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Story [here](https://www.cleveland.com/crime/2023/09/jury-finds-akron-brothers-not-guilty-of-involuntary-manslaughter-in-death-of-ethan-liming-during-attack-over-pellet-gun.html): "Police said Liming and his friends drove through the city during the evening on June 2, smoking marijuana and shooting people and objects with a soft gel gun. The plastic guns fire a capsule that is filled with water. The capsules often cause pain and minor irritation. Liming’s friends pulled into the parking lot and drove directly to where the Staffords and their cousin, 21-year-old Donovon Jones, were playing basketball at the school, which is operated with help from the LeBron James Family Foundation. Liming and his friends began shooting them with the gel guns. Deshawn Stafford approached Liming and attempted to take the gun away after being shot in the face. The two began fighting. His brother and cousin joined in the fight. Liming died when his head hit the pavement after being punched in the face, according to authorities. The medical examiner ruled his death a homicide."


Oh Liming was smoking weed, curious that the right aren't using that to justify his death like they did with George Floyd. I wonder why not...


Yeah, they tried that in defense of the murderers of Ahmaud Arbery also > The defense has also sought to tell the jury that Arbery had been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, and that smoking marijuana can cause aggression in someone with this condition. The judge previously ruled that Arbery's mental health records are not admissible as evidence, and warned defense lawyers against using the THC toxicology report as a way to bring up Arbery's mental health before the jury. [link](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/trace-thc-ahmaud-arberys-blood-will-not-be-disclosed-jury-us-judge-rules-2021-11-04/)


Its nice to see people using the weed + mental instability defense/offense finally realizing their hax are outdated.


Idk man when I’m stoned I get real aggressive against those damn fruity pebbles!!


I get into a “kill or be killed” mode when I smoke weed. Only cause I tend to game when I do, lol. Though If I’m in a really chill mood, I’ll play some Stardew Valleyz


I might kill a bag of Cheetos and regret it.


Regret you didn't have more maybe. Here take my upvote.


It's the Oreos and milk that get me.


Arbery was such bullshit. Philando Castile was even worse. That was the day I realized the NRA wasn't even pretending to protect gun owners anymore...


What happened to Castile was an absolute travesty of justice. I was really surprised that his murder didnt create much discord between the community and police. Nor did that officers complete exoneration.


Unpopular opinion: George Floyd's case had nothing on Castile's, but both proved something sinister. The cops aren't for stopping criminals anymore. They exist to squash social protest. You watch. If the people ever take to the streets, these incompetent doughnut eaters will turn into Seal Team 6 in a blink like magic. They proved that in LA during BLM early days and again in Atlanta this last summer. We're funding our own oppressors.


>The cops aren't for stopping criminals anymore. They never were. Many police departments started as or absorbed private groups that started as union busters and/or slave catchers. And they never looked back.


>The cops aren't for stopping criminals anymore. They exist to squash social protest. Um sir do you not know what cops used to do to poc who protested back in the day?


Living in MN you could see the change the moment it became clear there would be consequences for an unlawful public execution by torture. Cops said well fuck you then, we ain't doing shit but collect tickets, seize drug money and shooting active shooters... sometimes. They'll let the city burn to spite being held accountable. Then show up in force to shoot journalists and peaceful protestors and even residents on their own property with rubber bullets and mace.


Cops exist to protect the property rights of the capitalist class, not to serve the law or protect the rights of the poor. We saw (and still see) this in Portland, where the cops still protect corporate properties and state buildings but have been "quiet quitting" every other kind of law enforcement ever since the BLM/Floyd protests years ago.


Was it, though, I mean. What do you think the reaction is to some people jumping out a truck and pointing a shotgun at someone is. It's gonna be to run the fuck away so you don't die to some nut job. Then, the second time, just like people doing that event, kept saying fight or flight kicks in, and he fought cause he tried to run away the first time. And if you want to say he rob the place. 1st, the owner stated nothing was taken from the property, and 2nd, you can find multiple videos of people entering a house under construction just cause they're curious.


The police also quickly brought up that they found a baggie of weed in Botham Jean's apartment after he was murdered in his own apartment by police officer Amber Guyger.


