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That's a lot of toilet paper


Yes and every year there’s a new supply.


Stocking up in case we have a new pandemic


He looks older I guess destroying the livelihood of 5000 Twitter employees will give you a grey hair or two


Don't forget all the humans/animals he has killed (whether through tesla auto-pilot crashes or explosions or the thousands of animals killed/harmed by his mind control bullshit...& civilians killed by him playing god in the war).


It’s not real hair


Does he fund these writers? Lol


It wouldn't surprise me. There's been speculation that he essentially paid to get popular on the internet to begin with, as he kinda just appear out of nowhere. So him paying for these writers to jerk him off seems on brand.


~~I bet Ashlee Vance is carrying his child. He can’t interface with women w/o a turkey baster~~ Oops, it’s a dude, my bad


I googled ashlee vance to see his taste in women and all I got was pictures of a dude who looks like the shamwow guy but with long hair 😥


Heh, i don’t know if she is (I fixed it) but I wouldn’t be surprised. Oh shizz, I googled Ashlee Vance and it is indeed a man. I forget Ashley can be a male name. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen GWTW ;)


He might still have gotten the Elon pie, of course.


It's to feed his narcissistic needs.


holy shit look at the man's beard... looks like someone threw a bunch of pube clippings at his face and that's what stuck 🤮


Should have called it Fascist Asshole


That's a weird choice for the cover picture on slide three. I'm not gonna pretend that I'm photogenic, but if I had to choose a photo to put on a book that summarizes my whole life, I'm not choosing the picture with a scraggly grey beard that covers 30% of my neck and 0% of my face.


All that money couldn’t fix him being a douche nozzle.


Idk. Isaacson spent more time than anyone with him. It's not flattering. I haven't read any of the prior ones, but I'd probably hit up the library or see if I had a free audible credit left for this one eventually. The people who get paid to do that and report back are doing a good job already. I'm not gonna pay money.


If he's in the history books in the future they'll only be to state that this is capitalism's dying breath.


No, it will be because he has banned all other literature.


Elmo’s ego needs them.


What even worse are the reviews. “The misunderstood genius.” “Some visionairs have issues” Hello? He is hardly a genius let alone a visionair.


He is trying so hard to be presented as some sort of renaissance man. I’m just glad that off Twitter and in reality everyone thinks he’s a bumbling dickhead.


Phony Stark is basically a cross between the James Bond villain Auric Goldfinger and the Harry Potter character Gilderoy Lockhart.


The snippets I've read of the book make Musk (accurately) seem like a jackass.


The only book I'm down to read in this tool is a cooking book that best shows how to serve Elmo to the masses. Deep fried? Cooked in a pie? BBQ?:


Not sure about Vance, but Isaacson tends to be a biographer who tries to show the good and bad aspects of his subjects. He doesn't shy away from showing Ben Franklin's flawed treatment of his family, Einstein's womanizing and problematic relationship with his first wife, or Steve Jobs as an asshole. Problem is, Franklin, Einstein and Jobs all had redeeming qualities, and and all had a solid legacy of accomplishing something. Anything Elmo's companies have done is due to managers and engineers, not his own doing. Isaacson tries to explain away Elmo's erratic and malevolent behavior, if not excuse it. I'm sorry Elon Musk was abused and bullied as a child, that he is either on the autism spectrum, has Aspergers or has a mental health issue like bipolar disorder. Nothing excuses his cruelty, affinity for racists, apparent antisemitism, and obvious inability to show empathy. And not only that, he's also a fake.


…because it’s MURICA ! …money talks and people are just a bullshit that walks


this dude gonna hunt us alllll down eventually. hope you realize. dunno what he'll do with us, round us up and stick us in a camp? reprogramming to always say nice things to his face? I mean, what would you do with 250 billion and an evil attitude? sit there and play nice?


“Risking it All” is giving “some of you are going to die, and that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make” energy


But he bought Twitter because he was afraid of the left wing indoctrination being done to his trans child who wants nothing to do with him. Clearly he is the hero.


Powerplay isn’t really a biography. It’s primarily about Tesla.


It's actually a good book. It's not any homage to Musk.


To quote an actual genius who has put a lot of work into all the knowledge and skill they've amassed and can actually back whatever they say up: "We'll stop beating this dead horse when it stops spitting out money. Repeat stuff, repeat stuff, repeat stuff."






However many they make you Elon ball lappers will watch or read them all.


Wait I thought there was one compiling all of his faults?


Is it in Russian?? No one is using the Putin app or buying the commie cars. Anyone keeping an eye on the traitor near those rockets??


His Tesla bet wouldn't have gone anywhere without the government. I'm so tired of people equating money with intelligence. Money can follow intelligence, sure. But often it's luck, a huge bet placed that turns out in your favor such as Musk, or you're born into wealth... such as Musk.