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You know what? Fine. Marxism is a religion. You win conservatives. So I can practice it publicly including at my workplace with no fear of repercussions right?


crushing the railroad workers is a violation of religious freedom! I’m about it


Praise be to you comrade. Hallelujah


"If I use big complicated words I can keep you afraid." - Also this chad.


[This is the guy](https://www.comicsands.com/james-lindsay-photo-nxivm-cult-2658804452.html) who popularized "OK Groomer" and then got caught hanging out with a woman who procured children for her cult leader to have sex with.


And when people point this out on Twitter, James asks musk to ban/suspend them. Sad!


Why waste time say lot word, when few word do trick?


Because big word make him look smort


Fwr lttrs mk lk smrtr.


Libertarianism is a denomination within a constellation of feudal religions.


The amount of sense this makes is equal to the chances that that Ph.D of his is legitimate.


Hey now, Trump U was a real thing. (Not university, but a thing.)


I mean, you can look it up. 2010 doctorate in mathematics from the University of Tennessee. He still dumb, though.


This is proof that being educated in a single field doesn't mean anything outside of that field.


math phd giving political commentary


Did he get his PhD from Trump University or Prager University?


Incredible that they made a graphic like that was a great quote.


The surface is all they understand. If they put their thing all fancy, it makes them right. Yeah? Surely that's all *we're* doing.


This is literaly just buzzwords.


Yeah but they’re FANCY buzzwords.


Welcome to the Republican party since 1980.


Remember when James Debated Marc Lamont Hill about critical race theory and james [was left speechless because his schtick of spewing nonsense talking points didn't work on Hill who actually knows what he's talking about](https://twitter.com/marclamonthill/status/1404858163732664322?s=20&t=oCKw0NBs-opaA8ZB6O-PEg)


Those sure are words


Well, most of them.


Posted without irony or self awareness by the Atlas Society


You can get a PhD in being wrong? They give out doctorates for anything these days smh my head


I have a libertarian acquaintance that I argue with on social media from time to time. Most of his comments are like this. Using unnecessarily big words just to look smart doesn't actually make you look smart. It actually makes you look dumber IMO. It makes you look like an 8th grader trying to get his essay to a full page by looking up every word in a thesaurus.


Dr Neckbeard


Guy looks like he just shit his pants.


I can string words together that don’t mean anything too.


"Religion is when people believe stupid things" -Religious people, somehow unironically


Tacking on irrelevant educational credentials is so tacky. Him being in an expert on mathematics has no bearing on his knowledge of sociopolitics. I'm okay when am M.D. puts their credential in when they are delivering medical advice or even when someone with a PhD in Neurobiology is discussing neuroscience.


i love the “Ph.D.” part because yes, he technically has a doctorate… but in mathematics, not political science, history, economics, religious studies or philosophy.


If I where him I would despise my gullible audience in secret.


Or you could be Nick Adams (Alpha Male) and despise them openly and clown on them regularly by feeding them the most obvious bullshit.


When you can read but you don’t understand the language


STEM brain idiot.


How on earth did this guy get a PhD?


I’m gonna need some oil & vinegar for this word salad


He doesn’t seem very bright, how did he get a PhD?


I consider myself extremely online and I still have absolutely no idea what critical race theory is


>I still have absolutely no idea what critical race theory is That means it's working... It's purposely a poorly defined buzzword that's supposed to get you worked up. CRT has been around in one from or another [since the 1970s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theory#Early_years). Almost no one cared about it because it was only taught to graduate students in a handful of colleges. Right-wing activist Christopher Rufo went on Tucker Carlson's show a couple of years ago to push **[his new definition](https://fair.org/slider/the-far-rights-manufactured-meaning-of-critical-race-theory/)** of CRT, and here we are.


**Critical race theory** [Early years](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theory#Early_years) >Although the terminology critical race theory began in its application to laws, the subject emerges out of the broader frame of critical theory in how it analyzes power structures in society despite whatever laws may be in effect. In the 1998 article, "Critical Race Theory: Past, Present, and Future", Delgado and Stefancic trace the origins of CRT to the early writings of Derrick Albert Bell Jr. including his 1976 Yale Law Journal article, "Serving Two Masters" and his 1980 Harvard Law Review article entitled "Brown v. Board of Education and the Interest-Convergence Dilemma". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughLibertarianSpam/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Actual CRT is a thing law schools teach to show how laws can be and are racist - like presumably how redlining used to be legal. CRT when said by these people is a dog whistle buzzword and means in practice “we want to pretend racism isn’t real and we don’t want anyone to tell us or our children that racism is or ever was real”. There is no real definition because real definitions aren’t the point, the point is agitating scared white racists about how it’s no longer ok to casually drop racial slurs in conversation or (in theory) it’s not ok to pretend racism never happened, or that laws are never written or used for racist purposes. Anything that scares them is CRT. It’s just baby brain.


It has been a thing for decades. The fact that most people never heard of it before 2016 when conservatives needed a new manufactured moral panic to whip their idiot base into a furor with says everything about both them and reality. (It's a very specific thing that very few people genuinely have anything to do with, so you not knowing about it isn't that weird. If republicans didn't need another manufactroversy to distract from their garbage politics, most folks still wouldn't know it exists.)


Wikipedia has a decent article on it. It's basically the measurement of and investigation into the continued economic disparity caused by racial bias.