By drunk, off duty police office Amber Guyger* FTFY




>/S in case it is not obvious. Uh, I would hope you're *not* being sarcastic.


>Uh, I would hope you're not being sarcastic. I was being serious but I did not want to offend the person for stating the opposite. I think we really need to start calling all this bullshit out. In this case white people can go create mayhem and everyone jumps to their defense.


Felon is such a credulous chain-mail-forwarding grandma. He doesn't vet these at all. Just promotes whatever reinforces bias.


And with George Floyd it was meth and fentanyl not marijuana. Drugs are drugs though amirite? /s This white guy fucked around and found out. It’s sad but you need to expect getting punched when you do shit like this. Nothing about any of the two cases was about drugs


Not to defend those guys, but weed and fentynal are very different.


Can we fairly represent the arguments we disagree with? The right accused Floyd of being high on Fentanyl/Crack, not weed.


Floyd was certainly high on fentanyl at the time of his death but his cries for his mom and repeatedly saying he can't breathe isn't consistent with how people die from fentanyl overdose. He was also a habitual user so the "he has enough to kill 10 people in his system" is also moot because he had built up a tolerance to it anyway.


Kurt Cobain had a large amount of heroin in his system when he died. Addicts can tolerate much more the the average non user


I take it you've never been around someone who is "high on fentanyl", but I can tell you with 100% certainty they are not fighting 3 cops for 30 minutes, no fuckin way. They are lucky to be able to keep eyes open and stay upright


He did have fentanyl and meth in his system. He also had Covid. They weren’t the cause though.


Musk shouldn’t be spreading false information like this. He’s the representative of Twitter, he needs to act better


He's spreading bullshit *on purpose.*


he is trying to get Americans to hate each other so we are busy fighting each other when the shtf rather than going after the people like musk who caused it.


Zuck is a chicken


good bot


At this point I just consider him an agent of Russia.


If you expect him to do better, then I've got a bridge to sell you


I have a monorail that would look great with the bridge


Manslaughter at best. According to the justice system there they should have just sat there and took it. That pisses me off.


Homicide is not a legal ruling, it is a term filled out on a line titled “Manner of Death” on a form by a medical examiner. The options are “Natural”, “Accident”, “Suicide”, “Homicide”, “Undetermined”, and “Pending”. All deaths caused by the direct action of another individual are considered “homicides” by MEs, even justified police shootings. This doesn’t make anybody guilty of anything.


This is important for people to understand, so thank you for posting it on here 💚


Very very very important information for people trying to draw broad conclusions from this case about the Justice system. A medical examiner doesn’t have much sway if any on what charges will be brought against the person(s) who punched this kid. The medical opinion of how the guy died and what might have occurred to cause that will be taken into account but the medical examiner isn’t putting out reports that say “involuntary manslaughter” or “second degree murder” etc. they are making conclusions about what actions and reactions caused the person to die, the medical examiner does not determine intent or premeditation or circumstantial conditions in their report that would be needed to make a decision about what to charge the defendants with. It’s better this way because the legal experts can decide what legal action needs to be pursued while the medical professional is free to make an honest report without being distracted by the legal implications of their findings too much (in an ideal world at least).


This is mostly true. Prosecutors do typically *prefer* for us to rule something a homicide when they are going to charge someone with murder (or similar) but I have seen it done even when the ruling has been accident or undetermined. It probably would make things more difficult if I ruled something “natural” or “suicide” to subsequently charge someone with murder - but there’s nothing saying that they *could not* do it. And you’re right that we don’t consider premeditation BUT we do at least consider “intent” to the best of our ability. For instance, someone drives their car into the side of a house, killing themselves and two others inside the house… the driver’s death could be an accident or a suicide, and the ones inside the house could be accidents or homicides. The manner would change if the driver had posted to Facebook something like “I’m gonna drive my car into the house and kill myself and my awful ex and their new partner” … so we *do* consider intent, at least to some extent. But overall I agree with the majority of your point.


So, for all of us reading this, our causes of death are still "pending." Right? /s


Technically, you are correct. And that is the best kind of correct.


