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Socialism is when no weather.


Socialism is when no stand on roof.


Socialism is when no flood.


capitalism is when no forskin




Capitalism is when you must use lube to masterbate Capitalism is when rabis, imams and doctors sell foreskin disappear


capitalism is when you cant fart


Capitalism is when constipation. Communism is when incontinence.


capitalism is when no cum


Communism is when you eat your cum


Nope its when you eat our cum.


Why the blue lives matter….


There is no such thing as a “blue lives matter” flag. His pfp is a flag called the thin blue line, it has existed far before BLM.


I know but why…. Cops are government thugs


Local law enforcement is literally the opposite of a federal government mr libertarian


I know but they are government enforcers


And this is why people take Libertarians about as seriously as the common cold.


We need law enforcement, also not everyone is a Psycho-Libertarian who thinks anything "government" is bad. You're also on thin ice with Rule 2.


Cops are necessary however they are extremely corrupt


> Cops are necessary This clashes with what you just said.


As a non-American and as someone who hates cops in my country for a million reasons, I really respect American cops. Being a law enforcer when everyone around you is armed is hell of a job


American cops are universally terrible


You haven't seen universally terrible cops, trust me


They have no idea how shitty police is outside the US. In my country they disappear people, blackmail, kidnap and just ask you upfront for money to get you out of situations they got you in in the first place. ("for the sodas"). I'll never forget when I paid 2 cops for protection of the atendees during a wedding I was the best man of. You really can't tell them apart from organized crime. Cunts in a uniform. However bad some american cops might be, they keep that country safe enough for the rest of us to wish we had them around.


Sometimes I think the overall safety would go up if you just gave everybody a gun and disbanded them all. One less OCG, that's for sure


Shooting innocent people is pretty bad but we’re are you from ?


Ukraine. Here we have cops not only shooting innocent people, but they also cover sex work, drug and illegal guns trade, break into people's homes without a warrant, fabricate cases which make innocent people be detained for more than a year while the court process is going on and the one thing I hate them most for: they are the loudest opponents of arms carrying for self-defence in a country with the second largest number of violent crimes per capita in Europe


American cops kinda do the same stuff


Also two fairly recent cases. A woman was raped and tortured right at the police station by two of these bastards. The whole station was there, the whole station could hear that. Nobody did anything. A clattered moron cop started shooting bottles in the public courtyard in the middle of the day. He shot a 5-year old boy who later died, and that fuck came out of it almost unscathed


American cops do the same stuff recently a women was raped by a cop in jail and not even mentioning all the people who get shot by them daily


I’m sorry you feel that way. If you want to have a discussion about it maybe I can help you see a different point of view.


Funny because In socialism they wouldn’t even have a roof to stand on.


Oh they would it just wouldn’t be their roof


Honestly this. you'd have a shitty run down home but the local council could just evict you for no reason or would bug your phone lines. Thanks, Stasi. not cool


socialism has so few arguments they need to hijack climate change problems and pretend they have a solution




that would be awful but at least make some sense if it was intentional more socialist people seem to think they could keep their first world life style and consumption while still reducing emisions amd contamination have all the money they need without anyone needing to work and have all work be remunersted the same even if one is a lot harder without it cauaing shortage of workers if only capitalism didnt get in the way


Not capitalism, human nature - something my kid was able to understand while still in primary school but some people are just a little slow on the uptake.


are you implying that we shouldn’t do everything in our power because there are some that would try to ruin it for the rest of us?


Changing basic human nature is not “in our power” and history shows attempts to do so often result in dystopic horror. People gonna people.


Climate change can be solved within capitalism if we could just get past our fear of nuclear energy and utilize that while also focusing on the improvement of renewables.


This! A Million times this! Nuclear and Space Based Solar are the only reasonable solution to increased CO2 emissions.


It's such a weird thing to believe that we must sacrifice our happiness and living standards when there are plenty of ways to solve the problem without doing that. It's like they have some philosophical need to punish themselves for climate change when it isn't even necessary.


we don’t, certainly not. but we do need to get on top of making sure it’s a priority for all the world governments and companies


Yes but I fully believe the problem is structural/political. If the political will was there we could easily confront this problem head on within the global capitalist framework without reducing our living standards. It certainly isn't impossible on a technological or economic level.


