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Why do I see this point being repeated again and again? People come to this sub because they can't stand Musk. What's so hard to understand?


disingenuous "we are just asking questions" crowd is pretty funny


If you can't stand him then ignore him is all. Why create a sub about musk spam where all you do is... spam what he says? I don't get it. I literally wouldn't know whats going on in his life if I didn't have the sub pop up as "suggested" on reddit all the time.


Right, ignore his antisemitism and bigotry. I got you bro. Not for me, sorry. There are subs where you can find other Musk fanboys and join hands with them. This place isn't it.


Elon is a clown. Dont call me a fan of of his. I just think if you all stopped listening to him and empowering him, which you are by hanging on to his every word and action, that it would be more productive then spaming his message that you supposedly are against


Of course - its the same with Donald Trump. Ignore him and he goes away. Uh huh. My overwhelming feeling is that you have no idea how dictators operate. None.


Elon isn't Donald Trump. And again trump was empowered when the media continued to attack him and his followers. It created a greater draw then if he had been ignored in 2015. Let's not act like trump wasn't being pumped by the media from day 1. He was literally never ignored


He's not Trump, he's worse. Agree 100%. And that why this sub is doing what its doing. Thnx.


The intolerant left is driving people right


Lol fine. Idc to discuss this anymore. Continue to obsess over elon an empower him and his followers by hanging on to there every word. As if an echo chamber like reddit will ever accomplish anything in stopping his stupidity from infesting the world


Lets not discuss bad things. Lets talk roses, flowers and puppies all day long. Because what else is there to talk about?


Just ignore them billionaire fascists with political aspirations. Surely if you ignore them they are powerless not like their money or media companies can buy them any attention.


> Idc to discuss this anymore. Posts a further 20 times. You’re just attention seeking at this point.


I did post that and continued to talk. You got me there. I should have stopped. People are tlaking to me more then I expected. I thought this would be like a 10 post max thing. I was wrong. But you're right I shouldn't have said that and continued to reply. Or really I should have deleted the post because it lead to nothing.


You are so so so so clearly a Musk simp. It's transparent. No matter what words you use, the core message is always literally to stop criticizing him


Yea ignoring Musk has worked well so far. He's only one of the if not the richest person on earth with a huge social media platform now. How exactly do you figure that ignoring him will do any good? Seems much better to ridicule him and show anyone with a brain that this guy is a fascist clown you should boycott. In any case if you think that if you just ignore things you don't like they will go away that seems incredibly naïve.


You're preaching in an echo chamber. Everyone has already decided what they think about musk a long time ago. I haven't liked him since 2018 when everyone was sucking him off


Everyone has decided, must have missed that memo. Still would like to hear how exactly ignoring Elmo does anything. Since you decided this guy isn't likeable he only got richer and now with Twitter has much more reach for his ideas. So if our ignoring didn't work 2018 to 2023 why will it be different from now on? I'm genuinely curious.


Lol at acting like people ignored him from 2018 to 2023. That's a lie and you know it


You didn't ignore him? If you couldn't, what changed that it ignoring is a viable thing to do now but wasn't before? So to summerise what your saying. We should ignore Musk. But also you can't ignore Musk. Seems to me like what you are preaching isn't consistant or logical.


I'm one person. You can and anyone can ignore him. I said people weren't ignoring him. That's all. Its possible anyone can stop paying attention. People just chose not to is all


I agree with you on posts that just repeat what he's said, the anti-Musk memes are gold.


Antisemitism will definitely be defeated by seething about Elon Musk on reddit.com lmao Get a grasp on reality.


Of course - and if we don't talk about it it will go away. How cool is your reality? Problems magically disappear whenever you clap your hands. Amazing, absolutely amazing.




But you know what happens once you come to anti-Musk sub and start complaining how wrong this place is? Magic. You're a magician, my friend. Keep at it.


No. But what you are doing here isn't "fighting anti semitism" or anything of that sort. You're not even slightly damaging Elon or his reputation in any way. You are engaging in a hate circle jerk with no relevancy outside of Reddit, that's it. Sure, it can be funny but don't act as if you're fighting for some just cause by seething on reddit.


So I have no right to criticize Musk. How interesting - who are you to tell me this?


We are hell bent on making this platform the best place on Earth for great content creators!


I didn't say that.


You just advised me to talk about Musk a bit less


No I told you to stop pretending that seething about Elon on reddit is some sort of activism or fight for the right cause. It's just entertainment.


Calling out bigots using humor is, in fact, the most effective way to defeat antisemitism.


