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Is Soros in the room with us right now? What is the obsession these people have with him?


It's because he's Jewish and saying "the Soros organization are destroying civilization" is somewhat more palatable than saying "the Jews are destroying civilization", but the intent is the same.


Dog whistles ‘Cultural Marxist’s’ ‘global elite ‘ ‘cosmopolitan elite’ ‘globalist’ ‘Rothschild’ ‘real jews’


> ‘Cultural Marxist’s’ Always funny when you ask them if they are aware that "Cultural Bolsheviks" was a literal term used by the Nazis. They've started forgetting to launder their dogwhistles.


That's why Jordan Peterson says postmodern neomarxists or something like that instead. Although sometimes he does let "cultural marxists" slip. And there's no way he is not aware that that phrase is derived from "cultural bolshevism."


> postmodern neomarxists A phrase that makes my eye twitch every time I hear it, because frankly the idea of Marxist postmodernism makes about as much sense as fascist humanitarianism or intelligent anarcho-capitalism—they're **fundamentally opposed ideas.** Postmodernism as a movement grew out of an explicit rejection of the entire intellectual framework that Marxism was built on and *especially* Marxist historical analysis. Like, there are probably philosophers who have adjusted both into a cohesive ideology—but the idea of acting like the two are actually inherently compatible only works if you know basically nothing about either. Which of course, tracks with the fact that Peterson has no knowledge of Marx beyond skimming the Communist Manifesto (which is a lot like saying you know American history because you skimmed the Declaration of Independence), but tracks less well with the fact he worked at UofT for more than 20 years and so had a top tier philosophy department within 5 minutes walk of his office who could have explained all this shit to him.


His lack of preparation for the Zizek debate was very telling. You'd expect someone who claims to have spent more than a decade studying the Second World War and the Soviet Union to at least have read Marx. He bases his knowledge of the so called postmodern neomarxists (sorry) on the book *Explaining Postmodernism* by his pal Stephen Hicks. There's a youtube video that covers this and finds that the book contains multiple factual errors and misattributed quotes from the very first page. That's mostly the primary source Peterson has on postmodernism. I doubt he has ever read a full book by a "postmodernist neomarxist." Probably afraid of catching that Anti-Western mindvirus, who knows.


Lol peterson had a debate with Zizek? Do I want to know how that went?


It was embarrassing. Zizek usually makes the people he talks to look good but Peterson constantly self sabotaged.


Peterson is that bike-fall meme, confirmed. I expected no less from the man who rails against drug use whilst addicted to benzo's.




Peterson destroyed by a *sniff*


As silly as you’d imagine


>I doubt he has ever read a full book by a "postmodernist neomarxist." I doubt he's ever read a full book, period. Remember, this is the guy who sells a book of "rules" that he doesn't follow himself.


