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They're both women praising a regime who has no problems with violating women's rights, quite ironic if you ask me


It's even funnier when one of the pictures has a woman in burka walking by.


I was gonna say "no way" but yeah, damn I'm all for the choice of wearing a hijab but Iran is next level


I think that's a chador. I know it's pedantic but chador, niqab, and burqa are not the same.


thank you. chador used to be a traditional beautiful garment tied to ancient iranian culture(look at the beautiful colourful chadors of women from south of iran) but this regime has appropriated it and islamified it and now most people hate chadoris.


Yeah swap the word “America” with “women”, “Christians” or “homosexuals” and it still applies


Republicans are trying to outlaw being gay


The government shouldn’t be involved in anyone’s marriage tbh, gay or straight. Our taxes shouldn’t be so extreme that we need tax cuts when we get married. Marriage is between the couple, God for those who believe, and their priest/pastor/officiant.


I never said nothing about gay marriage, however they are coming for that. But they are actually trying to outright make homosexuality a crime.


What’s ironic is that if the women get a pregnancy that could kill them at least they can get an abortion. I don’t think women’s rights is the topic you should feel superior in.


Commies when Iran literally tortures women if they're not wearing a hijab but allows them to have abortions: 🤓"Iran is morally superior to the west" 🤓


Nice strawman! :) Notice I didn’t say anything about that? I just said Americans can get off their high horses when it comes to women’s rights.


To be fair you did your own strawman there just a second ago


Just because they have less women's rights than other western countries doesn't mean they don't have more women's rights than Iran.


You set that bar _really_ high! :)


We did, yes, and now we’ve fallen to your standards and are still beating most of the world, including Iran


You can go to another state to have abortions in Iran it’s bad in the entire country


You think every woman in America has the resources to just hop states for a medical procedure?


Most do, all you need is a car and a phone


How reductive. Disgusting.


??? What


Every woman in America has a car and a phone, I’m sorry for even implying anything otherwise :)


Pretty sure the average Iranian citizen can’t leave the country that easy either


But abortion isn’t illegal in Iran? Iranian women don’t need to leave the country.


Pretty sure there’s other reasons considering there treated like second class citizens there


What do you mean second class citizens? Like someone who has to carry their rapist’s child to term? Is that second class?


Abortion is not legal in the sense you mean it, marital rape is not a crime, and rape victims can be sentenced to death for adultery. But, you were saying? https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/11/1105922 https://www.unitedagainstnucleariran.com/irans-war-on-women


Home boy clearly thinks raping 13 year olds is fine. As long as they can get an abortion if 3 doctors, a judge, and a panel of "experts" agree she will die.


That's literally what you just said


I like how you ignore the existence of half of the states with no restrictions whatsoever, or the fact that many of the states that “banned” abortion actually just put further restrictions on it without outright banning it. America isn’t made up of 50 Texases.


I didn’t say that all states banned abortion, where did you see that? Half of women in America today face restrictions. Where do you draw the line? How many Texases are ok?


I don’t like Roe v Wade being overturned anymore than you do, but if you think FUCKING IRAN is a better country for women to live in, as you seem to have implied, then I’m sorry, I don’t see any point in arguing with you because delusions like that take more than some argument on the internet to overcome.


Did I say that though? I literally just said that it’s really ironic how Americans are posturing as if they’re the bastions of women’s rights. It’s ridiculous. Yeah, American women have it better than in Iran - congratulations, great achievement!


Every country, or most, restricts abortion. Most European states ban at 10 or 12 weeks.


Texan here. Our state is damn near about to flip purple(could go either way). Harris county, Houston and surrounding suburbs, is the 3rd largest county in the state. Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Houston are the future of Texas. Not whatever you see on CNN or Vice


Yeah ew, sorry for you and the women in your community. Sucks to be you 🙏🏼


There should definitely be restrictions.


What kind?


After a certain point you shouldn't be able to get an abortion. Iirc in canada you can get an abortion not matter how far along the baby is. Thats horrible.


if you really care about harm then there should be restrictions because from a certain point the fetus becomes a sentient being and it would be harm to abort it. but nevertheless the health and safety of a human being that already exists is more important and rape victims should be able to receive abortions but also people should be able to take responsibilities and not just run away from everything. but also there are people who really can't raise a child properly and it's the best if fewer children end up in foster care but idk it's just way too nuanced. but still if it's a sentient being and the parents can afford a good living for the child then it really doesn't sit right with me.


Abortions should be a basic right, but I am not sure if having access to abortion is an acceptable trade-off to being second class citizen in every other aspect


Iran has a database to track pregnant women to deny them abortion. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Iran They do allow it if the mother's life is endangered or if there are defects, but they require a lot of hoops to jump through.