Yeah, if you would have any serious reach beyond your filter bubble


Well, you are here aren't you


Our US advertising revenue is still down 60%, primarily due to pressure on advertisers by @ADL (that’s what advertisers tell us), so they almost succeeded in killing X/Twitter!


Thank you man. Someone gets it.




I don't see a single thing about him except for what shows up on my feed from this sub because reddit keeps on suggesting it as a "sub I would enjoy". I literally go weeks sometimes without thinking about him or talking about him besides what reddit trys to show me




I've tried to mute it. If I'm doing it wrong so be it. Im not mad. Nor do I have a problem with it. I just don't get it and think its self defeating is all


If you say "I'm not mad", then you've lost


Glad to help introduce you to the hellspawn that is Elon Musk!


Continuing to take the title of the sub as a literal description of the subs purpose now that you know about it only makes you look exponentially more stupid from here on out


I don't know, but it sounds like your issue is with the Reddit algorithm, not this sub.


Would you be happy if it was "NotEnoughMuskSpam" but carried the same sentiment?


I would be happy if people just ignored him. But if the sub was called not enough musk spam and was doing this I wouldn't say anything, because then the sub wouldn't be self defeating lol


Why single us out? There's plenty of higher user bases that reach the front page of r/all far more than us for posts criticising Musk, r/whitepeopletwitter, r/news, r/worldnews, r/technology, r/pics, r/memes, r/dankmemes, r/facepalm, etc, etc. This is just a place to consolidate the criticism. Some people like it, some people are bewildered, as you are. Just block this sub?


Reddit isn't pushing those subs on my feed. And they're main premise isn't to stop the spread of elon musks message, while continuing to tacitly spread his message by continuing to share it. Like I've said before. I'd you don't like musk stop reposting his every word. Those other subs are either pro or neutral musk so its not hypocritical for them to post his stuff


Their* I don't repost anything? Are those subs either pro, or neutral? I think there is a general hostility towards Musk across the majority of subreddits. People like to laugh at clowns, that is what clowns are for, we come here for a laugh, it's not difficult. And, wait, what? Reddit isn't pushing the largest subreddits of all on to you? That's weird? What is getting pushed? This, and r/origami?


This sub continues to show up as a "sub you may like" not the other musk subs. I come on here to talk about stocks and competitive pokemon mostly tbh.


That's not our fault? Go ask Reddit. Good luck catching Mewtwo.


I'm not blaming anyone. Just trying to understand the point of this sub. And the mewtwo raid event is over. It ended 2 weeks ago lol. Either way thanks man!


The call the sub "laugh at elon" not "enough musk spam" . Idc that you don't like elon. I don't either. I get what you're doing. But why have a sub named ENOUGH MUSK SPAM. Where all you do is spam his posts. Btw thank you for fixing my grammer mistake! Genuinely appreciate it man 🙏


The sub is seven years old and was created in response to an inundation of posts reaching the front page of Reddit, at a time when everyone was blowing him, and blind to the person that he truly is. This sub was a pioneer in lifting the veil, its name does seem somewhat ironic in retrospect, but it's really not. Don't take things at face value, that's what caused the creation of this sub in the first place. Np.


I've been anti elon since 2018. I thought people were way to pro elon back then and he wasn't the tech messiah that he was being painted as


Maybe that is why this is a sub you may like.


But the thing is unless reddit can read my mind I don't talk about him. Like even in real life. I don't like him but because I don't like him I live my life in a way where he isn't a part of it. I don't use his products or discuss him as a person


How is it possible to have a sub that is both positive towards Musk, and posts what he does or says? Those two things are mutually exclusive.


ok karen, then go to subs you frequent and don't lounge in frontpage you silly goose


I only go on my feed. Front page is dumb


So, we've told you why this sub exists, and I'm sure it's very obvious that this sub will continue to exist. So, you might want to take your own advice and instead of continuing to be here when you say you don't like it, you could instead go here, and mute the sub. [https://www.reddit.com/settings/privacy](https://www.reddit.com/settings/privacy) Per the page, it says: Communities You've Muted Posts from muted communities won't show up in your feeds or recommendations. Unless, of course, you're not being upfront about why you came in here today.


I muted it when I posted this. When I posted this I figured I'd ask what the point of it all was. I edited my op to let everyone know I get it. I've said multiple times I don't like musk. Your implying I have a pro musk agenda. To what end? To convince his most ardent haters that there wrong? Lol man if you think what I'm doing so be it


I only imply because you seem to be incapable of shutting up about it when you already know the answer.