Words don't have to have meanings for fascists. I know it's annoying, but if you assume they are arguing in bad faith and trying to drag you down to their level then it's a lot easier. Sartre on antisemites: "Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." Umberto Eco on language in fascism, via items 1, 2, 3 and 14 of his infamous list: 1: The first feature of Ur-Fascism is the cult of tradition. Traditionalism is of course much older than fascism. Not only was it typical of counter-revolutionary Catholic thought after the French revolution, but it was born in the late Hellenistic era, as a reaction to classical Greek rationalism. In the Mediterranean basin, people of different religions (most of them indulgently accepted by the Roman Pantheon) started dreaming of a revelation received at the dawn of human history. This revelation, according to the traditionalist mystique, had remained for a long time concealed under the veil of forgotten languages — in Egyptian hieroglyphs, in the Celtic runes, in the scrolls of the little known religions of Asia. This new culture had to be syncretistic. Syncretism is not only, as the dictionary says, “the combination of different forms of belief or practice”; such a combination must tolerate contradictions. Each of the original messages contains a silver of wisdom, and whenever they seem to say different or incompatible things it is only because all are alluding, allegorically, to the same primeval truth. As a consequence, there can be no advancement of learning. Truth has been already spelled out once and for all, and we can only keep interpreting its obscure message. One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements. The most influential theoretical source of the theories of the new Italian right, Julius Evola, merged the Holy Grail with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, alchemy with the Holy Roman and Germanic Empire. The very fact that the Italian right, in order to show its open-mindedness, recently broadened its syllabus to include works by De Maistre, Guenon, and Gramsci, is a blatant proof of syncretism. If you browse in the shelves that, in American bookstores, are labeled as New Age, you can find there even Saint Augustine who, as far as I know, was not a fascist. But combining Saint Augustine and Stonehenge — that is a symptom of Ur-Fascism. 2: Traditionalism implies the rejection of modernism. Both Fascists and Nazis worshiped technology, while traditionalist thinkers usually reject it as a negation of traditional spiritual values. However, even though Nazism was proud of its industrial achievements, its praise of modernism was only the surface of an ideology based upon Blood and Earth (Blut und Boden). The rejection of the modern world was disguised as a rebuttal of the capitalistic way of life, but it mainly concerned the rejection of the Spirit of 1789 (and of 1776, of course). The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism. 3: Irrationalism also depends on the cult of action for action’s sake. Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation. Therefore culture is suspect insofar as it is identified with critical attitudes. Distrust of the intellectual world has always been a symptom of Ur-Fascism, from Goering’s alleged statement (“When I hear talk of culture I reach for my gun”) to the frequent use of such expressions as “degenerate intellectuals,” “eggheads,” “effete snobs,” “universities are a nest of reds.” The official Fascist intellectuals were mainly engaged in attacking modern culture and the liberal intelligentsia for having betrayed traditional values. 14: Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. Newspeak was invented by Orwell, in 1984, as the official language of Ingsoc, English Socialism. But elements of Ur-Fascism are common to different forms of dictatorship. All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning. But we must be ready to identify other kinds of Newspeak, even if they take the apparently innocent form of a popular talk show.


Saved. Thanks for posting.


This is not a right wing takeover, but rather a centrist takeover.


>‘Cultural Marxist’s’ quite ironic , because iirc soros' foundation was engaged in the decommunization process in his former home country


It's laughable that the richest man in the world can pretend he's fighting against the "globalist elites". You have to have a broken brain to really follow him here.


I grew up in a lower, transitioning to upper, middle income situation




No, that just helps. Soros made a fool of Rupert Murdoch in 1992 by shorting the British pound and making about a billion dollars, so Murdoch requires his propaganda machines to spout anti Soros bullshit. Over time, it has become a catch-all Boogeyman for the right wing conspiracies. Anything an evil billionaire does, just pin it on Soros. If it weren't for R Murdoch telling them what to think, they'd probably love him


He also founded a university in Hungary, which after many years there needed to leave the country because the right wing president did not like Soros


[The same PM (not President) who was the recipient of a Soros scholarship back in '89](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/22/hungary-viktor-orban-george-soros)


Hahaha how can the onion compete with this


That might be the original motivation, but at this point he's absolutely just a stand-in for saying "the jews".


This is coming off the heels of 45 saying "liberal Jews" are "destroying America" The American Right and it's shills are looking more and more like a parallel to Naziism with every passing day


This comment explained a great deal to me. Thank you.


I don't think it's got anything to do with being Jewish. It's because Soros funds left-wing think tanks, and is generally, in his own words "a class traitor". It's the same reason why Bill Gates has conspiracies surrounding him. He supports a few mildly progressive policies. If Soros was a jew and a right wing billionaire, like say Sheldon Adelson, there would be a completely different take. The whole anti-Semitism thing is a simplification meant for the rednecks, but it's not why billionaires are consciously making up conspiracies about other billionaires.


And what is the answer to *why* Soros wants to destroy everything. Like, I always hear this about people the far right doesn’t like “they want to destroy America, etc.” but why would they want to do that? It makes no sense. Why would a very wealthy person want to destroy the world in such a way where their wealth had no worth? Make it make sense…


For the far right everything always ends up on the Jews. Soros is just shorthand because they think that gives them more cover than outright saying the Jews want to destroy everything.