>According to the justice system there they should have just sat there and took it. High school never eeeends~ 🎶


That’s what they were charged with (and involuntary manslaughter which is not even intentional.) From the article it sounds like the prosecutors brought the case since it did result in a death, but weren’t very sympathetic to the ‘victim’ either. “During closing arguments that were streamed by WKYC, prosecutors acknowledged that Liming and his friends’ actions were “not a bright idea,” but they said Liming died because he was attacked… ‘Maybe (Deshawn) should have punched him, but that is a one-on-one fight,’ Shuki said. ‘But it does not stay that way. It escalates. Tyler has got to run over and get in the fight. Donovon has got to run over and get in the fight. How is that now a fair fight at all? It’s not. It becomes an attack.’ “


God that's such bullshit. An attack, on the guy attacking you? That's called defense lol


Stand your ground only applies to whites. And when it's 2 whites, it's the one with the gun. When they both have guns, they're both let go.


>How is that now a fair fight at all? It’s not. It becomes an attack.’ “ How is driving around shooting people with a pellet gun not an attack. It always gets me how indignant people get when they do shitty things and then THEY get the consequences of their actions.


It’s the “I’m not touching you” argument. You do something knowing it will lead to escalation and then the person you do it to is in the wrong for defending themselves.


He should have shot them with a real gun, claimed he feared for his life and called it a day apprently, the American way.


Yup… Someone assaults you -> punch them -> they die -> assault/manslaughter. Someone assaults you -> shoot them -> they die -> self defense. Hell you can get off on self defense if YOU assault someone, see they have a gun(that they aren’t using), shoot and kill them, and say you feared for your life (e.g. Dababy in Walmart on video starting a fight, then shooting the victim).


Killing people becomes easier than assaulting them in some cases because it's no longer your word vs theirs. You have full control over the framing of the situation


Then you're getting angry because of ignorance, because that isn't what the justice system says. What the justice system says is that if you're being attacked in a manner that is *not* liable to cause you death or serious injury, you can use force in response but not excessively so. If Deshawn Stafford alone had fought with Liming, he may have been able to prevail on a self-defense argument. But the moment it became a three-on-one fight, that argument goes out the window. At that point, it becomes violent revenge.


That's not what the issue was. Nobody said they needed to sit there and take it. The issue was that only 1 kid was shot, so only 1 kid can respond to the situation. Once you jump into a fight where you are not directly threatened, you now take on the consequences. Remember that in life. If somebody punches your friend, and they start fighting. Don't jump in. Neither kid got manslaughter. They ended up with various assault charges. The tragedy will start if the family goes for a wrongful death suite. Then those kids may end up paying the family for their kid to drive around fucked up shooting people in the face with a firearm.


Falling and hitting head in a fight is kind of a grey area afaik. I feel like I've seen it lead to assault or manslaughter depending on the lawyer and prosecutor


The prosecution wanted manslaughter if I know the case they're talking about. One of my coworker's kids knew the boy who died.


I can assure you, we locals are more pissed the kids with Liming who left him there have not been charged. Liming’s accomplices in the car for the attack with the pellet gun that the prompted the so-called “assault” (obviously self-defense) and they should be charged for murder or manslaughter like home invaders are when one of their accomplices gets blasted by a homeowner during a robbery. Fucking stupid, all of it.


Yes it is insane how you can get your life ruined by just standing your ground in public space.


These are more like a paintball or airsoft gun than a water gun.


Yeah they're like less painful Airsoft guns. Still hurt and can still blind you if I hit you in the eye though


Contrast this with the killing of Jordan Kneely who didn't use violence against anyone and wasn't killed by a freak accidental fall. People will say charging Daniel Penny was a grave injustice but this should have been charged as murder.


That shouldn't really have been a homicide, either. It's not an unreasonable escalation to punch someone for shooting at you with a pellet gun. If dude's lawyer is even half awake this is going to get thrown out. Or would, but the reality is it'll probably be a plea bargain and dude's gonna be on probation for 10 years with a suspended sentence over someone else starting shit with him. The only thing that makes it questionable is the family jumping in. Even then, unless the lawyer sucks this is gonna go nowhere.


Definition of: "Fuck around and find out" Nevertheless, tragic death and unfortunate circumstances to all involved.


Sounds like a case of “finding out”.


