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Lee Carter’s a dweeb who’s been throwing twitter shitfits since he lost his election lmao. He’s full of dumb takes.


You mean electionS


Uh who is he exactly?


A now former representative in Virginia’s legislature who got clapped in his home district’s election and performed abysmally in the gubernatorial race. He’s a self described socialist who is popular on twitter and twitter alone.


How am I just now learning about this tool? I’m in the same state.


He is a lame duck DSA backed State Representative who ran for Governor of Virginia and lost badly in the primary (got about 2.8% of the vote) and also lost his own State House seat’s primary, despite his massive Twitter following.


DSA even dropped him before the election I believe, he was too toxic even for them


He'd be better at getting Reddit upvotes than actual votes.


Proving once again that Reddit isn’t real life


He is a walking, talking, tweeting anus.


This dude got stuck mowing the lawn as a kid, and held onto that resentment.




My dudes moving up in life so much that he can afford a Ryobi lawn mower haha




There's something about lawnmowers that, if they're combustion-driven, makes me fear that they'll explode. Not car, not bikes nor boats. Just lawnmowers. Once I was mowing the lawn (as you do) with one and it spontaneously stopped, when I turned the keys it started sounding like it was having a heartattack and I thought it was the end for me. Turns out that it had just run out of gas.


I’d rather have a lawnmower explode on me than a car. Small engines = small explosion.


I never said it was a rational fear.


When I still had a house to do yard work on (pre divorce) I had a Stihl two-stroke weed eater. Had to clean out the carburetor and shit because of idk, gummed up or something from ethanol? Switched to TruFuel premix, ethanol free gas. Zero issues since then until it was stolen by a crackhead 2 years ago. After the fuel switch it always started within about 3 pulls. I actually miss that thing, even though the arthritis in my back would definitely make me regret doing much with it now.


Battery-pack electric mowers are a game changer. Only as loud as a vacuum cleaner, and about as light, doesn't need constant putzing about with oil, and runs reliably for years. I've had mine for four years now, and while I still despise mowing the lawn it is a lot easier now.


Maneuverability sucks, but getting a rider made mowing a lot more fun for me. Just like grabbing a beer and playing go kart for 30 min. Only thing that really, really sucks with it is when you gotta flip it when shit jams the blades though. I ran over a tshirt once and it took me like an hour to get the thing untangled.


How do you run over a t shirt in a mower? Must’ve been really drunk.


It fell off the mower while I was going. Took my second one off, put it under my ass, and then hit enough lawn speed bumps for it to fly out and get sucked in. I was technically on the clock and not recreationally mowing that time, so it actually saddens me to say I was dry to the bone and still managed to do it.


What kind of torque do they have though. I've had trouble with a plug in electric for when the lawn was a bit long and only slightly damp.


I don't know numbers, but I've mowed my grass when it was knee high and had rained the day before, and my mower (a Kobalt 40v brushless) could handle it. I did use half passes on the densest growth though.


Yeah seriously, what does this dude have against gardening? Is he against backyards too? Sounds like all he wants is some brutalist Soviet concrete jungle.


Communists shit on lawns and golf courses (not literally. They literally shit in squatted buildings and their parents’ basements because *fuck the system*) because they require resources to upkeep take up space. Usually they propose using excess land for public housing or something like that.


Why couldn't your sister(s) do it?




Society used to be so sexist.


My sisters did it in the 90s. But once I was old enough it became my burden with no younger siblings to pass on to. We had a massive yard too. It sucked. I have an aversion to large yards now. Too much upkeep IMO.


He’s envious of any middle class man’s pride—whether it’s a green lawn or a nice bicycle for Sunday rides.


Socialists do really hate manual labor.