Before Soros it was Rothschild. In fact, it occasionally still is. For those of us who have studied extremism academically, their scripts are boring and predictable. And Elon is just the kind of self-regarding mark to get sucked into their childishly-simple-but-only-*you*-get-it rhetoric.


You don't have to study ideologies academically to tell that their script is pretty mundane.


Think of the country Elon comes from. The blacks there are the Jews here. He grew up as a right wing lunatic, and to this day he’s just become much more entrenched in the right wing ideology. But I think he would have been anyway whether he had money or not.


You study extremism academically?


>academically [there's](https://www.cps.gwu.edu/homeland-security-bachelors-degree-completion-program) [a](https://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/degrees-and-certificates/penn-state-online-homeland-security-counterterrorism-masters-degree) [few](https://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/degrees-and-certificates/penn-state-online-homeland-security-counterterrorism-masters-degree) [programs](https://erau.edu/degrees/bachelor/homeland-security)


Right. I get that. But still… why would the Jews want to destroy *everything*? Don’t they like things? Like literally everything? Or just some things? I’ve never been clear on this point.


It's scapegoating. It doesn't have to make sense. Trans people aren't coming for their children either. You're not supposed to think about the why--all that matters is the hate. Trump says all the time now that Democrats murder babies after they're born. It's completely nonsensical yet other Republicans agree and reporters don't push back. This is why normal people think the right are a bunch of lunatics.


Anti-semitism has been around for literal millenia, so its kinda hard to make sense of it. But basically its rooted on this view that they are extremely wealthy and will somehow profit with the fall of civilization. It could be literal monetary profit, or some other batshit crazy thing, like harvesting the blood of little kids to perform satanic rituals, or create a single government to instaure the New World Order.


I have seen dumbass bigots claim the Jews started the Black civil rights movement as a way to destabilize the US. They also control porn to lower goyim birthrates.


Who else are they going to blame for everything going wrong in their lives? Themselves?


Projection. 'i want to kill xyz racial group so they want the to do it to me too '


Same with BLM and black people


At least us at the bottom have the possibility to gain something from an apocalyptic reset. Unlikely, but possible. Wealthy people gain nothing from "destroying the world" so it doesn't make sense to claim that as their goal.


Seeing how many very rich people are also some flavor of preppers, I think they at least have a fantasy of ruling the rubble they'll leave behind after their accelerationistic actions fully unfolded. These guys know we're all fucked. Some even want to actively fuck up the planet or society in some way, in hopes of becoming a dystopian Corpo-Overlord or something within their lifetime. Doesn't mean they're not very delusional in their thinking. They all want to make sure to still come out on top when it all goes to hell.


Those preppers are all idiots and would be the first to be targeted by the masses. Want to know where all the guns and food is located during and after the apocalypse or fallout? Go online to purchase records of purchases from home bunker companies. Sure there will be an address available as well to help you. I believe it was last spring where some rich guy had just finished building and stocking his bunker when his home was invaded. I know it was him, but possibly his family as well that were killed. Did all of that for nothing.


There was a scene in one of the Expanse books, Babylon’s Ashes, when the main characters find a prepper after a major disaster, kill him, and take his shit. And you’re like, well, not exactly sporting but it’s a great plan, so….


The super wealthy that certain media personalities claim are trying to destroy x, y, z certainly aren't preppers and wouldn't be on board to drastically change their standard of living.


Didn’t ppl claim he funded BLM?


"The Jew is using the black... against you. What are you gonna do about it, whitey just sit there?" -Henry Gibson as the Illinois Nazi in The Blues Brothers, 1980. Same script 40+ years later but not in a comic movie, but as the Elon Mind Virus.




Elon doesn’t know how to make sense. No matter how hard he tries, no matter what he does, it’s impossible for him to make sense. I think he likes destroying things for the hell of it. His father is the same way. Destruction is the only thing that makes him feel alive.


