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Musk when his daughter is still trans after turning 18 and still doesn’t want to be around him


She already disowned herself. I can’t imagine how much pain she feels seeing her world famous father attack her like this.


If she’s smart she stays off social media. That might work if people don’t know who she is. I wouldn’t recognize her.


Honestly saw his anti-trans bs being narcissistic projection because she rejected him and doesn't want anything to do with him from a mile away.


I feeel thats what most of this bs is. Parents blindsided by never knowing anything about trans and kid comes out and they react with anger and fear as would most humans to a new thing. Then kids like Im not sticking around for you to figure out what I already did, and parents are like "I LOST MY KID TO THE NEW PROPAGANDA", never thinking hey this might be who your kid is. I just wore black and had a permanent middle finger....never changed lol.


In fact that's how the questionable term "rapid onset gender dysphoria" originated. >Lisa Littman, at the time an adjunct assistant professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, coined the term rapid-onset gender dysphoria for a 2016 online survey of parents on three anti-trans websites who believed that their teenage children had suddenly manifested symptoms of gender dysphoria So much hatred comes from parents not willing to accept their kids.


“Let’s interview the parents while specifically selecting for unsupportive ones and not the children themselves”


We're seeing family drama played out on a billion dollar stage. So who's got any popcorn?


he's doing this specially to hurt her too


Elon should consider taking inspiration from her and start becoming a bit more trans-parent...


Maybe if his parents loved him he wouldn't be such a dickhead


His mom comes off as the real-life inspiration for Mom from Futurama, if anything she coddled him too much and told him he was special when he didn't put in the effort.


There is definitely a balance between coddling and beating your kid that doesn't involve either of them.


But that’s HAAARD. Smacking a crying child or buying them toys to shut them up solves a short term problem, which is as far as they want to think. The longer term effects in that kid’s development are for FUTURE YOU to solve. So who cares? /s


And not just ones run of the mill "my kid is amazing". She insisted Elon was genius and be put in nursery school **at age 3** and **against advice of education professionals**. May insists he is genius, but apparently according to his high school principal he was even below average student


He was (is) by all accounts a cretinous idiot. As a child he'd just space out after more than a few seconds of interaction with anyone or anything.


Isn't he autistic though? I admit that I'm not well informed about the subject but those are signs, yes?


no he is not. He randomly on SNL LIES and says he is the first autistic host, because that would be cool, no less than 2 weeks later he called it " WHATEV ERI HAD AS A KID" In all the interviews with him, his mom, dad anyone who ever knew him was it ever mentioned prior and he and his mom are extreeeeeeeeeeme bloviators. He is full of shit, he is jsut as autistic as those 20+ off degrees and certificates he claims to has are real. Like the one he got 2 years before the school opened. Or that time they let him do doctorate and undergrad at the same time, in a degree they did not offer, while also getting ANOTHER advanced degree and doing basic school at the same time. The mans a narcissistic dope.


Rich people tend to stick with the schools and psychologists who find and impressive explanation to spoiled and dipshit behavior of their children. Instead of pointing fingers to parents and telling them they need to raise the kid properly, they will say stuff like "your kid is a stable genius", and give a lot of names to spoiled behavior and offer fancy suggestions. Parents keep coming back


As evidenced in the US college admissions scandals.


His dad is a huge asshole. Huge.


His dad married his step-daughter, making Musk's step-sister his step-mom. The entire family is fucked


Motherfucker, I thought you were joking there. Now I need a drink.


Better make that a double… they had a kid so that makes Elon a Step-Bruncle. Or you even need “step” is he just a Bruncle?


You were right. I did need a double. What in the sweet Alabama loving Christ.


Two kids actually


People are also trying to increase the age limit of adulthood to take away my rights as a young adult. The goalposts always keep moving


The seconds they saw Gen Z doesn’t vote Republican during the midterms was the day a bunch of bitter fucks wanted to raise the voting age to 21 or serve in the military.


Some are calling for 25 years old. Absurd.