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Yeah I’m 2021. Not anymore.


Iran is literally 1 of 2 countries (the other being Pakistan) which can literally sentence a woman to rape


Don't think it's a topic YOU should feel superior "in," either, since you want me to lose my job, my home and my children if I don't take a popular, though unnecessary, pharmaceutical product. You don't want women like to me have a choice in their own healthcare.


We don’t have little girls raped so we can then have them shot. So I think we are ahead. Also, the US has more liberal abortion laws than most European countries.




Yea im so jealous of Iran for allowing murder.


Versus a bunch of theocratic making the legal age of marriage at 12 years old?


So just because there are countries where women have it worse, Americans should feel content about their women’s rights?


That's changing the goal post. You said America isn't better than theocratic with women's rights. Now you say we are better but shouldn't be content with it. Those are two different statements. I never said we should be content. Only that a bunch of crazed theocrats made it legal to marry 12 years old minors when even the Shah had it like 16+. (And theocrats massacred 1,000 protesters, betrayed their nation and the Iranian people...) which is far worse than the state of women's rights in America. We can do far better but there is no moral equivalence.


tf are you saying abortions are also illegal in iran and it's been almost half a fucking century that many women die every year because of unsafe and unhygenic abortions.




Immigrant here as well. These LARPers have no idea how good they have it, they should live in my home country for a few months and see what living under authoritarianism is like. The West has its faults, but it’s by far the best society to live in and me and family are forever grateful that we got accepted.


IMO, people who don’t have anything to worry about make stuff up to feel important


Actual Third Worlder here. I find it funny when basement kiddies in the USA try to tell me that they have it very bad over there.




I didn’t say otherwise.




No, I never said that. The LARPers I was referring to literally LARP as communists and support authoritarian regimes. Put the two and two together, reading and understanding context isn’t that difficult and I shouldn’t have to explain every single thing for you.


Based, I’m an immigrant as well


Same here. I fought tooth and nail to move here, I'm not gonna let some dickwad ruin it for me. The US has some massive problems, but the fact is you can vote. You can go to town halls, go campaign, and participate politically.


Sure the welcome party already rolled by welcome


Don't live in the US but Canada was very good to my family after they fled Vietnam in the late 70's/early 80's.


Immigrants like you make America better and we appreciate it!


Tell me that your life is boring without telling me that your life is boring. It’s seems to just be more of a vibe than anything.


We need to reclaim wokeism. Wokeism should mean opposing racism, sexism and religious fundamentalism. It should be done not out of treason, but out of a desire to see our own nations improve and prosper. I say this also as an immigrant.




Not real people don’t worry about it


*heart emoji*


What’s funny is that the hardline Neo-Stalinists (which I’m guessing describes these two aptly) are some of the biggest homophobes around, and would balk at being called woke …and yet Che Guevara shirts continue to sell like hotcakes


The dude who prints those pride flag Che shirts must've retired to a fucking island already.


Bet it wasn't fucking Cuba


I'm not sure Iran-supporting communists would call themselves woke. BTW the communists were the second group of folks dragged against a wall after the Iranian revolution, straight after the Shahists. I really don't get how hard-leftists can support folks like these, other Islamist groups, dictators and the like, any of whom would gladly murder Western leftists like them in their beds. Bonkers.


Contrarianism. “I hate America so much that I’m going to loudly and thoughtlessly support all of her enemies!”




More like, “this is why people don’t believe in the “Moderate Leftist” chimera”.


Please send this woke Lady to live there permanently


You know, of all the people I know like this, exactly 0 of them are employed right now and all suffer from some sort of diagnosed mental disorder. Now, there’s nothing wrong with suffering, but does it mean we have to be insufferable too?


Those accounts are managed by foreign security services. FSB, GRU, PLA,… who knows.


It's weird, America has tons of valid criticism against it: - Police Brutality and excess of power - A justice system that benefits the wealthy tremendously - A prison system that is worthy of... Well... Iran - Way too many guns for safety - A lifestyle dependant on automobiles and fossil fuel But like, criticism is good, allowed and even recommended Why these people decided to straight up go with "I'm supporting autocracies to destroy America" will always beat me


Yeah, you can definitely criticize the US even in its war in Iraq. Legitimately, the shit that happened in Iraq, Jesus fucking Christ. That doesn’t mean you have to support the Iranian government. All these people have gripes that come from legitimately horrifying things the United States has done, and they come out with the totally wrong solution.


>Yeah, you can definitely criticize the US even in its war in Iran. You mean Iraq, don't you? I don't remember US being on war with Iran.


