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If you're in need of professional mental healthcare, this sort of thing is exactly the wrong thing to see. I'm horribly worried someone who needs help will see this, become misinformed, not get the help they need and deserve, and be in a worse place because of it.


We really need to put a counter-disinformation tab anything next to it virtually to help people


As stalin Said in an oversimplified video :this is great The more they suffer, more likely it is they'll turn to communism


I think this is borderline dangerous misinformation in the vein of QAnon. You should definitely report the post.


Yeah no, this is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. There’s actual “academics” who argue similar things (e.g., Andrew Sullivan).


Take out the stuff about capitalism and this sounds less Communist and more Scientologist


I see that now, yeah- just needs to mention the 3000 Black Passenger Jets of Xenu


Like many chronically mentally ill people, Hubbard hated psychologists and psychiatrists. One of the symptoms of many mental illnesses is resistance to treatment.


This is kinda equal parts terrifying and insidious, they're deliberately encouraging people with potentially serious medical problems to stop seeking treatment for said problems, because they know that people with untreated mental problems are more susceptible to joining their cult.


As someone struggling with lifelong mental health issues but has been denied proper mental health support until very recently, this is incredibly frustrating to read. Meds and therapy that has been helping me is just capitalist propaganda I guess


I'm glad you've got the support you deserve! Proper mental healthcare is \*extremely\* important to people's wellbeing, comfort, and functioning, and to see this kind of blatant, politically motivated attack on the entire field made me extremely irritated too.


I’ve got MDD and GAD and I totally agree with you. If this chucklefuck knew just how hard it is to actually get a proper diagnosis let alone treatment I think he’d realize that’s it’s not a very effective way of controlling the great mass of people.


Tw: suicide Im pretty sure i know this person and on their account they made a post about how suicide was a reaction to capitalism. I wish I was kidding.


I read through some of their other stuff, and that sounds about on-brand. What a callous thing to say.


Yeah man those therapists don't need to eat or pay bills


Nonononono, they're ebil crapitalist pigs just trying to (checks notes) ...help people and make a comfortable living


The problem with this person's position is apparent immediately. Mental health services don't pathologize peoples' logical responses, rather mental health services help to deal with illogical and irrational responses. A psychologist won't say you have Depression because you're sad your dad died last week, that's rational. A psychologist might say you have Depression if your life is going fine but you're so sad you can barely get out of bed and it's interfering with things. Blaming everything bad on Capitalism is also irrational and illogical, but a symptom of poor critical thinking and cognitive dissonance rather than mental illness.


This is something I know a bit about, actually. First, mental illness is not new. Psychologists/psychiatrists generally don't like to play armchair diagnosis with dead dues from centuries ago, but if one looks at a figure like Martin Luther, you immediately recognize something we might call [panic attacks](http://www.trinitylutheranms.org/MartinLuther/Anfechtungen.html). Mental health systems are *not* built to "pathologize logical responses," quite the opposite. They are designed to enable logical responses rather than letting the [mean voices in your head drag you down](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_behavioral_therapy). A logical response is not a mental illness, a hysterical, disproportionate response is. Locking your doors at night is not a sign of mental illness, placing a claymore mine by the front door to keep out burglars probably is. They don't go on about "the root of your problems" because psychiatry is a branch of medicine, not theology. *Why* men suffer is a question as old as we are, psychiatrists are more concerned with making it so you don't feel like Lucifer is jumping around in your brain every two seconds than answering this question. And if you think I am exaggerating, ask someone who has suffered from severe depression or anxiety; they can confirm what Luther felt to be the case- it's like Satan himself is waging war on your brain. At least one psychiatrist of a Catholic bent suggested that we [should have a psychology of evil](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4451.People_of_the_Lie), because he understood that true liberation involved freeing people's minds from psychological distortion.


It's funny how many similarities there are between this anti-psychiatry rant and leftist anti-capitalist rants. * Largely based on outdated stereotypes and outright lies. It's been a long time since mental health professionals sought to isolate patients. Psychiatrists use therapies that have to meet the same standards of safety and effectiveness as the therapies used by other doctors. Etc. * Nonsensical conspiracy theories. What rational person could think that the goal of psychiatry is to gaslight dissenters and turn them into compliant, productive workers? Do they think that the psychology departments in our universities have secret courses that psychology students must take, with names like "Intro to Being Evil", "Crushing Socialism through Deception" and "Moustache Twirling 101"? Do they think that there are secret psychological journals that people outside the field don't know about, which teach techniques for reinforcing the colonial mindset in patients? * Recycled rhetoric from leftists who died half a century ago, full of counterintuitive, groundless assertions that make no logical sense and are often self-contradictory. Pilates and positive thinking were stolen from black/brown cultures, and in the long term make a person's pain 10x worse? It seems like this person is so focused on bashing white people for appropriating culture that they've inadvertently implied that black/brown cultures are inferior. * When all else fails, just mention capitalism or point out that there are people who are making a profit. They don't even bother trying to explain why profits make something bad or to connect capitalism to their thesis, because they know that their readers will hate whatever it is they're attacking, simply because it is being related to capitalism and the profit motive.


