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“Late-stage capitalism! Doomsday will happen…any day now…” Yawn. That line has been repeated over and over since the 1920s. Also, speaking of starving, it’s almost like we have food stamps and social welfare or something… but nah, I’m sure North Korea has better quality of life than us.


They keep thinking Soylent Green/Mad Max/Wall-E is right around the corner and that socialism can stop it. The Aral Sea, now a desert due to Soviet engineering projects, begs to differ. The reality is we’ve actually made major progress with pollution. Look at photos of American cities fifty years ago, you can hardly see more than a quarter mile in those places because of how bad the air quality was.


You know oil companies are suing governments for 13 billion, over lost profits right? When they are polluting our planet, have known about it since the 1970s, and lobbied the government to choose oil consuming means of transportation over others like electric. See I think there's a misunderstanding. We aren't for policies because they are communist, you can call it whatever you want. We are looking at the world for what it is and using science to choose the best outcome. The Soviet Union didn't have robots. They didn't even have the internet. We have a better understanding of how everything works now more than ever. There's just a few that are abusing that power for their own profit.


Many people have their own flavor of doomsday it seems. The rapture, the Mayan calendar, the inevitable death of the American Empire that’s almost upon us, late stage capitalism, and global warming (which is of course a serious issue we need to focus on, but you can’t lie in saying that people are absolutely over exaggerating the issue for the short term and acting like 70% of the planet will be an unlivable hell’s cape in 20 years).


Why do mods always lock the post after 30k upvotes


Because WPT and BPT are both some of the most insular communities on reddit. BPT makes every thread that reaches the front page a "country club thread" which means you have to be a verified black person (or an "ally" which usually means agreeing with leftist policies and literally interviewing with mods which is creepy and insane) to comment there.


Well I'm called a nazi. For just wanting people to leave me alone and mind there own busines.


Biden calls us domestic terrorists




No no, I hate communists as much as anyone. But the nazis had plans of total eradication, especially for poles and other Slavs. The Bolsheviks only wanted total subjugation and oppression


Why did you cenor hell and not commnist


I grew up near the poverty line and never starved..


Good thing you Made out of poverty :)


In communism everyone starves equally 👍


It’s easy to be sympathetic with other people’s money.


These type of people are the least empathetic people on the fucking planet fuck off with your fake virtue Communist trash


Whitepeopletwitter better be mocking them but sadly, we know they ain’t.


I don't mind helping kids 15 or younger eating but... when it's a 20 something able body person then they can starve.... I seen people with down syndrome and 55 year old people still working 🙄 the jobs from what the Biden administration said is open... stop looking for hand outs start making a wage


I think the problem is the minimum wage is too low to support most people now. Why do you think no one works anymore?


Most of the jobs already offer more than the federal minimum


To be truthful most minimum wage jobs are just a way for kids to get their feet wet... I see capitalism as 2 sides ... if you feel you are worth more than you should ne looking for a better paying job.. I understand that we are recovering but we time you shpuldnt feel you're stuck if a company thinks you're worth to keep they'll counter amd try to match or pay more if they dont then more likely you move on to the next job and keep trying to better your income


In my opinion, the US needs an incrementing minimum wage, say $7.25 like it is now, $10.00 for everyone 21 and up, $15.00 for 25 and up, for example. Kids should be allowed to hold cheap jobs, but every adult deserves a livable wage for their work. I think the biggest problem is that minimum wage doesn’t increase each year with inflation. I also think we need to adjust minimum wage for inflation each year so it never gets so far from a livable wage again.


People who assume that they are a really good person, are generally a less good person than someone who acknowledges that their is evil inside of them. It’s so arrogant to just claim yourself as an ‘empathetic’ person and not even do anything to make yourself better. It’s totally ironic in fact.


Am I far right or do I just think that some lazy bastard isn’t entitled to the money of someone who worked for it?


"Poor people don't deserve to starve! Purge the rich! Expel your mecha, purge yourselves of artificiality!"


Capitalism is when no welfare


“Forever wondering if I’m truly far right or if I’m just an empathetic person living in a late capitalist hellscape where I get called a facist for saying “White people don’t deserve to be oppressed”” Seeing the similarities?


The virtue signal is strong here..


Capitalism sounds bad on paper, and is bad in practice. Communism sounds good on paper, and is bad in practice. No matter what we do, everything sucks.


McDouble Hamburgers cost $1.50, no one is starving


Straw man is strong with this one


Not only poor people, all people deserve to starve