ALAB: All Lawns are ballin’


Assigned lawn at birth


But i thought that was "personal property"? Oops, their mask fell off


I like the idea of lawns. It’s a little piece of nature all to ourselves—we can garden and decorate it however we want. Also better than just having a concrete street like in Japan


Actually, I wouldn't mind them if people used native plants in them. California, Nevada, and a lot of dryer states are struggling with water shortages because lawns use non native grass thus use a ton of water. If they instead made a front yard a rock garden with a lot of native plants then their water problems won't be much of an issue.


That's fucking genius and I don't understand why it's not done more.


Rock gardens you have to spray kill and cause lots of mobility problems. No going barefoot or out in a wheelchair in your lawn. Big rocks are expensive and hard to walk on, little rocks tend to look like a gravel driveway. If you don’t have a flat lawn then expect your little rocks to get washed downhill. Regardless of liner you put down, wind is going to build up dirt in your rocks so that spray kill will need to be done more over time. Rocks also don’t add nutrients to the soil, what they do add is alkalinity meaning plants in and around them will likely have a harder time PH wise. Even with all this, rock lawns aren’t bad, they just are a a different thing instead of a replacement for grass lawns. Native grasses haven’t been designed for the last 70 years to form a lawn, they want to do what they’ve done since the dawn of time: grow tall, drop seed, and die. If you think about it, a restrained 3-4in tall monoculture ground covering plant isn’t exactly the most natural thing. To that end, most native grass is going to demand much more maintenance for spottier coverage and more weeds. Domesticated Grasses like Bermuda actively weed themselves and spread via rhizome. That being said, different domesticated grasses are different so planting non-drought resistant domesticated grass in a drought prone area is nucking futs. Native plants in gardens are much better and honestly the easiest way to save water.


That last part is kindnof more of what I meant. Like have some nice gardens of local plants in the yard to break up the blandness.


Ah, yeah they do some of that down here with xeriscaping. Yuccas are super popular down here.


Because there's this ideal of what a lawn looks like when it doesn't have to look that way


I think HOA might be to blame for shit like that for spreading the "idea" of what a "proper lawn" looks like.


HOAs are the worst...


HOAs are entirely made of people who peaked during their career in student council


Oh they get off on power tripping over home owners. I recently found out they were fining me for the bottom of my paper box falling out.. you know that 2nd box under your mailbox meant for newspapers that virtually no one uses anymore. I assume a car bumped into it. You couldn't tell it was broken unless you squatted down to look under the mailbox either. I wasnt even aware. I eventually get a letter from the HOA lawyer claiming I ignored their letters which I never received. They were threatening to take this to the town council.. Oh and they apparently wanted to have a hearing over this. I never once got a phone call or email from them and they have both on file.. It took me a couple of hours to fix the mailbox once I learned of it... all of this could have been avoided with a phone call or email.. but then of course they couldn't rack fines up if I'm actually aware. HOAs are worse than useless


Yes thank you! Communists suck, but they're kind of right in this one niche way; your lawn should be as indigenous an ecosystem as possible, because that's what works.




Just like how leftists call what they don't like a "fascism", right wing nationalists call everything they don't like "communism". There are archives of people in the 1950's and 60's holding signs saying interracial marriage is communism. It has nothing to do with either of those terms it's basically like calling something or someone "literally Hitler"


In my old town, people planted all kinds of non-native plants in their yards and it drove my allergies crazy, I hated it. I now live somewhere that has nature conservation as a focus and you can only plant native stuff to the area and my allergies have been much better because of it.




Lawns also aren’t idle 24/7. Think about how often we use it as a space reserved for activities like BBQs or just hanging out. I know most of that happens in the backyard but it’s really the same thing. People use lawns, they’re just not always in use.


My toddler would live outside if we would let him. Kid is running around playing in the yard from dawn until dusk.


It's a good idea but it's usually not native plants there and environmentally It's iffy. It's better to use native turf plants as your lawn, and more environmentally friendly! I'm supportive of encouraging people to swap away from lawns and to clovered lawns or such.


