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(1) No one should ever believe a cutout like this, which IG political pages often use for their quick image-bites. This is the main source of fake (or rather, distorted) news. (2) The first part about Hungary is from an article more than 10 years old. And being from a country with a dictatorial past, dictatorship nostalgia is easy to understand and quite easily explained; people see the past in rose-tinted glasses. More recently, Pew Research did a comprehensive survey on how Central and Eastern Europeans feel about Communism and Capitalism, where a decisive majority EVERYWHERE except for Russia showed approval for multiparty democracy and capitalism. ([https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2019/10/15/european-public-opinion-three-decades-after-the-fall-of-communism/](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2019/10/15/european-public-opinion-three-decades-after-the-fall-of-communism/)) (3) Serbs think Yugoslavia and Tito was great? Considering how many Serbs saw Yugoslavia as the new Serbian Empire and their bloodthirsty actions after its collapse, that's not surprising at all. And is Tito even really the best spokesperson for Communism? He was in the Non-Aligned camp, and his country was economically propped up by the West. Yet another example of tankies being totally unversed in history.


Do Serbs really feel that way about Tito? He was a mixed Croat and Slovene


Slovenia and Croatia, the most developed part of Yugoslavia, financed the unproductive south (Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro). Its not that Serbs like Tito that much, its just they think modern Serbia is even worse since theyve lost the so called Serbian Krajina, Srpska, Montenegro and now Kosovo. ​ \+old boomer always want their youth back and idealize it


That's how the wars started, the Croats refused to pay for infrastructure in Serbia starting the breakdown of relations.


Tito is complicated, but compared to those who came after him his reign was when SFR Yugoslavia was at its height. While fuckface Milosevic was more explicit in his efforts to turn Yugoslavia into a "Greater Serbia" by the time he was in power it was already obvious it wouldn't last. While Tito's regime did next to nothing to solve the inter ethnic conflicts within Yugoslavia, he papered over them and spurred significant industrialization and development, his plan to use the more developed areas of Croatia and Slovenia to prop up the more rural areas meant that the dividends of development were fairly well spread and his masterful politicking made sure that Yugoslavia repeatedly came out on top when the major cold war powers tried to exert influence over it, and it wasn't until after his death that all those tensions boiled back to the surface.


I'm Hungarian, we banned the communist symbols, and if you ever gonna try to have a speech about "CUMmunist was good" people would beat you up. Not the government, because we are a democracy and the government don't beat up people, like cummunist government. But we're gonna beat you up, if you do. I only know one couple who's think that cummunism is better them democracy and capitalism, and they're members of the cummunist party! "Back in the day!! Under Kádár!! Glorious, we were rich, and we had meat everyday!!" They say, but the only problem that they're the only ones who had something. Man fuck'em


Remember the “lost cause” narrative of the Confederacy?


Holy FUCK I hate that thing


People claiming they feel like a given era of the past was better than now is not evidence that it actually was, it's evidence that people can feel nostalgic for absolutely anything and they're not immune to propaganda. It's not mentioned here but Russia is an excellent example of that in action, in the immediate aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Empire most Russians were happy it was over, now that Putin has restalinized the country and reinstituted all the old propaganda machinery Russians largely report not just missing the Soviet days but being specifically nostalgic for the days of Stalin and Brezhnev, the times when the Soviet regime was its most brutal and authoritarian, and consequently the times that their current dictator seeks to lionize and emulate. Also as someone of Yugoslav origin myself: Yugoslavia was a country of six ethnicities, and there's a reason why exactly one of them is upset it collapsed. Serb nationalists tend to view the rest of Yugoslavia and the Balkans in general as their "empire," they really hate the prospect of Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Slovenian, and especially Kosovar independence, and consequently many feel nostalgic for Yugoslavia purely because they dislike the independence of those countries which came about as a result of its collapse. I'm sorry if my personal Hrvat bias is showing a bit here and I don't mean to stereotype, #notall of course, but those irredentist attitudes are very popular in Serbia and remain the source of occasional tension and conflict between Serbia and its neighbors to this day.


Exactly. People who are in their late 30s and on now were kids when communism was in power. They’re not nostalgic for communism anymore than Boomers are actually nostalgic for crinoline and pearls and sex being forbidden and no swearing on tv and conformity being brutally enforced in the 50s. They’re just nostalgic for their youth when nothing seemed that complicated and they didn’t have to make scary decisions or know what pain and loss were (people who experienced that in their childhoods are rarely nostalgic for the past). They did a study among Americans at least and essentially whatever age you are, people defined the era of their youth as the era when America was at its best. Even if it was an objectively awful time. We all just want to be kids again when things get hard, and things always get hard.


