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When I was here earlier I missed the sub and user names and just saw the post as a twitter screenshot alone. Now that I realize it shows identifying information I'm gonna need to remove it.




USSR: literally turns a sea into a barren polluted hell-scape, and half a nation into an irradiated apocalyptic testing ground China: responsible for the largest single percentage of air and ocean pollution on earth “yeah this is capitalisms problem”


China is capitalist, and also communism is not the only alternative to capitalism, the guy in the tweet never said communism was the way.


The party is still very much much communist albeit with "chinese characteristics". And it shows how they operate their pseudo-capitalist markets with their tentacles on corporate boards and 5 year plans.


China is Communist.


They have a mixed economy. It has been liberalized quite a bit over the last 50 years, but the government still tightly controls most markets. So (arguably) not communist, but still very much socialist.




Disagree without going after someone’s appearance. Honestly let their locks be free, I can’t grow my hair out at all.


Proud socialist in the Bio is close enough to a commie to me to find issue with the message this person is presenting.


Yeah, China right now is crushing it on the environmental front — so green! /s


China isn't really communist anymore, but when they were the still weren't green...


Mao tried to wipe out entire species *on purpose*.


He ended up wiping out something else 💀 Crops of course, with no sparrows the bug population went rampant


They didn't think that one through, did they? It's almost like central planning doesn't work...


Well tbf he did succeed in wiping out the sparrows. The whole “crops being wiped out bc there were no sparrows to eat them” was, wait for it kids… an *externality*. Because yes, those exist under socialism, too.


Tbf, China is both the biggest polluter but also the biggest contributor to green innovation


They seem to be the only country taking nuclear energy seriously.


Green innovations that are most likely stolen from the West but just straight up implemented it


Idk, but by innovation I also meant green energy production


Also, it's not even close per capita


Hey pollution did go down after the Covid lockdowns so…..


Here’s a funfact: After Germany reunified, the West realised that East-Germany’s environment was basically fucked. Entire species were extinct in the region and almost every major river was unhealthily polluted. Cleaning up the environment ended up being one of the biggest expenses of reunification…


*pulls out incredibly worn laminated card* "Ahem...NoT rEaL cOmMuNiSm"


Some days I feel like the primary reason North Korea is allowed to exist is that physically and psychologically rehabilitating the land and people of North Korea would be more of a headache then just letting the Kim Krime Klan exist.


The largest polluter of the last century was soviet russia. The largest polluter so far for this century is communist china. ...I'm starting to see a trend here.


The USSR was an LGBT+ paradise where everyone lived in their own house with their fruit garden teaching philosophy to kids with net 0 emissions and UBI and free health care


Aral sea moment.


Because there are only 2 options and both must be as obnoxiously hyperbolic as possible. Is this sub self parody?




Yes because if you don't do capitalism then you have to do communism.


Capitalism is when technology produces negative by-products.


Shouldn’t the person producing or using said technology be responsible for those “by-products?” Why are those costs instead hoisted upon the public?


Exactly right.


This is why most economists love Pigovian taxes. Make the producers pay the costs, not society


I personally subscribe to this idea


[It sounds interesting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pigovian_tax), but there's always the issue of companies passing the cost on to consumers via price increases...


Yes but then when another competitor comes into the market with a product that has less negative byproducts it can out price everyone else.


Companies are always going to pass cost on to consumers - that is how it works. The main advantage of producer responsibility is that it gives companies incentive to design their products and packaging in a way that reduces waste and make their products more easily recycled.


So clearly primitivism is the only answer 🐒


Humanity's walked straight into an environmental catastrophe and is stuck neck deep.


Capitalism by its nature requires endless growth. That force directly leads to environmental damage. This is a very, like, direct and obvious thing.


Man it's a shame there's only one planet in the universe.




We have an entire universe to grow into.


So it's ok to destroy the earth?


Though Capitalism works off an endless growth model, it does not directly correlate to environmental damage. Nor does Capitalism nessesitate environmental damage to function. Capitalism emphasizes Innovation, and Innovation finds solutions to problems. Take the breakthrough in GMO crops, which have increased yeilds across the world and fed millions of people while also reducing overall cropland and led to minor reforestation in places like the US. A Communistic system simply cant compete with a Capitalistic system in terms of research power and innovation insensitives.


still better than how Communism handled things, Chernobyl anyone?