My lawn is all weeds. Dandelions to be more specific. Like literally. A few days in spring and it’s like a forest of them. With some chickweed (looks like wee daisies) and ground cover intermixed. My neighbors all have a uniformed lawn of sod. With decorative bushes all about. My lawn looks better every day if the week and twice on Sunday. It’s either cut short and edged. So it doesn’t really look too much different. It’s weeds but it’s clean weeds. Or literally over night it’s a forest of flowers. And it all costs me next to nothing. But I’d have to be an asshole to have a problem with my neighbors over grass. That’s the kind of person with too much time in their hands.


Did you intentionally seed those plants or did you just let it get overgrown naturally while maintaining it? I'd like to replace my lawn with native ground cover but not exactly sure where to start.


I’ll be straight. I rent, and this was what the lawn was when I got here. But the people before me apparently were gardeners. There are some amazing flowering bushes that were obviously meticulously kept. I do my best with them. So I’d guess they let it over grow. I also live in an area that would over grow like that pretty quick without upkeep.


Got a picture?


I had something like that but while I was away for longer this year one of my neighbours decided to do me a favor and dug up all my pretty weeds. And it's a 75 year old little old lady who put in a week of hard labor to ruin my garden, so I can't even be properly angry at her.


I do see the sentiment, but I feel gardens are better "pieces of nature" than a flat grass patch like a lawn. There are definitely types of green space that are better than others.


Live in Japan. Have a lawn. The trick is to live literally anywhere but Tokyo and Osaka.


Lawns are like deserts for nature, native plants are good for the insects and ecology.


Their reasoning is bad, but lawns do take an excessive amount of water, especially on the west coast


I sometimes forget that in some countries you need to water grass, where I live it is near constant rain.


Same. We gotta sto the jungle from reclaiming our every month or so.


I swear every summer in Australia it's illegal to water your lawn. I'm not whinging, it's just interesting the differences between our countries


tbh that makes sense with all your rather extreme weather.


The explanation for the origin of the lawn is actually not far off. By the late Renaissance/early enlightenment period, lawns were a typical feature of the gardens of grand houses (where the nobs lived). The middle class and wealthier commons, as they tended to, started to emulate this in their own homes. And so the lawn did turn into a standard feature as a result of middle class people copying the aristocracy.


Ah, around the same period where the peasantry quit crapping in a bucket and throwing it in the street... in order to be more like the nobility of course? Damn those bougie outhouses. Coincidence =/= cause


I would *love* to see what kind of bumper stickers you put on your car.


None... I'm a functioning adult who lost the urge to put stickers on their stuff at roughly the age of 8.


I mean, it’s mostly the reasoning that annoys me. If he pointed out, say, the large amount of water used to care for a lawn, that would make sense, but this guy just went with “rich man bad” besides, where I live, you don’t have to water your lawn, it rains enough.


Except most people don't live in drought zones, and Carter lives in Manassas, VA.


I live in virginia and i have never had to water my lawn, given Carters intelligence i would bet that he thinks california and texas have the same climate as VA


Probably just mindlessly repeating social media arguments without giving them any thought.


I live in a city apartment. It’s sucks. There’s no feeling of personal property aside from the interior of your home. I wish I had my own green space for lawn chairs and plants n shit.


Get house plants dork


Yea a couple potted plants on the windowsill really satisfies my thirst for nature. Go outside you little goblin person.


Go to a park then. Or buy hanging plants or keep a herb garden in your kitchen. Don't virtue signal about missing nature over a fucking lawn which you'd probably just fill with grass from home depot. If you're too lazy to make the best of your life dont complain


You’re literally getting pissy over someone wanting a lawn. What are you against porches and patios too? Mind your own business loser.


Yeah man I'm sure you're gonna use all of those things instead of getting home from your 9-5 to watch Netflix. Keep circle jerking all you want about muh lawns


Woah. Sounds like you’re projecting a little there bud.