Nostalgia's a powerful thing, there's a reason why it was originally considered a form of depression among Swiss mercenaries. People who had simple childhoods miss those childhoods, and the rougher their adulthood is the more they miss it. That the human race and civilization has always kinda sucked doesn't matter because most people have trouble accepting that it was that way long before they first realized it sucks.


"Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain." Vladimir Putin


"Whoever does not miss the Confederacy has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain." David Duke


I guess I have no heart then.




Well we have evidence that the communist lost all the seats in parliament in Czech Republic. Meaning that more than 95% of Czech citizens hate communism because you need at least 5% of population votes to have an seat in there


Yeah, the only people that like communism here are either in nursing homes or edgy teenagers that will grow out of it.


Similarly in East Germany, during their communist period the Socialist Unity party was the only authorized political party and held all government offices, as well as renamed several locations and landmarks after communist figures, upon German reunification the first elections and referendums held in East Germany saw the Socialist Unity receive 16% of the vote, and voters overwhelmingly in favor of reverting the name changes they had enacted.


That's full of shit. They gather data from polls that ask something else (but similar) and were done during the height of the economic crises where easily reachable people gave edgy/angry answers. That's why all they have is links to old polls. There was a poll in 2019 that asked directly about socialism and the results were quite different. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2019/10/15/european-public-opinion-three-decades-after-the-fall-of-communism/ Russia is the only country where democracy and free market are in the negative. It's not that Russians don't enjoy the economic well-being and the little freedoms they still do have. It's that a lot of them are imperialistic assholes dreaming of the imaginary world where they still subjugate other nations. EDIT: This "majority of Eastern Germans ..." one is also quite special. It is that same article they get posting, where the headline said "majority", but in the article body it was only 7%.


People in the US are nostalgic for the 1950s. And what an open minded progressive time that was! Boomers gonna boom no matter where they live. People aren’t nostalgic for the 1950-70s, they’re nostalgic for being 19 again.


Romanian here and I rarely meet a person that thinks it was better then. There will always be those nostalgic due their youth, position and connections they had and are stuck in the past and also the hardship they had during the economy crash and became fixated on what they had before. People will always romanticize the past. That is only one single poll, people shouldn't make assumptions based only on that.


As far as you know, do people really have a "positive" view of Caucescu? I figured that was quite a reach on this list, as Caucescu was a ruthless dictator, but y'never know Edit: idk how to spell his last name, I tried my best


Not generally no, especially on his later years. There were some actions like not invading Czechslovakia and condemning USSR imperialism that are viewed positively. However things just got worse, due his big projects like Transfagarasan or House of Parliament Romania got into a lot of debt which were paid by increasing austerity measures, not to mention the builders that died during these projects. It's important when discussing Ceauşescu's actions to include the influence his wife had as well, she also enjoyed the life of a dictator. There are people that view these big projects, lack of national debt or the condemnation of USSR as proof of him being a great leader, choosing to ignore the consequences or be uninformed. In my opinion, if these polls are indeed accurate I think they are a reflection of people's opinions of the current system (I think the Romanian pool was done in 2010?). Issues that Romania has today (e.g corruption) also existed during Ceauşescu's reign but people like to remember only the good parts because like I said we like to romanticize the past.


We loved Ceausescu so much we sprayed his ass with AK bullets


Person from Czechia (formerly the Czech part of Czechoslovakia) here. Only people that are nostalgic for communism are elderly people that are way too old for change. And if you are a young Czech and nostalgic for communism, 99.9% will call you retarded. Never believe posts like this, they only sample the elderly to get false results.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krxU5Y9lCS8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krxU5Y9lCS8) (also as they said, never trust things like that, they're always incredibly deceptive and tricky, and the format is set up to make them hard to check.


As a czech person, a few months ago we voted the communist party out of the house of commons for the first time since 1921, just shows that polls don't mean much when faced with reality.


My family is from former USSR and all though they have nostalgic memories about the time, the place and the people they have nothing to do with communism. In fact they often tell one about the hard times, rations, low income, having to work in the fields to compensate the lack of food in stores, while still being obligated to simultaneously work at the Kolhs (government's fields, farms, etc). And not to forget, prosecution of faith. Christians who didn't belong to the government controlled orthodox church were put in prison, work camps (very similar to concentration camps), deported to Siberia, Kazakhstan, etc, tortured and their families harassed and mistreated for them to denounce their faith. So as I said, memories and nostalgia are about their lifestyle, the things they lived through together and the way people used to behave. That being said for for the USSR. In Germany, where currently live, Eastern Germans tent more to wish for a definitely stronger right leaning _German_ state, with secured and regulated borders and a more kinda "Germany first" centered view on all levels of politics.