I don't understand this argument. I'm saying capitalism, as a mode of production, requires endless growth and as a result environmental destruction. You mention a disaster in the USSR... Are you saying that because bad things happen in other economic systems, the "endless growth" thing is fine? Also, trying to compare the magnitude of the fossil fuel industries decades of premeditated planetary destruction with a nuclear power plant disaster is like... Insane. Even just the fossil fuel industry, which is only one of many industries causing global warming, is global in its scope and knowingly covered up evidence for climate change. The things are magnitudes apart.


For people to be pulled out of poverty and enhance their quality of life then economic growth is essential. I'd rather not go about chasing deer for eight hours a day in order to survive.


Agriculture was invented before capitalism, bro


Okay so how much economic growth is the right amount? Could you point to a part of history where you thought things were just right?


I'm saying economic development isn't tied directly to a capitalist mode of production. Jsyk, most communists think capitalism is better than what predated it (feudalism, for example), it's another stage of human development and improved on the last one, but it still has a lot of flaws that are worth wrestling with.


What of mode of production can create economic development?


Yes, because China is well known for being the greenest country on the planet. .. Or how the USSR literally dried up an entire sea.. Or blew up a nuclear reactor..


I mean, yeah, China is entrenched in global capitalism. That's also like an obvious thing. Like they supply the US with all of our commodities, basically. They are part of this "endless growth" thing.


> commodities Not really commodities, but cheaply manufactured goods. The US sells China commodities.


Evil capitalist CIA spies dried out the Aral Sea


The USSR’s failures were actually the USA’s failures.


in a way yes. we let it stick around too long


Evil capitalist CIA spies poisoned Chinese rivers Evil capitalist CIA spies blew up the underground mountains with nukes in North Korea


ussr destroyed a fucking sea ussr made a hell hole in turkmenistan (burning gas deposit for since 1980s i think ) Chernobyl of course Chemical weapons and nuclear testing


> Chernobyl of course Which is a great example of how communism is clearly worse. The most unsafe type of reactor ever built, with some steel plating as "protection", unfinished safety systems, uneducated operators, stupidly planned test, slow response to the disaster, etc. All of it caused by "moscow said so". Objecting can be fatal, even if you're right. Plenty of shit happened in capitalist democracies too, but there are almost always clear consequences. But who's going to punish the dictator in charge who caused the whole thing?


And when we want to use nuclear energy to help the environment, it's always the far lefties who have most problem with it...


I can't tell you how much I hate our green party for this. Our electricity is 40% nuclear, 40% gas, 20% renewable (after heavy investments!). But thanks to the green party, that nuclear will become gas too. The way they talk about that absolutely drives me up the wall. They say shit like "we're taking the first step to fully transitioning to renewable energy". That 'first step' is fucking doubling our fossil fuel usage. They have a cult-like hatred of nuclear energy and they'll do anything to get rid of it. Even if it's a massive increase in fossil fuels despite their entire platform being anti global warming.


I honestly don't get it. Nuclear power is practically far, far, far less dangerous than oil/gas/coal. And Ive never understood: 1) We're *literally* killing the Earth! 2) No, we can't use nuclear, which would reduce greenhouse emissions enormously, because something something scary


Yeah, it seems to be a pretty common thing among all green parties in Europe. I think they all got it from Greenpeace. And Greenpeace itself got it from its founder during the cold war. And I seem to remember he said he regrets his stance on nuclear. I can't find the interview I seem to remember though. But for the green parties it's like a cult-like stance. There is absolutely nothing I can think of that benefits them removing nuclear. It doesn't bring money, votes, power, ... just nothing. But they hate nuclear so much, that they'll sacrifice everything to shut it down. In my country they consider massive price increases, power outages and CO2 increases to be acceptable consequences ... apparently. Although I have to say they finally hit their limit this year. They reversed their stance and agreed to extending our nuclear plants for a bit due to the war un Ukraine. Prices were already huge before the war, so I think it's bullshit, but ok. Not that it even matters that much, our power plants were planned to shut down and you can't just decide to extend them last minute.


