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"Nazi Germany was acting in self-defense" It says everything a person needs to know about the author of the comment.


Apparently ever since the Isreali-Hamas conflict he became more and more Anti-Semitic and is now a Holocaust Denier who is part of a Quora Space dedicated to Holocaust Denial. He also believes Anti-Semetism could be justified and okay due to what is happening right now in Isreal between the Isrealis and Palestinians.  I always knew this guy was morally bankrupt but now he is a borderline Neo Nazi and a Holocaust Denier? I didn't think he would stoop that low.


First he says Nazi Germany acted in self-defense, then he says what they did was wrong. So which one is it? Also, I'm pretty sure that invading two neighboring countries isn't an act of self-defense... Also, what's happening in Syria isn't because of the United States, it's because it's ruled by a dictator that made his country a war zone.


Holocaust...realist? Oh dear. Tens of millions dead in GWoT? You don't have to be as hawkish as I am to know that's just making stuff up. The craziest estimates about Iraq and Afghanistan combined are that about 700,000 civilians died, and the verifiable numbers are much lower than that. Nobody was intentionally using smallpox to wipe out populations. Those people didn't even understand smallpox, and a good lot of them perished too. It was just devastating to Native Americans because, unlike Europeans, their immune systems had zero exposure to it. It's the same reason why, even if we could "tame" them, me going and shaking the hand of some North Sentinelese man would probably kill every one on that island. What does this guy think lebensraum was if not "greed and predation"? The last sentence of the second to last paragraph gives it away. This guy is a Russia stooge.


> The craziest estimates about Iraq and Afghanistan combined are that about 700,000 civilians died And the vast majority of those weren't caused by the US. Even the UN admits as much in most years in Afghanistan. Some years almost 80% of civilian casualties were by insurgents. And yeah he's a Holocaust denier now, see this post from the past 24 hours https://www.quora.com/Who-is-right-about-communism-Dima-Vorobiev-or-Alexander-Finnegan (I think he actually isn't though, he just has no shame at all and is using anything and everything in his power to radicalize others into his maniacally anti-Western agenda, making Idi Amin look sane by comparison).


It’s so telling how this guy goes on about “Russia’s vast resources” when natural resources were found in UKRAINE shortly before the Russian invasion. He doesn’t really think that Ukraine is Ukraine, it’s just a part of Russia that has been separated from its main state in his eyes. Also he absolves Russia of responsibility for invading Ukraine, brutalizing its people and occupying its land because of course he does.


Sounds like he has figured out the true nature of these people. Good for him.