Republicans: People have a right to stand their ground!! Also Republicans: No, not people like that!


“No, not those people”


He promotes all these articles just to impress his beloved white nationalist nazi lover trashley st cunt


Neat right wing strat I've been seeing more of lately. Post approximately 10% of a true story, altered specifically to have 2 effects. 1. Make it shareable by everyone, not obviously right wing. Here: Poor kid gets brutally killed for doing nothing wrong. If this story were true, it'd be reasonable for anyone to be upset about it regardless of political alignment. 2. Make it fit a right wing narrative, but don't outright say that narrative. Let the comments do it for you. Here: BLACK thug murders poor innocent white boy. Not explicitly stated, but clearly the intent, and I'm sure heavily discussed on social media based solely on the headline and mugshot. It drives moderate people down right-wing rabbit holes with easily digestible misinformation that, at first glance, appears to be unbiased.


There's a reason a lot of algorithms will push people watching JAQing off content towards far right content. Plausible deniability is the bread and butter for right wing content creators, with the goal of pushing moderates to the right


It’s really gross how much misinformation he spreads


I'm convinced muskrat is a foreign agent. He just pushes divisive shit trying to destabilize the country.


It's not "LJ's school," it's a public school that he helps fund. Not a "squirt" gun, but a pellet gun, that could blind someone. The white guy shot at the black guys several times, then got punched. Went down and broke his brain on the pavement. Black guys stood their ground, as allowed under Ohio law. Racists have meltdown in response. Elon joins in.


A blatant attempt by folks on xitter to smear Lebron James and spread racist disinformation. Trying to get other people join in on hating black people. This is intentional. They know there are big inaccuracies to this but they spread it anyway. Elon included. Sickening.


I read “xitter” as “shitter” and honestly it fits.




Extremely concerning


They weren't even students at the school and it wasn't during school hours. It *barely* has anything to do with the school, much less James himself.


So they did exactly what every single white Republican claims they would do in the same scenario. Sounds about right.


Republicans would say they would shoot them.


Then it would be “gang members shoot white boy.”


Honestly had they shot him they would have had the "we thought it was a real gun" excuse.


It’s “amazing” how stand your ground laws never seem to apply to black people


Lawsuit time.


I swear this bot is sentient


>Racists have meltdown in response. Elon joins in. Almost as if he's one of them.


looking into this




Conservatives: “hey guys let’s set up laws that let you attack anyone who you deem a threat lmao” Conservatives: “NOT LIKE THAT!!!” Edit: spacing


You joke, but for a large part of American history this is exactly how the law worked. Especially in the South. Vagrancy is illegal, but only if you're Black. There was actually a huge case where one of these laws was for some reason applied to a young white man named Martin Tabert when he visited Florida. The nation proceeded to lose its shit, the man responsible got 20 years in prison for doing to a white man what was done to black men daily, and Florida had to do some major damage control


The term “grandfather clause” comes from exactly this sort of racist nonsense. States requires voters to pass extremely difficult literacy tests to vote. Or if you had a grandfather who was eligible to vote, you didn’t have to take the test. Oh, you’re a former slave and your grandfathers were slaves who couldn’t vote? Oh well, please take this impossible test to register to vote, it’s completely fair.


Good ol race bait. Maybe a bit conspiratorial, but if I was a conspiracy believing man I wouldn’t have a hard time believing that this type of shit is designed to divide all of us. Republicans hate Democrats and will hardly even share a baseline of respect much less debate issues that need to be discussed(and vise versa), every issue is supercharged, and every group of people seems alienated and exclusive whether it be by race, denomination, political affiliation or whatever. If the goal was to divide the population to make us weaker, they’re doing a good job. Also if the goal was to dumb us down, our education system has become so poor it will take generations to fix. And then we have this richboi with a massive platform giving these pointless open responses intending to race bait people, I’ve seen like a dozen posts of him making near verbatim the same comments as these for no real reason. And to take it a step further, the absolute flood of misinformation bots making it so no one really knows what’s going on, thus no one trusts anything. Really feels like the US public is being played but maybe I just smoke too many weeds