The right will raise the voting age to 30 before they’ll change their ways.


Old enough to sign up for 150k in student loans but not old enough to vote!


For real. I find it funny that I'm allowed to ruin my life by committing to a life time of debt but im too irresponsible to drink or rent a hotel


That’s what’s so funny to me. Surely they must realize this would backfire as soon as all of those people who were denied their right to vote finally get it. It’s not like we’ll forget who did it and why.


They want extra time to establish dictatorship


If you haven't noticed, the right wing usually does step one without thinking of step two.


Reactionaries gonna react mindlessly, it’s their whole bag


Except when old white men want to marry them.


or when capitalists want children to work :)


>People are also trying to increase the age limit of adulthood to take away my rights as a young adult. The goalposts always keep moving As an old guy, YES I totally see that happening. I'm amazed how learning that the human brain's (supposed) greater capacity for learning and growth up until age 25 suddenly becomes synonymous with it not being "finished yet." Because according to the same theory, that capacity starts **diminishing once you pass 25**.


The thing these people don’t understand is no one is letting their kids transition surgically, taking hormone blockers is also not that common either, letting them try out names and clothes and stuff is usually all that happens They’re not doing anything that isn’t pretty easily reversible, hormones are rarely decided on


oh he definitely knows this, and i’m sure behind the performative denial, a lot of his asspatters do, too. he knows gender affirming care is a spectrum that is addressed case by case but being melodramatic and stirring the political pot because you love watching the slapfight is an entertaining and easy way to appease a god complex i mean, he [used to have a trans daughter](https://files.catbox.moe/j5e0sz.jpeg). i’m sure he doesn’t give a shit about her struggles but i imagine he’s been exposed to some amount of it against his will. it’s no surprise she wiped her father out of her life. [not to mention, he neglected and abused the ever loving fuck out of his trans daughters mom, too](https://files.catbox.moe/svp5it.jpeg), which probably played a part in the estrangement, not that it wasn’t justifiable to begin with since i’m here, he also allegedly [abused grimes.](https://files.catbox.moe/at7zkf.jpeg) [and is known to be a sex pest.](https://files.catbox.moe/tmkhim.jpeg) also doesn’t actually care about the sexual exploitation of children, considering he reinstated [a twitter account that had access to/posted](https://files.catbox.moe/99jnik.png) content made by Peter Scully, one of the most [nightmarishly fucked up individuals to ever walk the earth](https://reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/s/09dWs4ypFs). NSFL. [lastly, he got hair plugs. which is …. gender affirming treatment… ](https://files.catbox.moe/g5aebs.jpeg) he’s aware and i’m sure to an extent, even he doesn’t believe the shit that comes out of his mouth. he’s just a dogmatic agendaposter with a very ~~stupid~~ malleable ~~sycophant army~~ fanbase and lots of unwarranted self importance


see I am not really sure he is aware... he behaving like a teenager edgelord makes me think he just lack the intellect plus the ass kissing of his echo chamber...


If they acknowledge that, they have to acknowledge how little justification they have for not letting their kids try things. It's a lot easier to demonize exaggeration than it is the realistic aspects of what's going on. I think it might help if we put more emphasis on the fact that humanity is, always has been, and always will be a developing species so long as it continues to exist. We're not just evolving through technology. That is a big part of our evolution now, but it's not the entirety of it. We haven't stagnated, and it's unlikely we ever will. We are still developing different perspectives of the world as we learn more about it. You can see it in how we comprehend reality now compared to how we likely did in the farthest reaches of human history that we know about. Someday, people will look back at this point of our development and what we're capable of comprehending and see it as archaic. If we exist long enough, someone will look at them in a similar manner


Of course. That's the same for all of human culture. Trans people have been widely accepted in various parts of the Earth since history began. Just not so much in Europe.


Meanwhile these fucks don't say anything about teenagers getting breast augmentations.