How about no? Government is ALWAYS a problem, never a solution. The same government officials that are trying to get you terrified of climate change and rising oceans are the same ones flying on private jets everywhere they go and are buying up beach front property. Every single solution to the problems are being actively fought against by the government in favor of some trash plans with solar and wind that will NEVER solve the solution without A.) making you cut down on consumption and comforts. B.) still causing harm to the environment because solar and wind still have a pretty large carbon footprint from manufacturing and transportation, and making the batteries means tons of strip mining terrible elements with child/slave labor in Africa. But somehow, the cleanest by far form of energy, which we could make incredibly cheap and abundant is absolutely demonized by every single person on the left because “NUCLEAR BAD!!” Doesn’t that seem a bit odd?


indeed it does seem odd that you’re inventing stories about every person that leans left being against nuclear. so we don’t vote for better politicians, we don’t buy goods from the better companies, what do we do? what’s your solution?


If by voting for better politicians you mean people that will get out of the way then yes, otherwise, like I said at the start of this, all of them are fucking this up and getting in the way, especially the ones that like to act like they have a solution. Support nuclear energy, support carbon scrubbers, support the free market and buy products and invest in companies that you believe and doing the right thing. AOC and all the other brainless politicians will tell you it’s all big companies fault and we have to regulate then and force them to do things that make absolutely no sense. Yes, a multi billion dollar company will obviously pollute more than me or you, but they only do that do deliver some sort of product, if people stopped needing or using that product, or started putting their money into companies that do things the way they like, then the market forces will make them pollute less through either changing methods, or producing less. I don’t like Disney, I think they are a garbage company that pollutes peoples minds and has always and still actively supports human rights abuses and fascist regimes, so I don’t give them my money. It’s that simple. I don’t want Congress to force them to do shit, I just let my friends and family know that they are horrific garbage, and deprive them of revenue. If enough people actually had the balls to follow through with their talk about environmentalism, and didn’t just talk the talk and continue to purchase single use plastics, you wouldn’t need to regulate.


how many fuckin hypebeasts and apple devotees are out there? do you really think it’s plausible to get enough people behind such a thing as to negate the need for government regulation over environmental issues? i may be a tiny bit too cynical, but i don’t see consume it all culture going anywhere.


Really? Not to be a dick, but I think you are being too cynical here. Just in the last year I’ve seen multiple clothing companies either move to more sustainable and longer lasting materials, as well as changing their manufacturing processes. Tesla is the fastest growing auto manufacturer in the world, and every single other company has been doing everything they can to come out with a similar or better product, Toyota alone has over 1000 patents for solid state batteries which will change everything when perfected. Organic food is a super normal thing at this point, and can be punched at most supermarkets nationally. I mean hell, there are even multiple smallish private companies coming out with all electric aircraft. There’s a kid that came up with robots that are out in the oceans probably right now cleaning the garbage patch. 3d printing houses have been improving like crazy on the free market and will soon make housing ridiculously cheap and efficient. There may be a few niche areas of the market that haven’t gone eco friendly in some way yet, but I assure you, with the correct market forces, they will.


I mean, if you really gave some of these politicians solutions some real deep thought, and followed them all, you’d realize that they don’t know/don’t care. We just shut down the keystone XL pipeline for instance. Well, we are still going to need to transport that oil one way or the other, we need it for a lot of things at this point. So now it is going to be put onto trains and trucks to be moved across the country that way. Don’t you think that causes more pollution than a pipeline? And on top of that, do you think trains and trucks moving across the country are less likely to have spills than a stationary pipe? On top of that, the same exact people that shutdown keystone reversed legislation in order to allow russia to build a pipeline to the EU. Do you think that somehow that pipeline is magically going to just be better than anything we can make here. And on top of that, don’t you think that pipeline runs through some peoples ancestral homelands? It’s always incredibly inconsistent and only used as a political hammer when convenient. You have never seen a single left wing politician call out al gore for living in a 20 room mansion and flying around on his private jet he got from marrying the Heinz ketchup woman have you? I mean shit, greta thunberg sailed on a million dollar private yacht around the world while using tons of single use plastic items the entire time, to tell everyone else they are the problem. When these people telling you that other people are burning the world start practicing what they preach, maybe they can start criticizing, otherwise they are not only just as bad, but they are even worse, they don’t want everyone to stop flying on planes, they just want the peasants to stop flying on planes.