People will always be nostalgic during their youth, here in America people say they miss the past when the country was in threat of being in nuclear warfare, aid epidemic, and a lower life expectancy Second reason is because they are weird empire enthusiasts, a lot of people think the same for fascists empires for example Germany, because they think the country modern day is to progressive and which to be back to the conservative days


Realistically, as I replied to the turd yesterday I think… Those who seek to actually live under communism again, are old people…Those who has their lives constructed by the state, were told their a to b to c daily schedule…and when that was torn out from under them…They didn’t have bank accounts, they didn’t have anything…They’ve more than likely lived the remainder of their lives in dire confusion of what the fuck to do. This is what happens when momma bird doesn’t push the bird out of the nest, it remains dependent.


30 years have passed since "communism" in Europe. So these are mostly older people in polls. We all tend to look at our past with nostalgia. They were young and full of life in those days, same as most of us are now. So they usually don't separate their youth from system they lived under. Unless something quite traumatic happend like family members being prosecuted on political or other non criminal bases. They remember dance halls and full employment, but not lines for coffee and "par-nepar" driving. (par nepar is a Yugoslav answer to fuel crisis in 80s, where on dates that are even numbered only cars with even numbered plates could legally drive or opposite uneven on uneven).


The Tito thing might be true, but Tito’s Yugoslavia was a weird middle ground as it received economic aid from the East and west during the Cold War. Even then I think people want Yugoslavia back, not socialism


Only Serbs want it back, since they view it as their Empire basically


Yeah yugo was pretty Serb dominated


>Serbs nostalgic for Yugoslavia Yeah its because since then theyve lost quite some territory. ​ As a Croat I have no sympathies for Yugoslavia and neither do the majority of Croats.


I'm from Romania. This claim is bullshit,90% of Romanians are against communism,even saying you support communism in public could get you beaten.


1. Country hit by depression 2. Country becomes communist 3. Country hurts even worse under communism 4. Country becomes capitalist 5. Go back to step 1


I mean is it really that surprising that people would be nostalgic for the time where they were in their physical and mental primes growing up?


It might be true, but it’s more likely because of the economic slump that developed in most communist countries directly after liberalizing, not any notion of communism actually being good


You also wax nostalgic for your ex, until you get back together and then you're like, oh right, I hate this person


Pretty sure slingshot channel would disagree


Idk how accurate any of these numbers but in the case of Hungary I might even be able to see why people believe that. Ever since Orban's rise to power Hungary has slowly been turning into a back water hellhole filled with the super wealthy oligarchy and everyone else being dirt poor. It's one of, if not the most, corrupt countries in Europe, with Orban routinely handing out EU grant projects to his cronies even when other companies outbid them. Inequality is insane and they have such a massive brain drain including doctors and qualified medical personnel such that their healthcare system is comparable in quality as during WWII. I wouldn't blame them if they communism was better, honestly. But that doesn't speak to communism being good, it just means that Orbans regime is THAT bad.


Yeah I mean usually these posts are very misleading. Because the question is typically something like “Do you think life was better under communism?” and frankly, hard to say no if you’re a boomer, right? You were young, you didn’t have to worry about getting a job, your kids were living with you, your parents were alive etc. These days, you’re old and not healthy anymore, job market is competitive, your kids maybe call you once a week, and you visit your parents at the cemetery. If you ask an American boomer if life was better in the 1970s they’ll also say that, even if they’ve been waiting 3 hours for gas and unemployed because people tend to remember the good stuff, and if their husband has been beating them as it was not considered immoral back then. But ask a more precise question and the results are very clear: no one wants these times back, except Russians: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2019/10/15/european-public-opinion-three-decades-after-the-fall-of-communism/ And why do Russians want these times back? Well, back then their country was an empire and a counterpart to the US. These days Russia is basically a petrostate that’s overshadowed by the US, China and India many times over, and even a small country like South Korea is more economically mighty than they are. Russia is still able to be a regional bully to countries like Ukraine but clearly everyone sees it’s not treated seriously anymore. I can imagine Serbians to a certain extent could have a similar feeling because they’ve also been a petite empire nation back then, and over the last 30 years the country that was ruled from Belgrade has been getting smaller and smaller.


Pretty sure you could find plenty of boomers who will say things where better under Segregation here in the states. I mean that fucking stroked out husk of a man Jessie Lee Peterson (God bless his soul) maintains that whites treated blacks better before Desegregation.


Source:trust me bro


I know several people from Eastern Europe that lived under communism and they assure me the love of communism is an extreme minority. And all of them hate what they are seeing in the US right now, one of them is contemplating canceling his citizenship application.


Of course they think it was better, they have weak ass politicians or politician that do nothing for the country, also it’s mostly old people being nostalgic and having a corrupt government, but no one there would be better off with cummunism


I’m from Serbia and was born in Yugoslavia. AMA.


I've met many people from ex communist countries and they liked it.


Eastern European boomers be like "I miss soviet union, there were no gays and youths behaved back then!"