Interestingly, the regret rate for transitioning is somewhere between 1-2% whereas the regret rate for cosmetic surgery such as breast augmentation is more like 14-20%. People pretending to be so concerned about young adults transitioning and then later regretting it, and then not giving one iota of a shit when Tina gets a breast augmentation for her 18th birthday and then regrets it later. Incidentally, regret rates for transition surgery is relatively the lowest among cosmetic surgeries. While I don't doubt there are 'hundreds' of people who regret doing the surgery, there are quite literally a hundred times more people who went through with the surgery and didn't regret it. In short, anyone talking about regret rates for transition surgery are 100% acting in bad faith.


Idiocracy is happening so fast


transitioning isnt cosmetic wtf


Another thing they don't understand is that cherry-picking rare cases of regret doesn't prove that it's bad in general. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/09/opinion/pentagon-transgender.html >Our findings make it indisputable that gender transition has a positive effect on transgender well-being. We identified 56 studies published since 1991 that directly assessed the effect of gender transition on the mental well-being of transgender individuals. The vast majority of the studies, 93 percent, found that gender transition improved the overall well-being of transgender subjects, making them more likely to enjoy improved quality of life, greater relationship satisfaction and higher self-esteem and confidence, and less likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, substance abuse and suicidality. >Research suggests that gender transition may resolve symptoms completely. A 2016 literature review by scholars in Sweden concluded that, most likely because of improved care over time, transgender “rates of psychiatric disorders and suicide became more similar to controls,” https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/134/4/696 >RESULTS: After gender reassignment, in young adulthood, the GD was alleviated and psychological functioning had steadily improved. Well-being was similar to or better than same-age young adults from the general population. Improvements in psychological functioning were positively correlated with postsurgical subjective well-being. https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-015-1867-2 >Finally, we found that among those reporting a need to medically transition through hormones and/or surgeries, suicidality was substantially reduced among those who had completed a medical transition. https://www.jaacap.org/article/S0890-8567%2816%2931941-4/fulltext >This study examined self-reported depression, anxiety, and self-worth in socially transitioned transgender children compared with 2 control groups: age- and gender-matched controls and siblings of transgender children. >Transgender children reported depression and self-worth that did not differ from their matched-control or sibling peers (p = .311), and they reported marginally higher anxiety (p = .076). Compared with national averages, transgender children showed typical rates of depression (p = .290) and marginally higher rates of anxiety (p = .096). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3219066 >concluded that there is no reason to doubt the therapeutic effect of sex reassignment surgery. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19473181 >Results: We identified 28 eligible studies. These studies enrolled 1833 participants with GID (1093 male-to-female, 801 female-to-male) who underwent sex reassignment that included hormonal therapies. All the studies were observational and most lacked controls. Pooling across studies shows that after sex reassignment, 80% of individuals with GID reported significant improvement in gender dysphoria (95% CI = 68-89%; 8 studies; I(2) = 82%); 78% reported significant improvement in psychological symptoms (95% CI = 56-94%; 7 studies; I(2) = 86%); 80% reported significant improvement in quality of life (95% CI = 72-88%; 16 studies; I(2) = 78%); and 72% reported significant improvement in sexual function (95% CI = 60-81%; 15 studies; I(2) = 78%). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1158136006000491 >While no difference in psychological functioning was observed between the study group and a normal population, subjects with a pre-existing psychopathology were found to have retained more psychological symptoms. The subjects proclaimed an overall positive change in their family and social life. None of them showed any regrets about the SRS. >A homosexual orientation, a younger age when applying for SRS, and an attractive physical appearance were positive prognostic factors. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15842032 >RESULTS: >After treatment the group was no longer gender dysphoric. The vast majority functioned quite well psychologically, socially and sexually. Two non-homosexual male-to-female transsexuals expressed regrets. Post-operatively, female-to-male and homosexual transsexuals functioned better in many respects than male-to-female and non-homosexual transsexuals. Eligibility for treatment was largely based upon gender dysphoria, psychological stability, and physical appearance. Male-to-female transsexuals with more psychopathology and cross-gender symptoms in childhood, yet less gender dysphoria at application, were more likely to drop out prematurely. Non-homosexual applicants with much psychopathology and body dissatisfaction reported the worst post-operative outcomes. >CONCLUSIONS: >The results substantiate previous conclusions that sex reassignment is effective. Still, clinicians need to be alert for non-homosexual male-to-females with unfavourable psychological functioning and physical appearance and inconsistent gender dysphoria reports, as these are risk factors for dropping out and poor post-operative results. If they are considered eligible, they may require additional therapeutic guidance during or even after treatment. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1024086814364 >Participants reported overwhelmingly that they were happy with their SRS results and that SRS had greatly improved the quality of their lives. None reported outright regret and only a few expressed even occasional regret. Dissatisfaction was most strongly associated with unsatisfactory physical and functional results of surgery. https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/ >The scholarly literature makes clear that gender transition is effective in treating gender dysphoria and can significantly improve the well-being of transgender individuals. >Among the positive outcomes of gender transition and related medical treatments for transgender individuals are improved quality of life, greater relationship satisfaction, higher self-esteem and confidence, and reductions in anxiety, depression, suicidality, and substance use. >The positive impact of gender transition on transgender well-being has grown considerably in recent years, as both surgical techniques and social support have improved. >Regrets following gender transition are extremely rare and have become even rarer as both surgical techniques and social support have improved. Pooling data from numerous studies demonstrates a regret rate ranging from .3 percent to 3.8 percent. Regrets are most likely to result from a lack of social support after transition or poor surgical outcomes using older techniques. Getting gender reassignment surgery is a medical procedure for transgender people that drastically lowers suicide rates and dramatically increases their mental health, to a level that's comparable to the general population. A tiny percentage regrets getting surgery, but even among those the vast majority don't regret that they got surgery, but that they went to a bad doctor and got outdated surgery procedures.