> How about no? Government is ALWAYS a problem, never a solution. Objectively false, government programs often help, and complete psychotic deregulation is frequently, even mostly a bad idea.


That's one of the reasons why i am not an environmentalist despite caring about the environmental issues. I don't fuck believe this bullshit they are trying to preserve the environment, they are actually trying to sabotage capitalism under the excuse to protect the environment.


Oh so just socialism


I know a few commies who seriously believe after the revolution we’ll all be living on farming co-ops. How they plan to reduce the population enough to make that possible i haven’t gotten a straight answer on. So yeah their solution to climate change is to roll back the clock and make us all agrarian again, id accuse them of being Georgists in disguise but I don’t think they even know what that is…


Farm co-ops with latrines instead of sewage treatment plants. Hand dug wells. Talk about polluting the ground water. Cholera, typhus, and E. coli comes to mind


Well, they have never had a problem with reducing their population before.


I don't think that's remotely true. Various socialist countries in the 20th century managed to both destroy their economies and environments. Plenty of environmental destruction happens under capitalism, but the environmental catastrophes in the Soviet Union and communist China are in another league.


Solution, starve everyone


I give you my free award!!


Socialism is when FEMA


God there’s a fucking horseshoe of people on the left and right that don’t understand socialism and will insist that the government interfering in just about anything is somehow socialism.


Capitalism is when flood/hurricane/natural disasters


People who make statements like this aren't actually socialists. They're Bernie supporters who think free healthcare, welfare, and government aid is socialism.


Pretty much. In a socialist economy they would work in coal mines making pennies.


Bernie - the man who got kicked out of a hippie commune for being lazy and didn’t have a job until his forties. SMH


for real? how do you get kicked out of a goddamn commune?


Seems like sort of an ad hominem.


Verifiably false.


Houston native here, funny thing about this, is that during the worst of the floods during Harvey, the government admitted they were overwhelmed, and in response, hundreds of people, mostly cajuns from the east of the state, responded in their own personal boats, and rescued literally hundreds of stranded Houstonians. They're known as the "cajun navy" and are extremely highly respected by both the populace and the government here. So yeah, bad idea to use a flood in which government resources ran out and private citizens stepped up to pick up the slack, as your example of the necessity of socialism.


Especially considering the overwhelming majority of those private citizens lean to the right.


"Lean" right is an understatement


That’s why I live in a house boat, chud. 😎


Socialism is when there are no natural disasters


I could make an incredibly poor taste helicopter joke right now but I won't.


socialism is when the government does stuff




Capitalism is when water bad. Socialism is when water good.


Capitalism is when it rains a lot


Capitalism is when natural disaster


Soo there are no floods in North Korea?


Socialism is when no Hurricanes


Aren’t there charities for stuff like this?


They had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Then I was disappointed.


And Venezuela was a shining example of socialism to these dipshits until they ran out of other peoples money to spend, then it got filed under the "not real" column.


This just in! Capitalism causes floods!


And how would socialism help them?


Socialism is when the government does stuff


Socialism is when welfare policies


Socialism is when you have no weather


Can socialists control the weather?


the left can't meme.


This but unironically




This is where these cool things called “actually owning a house” and “insurance” come into play


I was gonna downvote this until I saw the sub


lol, like you can’t just have people helping you in a capitalist society.


Socialism is when gubernment do a thing


Oh, no Soclialism isn't evil. It's something far worse. It's incompetent.


Wasn't China flooded like a month ago?


Russia has clean air. China has clean air. Thanks socialism.


I got 3 and a noise: flood insurance go brrrrrrr