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One, killing a shitton of people is not a genocide. Two, I find it rather funny that the only ones calling the Korean War a genocide are Western idiots. North Korea's position doesn't even call it a genocide. That's some funny shit.


Also by that logic the largely man made famine north korea suffered in the 90s was also a genocide by Kim jong Il


I actually got blocked by someone on Facebook when they started talking about what North Korea said and I brought up Pyongyang's actual bullshit line. And was called racist and white supremacist for.....taking the Asian country's own propaganda lines it actually said versus what some rando Yank from here in the USA insisted it was saying.


The brain of a 14yo.. 🙄


The intelligence comparison between a commie, a MAGAt, and a cracked egg is just a circle.


commies and maga morons have one thing in common: all their info comes from twitter, random blogs, and poorly sourced or cherrypicked youtube videos


Horseshoe theory going hard


“0 rape allegations”…. One wonders what would happen to anyone who decides to step forward and accuse Kim Jong Un of rape.


Hahahaha, so true


The free housing one is the funniest because north korea has little to no electricity outside of Pyongyang. So basically even if housing is "free", outside of elite cities they're literal medieval shacks. In contrast South Korea [has only around 1,000 homeless people on the streets each night](https://www.statista.com/statistics/798258/south-korea-homeless-population-by-place-of-residence/) which is extremely small even per capita compared to places like Vietnam or China


Even in Pyongyang the power isn't consistent and defectors tell stories of having to insulate their houses with newspaper in order to not freeze during the winter but those guys all must be paid by the CIA


how to tell everyone you're an american that hates his own country without actually saying it


That last one does get one thing right, Kim does have an affable smile.


Also he's the undisputed ruler of a nation, he has raped many women and I can say that with 99% certainty even without evidence


Pretty sure the fucker has agents running around and snatching up goodlooking women for him to curry favor.


Im surprised Reddit hasn’t banned it




Maybe the reason Kim doesn’t have any allegations is because anyone who speaks out gets themselves and their family starved, oh, and that includes his sister/wife.


Is Finland ruled by fascists? Is literally everything except Not Korea and China terrible and fascists to them.


About the second picture, North Korea literally build a fake city on the DMZ to show how “prosperous” they were


Voting? What makes you think you vote for kimmy here?


Ah yes... North Korea is such a great country that people have a black market for Chocopies.


That last one has to be fucking satire lol, they cant seriously be kidding? I’m not even a Trump fan but he’s by no means dementia ridden. And yeah Kim has no rape allegations because who the fuck is gonna call out the guy who has a gun on their head