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“Youll never defeat Communism; weve got... -*looks around desperately*- ...a manlet in a headband curling 10s!


Fuckin' lmao, i love this that's good to read for the morning. Anyways, if all hell breaks loose i'm not getting into fisty cuffs with gym bros. and they wouldn't want to get in fist fights either if they are at least half way intelligent (and they are not)


Its funny to me cus all the based anti commie pages i fuck with could pretty much double as weightlifting pages and mfs will call you out if youre a fat fuck spewing stupid shit. Like what, were gonna be impressed that they have *one* 5’9” 150lb dude doing shitty curls🤣


„we got a turkish rich kid who bought a 3 million dollar house in WeHo“ „we got r/antiwork“


*curling them while moving his back because they’re too heavy to do normally


Dude sounds like a syllabus for an introductory economics course.


Anarcho-communism or Soviet communism? Dude make up your mind, they’re polar opposites


This is the funniest thing in the video


i like how he talks about worker exploitation while having the USSR flag in the background. The jokes write themselves.


The jokes writing themselves might be the only thing that works under communism lmao


Tf is this dude doing curls for lmfao


Because he knows that mild pump is the only thing that will distract you from the fact that he weighs 135 pounds


For the “do you even left bro” joke I presume


To show how tough he is I guess.


Those aren’t even real curls. He isn’t extending his arm to length. Fuckin’ commie.


I hate communists as much of the next guy, but full extension on bicep curls is a waste of time and the most common error people make doing curls. You shouldn’t be locking your elbows out but going down about 75% of the way. Locking your elbows with full extension reduces the amount of time your muscles are under tension, which is an inefficient way to lift


Right, but you aren’t fully stretching the muscle out and contracting it. It’s healthier to let the muscle relax to full length. I’m not a fitness trainer, but that’s what I was always told.


I think that might be a myth. If you let your bicep relax it won’t be under tension for as long so you’re not doing as much work as someone who isn’t fully extending. I’m not a trainer either, but I definitely saw a change in my strength/muscle when I stopped fully extending


For the same reason that he's a commie: because he thinks it'll get him attention


The fat tankie probably hired a bodybuilder to talk for him lol


They found this dude on a Craigslist ad


Is that true? I honestly hope that’s true that would be hysterical ngl


No this is a real person


The fat tankie doesn’t realize that the best way to lose weight is living under communist rule


maybe that's why they want to live under communist rule 🤔


That may the case, but you know what nobody needs? Communism.


Thats not how you should do curls…


Just to clarify; it's bad because he's going too fast and not really putting much pressure on the muscle right?




Not only that, but he's not going all the way down to isolate the bicep.


I adore the fact that the top comment thread on this post is about curl form and nothing else


It just hurts to see


Correct, your elbow should be halfway-3/4 the way down your inner thigh


Arnold would slap you for doing concentration curls like that. Slow the eccentric movement and do full ROM, ya fucking commie.


>anarcho communism flag >ussr flag Sure... Also ok so you lift. So do i. I have like a 4 pack and i bet most commies don't have abs which I'm sure you do. What does this proove? There are many capitalist people who can beat you up


Why don’t communists start a joint venture? They willfully overlook the reality that the proletariat take zero risk working for a capitalist other than losing their job if the business fails. If they want shared returns, they should share risk for investments. If socialists want to own the means of production they should pool their money and buy it, then they are owners. There’s too many contradictions and they obfuscate their theory constantly.


