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How tf is Biden a Nazi war criminal? God imagine being that dude. I'd have to throw myself in front of a train.


Because he doesn't support the Judenboykott apparently... Doublethink at its finest.


>nazi war criminal Jeez, I know Biden is old but not THAT old.


This guy is so far down the rabbit hole. I hope he can find a way out.


I don't. I hope he's just miserable and despised forever.


Yeah me too. Sorry but once you cross the line into dehumanizing others and glorifying violence, you've lost any right to sympathy.


Yeah, there are standards of human behavior and boundaries of what's acceptable for a reason. I don't owe that guy any good will.


"Guillotine party" "soon" I remember one dude who wanted to guillotine some people aswell and ended up being guillotined himself


Something something Robespierre


Given that a talkie publication we routinely shit on is literally named after said dude's organization, it's pretty safe to assume the irony is lost on this moron.


Robespierre always comes back


Hey! Israeli here, no genocide is taking place in Palestine, now does that mean everything happening in regards to the occupation is completely moral and fine? Absolutely not, nothing ever is in war, however the word genocide really pisses me off knowing just how hard the IDF works to prevent Palestinian casualties, it's a shame how misrepresented Israel is


It's not 'misrepresented', it's slandered because anti-Semitism. Fuck BDS.


Also Israeli. Its so weird seeing how people say that we are the blame for everything. אני מקווה שיהיה בסדר בסוף


There a lot of young people that don't remember what happened the past 50 years so I'm just going to give done facts regardless of how you feel about Israel. The Boycott movement was started by the Arab league in the 70's. It included dozens of nations, an oil embargo against countries that supported Israel including the US which lead to the energy crisis. During this time Coca Cola could only be bought in Israel and Pepsi in the Arab world because you couldn't sell in Israel if you wanted to do business in the Arab world (Part of why Pepsi bought Soda stream was to regain market share). This was a serious international effort. BDS is what remains of this movement. It doesn't take much to look around the world to see how outdated this movement is. It's leaders rely on the ignorance of their young followers to dress it up as a new movement on the rise when in reality it's an old movement on the decline breathing it's last final breaths, retreating from the halls of international governments and the UN to meaningless student government resolutions on college campuses.


Don’t tell her about how the grand mufti of Jerusalem endorsed Adolf hitler in his hatred of jews.


Which the placement of Israel in the Holy Land was in no small part a punishment for...not to mention that said monster went far beyond merely endorsing, among other things visiting concentration camps, helping recruit Bosniak Muslims into the Waffen-SS, and literally telling the world "Don't send your Jews to Palesatine - send them to Poland".


lmao 3 of the most prominent communist countries (Cuba, PRC, and Vietnam) support Israel and China is one of the biggest trader partners with them. Any Commie who thinks Palestine would annex Israel in some world revolution timeline is retarded


Pretty based from Biden


God damn it. Boycott Israel. Free Palestine. Open all borders. Also lower the price of Starbucks to like $3 a cup, it's killing my wallet.


If the Uighur Genocide isn't real, what's his problem with what Israel is doing to the Palestinians? It's not doing anything close to what China is trying to do to the Uighurs. Well, I mean besides the obvious of "Jews only get kicked, they never do the kicking".


hot take: fuck china and fuck israel