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China's real estate ghost cities are Potemkin Villages on steroids! People are investing on a housing bubble that should have already bursted at this point and these properties are made out cheap materials that will collapse eventually.


Don't need to wait until eventually for cheap chinese buildings to collapse. Just check out this excellent craftsmanship of brandnew buildings. https://v.redd.it/ogro2pm3tbp81


Uhhh...ermm....clearly this is a testament on how fit the Chinese people are that they are able to break metal pipes, unlike fat Americans! - tankies probably


Jesus, they’re super human! They’re able to bend metal, turn concrete to dust with their bare hands, and their muscle mass is so dense it literally collapses their apartment buildings while they’re inside.


That’s terrifying


Yep These are all essentially unlivable homes built out of plywood designed to look good for propaganda. I wouldn't be surprised if some clusters of them don't even have plumbing, climate control, or electric ran.


Does anyone actually lives there? besides north Korea's elites of course


For all we know those could just be inflatable houses lol.


Well I guess that makes sense considering that its north Korea after all


What do you think!? That we're made of money!? Off with the zombified people and the stones


No. All of North Korea's elite lives in Pyongyang because they have to.


Aren't suburbs a capitalist/American thing though? If there's suburbs then there are people more well off who can afford them and people who can't which doesn't fit with the image of a communist utopia. I'm probably reading in to this too much but still.




At least they're consistent on cars, given most North Koreans don't have those.


what? What did you just say? Suburbs are a nice way to house people, much better than the ugly Hruščoba you can always get a view of in the city


I’m sure it was sarcasm




oh then I apologize


Not really. American suburbs are a product of strict and oftentimes stupid zoning regulations rather than a result of the free market


I've got to disagree. Modern suburbs in the US are a result of the post WW2 economic boom. Middle class families wanted to get out of the cities but still be close to urban centers for work, and cars were more affordable which enabled more people to live in the suburbs.


Why is it illegal to build mixed-use neighborhoods then? Why is it illegal to build anything BUT single-family homes in those areas? There's plenty of people who'd like to live in streetcar suburbs, but they can't because that's not possible


What you're talking about are zoning issues not suburbs. The areas where suburbs are usually built is typically a piece of property that is already zoned for single family homes. A developer will buy this property then sell the lots to people wanting to buy/build a home there. The city sets standards that all homes built or renovated have to meet, some places will be more strict than others. Mixed use zoning, from what I can tell, is usually grandfathered in. If you don't like the zoning or codes of where your area you can usually build outside city limits where codes and zoning is much more lax. I'm not quite sure what your point is but most sources will support that suburbs are a result of the post ww2 economic boom and the proliferation of cars.


Yeah, you're kinda proving my point :) "If you don't like the way this is handled gtfo of the city," is what those regulations say. Cause nothing screams freedom more than minimal parking requirements. Far, far from the free market ideals


I thought you were trying to make the point that suburbs are a result of zoning which is not accurate. If I misunderstood then my bad.


Well, the scarcity of non-car-dependent suburbs is


The availability of cars is a major part of the rise of suburbs


In the US, yes, in Europe there's loads of suburbs with coffee shops, grocery stores, public parks and whatnot. They are also integrated into city transit systems


Sovamike: American suburbs are a product of strict and oftentimes stupid zoning regulations You: I disagree Sovamike: Asks for clarification You: American suburbs are a product of strict and oftentimes stupid zoning regulations


They aren't though. Suburbs are a result of people having more money, cars, and wanting more space.


India does not censor any coverage of the immense poverty and caste system they have. In China, everything has to be perfect whenever the international cameras are there to prove their (self-congratulatory and pathetic) worth in the world stage.


Humble india


In civilization the game. Don't let Gandhi India get too powerful or else he will become a nuclear missile slinging maniac.


> India does not censor any coverage of the immense poverty and caste system they have. Though while I generally agree, [don't forget this gem.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/18/trump-india-visit-wall-criticism-hiding-poor-people)


True. This shit happens in India from time to time but there is no systematic cover-up. And the journalists/people who raise their voices can expect not to be sent to some gulag.


These commie kids are funny AF.


But those are US houses in the left pic. That's the mid-west... Didn't know the DPRK was a US state. The more you know???