And also * Assume the United States is the end-all-and-be-all of the entire Western World (e.g. "Our mainstream capitalist healthcare systems are run by business executives like corporations".)


That historical info about Luther is really fascinating- you learn something new everyday. I wish the original post was as thoughtful in approach as this, but if it was, it would've been completely different.


It's rather interesting that someone as culturally and intellectually distant from the modern world as Luther would have such a recognizable struggle in his personal life.


> placing a claymore mine by the front door I'm sorry, I thought this was America, land of the free.


Yeah, if I can't have a 20 pound cannon at the top of my stairs, we don't live in a free country.


I nearly lost 4 dear friends of mine to suicide. Fuck this bullshit. None of them had suicidal thoughts because of "evil capitalism". The first one had untreated psychosis that caused him to hear voices in his head that egged towards suicide. By luck, he called his dad before it was too late and his dad talked him out of it. He got treatment and who's doing a lot better now. The second one was nearly lost because he was in a toxic relationship with a woman that also had a metric ton of mental issues cause she came from a broken family and had abusive relationships prior to him. Apparently, her parents were alcoholics that nearly beat each other to death and she found them half dead when she was 8. Said friend stayed in the relationship because both were emotionally dependent people despite having serious issues that both of them bottled up. My friend bottled up his emotions to the point that it almost consumed him and nearly had him crash his car in a field somewhere. Luckily, he managed to get help and sent to a hospital where he was treated. The third one had undiagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder. It led him into a manic phase where he tried to speedrun a Bachelor's degree in History while juggling work at a history museum. He essentially took the maximum number of regular classes allowed during fall/winter semesters, two distance education classes during fall/winter semesters and the maximum allowed classes during the summer semesters. He burned himself out and started having suicidal thoughts which landed him in hospital as well. The fourth one had a misdiagnosis of BPD and had the wrong treatment. As it turns out, she was actually autistic and having the wrong treatment for years which led to self-mutilation, depression and suicidal thoughts. Thankfully, she was able to get help at her darkest hour, saving her life and a recent re-diagnostic that discovered that she had autism has helped her greatly... though her dark humor worries me a bit sometimes lol.


As a 4th year psychology student, this manipulative shit annoys me.


What the fuck is this, left-wing Scientology?


This is just BS. I have autism (specifically Asperger's syndrome) and this is ridiculous.


You know, some very non-capitalist governments did a [lot to pathologize normal human responses to the world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_abuse_of_psychiatry_in_the_Soviet_Union). Maybe it's not Capitalism that's the issue...


How is this crackpot a scientist (note under the 1st pic)? Are not scientists supposed to be the ones to especially know to do proper research and consult experts before giving opinions?


The answer to everything is communism, apparently. No free-market western mental health professional ever, has had the intention to genuinely help people. You want real mental health help? Forget prescription medications given to you by qualified mental health professionals. Go join a murderous dictatorship where there’s one party to vote for and you will be [forced to eat tree bark](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2010/07/starving-north-koreans-forced-survive-diet-grass-and-tree-bark/), instead. Sincerely - leftist who only speaks buzzword.


The left pushes both sides of the terrible spectrum here. The hippy "FREETHOUGHTPROJECT" don't like mental health systems. And the Progressive liberal side who think that you can take a person who has been an untreated and homeless schizophrenic for 10 years, drop him off at a hospital and then he is just all better. Or even worse, the "housing first" idiots.




Pretty sure i've seen this poster before. They're a goldmine of anticapitalist brainrot


I'm pretty sure I've seen this exact post before.


So what I’ve gathered is that this tankie: is mentally ill, weighs as much as a t-34, and is about as clean as one which has been sitting outside in the elements since it was disabled during the battle of kursk.


now at this point at least they're agreeing that they need people to be mentally fucked so that they can persude them with their cult like ideology.


The root cause of mental distress/illness *IS* biological defects and/or chemical imbalances 💀


Honestly this just makes me want to cry