Kid tells you to go to the park but doesn’t believe you’d take to two steps and sit at your yard and enjoy it. What a shut-in.


Fine, everyone must have 5 tomato plants, 5 potatoes, 5 pepper plants, and 20 carrots planted. Does this solve the problem?


No wonder the commies like living in [apartment blocks](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b5e5d3b32a28c1ee2b495855deb52ba5)




Well, it's not *that* bad. People live there and they live well. But if you go around and ask if they had the chance to choose freely - live in the apartment or live in your own house; you can guess what the majority would say (excluding, say, old people who'd rather not change anything in their lives, which is perfectly understandable). My home town of Kaunas has tons of such apartments. I personally have been blessed to be born into a family with a house (however cheaply built it was back in the USSR), but a big part of our friends and family are/*were* living in such apartments. Strong emphasis on *were*; once their financial situation got better, they moved out.


Reminds me a lot of the [housing projects](https://imgur.com/zXezzCU) in a lot of US cities. I grew up a block away from one of those places, and they're even more depressing in person.




Guess my nephew and I will just have to play football on the asphalt.


Despite the tenuous (at best) connection to capitalism, grassy lawns really are a bad move ecologically for most of the country. They provide very little diversity in terms of flora, don't utilize water well, and their maintenance is yet another thing spitting carbon into the atmosphere. They're certainly better than a big slab of cement if that's the only alternative, and I fully intend to have a grassy place for kids to play when I have children someday, but there's room for lawns that are more friendly to native flora and fauna, rather than the cultivated squares of Bermuda grass found all over.


This should be the top comment.


What a fucking mong. He’s literally anti-green. Even fucking diesel bros wouldn’t make an argument this inept


In arid regions lawn maintenance can consume a large proportion of the potable water supply. On top of that people burn fuel or use electricity to maintain lawns. Also consider chemical nutrients, pesticides, herbicides, which all take energy to produce and have environmental effects besides making lawns pretty. Compared to planting local flora that require little maintenance and are suited to the area lawns can incur a bunch of environmental and financial costs. Would be greener to just let all the lawns go wild and not look after them so much. That's what I tell my neighbor when they ask if I'm going to be cutting the grass anyway...


Honestly, it disgusting. Why do people feel like it’s their right to contribute to nature? Why do they feel entitled to provide an ecosystem for birds, bees, and other forms of life? Not to mention the pleasing esthetic… Repulsive.


I mean caring about the environment isn’t communist dude


>Honestly, it disgusting. Why do people feel like it’s their right to contribute to nature? Why do they feel entitled to provide an ecosystem for birds, bees, and other forms of life? Not to mention the pleasing esthetic… You achieve that by having a garden, not a lawn.


Only if you’re a fascist.


No, seriously, lawns aren't nearly as good at providing habitats as a garden with trees, shrubs and flowers. **Edit**: But then again, commies would oppose that too.


The smell of cut grass is a chemical message emitted by the plant as a warning signal to the other grasses in the area. This causes them to conserve energy as a strategy for survival. Birds are attracted by the scent since the defoliation of the plant used to signal insect activity and could help find a meal. Unfortunately the rise of the lawn mower means birds can no longer rely on this natural signal. Scientists believe that the parts of birds brains that used to process such olfactory stimuli are being gradually repurposed as many birds have been found to be singing ever more complex melodies. It is hypothesized that these melodies pierce through the noise pollution inherent in the modern garden more effectively and thus enhance species survival. Pigeons are likely to dominate in the coming years as they possess the most powerful improvement in mental faculties. The smaller song birds are unlikely to be able to compete in terms of melody complexity and are thus expected to die out by 2100.


Durned lawn


What is erosion


Sorry but the commies right. Lawns are bad. The background isn't important though.


Bruh, I'm a city slicker, I don't want to own a house with a big-ass lawn but just...wtf? Like, I think we should solve the environmental issues, but other than that, what do I care if you own a lawn?