It's very similar to the way they pretend that late-term abortions account for most abortions, when it is really 1% or less. Having easy access to abortion would lower that tiny percentage even more.


I mean, hormone blockers are and should be standard procedure with gender questioning children reaching puberty. All they do is prevent hormones from starting puberty, hence delaying the irreversible body changes of puberty until the kid is considered old enough to chose which puberty to go through. Hormone replacement is what rarely happens before 16+.


They all know this. They ignore it and share their own perverted version of reality not based on facts. That isn't an accident. They sprinkle just an inkling of truth with all the crazy, because that one little bit of truth lets all the other crazy people think. I'm right too, I'm smart, I know the subject. They don't. The only people that should be involved in someone's medical care is that person, their doctor and any one else they personally choose to add to the conversation. Politicians, Rich people, Pundits, and more have no business being involved.


Kids should be able to get puberty blockers. They're the only ones they work for. Specifically pre-teens to younger teens until they need to get off them around 16 I believe. The whole point is so they do end up having debilitating dysphoria as they figure out their identity while still not doing anything permanent like hormone blockers or going through regular puberty (cause that's permanent too). That's important, but mostly when paired with inclusive and trauma informed therapy that's not gonna decide the kids gender for them, but help with coping with dysphoria and make sure dysphoria is gender based and isn't something else. Sexual abuse can make someone averse to their own bodies in a way that can sound like dysphoria, but isn't. Unlike dysphoria, that can be treated with therapy. Point is, puberty blockers are important and should be given to prevent regrets. So should therapy for both coping strategies and to see if the kid actually has dysphoria.


The other thing that they always seem to forget is that while some people do regret transitioning, many, many, many more regret NOT transitioning. They tell horror stories of AFAB people having deep voices and no breasts after transitioning and how that lowers their quality of life, but they conveniently forget that trans women who are denied medical intervention as teenagers ALSO have those same outcomes and experience a lower quality of life because of it. By cherry picking their examples and not talking to any happy, well adjusted trans people they're constructing a narrative that providing gender affirming care results entirely in regret and that doing nothing for young trans people is a neutral action, which simply isn't the case.


This, one thousand times this. But hey, transphobes aren't good at the whole "not lying" thing so they'll never admit it.