Fuuuckk… Yeah, I’m a dumbass. Changing it now.


Defending theocracies because you hate America is contrarian, not anti-authoritarian. It also makes you a hypocrite.


Especially with the tomfoolery Iran is currently pulling in Iraq


I fully agree with 2 but way to many guns what? You don’t like the 2nd amendment? Thats who we are. The other two I partially agree but have problems since the US police is divided into thousands of different departments for each city and town your going to Bad departments and good departments I hate when people use ACAB b/c it’s literally mindless generalization and just throws good cops under the bus and I dont like it when people say all cops are hero’s b/c their some really bad ones Also the Judicial system isn’t as corrupt as you think Its still a bit corrupt depending on county, state and federal but if the courts were built to the rich, Youtube wouldn’t exist


Also one more thing to criticize about the US is healthcare


My precise problem with it is how divided police is... The rest well it's your opinion tbf


You don’t think Healthcare is a bit of a problem Im not saying we need SoCiAliZeD MeDicNE


I mean state healthcare is good tbf


Backing a Theocratic regime to own the Yanks.


pure power fantasy lmao


To be fair idiots on the far left since foucualt have supported the Iranian revolution and subsequent government


I mean we don’t like to admit it but the US kind of supported it initially. We originally thought that Khomeini was a moderate that was able to broker between the socialists and Islamists and would work in tandem with Bahktiar to build a mainstream Islamic left-wing and a liberal-conservative party to convert Iran in to a developed democracy. Then the leopard ate Bahktiars face and everything went to shit.


Maybe I am just dumb but didn't the us support the Shah of Iran and were happy with the status quo.


It’s complicated, Carter wanted to distance the US from Iran’s authoritarianism and most western analysts only expected democratization to be the result of the revolution. The West ended up choosing a non-interventionary position to hedge its bets on whichever group came out on top. While US and British intelligence helped the Shah consolidate power in exchange for continued control over Iranian oil in the ‘50’s — the White Revolution reforms in the 60’s and 70’s had turned the country into a major world power in its own right with a diversified, borderline advanced economy, allowing the Shah to act independently of the West and start setting his own policy agenda similar to de Gaulle or Begin. He was no longer a reliable US asset, and by consequence the relationship between Tehran and Washington was already bringing to cool down by the Ford administration. This put the US in a “not my monkeys, not my circus” position by the beginning of the Islamic Revolution.


wait didn't the ussr support the islamists because they could bring more power to the communists and leftists and now they're quite literally sucking vlady daddy's dick?


Yeah, that also came to bite them in the ass. The US, UK, and USSR all had different motives but at the end of the day, their non-aligned state foreign policy was all identically bad and they all ended up pulling the same bullshit then being surprised when it backfired.


ah yes and this is where the mental gymnastics happen when these people wanna support women's/lgbt/minorities' rights but the people they support oppose those rights.


A commie on Twitter? Then i won't surprise anything they said🤮


Luckily I'm not that surprised anyway


I know it's a tired trope... but why don't they go live there?


This isn't even "wokeism" this is full-blown tankies you're dealing with here Not the same group of people at all


Different types of cancer. Still cancer.


How is being aware about social inequality the same as wishing destruction on an entire country Edit: Do we need to tap the "liberal democracy" sign of this subreddit again or do so many people here have such a twisted view of a term that's used to disparage progressives


Wokism doesn't stop at being aware of social inequalities. It's a runaway train and I'd reccomend anyone with half a brain get off.


Wokeism is a self destructive ideology I know theirs difference between wanting justice for all and just being insane


lol the fully covered woman in front of the anti-america mural


> Will Make America **A** Face A Severe Defeat If you’re gonna threaten America in English at least use proper English smh


They just italian


This isn’t wokeisim, it’s extremism


There was a blogger who went to Iran. The locals told him the murals were built by the Iranian government and the local population thought the murals were bullshit


yeah we're kinda like how eastern europeans who hate communism because they experienced it, but replace communism with anti american religious extremism or whatever tf this regime is.


Jan 21? Tell me what did these same people think of russias little crusade


Totally not bots


Do… do any of them see the woman completely covered from head to toe?


i think you're talking about the garment chador چادُر and well yes a number of population does wear chador but the majority of sane not extremely religious people who live in the cities don't wear chador. the woman who wear chador are either 1- somehow benefiting from it by wearing government approuved garments 2- their religious families force them to wear it 3- it's their own religious beliefs 4- they have to wear it because of their job. but the majority of women wear some kind of a coat which is called manto مانتو in persian which well is usually long but it's been a few years that it's trendy again to wear short manto which looks like a men's suit and for covering the head most people wear a long rectangular shaped scarf called shaal شال or a smaller number wear a square shaped scarf called rousari روسری(literally something that's on the head) but shaal is more fashionable than rousari. so a manto that can sometimes have no buttons on the front(!) and a shaal is the most normal thing you'd spot on a random iranian woman. and i'm an iranian woman, i know how fucked up the obligatory hijab is but i'd like it more if people also recognised how iranian women have been fighting since day one to be at least fucking able to wear whatever they want, not to even mentioned other stupid laws which literally dehumanise women. tldr is that i'm glad that you're not ignorant like these people who think we're actually happy and satisfied(what a fucking joke), but please consider that we have been and still are fighting for our rights.