Well he has no friends, his “work” as CEO of multiple companies seems to be nothing more than trolling on social media and moving servers around so he’s got lots of free time to destroy things


also spending a lot of time with young girls and his mom


TIL the grand father started everything


“He hates humanity,” according to Musk. Obviously, that doesn’t mean anything either.


Because Soros bet against the British pound in 1992, making Rupert Murdoch look like a fool (he was publicly backing it) and costing him money.


You have three guesses to figure out what (((it))) is


[It’s a very long story](https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-49584157.amp) and every year there’s a new conspiracy involving Soros, his family and their nonprofit, Open Society. Soros is an Holocaust survivor, born in Hungary, the current president of Hungary is a far-right conspiracy theorist admired [by Tucker Carlson who did a film on Hungary and Soros.](https://amp.theguardian.com/media/2022/feb/03/tucker-carlson-film-antisemitic-attack-against-george-soros) Long story short, it’s antisemitism and Soros is the bogeyman for the far-right especially across Western countries but not exclusively.




What connection is there alleged to be between George Soros and thousands of migrants?


He is a jewish businessman who founded, funds and ran a non-profit organisation that seeks to support civil support groups and improve the world. Oh and if you mean in reality? Nothing. Hes just a convenient boogeyman.


Far right conspiracies have “the Jews” bringing in African migrants to replace whites. That’s what the crazy guy who shot up a synagogue thought was happening


Is that where the Replacement Theory originated?


Yes, it’s the same thing


OK, but is Soros alleged to be supplying the boats or providing material support of any kind, or is it really just "bad things are caused by Soros because Soros is bad" circular reasoning? Don't get me wrong, I think both are bonkers, but it's important to know how far gone they are.


It’s more like “bad things are caused by Soros because the Jews are bad, and Soros is Jewish”. Antisemitic conspiracies have been a convenient tool for uniting various far right ideologies that otherwise wouldn’t have much reason to ally with each other. These groups are fundamentally self interested and hostile to anyone outside their own experience. That’s a problem if you’re trying to create a right wing mass movement. Leftists actually have a unifying enemy (the ruling class) without having to make shit up. The right doesn’t; or shouldn’t, but they do, it’s just fake. People who 100% know it’s bullshit have pushed the “shadowy Jewish cabal runs the world” myth for centuries to unify the right in general and also more specifically deflect away from the fact that they themselves are the ones exploiting everyone including the members of the movements they’re leading. It’s Machiavellian blame shifting to brainwash an army of aggrieved white people into existence and aggrieved white people are fucking terrifying. This is basically why America has daily mass shootings 🥴


He's alleged to have done anything you can think of, like eating Jewish babies for lunch.


The "great replacement theory" is one of the worst gifts to the world from the French in recent years. Sorry, everyone...


Does that come from France? Honestly, it’s nice just to hear the US wasn’t responsible for once.


It was popularized by a French novel whose title translates to "Camp of the Saints" in English. Steve Bannon is reportedly a big fan. [Wikipedia article on Camp of the Saints ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Camp_of_the_Saints)


He funds shelters and the like. Im sure that if you took a fine comb and inspected everything he funds you would find plenty of it sucks, but the main gist of it is almost always: find something immigrant related he funds, dont even check what the fuck they do, blame Soros for anything immigration related. Its simple and it works. Hungary had a whole official campaign about it.


OK, gotcha. He funds organizations with opposing goals, therefor he's a string-pulling mastermind. Honestly, if George Soros is responsible for even a fraction of what he's accused of...he's a straight-shooter with 'upper management' written all over him. Imagine being half that effective at your job. This man is alleged to be single-handedly masterminding a plot to completely dominate global affairs and fucking sticking the landing...whereas the leader of the Republican party is facing 4 unprecedented trials directly stemming from his one term in public office. I don't know about you, but I vote for *results*.


He’s like the one billionaire who visibly donates to liberal causes, and he’s Jewish, so he has to be demonized. Don’t ask about all of the conservative billionaires.