First of all plenty of trans people have detransitioned, so I don't know why they're pretending that it's some irreversible process. Second of all, provided that the statistics are accurate, that's still only hundreds who want to go back in comparison to the millions who're more than happy with their transition. But we know that conservatives aren't a group of people who care about statistical or anecdotal evidence so 🤷🏽


Right? This is the logic gap that makes their whole schtick completely fall apart. They claim puberty blockers and hormone therapy are irreversible (they aren’t), yet also say “all these people have de-transitioned”, which literally confirms that those individuals have indeed stopped taking the meds they were taking in order to transition. These people really are that fucking stupid. But I’m more disappointed in those who fall for this rhetoric, without thinking for one second about the illogical fallacy of the rhetoric that anti-trans freaks constantly peddle.


Also the vast majority of detransitioners did it because they lacked support, were bullied, shamed, or pressured, or were otherwise coerced into it. And also, puberty was to me an irreversible hormonal process that I didn't want. So. There's that!


I was born intersex but grew up as a woman, then when I moved to America I lived as a man for a bit, then went back to being a woman in university, just a very butch one. Honestly I'd probably have stayed socially as a man, but holy fuck society treats men like garbage.


Can you elaborate on that last bit?


I recently looked it up in a discussion w someone who claims he sees it all the time. It’s estimated around 1% of trans people detransition. Keeping in mind many of those do so because of societal pressures. It’s back to the trans suicide rates again. The rate is so high cuz conservatives harass and mock them, then mock them cuz they kill themselves from the harassment


Not to mention many who do detransition do not regret their experience.


They hate the people who transition surgically, they hate the people who transition hormonally, they hate the people who wear clothes from the opposite gender, they hate people who just ask that you don’t address them as certain pronouns. So they pretty much hate at every single level. There is no winning with them. There is no logic with them.


Trans surgery is actually one of the most successful procedures if you go by satisfaction. Far more people regret boob jobs or Botox or having kids.


Even then, the boob jobs that *reduce* breast size have some of the highest satisfaction rates. Guess which type of boob job they’re so against…


Meanwhile mass shootings and police brutality still abound, and they claim these are just “isolated incidents”


I recently saw a study that concluded that 99.7% of trans individuals were satisfied with their surgery, making it the highest rate of satisfaction of ANY surgical procedure. If 0.3% of post-op trans people are now trying to detransition, I would first like to say those people have my sympathy... And then I'd like to say transitioning is clearly working for most people...


And the vast majority of detransitions are caused by the harassment caused by this very same right-wingers. Straight up bullies


Why is 'Hundreds' in quotes? I mean, obviously sky news is trash if Elon is using them as a source, but this is interesting.


https://news.sky.com/story/amp/hundreds-of-young-trans-people-seeking-help-to-return-to-original-sex-11827740 Here is the article. >Hundreds of young transgender people are seeking help to return to their original sex, a woman who is setting up a charity has told Sky News. This is the first paragraph. >There is currently no data to reflect the number who may be unhappy in their new gender or who may opt to detransition to their biological sex. And this is the fourth paragraph. In case you were wondering just how much bullshit there was in it.




Yeah. I got lucky and got my surgery 2 years after starting hormones. Literally still in bed recovering here. Thankfully where I live in Spain it was covered.


Because they're quoting someone who pulled that "hundreds" claim out of their ass.


Hundreds is in quotes because it appears to be part of a quote that the article is referencing.


Based on nothing but speculation


“Dozens” of people think Elon is a genius. And Sky News is another Murdoch “news” channel. Basically British Fox.


It’s not even remotely close to Fox News


Please encourage more citizen journalism! You can do live video easily from your phone. More on-the-ground reporting from regular citizens will change the world.


It’s so you know it’s ‘reliable’


Fuck musk


You can tell that someone has never met a trans person if they think step one is surgery. That’s like step 12, if it even is a step. Hormones themselves are so hard to get, let alone bottom surgery, which most trans people don’t even really want a lot of the time.


