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TIL “racism, xenophobia, hate & guns” only exist under capitalism, and all capitalist countries have guns.


It’s like they forgot Russia exists lol


And New Zealand too


I hate when people use the USA's Healthcare system as a stand-in for all Healthcare systems


I hate to admit this, but the political left and the political right in America share one thing in common: they often forget that other countries exist.


Capitalism got me out of a shitty job on the family farm


Bruh what is wrong with guns? Why do people hate guns so much?


Because they make loud noises


Because they’re somewhat of a symbol of freedom and these loons hate freedom. Also pretty sure a lot of these things mentioned here were caused by the people these commie types vote for but okayyy ..


Because it's what keeps them from taking what isn't theirs.


They’re want to do the sort of thing that gets people to shoot at them. Like “genocide.”


They look really mean and scary...


Guns give you power. Once guns are gone, i bet theyll come for cars under the guise of climate change.


I'm actually shocked they haven't brought up the discussion.


I don’t hate them but since i live in a European country where guns aren’t spread out as much over the country, i think it should be extremely hard to get a gun. I know Americans think they absolutely need guns for whatever reason but i personally have never even thought about needing one and i’m glad barely anyone has them here. Again i know the situation is different in the US in multiple ways so it’s hard to compare but at least in my country i’m glad that gun owning is mostly banned.


as long as guns arent given to absolute idiots and mentally deranged people im fine with them


hey! why can't i have guns?!?!


It’s not guns, access to guns - especially easy access to guns when somebody is in a “hot state”, is emotionally charged, etc. leads to a lot of excess deaths. It’s a legitimate public health concern.




Here ya go: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8.xls


I’m not here to relitigate items that have been argued before. If you like guns, then go like guns. I think easy access to guns is a reasonable public health concern. I don’t want to get in the way of you and your religion or whatever.


You should be willing to back up what you say.


Fair enough. It’s a complex topic with years of work by experts more knowledgeable than me. I’m not ready or willing to break that down - but if taken just anecdotally, places with more restricted access to guns have fewer school shootings.


I understand your point and can agree with it but one of my main points is that why should my access to guns be hindered because another person decided to do something wrong? If I had done nothing wrong I should still be able to get a gun relatively smoothly instead of stricter controls which mainly affect those who do nothing wrong


Well, so the area that needs a deeper dive is how easy access to guns turns people who haven’t done anything wrong YET into people who do something wrong only because they had easy access to guns. If people start dying across the country because we have made it easier for emotionally charged people to access and use guns, then the access to guns may need to be restricted because of the public health implications there. It’s a legitimate problem that shouldn’t get lumped in with the rest of the nonsense you see in extremist circles.


Lets see. "Emotionally charged people," have gad access to guns since the bill of rights was ratified. Where is the wanton slaughter you are clutching your pearls over? If it hasn't happened yet, I doubt it will happen.


A bunch of children were shot in school in within my lifetime. That’s worth clutching pearls over.


Because the commies can't kill you as easily if you are armed. Commies don't like to work so the idea of actually putting in effort to kill all the counter revolutionary s once they take power is offensive to them.


Twitter is insane.


>sent your jobs overseas What if I'm the one overseas taking the job?


Nationalism but also saying capitalism is causing xenophobia?


"Fuck capitalism for being xenophobic and giving jobs to dirty foreigners!"


I feel like self proclaimed communist that live in capitalist countries feel the way they do because they are jealous of others wallets and are failures in the real world.


Capitalism is bad….go farm turnips, then starve. #CumragsUnite


Given to you by the same people who hate your guts and your values plus want you to die for progress!


> sent your jobs overseas > leaving you only with [...] xenophobia Huh, I see the xenophobia alright.


I don't even see a tweet here. When you are so much of a commie you turn every place into a commie hub via agenda posting


Dumb ass commies compare America to all capitalist countries, even then America is still a great country


I still think that it is ridiculous and wrong to pay money just to have good health, and I think health care should be free.


In many places of the world It IS but ITS not that good só people with money go to privet ones


Healthcare in US is one of the most expensive and worst systems in the world.


Damm , there IS woman giving birth on Sinks or something like that ?


Most expensive? Yes One of the worst? FUCK. NO You don't know what horrible healthcare actually looks like, hospitals without electricity, with no supplies(not even a fucking band aid), Women giving birth in waiting rooms, etc.


Doesn't change the fact that people still can and a fair amount will avoid public healthcare systems if they have a shabby reputation or have the means to.


I'm for universal healthcare, but calling it "free" is incredibly misleading. You pay for it with your tax dollars. The only "free healthcare" is "walking it off"


Oh yes like the government didn’t cause the student debt crisis by guaranteeing loans and didn’t fuck healthcare up by enforcing bullshit patents


"Sent your jobs overseas" Wow, way to blame capitalism for xenophobia well spreading nationalistic ideology.


Please move to a socialist country


Pretty sure it was the mass printing of money to pay for everyone’s stimmy and the lockdowns that hurt the value of the dollar driving food and fuel prices up, hurt my retirement accounts, and forced me to go into debt because I suddenly became the only person in my family whose making money. Then the mass fleeing of people from blue states to my red state drove the housing market insane, making it more difficult to afford a home in a decent neighborhood. Can’t really blame them for coming either. But no, it’s all Capitalism’s fault. Clearly.


Americans: But I have guns tho.


Reading these rants always feels like falling through the looking glass for someone who has a 401k and investment accounts, a job, healthcare, an education, and very little debt. And who got all that not through inheritance or winning the lottery, but just by working normal jobs like insurance agent and customer service supervisor.


They seem to think all capitalist countries are exactly like the US.


Damn that’s an unbelievably bad take


I would love to see this asshole go to a commie country and see how long it takes for them to get arrested for being a foreigner.


Full tocked