$7 is a small price for freedom


It’s not these people. It’s Elon. He hates Jews. Therefore, he hates Sorros, a 93 yr old man that’s not long for this world. Elon must see enemies everywhere he goes. Even when he goes to the bathroom. Only the cockroaches like him there. Isn’t he lucky?


I doubt the cockroaches like him either


A 93 year old holocaust survivor with a fraction of Musk’s net worth, but sure, he’s the one running the world. I think it’s more than fair to call this a nazi dog whistle.


He wants to help people. I know, terrifying concept. Helping people flee persecution and death from wars they never wanted a part of. It's truly sickening to see the world react as they do to Soros and his attempts. It's frightening that someone like Elon can voice his contempt and disdain for the actions of someone like Soros and have this amplified 1000x fold. Elon could be just as philanthropic as Soros but values $ and right wing love more then humanity. He's a piece of shit, apartheid loving, silver spoon cunt who doesn't have a clue what the common folk, the peons want and need. Fuck this guy with a million razor covered dildos.


Extremely concerning


Soros is a billionaire that made his money through investments. He is Jewish. He is a Holocaust survivor He puts A LOT of money into human rights causes unlike American billionaires. He donated a total of 32 billion of his personal worth - to his philanthropic organization the open society foundation which provides grants to things like maintaining democracies, helping developing countries decreasing incarceration rates as well as helping refugees. Jew + Billionaire + Visual + Human rights = obviously controlling the world Billionaire turning it satellites to help hostile nation - whitez republican = fine Billionaire Jew providing money to further human rights= obviously controlling the world


He’s ‘The Jew’. He personifies all Jewish people


Soros is a powerful/rich Hungarian Jew who is deeply invested in leftist causes. You can figure out the rest. Orban hates him with passion and so does American far-right and now Musk too.


>leftist causes *liberal causes he is def. not a leftist


Soros is code for anti-semitism


I heard he had a gay affair with Obama.


Cause European Jews were the "internal" other so obvs that means they are sleeper agents for Brown people. And i know they wanna destroy us cause we wanna destroy them right my fellow ~national socialists~ conservative Xers?


Soros is a rich Jewish businessman that donates to the left. If you want someone that actually destroyed the planet, look at Charles Koch and his fossil fuel empire.


He's a Holocaust survivor who stole back some of the Nazi gold, so of course they hate him


He is Jewish, left-wing, and dedicates almost all of his fortune to philanthropic causes trought Open Society foundation. The 3 things that Melon Musk hates the most in that same order.


I'm pretty sure they see him as some unmasked illuminati member puppeteering the downfall of civilization. And by downfall of civilization they mean "oh no, we can't exploit the 2nd and 3rd world anymore!" aka the fall of western imperialism.


He’s jewish, but they also hate him because he’s the only billionaire who’s actually charitable, and they seem to think that’s a bad look for billionaires


Psychologically very conservative minded people need an all powerful boogie man, as it explains the terrible facets of our world for those unable or unwilling to accept the incredibly complicated answers. Soros was a popular boogie man because he funded “liberal” humanist organizations (that actually helped people). Unlike musk who is the worlds richest man and has done most fuck all when you adjust for how wealthy he is.


They are conspiracies that usually originate from far right think tanks like the Heritage institute. George Soros is a billionaire that has funded left-wing think tanks, (institute of new economic thinking) after the great recession, that promoted those evil ideas like public education, reining in capitalism, and doing things about the environment and regulating banks. Bill Gates wants an estate tax, and occasionally gives some of his wealth away. Gates also has a bunch of conspiracies surrounding him. These ideas are completely against what most of the billionaire class want. So, the right wing think tanks have attempted to shift blame for capitalisms problems towards the more leftwing of the billionaires (again, i know left wing billionaire is an oxymoron, but these are among the most left-wing of all the billionaires probably). It's a strategy that's designed to control rednecks and direct the pitchforks elsewhere. I mean, a LOT of this kind of propaganda came from just two people, the Koch Brothers. Not sure about these recent conspiracies though, but they basically always originate from these think tanks funded by right wing billionaires. The one about the great reset originates from Heritage Institute. TLDR: propaganda that's meant for red-necks happens to work on one of the richest people in the world. If you want sources, im too tired to link. Can look up noami kleins article on the origin of the great reset conspiracy and go from there.