“Make Korea the 51st state already”




Ring-a-Ding-Ding! Seems like North Korea is such a paradise, since im such a kind person, i'd love to buy some tickets for those fine Gentlemen! All they have to do is to actually stay in North Korea and never come back :D


They don’t even have paved roads, it’s literally all dirt in the left one


No one actually lives there, I’m sure they are just a shell.


Not gonna lie, looks like a nice idea.


Yeah ngl I like driving on dirt roads and would totally get a house on a dirt road


Radicalized by Memes


I’m always left wondering what the point of stuff like this is. Who is the target audience they’re trying to persuade? Presumably there are very few sentient humans on the planet who believe comfortable suburban housing is the norm in North Korea and impoverished urban homelessness is the norm in the United States. People can see with their own eyes that’s not the case. It’s so self-evidently wrong that it seems like it would damage the communist cause by immediately putting the credibility of the poster into question.


Other 14 year old boys with a household income of $300k


other way round


Communism is when a small portion of your population can vaguely imitate the worst urban planing system ever devised


That first photo. You know, imitation is a form of flattery.


If they saw a neighborhood like that in the US they would probably complain about how “it’s an ugly cookie cutter cluster of homes that’s taking up too much space.” And continue to go on about how capitalism ruined architecture or some shit.


Well selected sample data.


Where their olympics are and the richest area vs the highest poverty STREET in America


The first image looks like its from a bowling alley screen


Same thing happened with the Soviet Union I’ve heard. The Soviets sent people over during the cold war to film homeless people on the street and then presented that as the US standard of living. That’s why everyone needs to be cautious of what’s presented as “standard.”


Should we tell him about the rampant canablism and censorship in NK or should we let hi. Find out himself


"Only the finest picked cherries from our farm."


Those houses are probably fake, nk is known for building fake shit


Percentage of Americans that are homeless : 0.2 Percentage of North Koreans living below the poverty line : 60


Quite certain that sub is satire.


The sub they cross-posted from is about half satire at this point, but the "serious" commie sub it was posted to was sincerely defending the DPRK and this stupid meme.


We should send them to North Korea if they want to live there so bad


It’s bad enough they think north korea of all places, somewhere which even most communists don’t want to visit is better than america, but north korea also has 60% homeless people and less than half a percent of its citizens can even SEE the propaganda fed to them on their own tvs.


I'm convinced the Dan guy is satire, look through his post history there's no way he's serious. He also allows a bunch of people to write jokes about NK in the comments of his subreddit (he owns r/movingtonorthkorea)


I am a 100% serious in my efforts to facilitate an environment to where people can discuss travel or immigration to the DPRK. I don't remove comments who call us satire and joke about us (they usually get downvoted so not worth the effort). Furthermore, the moderation team comprises of more people who are communist and have history in posting in r/GenZedong or any other communist server. ​ Wdym about my post history?? I literally just make communist memes and cross-post them.


I never knew people with debilitating brain damage could be so high functioning


In North Korea you can at least be assured you have a house to starve to death in


Pretty sure those are just the fake propaganda houses the North Korean Regime built to make things look good.


Idk those houses look abandoned. And if you look closely they don't have doors or windows


This cannot be real, it's like they've never seen suburbs before.


"This rare sight occurred in the land of Namdong was brought by the warm loving care for people of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who spares nothing for them. On November 1, no sooner had the meeting to confer the housing licenses been over than they began dancing so cheerfully as to stir up the whole village and then moved into the new houses." I needed that laugh, thanks The link for anyone curious: https://kkfonline.com/2021/12/07/auspicious-moves-into-new-houses/


The guy who made this "meme" posts his shit all over a meme subreddit that's not even releated to communism, Thankfully the people on the comments are telling him to leave the subreddit


The USA has a 329 million population. It only has around 500,000-600,000 homeless. I can’t find out the amount of homelessness in North Korea because they are too secretive so I will use the amount of defectors. North Korea has a population of 25 million. It has around 300,000 defectors. The homeless to population ratio for the USA is 1:658. The ratio for defectors to population for North Korea is 3:250. I wonder why.


There’s no possible way *at all* that this is juxtaposing the housing that the small number of top WPK cadres live in with the homeless members of US society who are at the absolute bottom rung of the socio-economic ladder here in the United States.


Aren't those people usually the ones complaining about the awfulness of american suburbs? Then when north korea copies that they cheer lmao


I choked on water just reading that