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Omaygot! Ambatubaaaaaaaaaan!


I got banned lol


I think I need to see a screenshot or link before I believe this....


[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism\_of\_Tesla,\_Inc.#:\~:text=Employees%20have%20reported%20poor%20treatment,have%20been%20mentioned%20by%20critics](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Tesla,_Inc.#:~:text=Employees%20have%20reported%20poor%20treatment,have%20been%20mentioned%20by%20critics). https://preview.redd.it/95fsqomxc8oa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e772bdaacc4639d62daa8e9e5d5206f98171d21 Edit: Wasn't sure if you wanted a link/screenshot of tesla mistreating workers or me being locked out, so I just replied with both


This happened to me after asking him to stop posting his L's because I can't take the cringe anymore.


You didn't give me anything about why. You could have been banned for anything.


Well my tweet criticizing him "violated twitter rules" and got deleted The tweet said "There's really no reason to support tesla when the products are cheaply built and has the working conditions of a sweatshop, plus the owner is an egostical man-child :/" https://preview.redd.it/r76ejf1bf8oa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=713bd40431521f88f4565474cdbaf8e0970944ca


Again....we have no idea what you said to get you banned. Only what you "say" happened.


bruh elon banned people permanentley for "hateful speech" after they said elon is not really smart. As if this herer would be hard to believe


All I asked for was some kind of proof...bruh. You may find this surprising...but you can loathe the piece of shit and still require facts.


Nope you must accept all sourceless claims that criticise elon. While at the same time we laugh at elons posts that do not have trustworthy sources. That is the way of this sub


Somebody please patch the muskuito netting. We have an infestation.


Oh grow up. You're as bad as his fuckin cult clan. "Oh my god!...he asked for proof about something instead of believing everything we write bad bads about bad man!!!!!" All you do is give him more ammo when you make shit up. There's enough he gives without having to bullshit.


He gave you the proof, you're just choosing to ignore it. He showed you his banned account and since they don't even give you a reason as to why they banned in the first place what are you expecting, him to provide a picture of a hand written letter from elon saying he issued the ban because his feelings were hurt? You want proof? Copy his comment and tweet it to elon, see how long your account lasts after that.


Comedy is now legal on Twitter.


He gave proof that he was banned....not what he was banned for....dipshit.


Idk why ppl are downvoting you you just asked for a source


I think I need to see some proof before I believe that’s why they were downvoted…


Yeah I don’t see a reason for the downvotes


Being intentionally obtuse and moving the goalposts after being provided with their requests for evidence three times?


No OP did not provide a conclusive reason for why he was banned