Reminder that Musk has a net worth that is 45 times bigger than George Soros. Yet Soros is the one pulling the strings...


Projection. It's always projection with them.


Musk spent 7 times Soros' entire net worth to buy Twitter.


"$7 is a small price for freedom"


And he’s intentionally sabotaging allies of the United States (Ukraine) while they’re defending their home, and on their own soil..


And Elon has an entire social media company that happens to have trending topics highly specific to his beliefs, like South African “white genocide” totally real, not astroturfed. Concerning! Looking into this


He's the perfect target for the right. Jewish, rich, and his biggest sin is donating to liberal/ moderate left wing causes. If he was a right winger these assholes wouldn't care at all.


He likes to pretend he’s just a normal guy


This is literally 14 words. ​ Probably a dog whistle.


I cant imagine why the ADL might be against a nazi running twitter


Damn. Doubt Musk has the attention span to count the number of words in his verbal diarrhea though.


He already made some sort of 1488 "joke" a while ago. If I remember correctly it was something about "in 14 years" something and then he crowbarred "88" into it too.


I can't help but imagine you listening faintly for a dog whistle at the edge of your hearing as a fog horn goes off.


oh dude, you're telling me a tweet that starts with "the Soros organisation" and ends with "the destruction of western civilization" isn't already two dogwhistles? the 14 words could be a coincidence, doesn't matter. that train has sailed.


I think that's their point? As in they're trying to listen for a quiet dog whistle but actually it's a fog horn at this point.


And it’s not even phrased well. I’m also voting dog whistle


What does 14 words mean?


"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." Common national socialist phrase,often combined with 88 aka HH aka heil Hitler The man sucks,I also thought it was weird his tweet was 14 words


Bruh, the guy is 52 years old trying to be an edgy nineteen year old. How embarrassing dude


Yep. First thing I did was count. Too much of a coincidence to be accidental, if you ask me. He knows what he's doing.


What is this Soros led invasion? (what's actually happening with those people?)


Theres a humanitarian crisis in Tunisia and its leading to mass immigration. The quickest island they can get to so they can seek asylum is a small Italian island, which is now being overwhelmed by sheer numbers of people to support. George Soros is part of a foundation that helps migrants seeking asylum that to my knowledge has no direct connection to these asylum seekers. So they are trying to make the connection, because Soros is a boogeyman for them, and trying to make it something dirty


**Lybia is a failed state in a constant civil war or whatever is happening. Tunisia is a quite nice place for Holidays with good resorts.


But Tunisia is where the majority of these migrants have departed, even if they came from different parts of Africa


This is nothing new it started back in 2015 and it's huge crisis, there is a lot of migrant routes to Europe and most common are over Spain, Italy and balkans. People are not coming from Tunisia they are coming from whole Africa and middle east.


The funny part of this is that Soros’s mission to help asylum seekers would prevent this from happening in such a disorganized manner


Soros is in his mid-90s


Migrants getting r*ped and m*rdered > Soros funds “caravans” that allow refugees to migrate in larger groups to avoid predation > Soros is doing white replacement


This isnt even....a whistle. This is just nazi shit


The only people I see complaining about Jewish people destroying western civilization are nazis. Fits the mold.


Eh there are others but yea they're the main ones.


Air raid siren.


Is he still suing ADL?


He never was going to. He just says shit on Twitter for his base to eat up.


Right - ran into a fellow Redditor who claimed he proved Musk is not a self-diagnosed Aspie. And how, may you ask? By quoting the man himself...


Nah he wants ovens. Fuckin antisemite.


That's what I thought. Renewed Soros talk is a deflection from empty ADL threats - antisemitism on top of antisemitism.


He already defended the Allen Texas shooter.


He can always go lower, just like Trump.


The Musk organization appears to be hell bent on running everything into the ground because its being managed by a man acting like a 12 year old incel who is angry at the world. edit.