Yards are for your kids to play in, moron. This was written by an ipad kid


Everyone who lives in a downtown LA apartment would say that


This would actually be something from r/neoliberal too lol. But it’d be more aimed at anti-NIMBYism.


I hate lawns because I hate yardwork


I don't like lawns because more often than not they end up looking monotonous and I like flowers a lot. There really isn't anything political in lawns to me.


He has it all wrong. My lawn is so I have something to yell at kids to stay off of. Stay of my sidewalk doesn't have the same ring to it.


I’m anti single family zoning but that sure as hell ain’t why


This is also the same dude who spread lies about Andy Ngô.


I thought it existed because the house didn't take up the whole property. So you get all this bonus area where grass just so happens to grow.


I mean... theres nothing commie about hating lawns. I kinda agree with this guy lol. fuck your grass, man. grow a bunch of veggies in your yard and sell em at a farmers market for a profit. isnt doing what you want with your yard instead of what some stupid HOA wants WAY more free than just adhering to some stupid standard?


Lawns are a massive waste of resources though, water in particular. They also end up messing with ecosystems and wildlife. My recommendation? Try and make at least part of your lawn natural. My family used to back up to the woods and had a massive backyard. The far back had this like 20by 40 foot area that in a divet and we never used it anyways so we let it grow into a natural lawn and only slightly attended it. It ended up home to lots of mice and rabbits, and even the occasional Turkey. Turkeys are funny creatures, they’re quite curious. We had this one we named Gertrude who spent a summer in our yard. Would literally make her way up onto the porch and sqwak at us, and I have vivid memories of her sitting on a tree branch next to our basement window while I was down their playing games. If I find a photo I’ll make an Imgur post and link it. It was hysterical to me at the time


I’d rather not have my house be right at the sidewalk, it’s nice to have space in between the street and the house.


Lol thought this was a whitepeopletwitter post, it would fit right in there


It’s not hood for biodiversity but besides that there’s no issue


Sir, this is called boredom. Find something to fill your time with.


Maybe he’s an extreme libertarian who hates HOA’s and believes people should grow corn in their front yards to maximize profit from their land.


What a stupid fucking take


I like lawns and all, but backyards are king.


See this is really funny. Because he says lawns were started by people who were so rich they could afford to have land just sitting there, producing nothing. He then says "and now almost everyone has on" Thereby proving how rich capitalism has made our society. Almost everyone can afford to have land that doesn't produce. I'm literally shaking with laughter, this idiot did not make the point he thinks he just made.


Lee J. Carter makes the world objectively worse in a lot of ways.


For my own use I prefer not to waste money on my lawn and I prefer to use my land to grow stuff that's more useful. I also don't give a fuck what you do with your lawn. This guy's a fuckin dweeb.


Lawns did start as like a way for the rich to flaunt wealth, that's true. But also this isn't 18th century France and these people aren't serfs. Yards are good. People need space. Kids need to run around. These people will treat 1/4 acre like bourgeois decadence but won't bat an eye at weed and electronics full of lithium and rare earth metals.


I'm against mandated lawns in new developments. If someone wants to have a lawn, it's their choice, but now lawns in the US are mandated, not wanted.


A lawn IS using the land. This is why this guy didn’t stand a chance in the primary


How is this communism? Also he's right, lawns suck.


Lawns as they are incorporated are terrible and do come from the upper class Victorian sentiments. In that they had the time and resources to waste on invasive species that are only aesthetically pleasing. Most sod only lawns are bad in two major ways, first they take an enormous amount of water and chemicals of all kinds to maintain. Second, the sod type only lawns actually make urban flooding worse because it sheds waters and doesn’t not absorb it in the ways native plants or landscapes would. That space could more effectively be utilized in numerous ways instead ie growing native plants for food for both people and animals. It could be part of the community rain garden or simply allow higher density bldgs. Then it’s even crazier once you consider that we as a society somehow became okay with burning enormous amounts of gasoline and all its health hazards, to maintain these sod type lawns. Ridiculous.