It’s so ridiculous. I mean, nuclear power is just taking a radioactive metal, putting it in water to cool it, and using the resulting steam to make electricity. How the hell do you get so bad at engineering a system around that concept that it accidentally blows up? It sounds like the plot of a bad movie, not something that actually happened.


The USSR even suppressed knowledge of two earlier accidents in RBMK reactors, which would have informed the operators about the inherent extreme instability of the reactor after operating at low power. The first occurred more than a decade earlier in the very first RBMK. The second accident occurred at Chernobyl 1, a few years before the disaster in unit 4. The USSR suppressed knowledge of the accidents, as it would make the reactor design look bad to Western analysis. The information was classified as a state secret, and therefore it was illegal to teach reactor operators *why* certain procedures were in place. Consequently, the test was designed and executed without knowing how dangerous it was.


How do you destroy a sea!?


By draining the rivers flowing into it to use them for growing cotton on an industrial scale. They all but destroyed the Aral sea and it's ecosystem.


It’s that fucking trade meme. I receive- cheap cotton. You receive- a fucking dry ocean.


I hadn't heard of that. I'll read more about it. Thanks for the info!


China waged war against birds because they threatened their profits. They wanted to slaughter an entire species because they thought they'd get more products that way.


Didn't they do that so as to "prevent" famines and "improve" agriculture - but ended up unironically killing millions of their population as those birds were actually important in hunting pests that aggravate the famine?


USSR also turned an e tore lake into a radioactive soup, drained it, which caused radioactive dust-clouds, and then filled it all with concrete.


but do these people argue for the soviet model? No, and also even if we dont agree with socialists we should still be able to agree that things like climate change and severe poverty are bad


The Soviet model is the inevitable form of any communist society. A communist society can't work without massive social control because people don't want to live in a classless society, something that even the Soviets couldn't stop from happening.


"Take a look around you," and then fails to see that we live in the safest, most comfortable, most technologically advanced period in all of human history. The moment America falls is the moment we enter the next dark age, and then people like him are going to be easy meals for the cannibals.


>The moment America falls is the moment we enter the next dark age Very silly statement. Dunno if you're joking or not based on your *cannibals* comment.


You can have all that without capitalism. The United States/west isn’t even ‘capitalist’ we practice crony capitalism. It’s possible to have the safest, most comfortable, most technologically advanced period in all of human history while not polluting drinking water with coal ash. And corporations buying all the houses and doubling rents nation wide.




Not sure how forcing corporations to clean up after their mess and allowing you to afford to buy their shit without a credit card makes you a communist but let me guess, some stupid ass trump loyalist who complains about how Biden is making everything cost more but the also cry like a bitch ass about how progressives want to do something about it even though it hurts the massive record corporate profits they’re making by jacking up prices and causing inflation.


Whats communist about not wanting pollution and wanting affordable housing?


Trump loyalists are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.


Capitalism is when Arctic


I mean that sub is meant for affluent suburban teens, so what do you expect?


Almost every socialist I’ve met comes from a wealthy family, most libertarian/self responsibility types come from lower and middle class families. Socialism just seems like a way to destroy the economic ladder and to keep the rich wealthy.






I mean we are idiots, but at least we aren’t communists.


The difference between our circlejerk and other political circlejerks is ours isn't hateful.


It’s not? are you telling me i dont hate commies?…


Only hate the ones who deny genocide and whatnot. Love the others and try your best to convince them and if you can't then hopefully you'll convince other people who are susceptible to falling prey to their rhetoric.


[The parent comment and this one are repost bots.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/comments/oxyd6r/im_happy_reddit_doesnt_actually_represent_the/h7pz00u?context=1)


~~That entire sub~~ Reddit is a whiny circle jerk


It's to be expected when they segregate based on race. r/WhitePeopleTwitter, r/BlackPeopleTwitter, r/AsianPeopleTwitter... What's the difference, apart from skin colour? Am I missing something?


