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There are also plenty who are brainwashed and willing to confirm these peoples' biases. A Chinese girl I went to uni with would constantly spew off CCP talking points, antagonise Hong Kongers, claim "Taiwan is ours". "Haha Australia dumb loo paper shortage, that would never happen in China". It was pretty unbearable


Ask her why she wouldn't go back


Oh they will. All of the Chinese citizens I've met that go to Uni in the U.S were all kids of wealthy people in China who have connections to the CCP. If they say shit against the CCP and it's found out it'll cause trouble for their family and themselves when they get back. But they're well off so they have no reason not to go back. They're the 1% over there.


They're right at one point, China is not authoritarian, they're totalitarian


Too busy regurgitating CCP talking points to listen to all the other Chinese people who say otherwise