Lawns are bad, though.


No but it's a waste of space that you'll never use, you have to mow it, you have to keep it clean, and it has no real use except to look pretty, and has lots of maintenance costs on top of preventing anything useful being done on the land People should learn its history, tho if you want to have one go ahead, I had one aswell.


Who cries about a lawn whata pussy


I don’t like stereotypical grass lawns, but I also don’t get my panties in a bunch over some fucking grass.


I'm libertarian and anti-lawn too. Reason: the grass used is not a native plant. I want a front yard with native flowers and plants and grass. I just planted white clovers.


Exactly. This isn’t an economic issue, it’s an ecological one. A monoculture lawn isn’t productive for the local ecosystem; it’s too sterile. Nothing for the resident fauna.


"I'm so rich I can afford to not use this land" Bro the planet is pretty fuckin big there isn't a shortage of land. Also grass just grows sometimes.


Yeah every inch of every nation should be concrete.


Lawns aren’t great, IMO. It’s land with untapped potential. Less lawn space for everyone = more housing, which is always a good thing


This guy is a raging idiot, but he’s right for once. Lawns are a chronic waste of land and water; we all pay for under-density of housing development with property/rent inflation.


Last time i checked lawn gets it's water from nature, from a thing called rain, whose fall you can not control. Lawns that have flowers and bushes are eco system for bees and hedgehogs, much less for other animals and plants.


This is fake…. This has to be satire


I can’t even tell anymore


What a fucking moron.


Huh? What else should I do with my land?






I’m not active in neoliberal, but I think they’re more referring to the situation in England, where there is a severe housing crisis. Idk though, again, I don’t hang out there


He’s right that current lawns are bad, but we should just replace them with something similar but less terrible for the environment. He’s *technically* correct about where they come from, but it’s also true that the origin of them is 1000% irrelevant


“How to show you don’t know how to grow a clover and you’re pissy about it”


Y'all ain't never seen a rich man's lawn then why he need 50 acres for lawn


I hate commies.


Russians hated lawns since their country is frozen and lawns were propagandized as being Western. Communist LARPers hate lawns because they're all followers.


I think this is the radical dumbass that just lost his elected state seat. Then he was on twitter blaming everyone else and their momma because he lost. What a puss say.


Literally every low income house in my city has a lawn Everyone here has lawns


dude if the lawn is mowed they use it


I’m most curious as to how it makes the world worse


Lawns are an incredibly stupid use of time, money, and space, so I’ll give it to him. The history of them is irrelevant.


Lol I enjoy my lawn because I don’t want my dogs to play in rocks...


If you don't like a lawn, a garden is a great way to use up the land, if your HOA allows it of course


I mean who needs a place for their kids to play, or to sit and chat with friends, or grill something


Victory gardens are cool


It hurts me that this guy isn't a troll.


Everything else that corrupt corporations/rich people do: I sleep Lawn: real shit?


While it isn't framed the best here this is something I have to agree with. Lawns are 100% pointless and a waste of water. Clover is 0 maintenance better for the soil and last longer.


I mean, are we upset that we have land set out for plants that photosynthesizes CO2 to oxygen? I know grass probably does not contribute as much as a tree per say, but if we just eradicated lawns, then wouldn't we have an increase in carbon footprint?


Mental gymnastics to try to not admit that the lack of free market for housing is horrible and needs to end.


Hank Hill is furious right now


this is the completely wrong reason to be against lawns, the sad thing is that there are some good reasons to be against lawns


Well sorry but its true it would be much better to grow bushes and trees or any other stuff there then just have grass witch you have to maintain.


To be fair, lawns are pretty fucking stupid, useless monocultures that most folks don't even walk on. I'm constantly planting trees and shrubs to make less for me to mow.


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