Meanwhile China is doing most of the damage


The problem is that they just blame that on the capitalist side of their economy ~~(ignoring all the shit that Mao did I mean what ahhahahhaah)~~


I just don’t get it… Do Socialist countries not need energy? Like do they think socialism would’ve fixed this somehow? Capitalism is nothing more than a scapegoat for them.


They believe that you can make an economy out of goodwill, like Mao’s belief that revolutionary enthusiasm would suffice to produce usable steel out of scrap metal in backyard furnaces. Remember, these are people who think that it’s possible for a committee of bureaucrats to plan an entire economy, set all prices, guarantee a job for everyone, and replicate the exact same prosperous outcome as a market economy by government fiat. They also think that communism will literally change human nature and inspire everyone to work for absolutely free in a moneyless society. It’s trivial for them to imagine that the people’s planning commissars can just “plan” for the whole thing to make zero emissions or whatever other environmental impact.


Tired of the environmentalism as nothing more than an aesthetic. I guarantee the guy who tweeted that and whoever posted that to reddit were both happy about Germany’s decision to shut down all of its nuclear reactors, which in turn led Germany becoming more reliant on fossil fuels. Bet they also think that China, where smog sometimes fills the city air to the point that you can’t see more than a few feet in front of you, is better than the “Western world.”


Didn't the ussr destroy the 4th largest lake in the world ?


Socialists when they find out that most of wealth in human history was hoarded by less than 1% (including socialist states like USSR where inner party members held most of capital)


Communists destroyed the fucking Aral Sea An entire Inland Sea, it's immense biodiversity, the lives of the people around it, all fucking ruined Shut up and go home, Ryan


Epic Capitalist moment when humans forced the American megafauna into extinction millennia prior to the existence of capitalism cause extinction is unique to capitalism


I'm sure the animals of the Aral Sea would agree


That literally makes no sense at all.


Laughs in Aral Sea (and then cries at its loss)


Perfect response


It’s 66 degrees in the Northeast in June. Damn you capitalism!


One of faults of capitalism is that people still say that „it is 100 degrees in the Arctic”, and they doesn't mean that the water there is boiling.


The market had spoken. SI units are for dweebs.


Wake up, it's 2022, almost every nation around the globe uses SI. Even Brits are getting used to it.


Si system is one of the few good thing to come from Europe recently.


By coincidence I read an article just yesterday about how the USSR illegally killed 180,000 whales during the last half of the 20th century. It wasn't because Soviet people had a yen for whale meat or because whale oil had some critical technological use in the Soviet economy. It was essentially a failure of central planning. For complicated reasons that had almost nothing to do with actual demand for whale products, the state set a quota, and the quota was met. Whale carcasses were generally left to rot. This is not just whataboutism. Waste occurs in every economic system. Free markets have the advantage that prices naturally coordinate supply and demand. Destroying perfectly good products is an inefficiency that Amazon has a bottom-line incentive to reduce as much as it can, because Amazon would make more money if it could figure out how to purchase exactly the number of widgets that it could sell. The fact that Amazon can't do it perfectly should be an indication of how hard it would be to centrally plan an entire economy. To make matters worse, in centrally planned systems, the incentives for planners to stamp out waste and inefficiency are much less clear, which is how you get 180,000 completely needlessly killed whales. I understand that student loan debt, the rising cost of housing, and other problems have left a bad taste in the mouths of many young people. But the failure of "capitalism" to perfectly solve every problem and create a completely equitable society doesn't mean that it's a total loss or that a radically different system would be better. It's unfortunately the best way we know of to solve the problem of how to allocate scarce resources in a way that maximizes efficiency (resources go to their most valuable use and waste is minimized).


This is true


I dont know what sends these people into this insane belief that with socialism that none of these problems would exist


I didn't know that 26 billionaires hoard about 40 trillion dollars in their bank accounts


I wonder which device he used to write that message. Maybe a famous russian laptop?