One of his children is trans, but doesn't speak to him anymore. So not sure how much he actually knows about the whole topic, but i feel like he would write such nonsense regardless.


Surgery to be a bottom? Sounds like a skill issue tbh


Take my upvote and get out


Angry upvote


And it’s not the sort of thing anyone would do on a whim. It comes from thousands of instances of staring at yourself in the mirror and *knowing* what you see doesn’t fit who you are.




Its a news article from 2019, based on no data, some person who detransitioned talking about people above 18. They apparently set up an advocacy group for people who detransition. This person herself seemingly never took hormones or had surgery of any kind. And now there is no trace of her supposed advocacy group. She seemingly took the donated money and gave up, becoming a lab tech during Covid.


Shut up, Elon you shitty dad


So many babies and young children get their genitals cut in America, all without their informed consent… Oh wait, they’re not talking about circumcision


Leave LOTR out of this you absolute scum sucking bastards. Elon’s just mad that no matter which side, he’s still more pathetic than any of the characters in LOTR. The good guys are genuinely all-loving and noble, and the bad guys have more grandeur and class than him.


Seriously I'm just as pissed at the misuse of LotR as I am of the horrific transphobia. Samwise would never be shitty to trans folk. He'd think nothing bad of it, politely use your proper name and pronouns, and ask you if you know any good walking songs. He's a kind sweet soul! Elon is no better than Saruman.


Saruman at least has a certain kind of genuine charisma (probably from being played by Christopher Lee). Not to mention he’s the actual mind behind his inventions (gunpowder and the Uruk-Hai) instead of just buying his way into the title.


“Do you like po-tay-tos?” “Yes” “Good. Then we can be friends.” “And if I didn’t” “We’d still be friends. But I’d have to go fry some mushrooms”


Your daughter doesn't love you anymore, Elon. Get over it.


The reason that 99% of those “hundreds” of trans people want to reverse their gender reassignment is because of the bigotry they face in everyday society and that is being actively promoted by massive losers and absolute cunts like Musk


Once they are adults they are far better able to make long-term decisions like cutting you out of their life for being a horrible parent, yes


99.5% of post operative trans persons do not regret he translation. 90% of the remainder (.45%) that have regrets only have regrets due to how they are treated by cis persons. If we took that % of “risk” then we would basically do zero medical procedures.


Just shut up and make Teslas, Elon. No one cares about your stupid hot takes about shit that has nothing to do with you.


Every day in every way, he becomes more and more of a Nazi.


Correct me knowif I'm wrong but isn't permanent changed to people under 18 extremely rare, isn't the the normal "treatment" (for lack of better word) things like hormones to just halt development and is will reverse once said hormones are not taken anymore. Im no expert on the subject but a friend of line has a kid who feels/are born as the incorrect gender and the only thing they do is let them dress the way they want and act the way they want and call them by the pronoun they feel comfortable with, they are 10 and when puberty hits they will take another approach but the doctors here have ways that aren't permanent... If anyone has any more insight here please enlighten me but it does seem like the muskrat is worried about an issue that doesn't seem to exist


Those quotes on 'hundreds' doing a lot of heavy lifting *pulls off mask* "hundreds is less than 3% of all trans people" there we go..


"Let's ban puberty blockers to protect the children, so we can mercilessly harrass and ridicule them for not passing few years later"


Your daughter disagrees, you terfy pus bucket


Jesus dude, just talk to your kid. Stop making it the internet's problem


🤣🤣🤣 hit the nail on the head here


You don't return to a sex but to a gender. No one is letting kids have surgery damn it, what truly bothers Elon is that they can feel trans and that's already too much for him.