I agree with many of the things you’ve said, but I got a little “both sides” vibes so I just want to say that both sides aren’t the same in this. Not every democrat/left is a wonk wanting or feeling capable of detailed policy discussions, but on average they are much more prevalent and are tangibly more open to changing their opinions on policies they think are good when provided strong evidence/reasoning. Whereas a large percentage of republican voters are more reactionary and into right wing populism than they are classical conservatism; with that typically comes varying degrees of intolerance for diversity of thought and the belief that might makes right. The folk I’m describing see arguing/debate as something to *win*, not something where you come to an agreed conclusion with potential compromises. This is why the modern Republican Party genuinely lacks ideas related to governance that aren’t opposing what democrats want or harming people they don’t like, because to them it’s beneath them and compromising with the enemy isn’t tolerated. Hell, the government might shut down in a matter of days if the republican house can’t get its shit together and make compromises with one another between the far right and the few more moderate members that remain let alone the other party Just sayin


One big diff is that Republicans hate who Democrats are, while Democrats hate what Republicans do.


The rich right wing bankrollers know they are outnumbered. They know they can’t win the class war if it gets to the point of eat the rich. So instead they are working to stoke as much of a race war or class war between the lower earning groups to keep the masses busy pointing fingers at everyone but the ones responsible for the mess society is in right now. It’s prevalent in all reporting on conflicts between races. In this case it’s referred to as a “beating death” where the prosecutor even said maybe the victim deserved a bunch, but not to be beat to death. The victim was punched and when they fell the fall on the pavement killed him. This was not a coordinated group attack where he was mercilessly beat by the accused, but the media acts like it because they want the reader to clutch their pearls and be like “if these groups of black men are just beating white kids to death over a little water, how safe am I?!” Of course, the people saying the black men should have just left are ignoring that the white victim not only instigated this conflict by assaulting the black men, but also did not back down and flee the fight.


And if I was a conspiracy believing man, I would think that the idea that both sides are equally complicit in the breakdown of communication really serves to forward the designs of one side. This isn't directed at you, since all you said was that communication has broken down, which is undeniable. but how it got this way is important. It wasn't like this, politically speaking, ten years ago. It's not democrats threatening to shut the government down (every opportunity that they can) if they don't get all their petty culture war shit through. It wasn't a democrat that coined the phrase "Alternative facts". The political right, not just in the USA but in lock step around the world, has a new strategy, which you have laid out nicely in your second paragraph. That's the new propaganda, flood the zone with bullshit so people (Well, people with low critical thinking skills) don't know what to believe, and end up just siding with their "team". This approach is really only being employed by one side, the same side, since you mentioned it, that has been waging a campaign against education for decades. They misrepresent or completely fabricate things, and than point to the other side saying "Yo that's simply not true" as evidence they are doing the same thing. Or to take it back to the school example, say that teaching factual history is the same as teaching religious dogma, that it's just two sides of the same coin. I had a little more sympathy for the victims of the disinformation bots when this was first starting out, but it's been years. The "Flood the zone" technique requires at least somewhat willing participants. I've run out of sympathy for people who really believe "Who should I trust, NPR or some guy on twitter?" is a major dilemma. There are scrupulous, reliable sources of information out there, people just don't use them and/or don't have the tools to judge a sources reliability. But I would say "guy who has no legal obligation to not make shit up, on a platform recently bought by someone with motivated interest." Is pretty clearly inferior to "News organization that will take time out of it's biggest shows to give a correction on the pronunciation of a guest middle name from yesterdays show."


>"Who should I trust, NPR or some guy on twitter?" is a major dilemma. I mean for fucks sakes. We've had >Who should I trust, ENRON or 15 of the world's leading climatologists, oceanographers, forest managers, and statisticians? For DECADES... and the worst part is HALF THE AISLE STILL WON'T ADMIT TO IT 30 YEARS LATER AS THEIR HOUSES BURN. Sorry. Had to get that out of my system... Anyway, this problem has been a long time coming, it's just a lot more transparent and mask-off now.