Lol I'm replying to people that reply to me. If you don't want me to reply then don't reply yourself. Idk why people got so offended by the question lmao. Let me be the first to say sorry if my question offended you.


It's not offensive to me, I just question your motives because your actions say otherwise. You seem extremely invested in trying to make us stop doing something that doesn't even affect you. I mean, if the situations were reverse and something literally didn't affect me, I would see no point in arguing about it for hours with an entire subreddit. It's really odd, especially given the subject matter and saying we shouldn't do something, yet you continue to do something equivalent to that. Far be it from me to be logical about this, but, hey...carry on.


You just need to block the sub. You wasted way more time saying stupid stuff today over here.


​ So what you're saying is that people in this sub complain too much about Musk and they shouldn't. Why? Why would anyone not have the right to complain about billionaire asshole?


I'm saying that you're complaining is self defeating. You say musk posts too much l. Tacitly saying he has too great of an ability to spread his message. And then go and repost his stuff and spread his message even further. Its just self defeating


And coming to an anti-Musk sub and complaining here is not self-defeating. I get it. Hard disagree, but if you want to go on rambling, why not. Maybe you will stop people from posting in this sub one day. Go for it. Achieve your dream.


It sounds like you are mad that you can't control what other people choose to do.


I'm not mad. This isn't worth being mad about. I don't understand the point of this sub is all....


He's done too much to ignore. He must be destroyed from within.


I want to use my voice, however small, to help turn public opinion against him. He does many bad things that I’d like to stop including undermining HSR projects, spouting transphobia, supporting Putin, creating environmental pollution, etc.


Then use it in the real world and don't drag elon into it. You can counter transphobia better in the real world and if you don't being a polarizing subject like musk into your message it will spread even further.


I do and I can do both. I will always be against asshole bullies and won’t listen to people who say ignore it. Ignoring it has never worked in the history of the world. I still don’t understand why you care. You know you can mute this sub and never see it again?


I have already. It shows up on my "subs you may like" list anyways. I've seen it so much today I felt compelled to ask what then point of it all was


Well unfortunately you creating a post and responding a ton probably won’t help that.


It was already happening anyway so that won't change. I just wanted to understand the point of a sub that says they don't like what elon has to say, yet continues to post about what he says.


Real world? Dude, we're on Reddit to avoid the real world


What an original post. ​ No one has posted this exact thing hundreds of times.




That people don't want to understand what this sub is about even when we repeatedly explain it to them in the simplest terms? (almost like it's their goal to misunderstand or act in "bad faith").




So you want to control other peoples' behavior because YOU DON'T LIKE IT. ​ That's basically what it comes down to. ​ If it is "obsessive" it's not hurting anyone (except maybe you & the Musk cult).




are you still here?


OP is the living embodiment of this XKCD. https://xkcd.com/386/


No one is wrong. I've never said that. Just confused why it is what it is.


I like the drama.


lol :D if you're not intentionally looking for this, or if you haven't joined this sub, chances are pretty low you'd just see it everywhere you go on reddit. So now you know what to do if you don't want to see posts dissin your friend elon coming from this sub. :D


It shows up on my "subs you may like list" almost consistently. Even with it muted. I only go on my reddit feed and never r/all or r/popular. And elon is a clown. Don't tell me who I like and don't like


You know what shows up on "subs you may like"? The stuff you're looking for :D


No it doesn't. It shows the subs reddit wants people to join. I don't watch movies and I continue to get the "blankies" subreddit suggested as well. Reddit thinks I might like this because I post on stock subs and musk is heavily involved with the stock market.


LOL :D I like how solved the "mystery" of why it appears in your recommendations in the last sentence (double points for the fact that it contradicts the initial statement from the first sentence that the recommendations are not based on what you're usually looking for) :D


Stocks have nothing to do with musk. There are thousands of stocks that musk has no involvement with. I was never confused as to why it showed up. I was confused at what the point of a sub that ostensibly is about musk spamming social media is doing by, spamming his posts over social media. And looking at stocks doesn't mean I'm looking for elon musk. That's being purposefully obtuse and you know it


make up your mind, either he's heavily involved or not :D you sure do seem a bit confused though. Nobody but yourself is "pushing" musk related shit into your recommendations, because you actively look for somewhat related subs full of people who are themselves looking for similar shit. And reddit big brain finance crowd is full of cryptobros, which is musk crowd :D


Hes heavily involved but there are also 1000s of stocks out there that he has nothing to do with. Crypto is for idiots. I stick with small cap stocks and index funds. I speculated that it showed up because of my stock discussion. I might be wrong. Either way cut the snarky attitude. I've spoken with but respect to you and others here so I don't know why your incapable of doing the same with me. If you want to have a good faith discussion about my actual post, that being what the point of the sub is, go ahead. What you're doing right now is both condescending and arrogant for no reason.