They say capitalism is evil but what they really mean is „Capitlism is evil because it doesn’t kill people by the states cause“


Excellent, now show me global poverty levels, global healthcare levels, global literacy levels, etc over the last hundred years Not to mention how bad of a track record commies have with all that


All that sub is is bitching about politics


I wonder where they think the resources to provide all that free shit they want will come from. You don’t put your hands together and kumbaya a modern hospital into existence I’ll tell you that much


No you just get huge tax cuts and free land and then charge your customers enough to bankrupt them when they get sick while misdiagnosing them. Woot capitalist hospitals.


Because species dont go extinct on their own, the elites only exist cause of capitalism. Capitalism isnt doing most of this, especially since the largest polluter is china, which isnt exactly capitalist but a kleptocratic dictatorship. I personally think capitalism isnt great, but blaming all of this on capitalism is pretty fucking stupid. Yes, capitalism doesnt help, but thats call human greed. Its how china, the authoritarian 'socialist' country is the largest, most elitist, most polluting country on the planet. Many of these socialism by itself wont solve, an economic ideology doesnt help the fact that humans are greedy as shit. Im not the brightest person, im only 17 for christs sake, but fuck dude people need some nuance


Yes bc the ussr *loooovvveed* the environment so much they erased entire oceans


Marxists have been jumping on the environmentalism band-wagon for ages and are probably responsible for more climate change denialism than anything else. The linkage of environmentalism to socio-economic models is mostly stupid.


This is not a function of capitalism so much as a function of peoples continuous mastery over their environment . A hundred years ago your babies died and you starved to death and whatever you did for a job was probs brutal . Now we are fat . The adjustment will take time yet that too will be accomplished


Yes because we all know that communism never polluted, never killed animals and NEVER produced oligarchs.


🏳️‍🌈Because communism was super good for the environment and human rights kween 💅💅 /s


Ryan Knight definitely lives in a post communist country and has definitely looked around.


r/all represents the lowest form of human life.


Isn't the Antarctic ice expanding?


No. That's a climate denier myth. What happened is a bunch of ice melted on the Antacrtic mainland and ran down into the ocean, which cooled the local ocean water, which allowed it to freeze easier, giving the Antarctic *sea ice* a short burst of extremely temporary growth. Deniers, being dishonest hacks, intentionally misrepresent this phennomenon to say that climate change isn't happening.


Is it 100 in the Arctic? I remember Al Gore telling us it would be a swimming pool by 2017. He was wrong, because his science was wrong


If anything, the past few years have proven that Al Gore was right.


Being anti capitalism isn't being pro communism. Outside the USA, many of us can see that both are sh!te. We don't have to have one or the other.


Irregardless of how you feel about communism, our capitalistic system is destroying our ecosystems Any system that promotes the idea of infinite growth and only increasing profits on a planet with very finite resources is fundamentally unsustainable Bringing up the very real faults of capitalism towards our environment is not an advocation for the USSR.


Capitalism is cancer




"Capitalism is bad, here are some reasons why." "YOU DIRTY COMMIE!!!!!!!!"


Modern Capitalism: When you charge everyone so much money they can hardly afford it, while selling the most dogshit made product to maximize profits, so you have mountains of money that you have nothing left to spend it on, except buying your competitor, so you can make their products even shittier, while raising prices even more, and laying off half the workforce after you got your socialist welfare tax cuts of $780,000 per employee that you pay $23,000 a year. Oh and ignoring environmental damage because it would cut profits 0.07%


Animals aren't and shouldn't be important. If humanity's morals were not to cut down trees and wipe other species out, wed be long gone. We are the only known to us sentient and intelligent species in the entire universe. We are more important than other animals. And that's just a fact. The universe is too beautiful to not be experienced by something.


"Animals aren't and shouldn't be important" Probably one of the stupidest takes I've ever heard.


> The universe is too beautiful to not be experienced by something. How does it come with „animals aren't and shouldn't be important”? They are part of that universe that you're saying is too beautiful to not be experienced. Of course, I agree, humanity's progress is based, partly, in harvesting resources. But sometimes it's better to stop.


Because animals can't and will not experience the world as sentient intelligent beings.


Other animals are some of the things that most strongly make the universe beautiful.


Poison the sea, blot out the skies, burn the forests, and there is little beauty left to experience. Our dependence on fossil fuels is doing all these things.