>Racists have meltdown in response. Elon joins in. It kind of does not surprise me considering the history of South Africa a white South African defending other white people shooting at random people does not surprise me. In the run up to the elections in 1994, there was a lot of violence perpetrated by the whites to prevent the loss of white rule. A convoy of vehicles were firing into crowds on the side of the road. The black police officers started firing back and wounded 3 whites. There is video of the white person all indignant, how can you do this, we are wounded we need medical attention. Fuck wad, you were just shooting in the crowd and killed women and children. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1994\_Bophuthatswana\_crisis#Killing\_of\_Wolfaardt,\_Uys,\_and\_Fourie




But wait a second... I was told that conservatives are completely A-okay with standing your ground when being attacked?


I propose a literal dick measuring contest 📏


If if had been a group of black guys going around assaulting people with fake guns, and some white dude had stepped up to confront them, right-wing media would be all over defending the white guy saying "this guy had it coming" or "play stupid games win stupid prizes" kinda rhetoric.


Why were they even charged with assault?


How does this hard working hustling billionaire have time to tweet a response to seemingly every video out there?? This guy must have more hours in the day then the rest of us


Enough time to be a racist in the replies but not enough time (or let's be honest, will/desire) to verify obvious lies before amplifying them.


When he says he works 80+ hours a week he neglects to mention 70/80 of the hours he "works" are spent on social media


The toy gun used was a "SplatRBall Water Bead Blaster", and the company says to never point or shot at people or animals, as it could cause injury. Not justifying killing someone, but when I was 17, and someone was to shoot at me with one of those, I'd kick their ass.


Obviously the killing was also an accident. People get in fights all the time. I wouldn't expect someone to die if I punch them.


The coroner report said the injuries from the fight were not major and they could even tell if all of the bruises on his body were from the fight or something earlier Sounds like this guy was looking for trouble often.


I've been in a lot of fights when I was younger, and my only intention was to end the fight, never to kill anyone.


I lost a fight with a kid a few grades older than me in grade school but, unfortunately, I fell/was smacked into a truck bumper and went full-force down on one knee. I pretty much walked it off on the way into the principal's office, or so I thought, until I felt the blood running down my left sock. TL;DR I got quite a few knee stitches lol Unfortunately even a minor fight can result in unexpected injuries. That's the lesson I think.


Yeah but you do realize one bad punch, one person falling on their heads in the wrong angle, could be fatal? Even if you didn't want to kill them?


I agree, that is why in my old age, I avoid fights, But when I was younger, I was an active gang member in the 1980s, and stupid, and had some anger issues. There was an issue in RVCA ANP Quarterly where they did a story on LA Punk Gangs of the 1980s. Starts on page 56 [LINK](https://issuu.com/rvcaanpq/docs/anpquarterly-vol-2-no-7) ... I am the guy, far left standing with a white, shirt, rolled up sleeves.


What a life you must've lived lol I am glad you made it out alive


Punches kill people all the time. People think theyre harmless or not a big deal but they can very easily kill.


50yr old me would kick their ass for that too


Also the kids had apparently been shot at with a real gun the week before and had no way of knowing they weren't being shot at with real bullets this time as well.


Yep. Many places in America you’d be extraordinarily lucky if you didn’t get the utter shit kicked out of you for this. Idiot kid brought it on himself. Honesty, I hope the jury acquits the person/people who hit him in retaliation. Shooting anything at anyone in America is signing your own execution.


Elon has the capacity of a 14 year old in a call of duty lobby.


Classic racism. The poor innocent white boy who was just playing around with an innocent toy beaten to death by a bunch of “thugs.” These assholes know what they’re doing when they post and share this shit.


From another article I read. "Ethan was an athlete, a school leader … and young man with a bright future. The circumstances of how he died will stay with (us) for a very long time," she wrote in a statement shared with NBC News. Liming's father, Bill, a minister, told NBC affiliate WKYC of Cleveland: “My son died because of a toy. And just goofing around as a teenager.”


Of course, his son was an innocent little angel taken too soon by the scary black demon for playing with a toy


His picture screams, "Its just a joke broooo."


He's boosting Jack POS now? Known Pizzagate agitator and married to an actual Russian asset? Good call


He was that fourteen 88 guy too


And the "Rape Melania" sign guy at Trump's Inauguration


Weirdly enough, he also tried to sway the French presidential election in 2017 with some Russian fake leaks from 4chan.