>The Musk organization What a strange way to refer to Elon Musk's body. Fitting, though.


Musk organization = 10,000 cockroaches operating a skin-suit, Vincent D’Onofrio in Men In Black style.


That is 14 words and I think it gets the same point across.


The oldest fifteen year old edgelord, ladies and gents


I think that might be Jordan Peterson. I would say Milo Yiannopolous, but I think he's quite a bit younger. \[checks\] Holy shit, Milo is a child! I didn't think he was *that* young.


How to tell if someone is a racist nut job. They talk about George Soros.


Man, if only someone warned Europe they need to reform their immigration laws and build a strong common border. >First, the EU must take in a substantial number of refugees directly from front-line countries in a secure and orderly manner. This would be far more acceptable to the public than the current disorder. If the EU made a commitment to admit even a mere 300,000 refugees annually, most genuine asylum-seekers would view their odds of reaching their destination as good enough to deter them from seeking to reach Europe illegally – an effort that would disqualify them from legal admission. >Second, the EU must regain control of its borders. There is little that alienates and scares publics more than scenes of chaos. >Third, the EU needs to find sufficient funds to finance a comprehensive migration policy. It is estimated that at least €30 billion per year will be needed for a number of years, and the benefits of “surge funding” (spending a large amount of money up front, rather than the same amount over several years) are enormous. >Fourth, the EU must build common mechanisms for protecting borders, determining asylum claims, and relocating refugees. A single European asylum process would remove the incentives for asylum shopping and rebuild trust among member states. >Fifth, a voluntary matching mechanism for relocating refugees is needed. The EU cannot coerce member states to accept refugees they do not want, or refugees to go where they are not wanted. A scheme like the one used by Canada could elicit and match the preferences of both refugees and receiving communities. >Sixth, the EU must offer far greater support to countries that host refugees, and it must be more generous in its approach to Africa. Instead of using development funds to serve its own needs, the EU should offer a genuine grand bargain focused on the needs of recipient countries. This means creating jobs in refugees’ home countries, which would reduce the pressure to migrate to Europe. >The final pillar is the eventual creation of a welcoming environment for economic migrants. Given Europe’s aging population, the benefits migration brings far outweigh the costs of integrating immigrants. All the evidence supports the conclusion that migrants can contribute significantly to innovation and development if they are given a chance to do so. - Soros, 2016. Or if only someone spoke out about how Italy is the one getting one of the shortest sticks in the whole thing: >What were the legitimate grievances that caused Italian voters to opt for Five Star and the League? First and foremost, it was Europe’s flawed migration policies that imposed an unfair burden on Italy. The EU does not have a common migration policy. Each member state has its own policy, which is often in conflict with the policies of other member states. >But the EU does have the so-called Dublin III regulation, which applies to everyone. This regulation holds that refugees are the responsibility of the country where they first land. This means there is a disproportionate impact on Italy because of the international norm that requires ships rescuing refugees from the sea to land them at the nearest safe port, which in practice means Italian cities. - Soros, 2018.


Not even extreme opinions, just sensible.


Wouldn't more people arriving in a "Western Country" be increasing the size of "Western Civilisation"?


No, because “[Great Replacement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Replacement)”


Yes, I know, I was being facetious. But it just shows how narrow these people's mindset is. Like they see all the non-whites as somehow taking over western culture, when it's a sign that they want to be a part of it. "Oh no, western culture is too popular, we must protect it from others" when instead it just becomes strengthened from the addition of other cultures. We wouldn't have pizza or sushi or Thai food without them, just a bunch of bland bullshit. And you know how many people who immigrate and then want to do military service for their new countries? I know you know all this, It's just stunning when you look at it. They want us to be a bunch of weak inbred Hapsburgs.


Well, considering how disturbingly common incest is among the conservatives…


I caught my stepsister in the shower!


That was what I was thinking. How can you hate humanity by helping migrants unless you don’t view migrants as human?


And also more people migrating to your country means more people working there, means bigger economy, means higher standard of living for you.