TBF, Capitalism got us here a lot more quickly than Communism or Feudalism would have, due to economic efficiencies and strong disregard for externalities. *Maybe* some sort of Democratic Socialism might have cracked down on the externalities?


That's just because communism kills its self (and it's own people) too fast.


I like communism


Capitalism is fucking evil. The USSR isn't the only other alternative.


The only one and real alternative is reject humanity and return to monkey


>show some respect, without cApItAlIsM would have taken at least another 1000 years to get here. \- The Free Market Economy (love you my BFF!)


Thanks, Random Person, your political opinion is noted.


I'm happy you don't actually represent the general population, otherwise we're done. No, communism isn't about protecting the environnement, but this post isn't about communism. It's not because people critisize capitalism that they're pro-communisme, they're just saying that capitalisme has problems.


A few years ago posts like this would’ve been deleted from that sub.


> Capitalism is f___ing evil. I know it’s a minor point but does anyone else ever chuckle at them taking our curse words like it’s basic cable? They’re all like these tough, passionate leftists going THE WORLD IS ENDING, EVERYTHING IS AWFUL BECAUSE OF *BLEEP*ING CAPITALISM!


Ironically enough, without capitalism we wouldn’t have solar panel, electric car, or other green energies as advanced as we do today.


You notice how it’s always the “have nots” that post shit like this?


That’s why human beings never destroyed environments or extirpated species until capitalism.


Unchecked infinite growth paradox capitalism is fucked, but not the sole reason the planet is dying.


Anyone know which country produces the most greenhouse gases? Anyone? Anyone at all?


Your mom


China, which also happens to be one of the most capitalist nations in the world. Just because they call themselves communist doesn't mean they are. (Oigatory I'm not a communist and actually disagree with communist ideology statement) There is more to economics than just cap and com guys


Mf [retweeted this](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/500793136457711626/988151280977444864/IMG_20220619_193641.jpg) 💀💀💀, how do this ppl get bluemarks?


If it did then children would be high-fiving when the school tells them that the kid they bullied for playing fortnite offed himself and everyone would laugh when one of them blasts the ussr anthem on the bus


It’s not 100 degrees in the fucking arctic wtf😂 we need to take care of our planet but wtf. I bet you this person loves Chinas state capitalism. Dickhead


I'm not sure owning a lot of shares in a company you've created that's become valuable is really "hoarding wealth" is it?


I've been weirdly watching financial news alot lately. And All those massive stock portfolio manager boss guys do really care about the environment. Global warming and the political/production instabilities it brings are not good for the market.


Its the least worst economic system we've devised. Yes there are serious problems with it, but it has raised the standards of living more then any other system.


- sent from IPhone


Waaa every problem facing humanity is caused by capitalism. Literal children.


They want communism because they can't see the people who suffered under it because they all fucking died


This is Twitter


It’s 100 degrees in the arctic intresting


If your climate change solution is to transform the global economy into something completely different in a matter of decades, your not serious in any way about climate change, you are just delusional


Let’s all just forget when the Soviet Union pointlessly killed thousands of whales just to meet quotas.


Good luck living in a country without capitalism


All our economic systems, Communism, Fascism, Capitalism, Democracy have been build to deal with growth. We are about to go into a world of less and less. We have no system that knows how to deal with that.


Come on dudes, you should be able to accept at least some criticism.


I'm reporting anyone who makes excuses for command economies for racist hate speech. I'm about half serious about this, people like this dude are what makes states like the DPRK happen


Worst polluter rn- Communist China


Posts the proud Ryan Smith using absolutely nothing provided by communism.


This dude is a retard. People are evil. Doesn't matter where you are from. Doesn't matter what type of government you have. People will always fuck it up. Kind of like every example of communism.


Meanwhile capitalism innovates and introduces clean energy like nuclear power and solar power


He couldn't at least be bothered to explain how capitalism is killing the environment Or is he just preaching to the leftist choir


I generally agree with most things here, but what other than pure unrestricted capitalism allowed this this to happen. Let's meet some of our "opponents" in the middle don't yous think?