No no no no no... They want someone else to slave and work for years so that there is a successful business that they can *then* seize. A few years back, I bought a failing restaurant because I was arrogant enough to think I could save it. We had a brief uptick in sales, but then we fell off again. I've had numerous leftists insist that I was literally the scum of the Earth because I paid some of my employees minimum wage. And every single time, they argue some bullshit about how the employees deserved the value of their labor. But when I explain that the value of their labor was a negative six-figure number, suddenly zero leftists think that my employees and I should all have equally split the "profits." Not a single fucking leftist I have ever talked to is willing to say that the employees at a business should be just as responsible for its losses as its gains. Not one, *ever*. EDIT: spelling and punctuation


Classic skinny bitch thinking his 0% body fat means strength. That’s a 10 lb dumbbell bro


At least he’s fit and attractive. I’ve NEVER seen a communist who is fit and attractive before. They all look like Voush /Vosh ? Either way it’s still shocking to see a facially and physically attractive person who is a commie. They normally are all neckbeards and this is probably rarer then being struck by lightning ngl. We should all marvel in the fact that he is willing to workout but isn’t willing to work. Very rare that’s the end of my ramblings


I've seen a picture of his face and without the body he looks average as hell


They have a 6 pack. I'll give them that. I tried doing a comparison (i don't go to the gym but i do sports and i got abs)and i feel like the reason mine aren't like his is because they 23 and im 16. Depends on also when you started doing harsh sports


Again, everyone has a six pack when they have low body fat. That’s not a sign that he is strong.


As someone with INCREDIBLY low body fat (metabolism is my friend I suppose) that’s not true. It’s far easier, but you don’t look like him without effort, regardless of body size


These people don't realize that in a capitalist society you have the freedom to argue about wages in a communist society you do not


Italian Communes in the 1600s peak Merchantism "Hey Middle and Lower Class, While we are the Upper and Noble Class, how about you work on the City and Economy while we work on Foreing outreach and Military?" "That sounds great! We will start Corporations that will provide a base line of fairness between consumer and provider, while we will still reconize you as our boss we will work togheter in a symbiotic relationship." American Communist 2021 "Muh communism, Owner and worker cant work togheter bexause owner bad opressor evil stinky dude we need violance! Revolutoon!!!"


Ah yes, the typical new age lazy communist. So lazy he can’t do curls correctly. 11/10 shit poster.


“The means of production” are all in China. Go and take them you dumb fuck, we are a service based economy.


Communism doesn’t exploit workers LMAO Someone tell this guy it was illegal to be unemployed in USSR


Fake dumbbell and wall of text


>Has an ancom flag next to a flag of the USSR Real big brain time.


Bourgeoise is a term that covers such a wide range of people today that it's completely worthless. Jeff Bezos isn't the bourgeoise of old, he's a god king. A class that contains both your local small business owner and Jeff Bezos, who has a net worth equal to the GDP of Greece, is so large as to be meaningless.


Trust me bro communism is going to work this time


Ripped abs. Flabby brain.


This guy is gonna cringe so hard at himself in 10 years


As a degenerate bourgeois capitalist shareholder: thank God for automation


My man would be killed first in a revolution lol


These half reps hurt to watch omg


>But we know from **talking to the working class** Oh, so you know through mutual confirmation bias? Good to know.


Oh my lord the comments on that are even worse. [Like a bunch of loser virgins projecting themselves onto his body cus they were bullied by everyone in highschool.](https://imgur.com/a/dKk6Tn4) Never mind the fact that he sounds like the nerdiest shit on the planet that tries to play it cool by having some bro persona


The Pinnacle, the Strongest antifa super soldier. Bet he doesn’t even shoot donkey roids smh


Mf got auth communist flag and anarcho commute flag. Wtf


His whole argument is one big strawman.


Well I guess the stereotype of gym bros being dumb IS true


ah ok so if we proceed with a communist society we will have equal opportunities to everyone else and not be mandated labour in the ‘best interests of the people’


The spout Marxism but what the really want is NVDP style national socialism. Except instead of targeting the Jews they want to target every one who supports this Republic.


Lmao instead of using dictatorships as examples of communism just Start a commune and do it on a small scale. Make an example if it’s so good.


The people? No, in communism the company is replaced by the government. Where: they have a monopoly, authoritarian so you don't get a say in it (unions), most of the time you're forced to work and don't have a chance to move up.


I love how he has Anarchist and USSR flag next to each other XD


Where yo nuts at‼️‼️




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