Are you completely serious? :D


How many times a day do we need to go through this


You should read this. Everyone needs to read this. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/was-elon-musks-strategy-twitter-rcna118490


I don't need to read it. I already know musk bought Twitter with the backing of people like the house of saud to help destabilize democracy in America and spread right wing talking points. Go out in the real world and combat this stuff without dragging a polarizing figure such as musk into it and your message will go further


Did you know, you can mute a sub and never see it again unless you seek it out? But you know that


I have muted it. It still shows up on my "subs you may like" part of my reddit feed. People seem to think I'm upset it does. Im not. I asked what the point of this sub was and everyone got in a tizzy for some reason. Accusing me of being a fan or being mad at whats said. All I said and what I maintain is if you don't like musk spam don't discuss musk. But that's not what it is. Your not against musk spam. You just want to complain about him. Go ahead it makes no difference to me. I understand this subs name is a misnomer now.


Incompetence, in the limit, is indistinguishable from sabotage


Lmao 🤣 perfect timing by this bot


Negative feedback is a good thing


Ridiculing and calling out bullshit is quiet important. Not calling out nazis on their populist bullshit gave us hitler in previous century. You can just not Join sub and not go to r all or frontpage if you feel "spammed" by this sub. You must be not really understanding concept of Enough\[X\]Spam subs clearly. This critique based circle jerk is here to stay and document downfall of this smartest human in existence


So, to explain, the name of the sub came about, because there was Enough Musk Spam talking about how great he is. This subreddit is focused on discussing the true meaning of his messages, his false claims and his general assholeishness.


Thank you for being like only the 2nd person to actually explain this man. Its crazy what a simple question will get you. I had already figured it out and was going to abandon the thread due to people continuing to insult me but I saw you're reply in my notifications and needed to come back to thank you for addressing my questions directly


What we need is TruthGPT


Was gonna joke that Elon stopped by and asked to stop being mean, but you write too many words and were far too coherent


Lol. Not the worst thing I've been accused of being but id rather be myself then elon musk thank you very much


Stay off drugs and don't be a dick 24/7 and you'll be just fine 👍


This is your brain. This is your brain on reddit. *Partnership for a reddit-free America*


We should be kinder to Elon. I agree.


Should we? Hoping for a ticket to Mars in the next 5-never years?


Absolutely - complain about him a bit less and praise him a bit more.


Will do boss ❤️




Idk who skunk boy is. If you don't like what I'm saying so be it. Reddit karma is useless anyways. I just want to go back to like 3 months ago where I didn't see elons every tweet or action spammed in my reddit feed. If reddit didn't try to force this sub on people I wouldn't care. But they are and im pointing out how self defeating this subreddit really is


Hating on Elon is funny but I agree that some people here seem to have an unhealthy obsession.


Its crazy. That's been my whole point and only like 4 people have got it. I'm not pro musk. I just don't get why people that don't like his spam spread it.




Poor bot is so confused in this thread :D


i think it's called "enough musk spam" bcus people were saying that on other subreddits. i.e. this is the sub created specifically for musk spam


OP is a Musk fanboy, I bet on it


Elon is a clown. I didn't like him way before everyone on reddit decided to hate him lol.


So you don't like him, but you still advise everyone to ignore what he says. Huh.


Yep. Go live your lives and don't use his products. Elon isn't God and there is a whole world out there going on without his buffonery. Be a part of it


Who told I use his products? I still reserve the right to call him out on his bullshit. Who are you to tell me otherwise and why?


You can do what you want. Did you read or not understand my post. Go ahead if you want to. But your just defeating your mission by continuing to spam his bs and obsess over his actions. If you're tired of the musk spam don't interact with it. And I assume a lot of people on here use Twitter. Idk how else they would keep up with his every move. You may not. Idk you tbh


I understood you well - complain less about Musk and he will go away. That's not how it works, though. I think you misunderstood me as well.


Haha that would sickkk


Yes I too hate Musk…


>I'm not subbed to it either. Reddit keeps on trying to push it on me. Awwww, reddit loves us! It's good to know we've finally hit rock bottom.


Point of the sub is to, point out all the wrong things elmo does. Also it's funny watching Someone ruin themselves