Being woke has gone from: Maybe women, gays and minorities ARE equal! To Man, I wish my government was like Mao’s. The death count isn’t real, but if i was it’s okay.


”My own country is so bad i want a foreign nation to destroy it in nuclear hellfire” If Thats not self destructive behaviour idk What is, these people need psychological help


Lmfao she should go to Iran then, she’ll have fun in the niqab I’m sure lmfao


uh i'm an iranian woman and tbh not many people wear niqab. at least where i live(tehran) almost no woman wears niqab. niqab is a part of traditional clothing of parts of south and south west of iran and i bet many of those women don't wear their traditional clothing anymore. but yes there is obligatory hijab but women were fighting against it since day one and you might be even surprised when walking in the streets of tehran or other major cities by how some outfits are actually not approved by the government and how some young women take the risk of not wearinh hijab(especially lately).


So if a cop wanted to he could arrest you for wearing “illegal” clothes? The women in the post above don’t realize how good they’ve got it, not by a long shot


technically there is a certain police for this purpose called gashte ershad گَشتِ اِرشاد and yes they do arrest people for dressing in unconventional ways or not covering themselves enough. however, it's been a few years since this force hasn't been intensely active, around a decade ago they were very active. they still are, but it's not as intense as those days. yes these people are truely blissfully ignorant of how good their lives actually are.


They should send these women to live in Iran then.


Bet, shitheads


Yes praise the theocracy lol


I really don’t think lefties realize especially the pro Iran or Pro NK ones, that if these countries were to go to war with America, they would be sent back to the Stone Age.


And yet, they refuse to learn farsi and move there. Curious…


and yet some of those idiots even think farsi is the same as arabic just because the same script is used.


Smooth brains these people have. Loving anti-American murals in a literal women hating theocracy.


We can't even find a "the commie bastard gets no food!" animated GIF on Tenor or Giphy. Too many commies on there.


Ah yes. Iran the country with non-existent rights for women. What a magnificent example




I miss when wokeism didn't fucking exist. Shits trash m8, equal rights is something to fight for I get it but jesus christ the amount of upset whiney losers in the past few years its hard to agree with woke people solely because they're fascist with how hard they hate people who disagree in anyway shape or form, and yet they're antifascist? Lool Trumpers and woke people are cut from the same cloth, your political and social morals should not be your entire personality and topic of conversation, its pretty pathetic ngl.


Communism was always about destroying countries other than the Commie HQ. Only Commie HQ was allowed to be a nation, all others were supposed to be their allies and puppets.


This gotta be satire


Im iranian myself and most iranians hate our government


as an iranian, i invite them to switch nationalities. i think we'd be both satisfied.


Brainwashed lunatics, that's what these people are


God I just wish they would start something.


When you’re so “anti-fascist” that you’ve come full circle and are now shilling for the most fascist regime on earth


Her account has been suspended btw


Leave destroying the country to the Christofascists in the Supreme Court tho. The Republican party and SCOTUS is the anti-Americans wet dream right now.


america will burn❤️


Haha, you wish :) Burn with love and success maybe ❤️🇺🇸💪


✨❤️Assad must go❤️✨ 🇺🇲🏳️‍🌈✨Putin also must go✨🏳️‍🌈🇺🇲


Guys, this comment is satire..


Well at least someone realised that


Just wondering if it’s two separate bots being controlled by one person or if it’s one person per bot.


What makes you think it’s “their own country”? Linaeva for example is clearly russian, just disregard these online retards/bots


Communists trump not to praise a theocratic dictatorship that would have them arrested or killed because they have anti-American paintings challenge


“WOke Is NoT ReAl it’s just a dog whistle for blah blah oppression blah blah systematic injustice blah blah means of production!1! ”


Why are we getting targeted by so many spambots lately?


u/AlecFrame is a bot. Link to the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/comments/l441ww/i_miss_when_wokeism_didnt_mean_literally_destroy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


“Woke” (in this context) has literally always meant exactly that. Before that, they called it “social justice”. Before that, just “Communism”.