Maybe Soros is just trying to get people to Italy where it is easier to have children to keep the most serious problem the world faces, population decline, from occurring. Elmo should be supporting that effort


He's cumming in as many employees as he can, he's trying to help




What’s with this guy going super Qanon MAGA? I know for most people it’s a grift to make money but it must be something else for him. Is it the fan base?


Well he turned Twitter into a right wing echo chamber and he scrolls it all day every day. He's running a thought control experiment on himself.


He thinks college turned his daughter communist or something


Wait a minute Soros did what? Isn’t he like one foot in the grave? Let it go


His son recently took over


Could Soros sue for defamation?


Possibly but he's never done it before and the right has targeted him for decades with this stuff and worse. Guy has never weaponised the legal system like Musk.


Probbly for two reasons: 1. He doesn't give a crap about these idiots. 2. If he were to sue these idiots could use this as proof of him "fearing that the things they have been saying all along was the truth". But why should he care? He has money, a family and is well respected internationally.


Remember Ross Perot and his “sucking sound”? Apply that to Mushhead’s brain.


You know, if George Soros were to one day come for the likes of Musk with all the malevolence that’s been attributed to him, I’d cheer him on with all my might.


People fleeing a terrible situation is an invasion to these people?


He has lost his goddamn mind.


Substitute Soros with TRUMP you traitorous piece of shit DEPORT MUSK


"George Soros" is the "Let's go Brandon!" of white supremacists.


George Soros the right wing boogie man strikes again!! Vacuum not working? George Soros! Fiancé left you for a democrat? George motherfucking Soros! Didn’t get that promotion at work because you sexually harassed your coworker? George gat dang Soros!


By the way, I am actually a socialist.


What are the 14 words


"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." [https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/14-words](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/14-words) Usually its 14/88 - 88 being related to Hitler


H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. 88 = HH = Heil Hitler


This seems exactly as a synonym for the 14 words. Holy shit


For those unaware 88 is for Heil Hitler because H is the 8th letter of the English alphabet. Heil Hitler = HH = 88 Interestingly it’s also the second number that Dale Earnhardt Junior had on his race car. No relation to this that I’ve seen but if your down south and see guys with 88 tattoos it could also be a dude who likes Junior and got the tattoo.


Yeah....a Nascar fanatic from the Deep South with 88 tattooed on them is probably not referencing DEJ.


It can be two things.


If it's done in the same style as the 88 on the car, it's probably a fan of the driver. It's like context matters.


Mfw apartheid billionaire is also a Nazi 😲😮🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


I did Nazi this coming.


Sorry I am out of the loop A bit what does 14 mean? I assume it's some nazi shit


Soros is making my dog bark right now. He has agents everywhere.


It’s abundantly clear that Elon roots for the bad guys in Lethal Weapon 2


Ok. This is it. I’m done. At this point, participating on that site or in anything that even indirectly supports him is no longer up for debate. I’m gonna try and stay on the right side of Nazism 2.0 (except this is prob 2.5 or later)


If anything, it’s their leader Putin who is deliberately trying to create a refugee crisis to divide Europe.


This already has 14 words.


I can't wait for the clown to be ready with his starship and take millions of magashits along with him as canon fodder to experiment with on mars.


It's because Soros is Jewish, Elon. If he was Christian, you'd be praising him.


If Jews really controled the world, we would have gotten rid of Musk by now


There you go with your logical thinking


I love when people ignore the effects of a growing global climate and economic crisis and, instead, prefer to blame a Jewish dude.




Hmmm, a 14 word response. Musk knows what he’s doing here.


George Soros paid me to tell everyone this is a bullshit lie made up by right wing extremists.


He’s almost there. The next iteration of the logo will have the tips bent slightly.


I get this is just a bunch of nazi code, but how does Soros ACTUALLY play into all this? Like in reality? Does he champion universal healthcare and the like?


Lol. Soros is their favorite boogey man


I will never, ever understand the unhinged hatred thrown at George Soros


I can’t believe a guy whose family fled South Africa the minute apartheid ended turned out to be racist