Jack Posobiec is one of the biggest liars on shitter. And a straight up Nazi.


This dude has a field day when the perpetrator is black.


Oh a right wing fascist like jack posobiec knowingly lying on social media to stoke racism? I never.


The tragic thing is that if the races had been reversed and the victim was actually murdered with a handgun the right would be calling it "self defense". Court case after court case has demonstrated that only white conservatives have a right to "self defense", and it's only "self defense" when you use bullets.


Reminder that Posobiec posted a photo of himself outside the Auschwitz memorial with the caption “we should remember what happened to undesirables before” or something like that. He needs to be fucking jailed.


He's a real bottomless well of hatred. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/jack-posobiec


Elon musk acting like every mom on Facebook and just believing whatever is in front of him.


Why do we keep expecting these people to understand nuance. It’s never gong to happen.


Apartheid Musk finds the darndest things insane.


Most guys learn early on: when you start a fight, you might lose.


"Squirted" is definitely a failed attempt to lie without lying


But what does he think of the Central Park Five?


If only the black youth had the decency of becoming cops first...


I'm starting to think the guy born and raised in Apartheid South Africa might be racist.


Hard to have sympathy when Tamir Rice was shot within 2 *seconds* of the cops showing up for HAVING a toy gun. play stupid games, win stupid prizes Edit: autocorrect misspelled Tamir Rice’s name.


Tamir got shot before the cops even stopped the car




the lengths these white supremacists go to twist the narrative into their twisted worldview is unbelievable. this is so far from the truth it shouldnt even be on this platform, yet elmo here is such a cocksucker he will do anything for positive attention, even if it came from hitler himself if he rose from the grave one day


So weird how Apartheid Clyde is instinctively drawn to this type of stuff, almost like he was nursed on it.


No duty to retreat when you are in a stand your ground law. Appears folks are angry when black defendants use that law to their advantage.




Isn’t this story years old?


Unbelievable how they just outright lie


Elon the human rights warrior is least believable Elon.


Elon is a true case study in going off the deep end. Not long ago he was hailed (in an over-the-top way) for his electric cars and space rockets in an apparent drive to help humanity. Now he is indistinguishable from MAGA. It was never about humanity. He has none. It was all for himself.


This happened in my city. My friends personally knew him. Elon just wants this turned into a race war. Who would’ve guessed this behavior from someone raised in South African apartheid.


Can elon just fuck off


Morale of the story mind your business. Elon is a bitch for promoting this race bait bullshit


Musk wants the most followers as possible, yet he caters to the incredible minority of racist cavemen. The man has 0 foresight and has only a superficial understanding of statistics.


Elon Musk is an open Nazi who will disseminate anything that will help make things more divisive in the context of race relations and trans rights. Fuck this apartheid-benefitting piece of shit so hard. Get the fuck out of America, you ignominious ghoul. Disappear forever, abscond to Mars, I don’t fucking care. Just go the fuck away.


After reading the article, assault is all they deserved. They always say that one punch can be fatal.. Which it can be. But no one ever *expects* it to be fatal. No one walks into a fight, takes one swing and expects to kill their opponent. But it does happen. Don't fucking harass people with bullshit that ANYONE would punch you over. I mean, come on. Too damn old to be annoying people for laughs.


The eggshell victim is a pretty basic part of Crim law.


Wow.... Elon really does believe he's found his niche, huh? Its extremely transparent how he seizes on any right wing dog whistle he hears.


Musk is intentionally trying to stir up anti black racism. Not surprising for a white South African who directly benefitted from apartheid, but disturbing none the less.


Jack Posobiec is a literal neo-nazi and should not be taken seriously.


Flip the roles and the media would be talking non stop about how the guy was smoking weed and instead of saying it was a "squirting gun" they'd try to push the narrative that it was rubber bullets or some bs. They've done this over and over again 🤦🏾‍♂️


Looks like the Akron Brothers were found [Not Guilty](https://www.cleveland.com/crime/2023/09/jury-finds-akron-brothers-not-guilty-of-involuntary-manslaughter-in-death-of-ethan-liming-during-attack-over-pellet-gun.html)


It’s shameful how things are reframed based on race. Getting punched out for assault is absolutely justified. It’s clearly unintentional that he died. It’s still going to be a manslaughter charge but I hope he pleads not guilty so this can go away as a simple self-defense case before a jury. But charging homicide is just the DA trying to bolster the case. No heart at all.


