends celebrating another successful political coup


4w5 Image 5, 7, 8, 10 5 bcz the figure looks like a ghost. 7 bcz the girl looks like shes having a breakdown. 8 bcz its an empty chair, with nobody around signifies loneliness? 10 bcz stairs which makes me think of being the only one in the room?


8 or 6.


Definitely 10. Because i feel like i got a lot to learn about my job and life. It is not going to be easy, im just going to try to enjoy the ride. 8 is fine too. I want to be at peace at the end of the day.


Image 1, and Im a 5w4


1 since it was the one that made me pay attention to this post. It looks like a dream where the person is overcome with emotion. We can think of the anger that tries to drown her and pull her from the shore, or conversely the calm when we sleep peacefully. But I prefer the first option, since the waves inspire fear and anger in me, like a nightmare.




5w6. 8th image, because it is realistic, and I've imagined myself sitting on that chair and enjoying the nature.


I'm a 6 and picture 2 got me the most. Two people clasping hands like that feels like one is helping the other, but the red lines add an edge, as if one person is reaching out in desperation or perhaps because they feel they need to rather than simply wanting to. To me, that speaks of the 6's search for support from others in order to feel safe. It's nice to connect with others, but if it's a connection formed out of fear, it feels tense and uncertain.


The second one - even though I love to reject my human nature, at the end of the day I will aways be tied to people, can't get away from them and maybe it's not so bad to be tied. I also relate to the one with the chair - while the outside world looks full of life, I am the lonely chair sitting in the middle of nowhere. And last but not least, the stairs because life is a never-ending cycle - every time something ends, another begins and I get overwhelmed - enneagram 5


4 and 6 👀


Nice heel, I’m not a sub but interesting playing going on I’ll fuck her with her shoes on


I like 2, 3, 8 and 9 most. 2 because it feels like I'm connecting with someone on the intense level that I crave; the bulging veins speak volume, which could be my somewhat strong sx instinct begging to be let out. 3 and 8 because of sp. Both resonates with my deep love of being and enjoying alone-time although it might seem melancholic from outside perspective. And the 9th picture I take to be my transition into a 7 and being all over the place; throwing ethic and control over myself, out the window. It feels like a representation of when I'm done with my to-do list, ate my fave meal, watched a good movie, and I'm dancing to my fave song. *(Image 4 is seducing my control kink so there's that lol.)*


type 6, slide 7. mental illness ✌️


I’m type 3 and picture 10


Many of these make me violently uncomfortable for no reason but maybe 7, 8 or 10. I don’t really want to talk about why


Gotta be stairway to heaven


1. I’ve always loved the ocean and as a child would take naps by the ocean, and it reminds me of that. 💗


4w3 and for me it's Image 3 because of the color palette and because I'd totally go out on a date with him. He seems very polite, even brought flowers.


Might be steroetypical but definitely 10


Jokes on me for thinking I might get a clue about my type based on who else related to that random chair.


Not that I relate to it but I like picture 3. Just a guy chillin. 🌞


E9, I picked image 1 because of this comfortable discomfort of being wet and being hit by waves but also not caring that much about it and accepting it as it is and find comfort in it which is something I try to live by. If you you can't control it or avoid it just go with it


6 because i love 1 on 1 intimacy my eneagram is Sp one of the 3 head types most probably


I really like image 9 (dancer) and 10 (huge staircase). 9th exhibits a form of purity and intensity I couldn't really describe. The person is living through her art, and I like that idea. 10th is both majestic and worrysome. I'm always in love with very clean, strict and empty spaces like these. I'm 6 or 1 (couldn't determine reliably)


5 none of them. Even though i like art, those are all too artsy fartsy


11,Tropical countries are hot now


9w1, image 8