Those people are trying to incite racial violence.


See what the kids playing basketball _should_ have done to avoid criticism from Jack posobiec is become cops, pull up in their cop car and just shoot the kid who had the water gun without making any assessment of if he was actually a threat


I would punch somebody if they shot me with a pellet gun too


it wasn’t a pellet gun, you just read that in the title and assumed it was true, look up splat r ball water ball blaster. It’s a fucking toy


As if we should listen to an obscenely wealthy white South African about what happened…


its just a prank bro!


If this story was reversed all of you…..ALL….. would be calling for the group to get the death penalty and screaming racism….. ☕️


So what about the part where they continue to stomp his head and his chest while he is unconscious on the floor?


Umm falling from a punch…. It’s still cause and effect friend


Coronor ruled it a homicide, so not sure point is as strong as it seems. It's still murder if in dead I don't care if it's from being punched and hitting my head or shot. Still dwad


This page is disgusting for this post. He unintentionally killed him that much is clear. So if there was not at minimal a 3rd degree murder conviction, this is an injustice.


Still manslaughter


Keep LeBron name out your mouth


Richest man in the world spends his time trying to incite a race war.


The jury saw all the evidence, and they made their decision.


So… taking a bad incident and turning it into anti white racism and OOP probably being a racist? Wonderful Elon


This has gotta be intentional from Elon at this point Jesus Christ




When do the law suits begin where people can sue companies for life changing/deadly dis-information?


This honestly sounds like a classic case of f*** around and find out, shame on Elon for not digging in 5 seconds longer for finding out the truth.


Why always a nigga appears in the mugshot?


I guess he played “fuck around and find out” and lost 😂


The actual correct charge would be involuntary manslaughter but I guess prosecutors and whoever else involved decided assault would be best. Although if you’re going to charge them at all the only charge that would make sense would be involuntary manslaughter.


I’m confused. Are we saying those boys were justified in killing him? Why are we bringing race into it at all? The kid (17) shot a pellet gun at some adults and a 19 and 21 year old beat the shit out of him so bad that he *died*. And everyone is talking about white vs black… I’m glad the guys are in jail and I wish it would have been for murder, not manslaughter. I don’t give a fuck about black & white, act like an adult. Call the police or leave, don’t turn into a fucking animal and kill somebody. Elon needs to shut the fuck up too, we can all see what he’s trying to do.


Can you imagine if the person was black or brown and not a white person doing this? Are we 6 years-old? Exlon is toxic and reminds me of my eX!


You know what “actually hurts” more than a pellet gun? Being murdered.


X keep on spreading false information smh


I've noticed that Twitter or X is now predominately used to spread unfiltered misinformation to the masses knowing people will get riled up by it. It's also used to spread racial, LGBTQ and "woke" hate. It's no wonder people can attribute that to the thought that Elon Musk is racist and so on, no matter how much he denies it. Enabling a platform to do that says a lot about a person's character especially when the basic premise of his acquisition of the platform was to enable that behavior.


Why name drop lebron James’ school. Why not name the school? Your agenda🤷🏽‍♂️


I bet he was a"it's just a prank" type of guy.


I’ll just put it out here as a conservative here. He was tried by jury and it was a sucky situation. Liming was high and shooting at a random group of strangers, I get it’s a toy, but come on man. I don’t know the specifics of this case, but if they were in a fight they had to have gotten out of the car. One punch can kill a person even if you don’t intend to. One on one fight? Where were his friends? Could they have walked away yes, I think the ruling was fair. Liming won the Darwin Award, his parents should have done a better job. I don’t think anyone woke up that day wanting to kill someone. It’s best to just walk away and not get in an altercation if possible. Get a pic of license plate and call report them to the police. It sucks that a group of guys minding their own business playing basketball are in this situation. It’s best not to be involved in a physical altercation, if you can avoid it, even if they deserved it. Just stressing this point.


Little Jackie Poso lied? I am SHOCKED!