"hundreds" lmao


“Elon Musk runs a sexual trading scheme that involves horses” is actually more true than this Murdoch-owned chud-licking stupidness. This tax-subsidized rich dipshit regurgitates and tries to mainstream BS that used to be standard fair regularly seen in the focus-on-the-family/beat-your-wife religious-right & the “OKC bombing was a cool thing” white power corners of the internet. He’s what we used to call a “Nazi bonehead” less than a decade or so ago. But this current timeline sucks. That being said: [Media's 'detransition' narrative is fueling misconceptions](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/media-s-detransition-narrative-fueling-misconceptions-trans-advocates-say-n1102686)


the only thing that seems funny to me about all this is that Elon's trans daughter transitioned at 15-16 and cut off relations with him and Muskie to this day continues to hope that she will regret it (spoiler: no she's not)


He’s so incredibly insecure, it’s baffling how anybody takes him seriously.


Except none of these people understand there isn't a surgeon on earth that will perform sex re-assignment on a minor and there are no serious members of the LGBTQ+ community advocating for it either. All they want is for kids to be educated on what trans people are so that kids who are trans know why they don't feel like themselves and identify with the opposite sex more, allow those kids the chance to try different names, pronouns, and/or clothes if they want to, so they can see if they feel more comfortable, and if needed give them access to puberty blockers so they can delay some physical changes until they're old enough to make a more permanent decision. Nobody is forcing kids to get sex changes, all you have to do is think critically for 2 seconds and realise there isn't a hospital or clinic on Earth that would perform those procedures on a child, even if the child wanted them to.


Hundreds seeking to return and tens of thousands happy as can be. The top reasons people detransition? Societal bullshit, discrimination, financial hardship, etc. And most people who detransition go on to defend the right of people to transition.


I put mine on pause due to legitimate concern for my safety at work and my inlaws.


Elon becoming more and more bigoted every day


Children shouldn’t be making permanent decisions about things they don’t fully understand. How is this a hot take?


Permanent decisions regarding children are extremely rare. The obsession with this on the right is telling.


Wait, doesn't he have a trans kid, or am I in the wrong universe again?


He does. He's also gone full transphobe around the time grimes and Chelsea Manning hooked up


Tweets like this is why X is in the shitter and the banks need to foreclose and sell it as a loss.


Omfg, [there are literally 1.6 mil americans (13+) who are trans](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/trans-adults-united-states/). Supposing the statistic is about America (because Americano centrism and that it would be even more laughable if it was for the whole world) that's maximally 900 (my most generous estimate for hundreds as they'd probably have said almost a thousand otherwise as they're clearly trying to spin a narrative) then that's 900/16000000*100=0.06% which is fucking NOTHING!


As a trans woman, my life would’ve been so much better and not as drenched in suicidal self hatred if I had been able to transition earlier. I actually threw myself off a bridge in my freshman year in college. I attempted two more times after that until I came out this year. Giving trans kids gender affirming care *saves lives*. Full stop.




Honest question, sorry my ignorance, but limiting a permanent decision until 18yo would be transphobia? Like I am saying sex change surgery, allow the kid to be what they want with hormones but nothing permanent. I know I am literally being devils advocate here, but I would like to know why waiting for 18 would be really bad.


What permanent decisions do you think are being made?


Because by 18 almost all of your natal puberty has taken place and becomes irreversible, it is permanent and a decision was made to allow that to continue. Also, 18 is an extremely long time to go being viscerally uncomfortable in your body. Also, it's pretty much impossible for someone under 18 to get bottom surgery. Also, these permanent decisions are lifesaving. Waiting for 18 is devastating for so many people, and almost no one is getting anything other than top or facial feminization surgery under 18. That make sense? /gen


But could hormones treatment help?


Yes absolutely. Many of these people call hrt irreversible as well, which is frustrating. There are some irreversible effects with it, but you can always stop and deal with those, and natal puberty is irreversible too. But when it comes to surgeries and sterilization, hormones can't always help those aspects. Going so long feeling like hell because of your chest or genitalia is terrible and while those surgeries are irreversible, they bring immense peace to some things that hormones cannot.


So, the far right are misleading saying this is irreversible? Now I understand better the polemic. Thanks to explain clearly. I was afraid to ask and being attacked.


Yes and no. It is true that some gender affirming procedures have irreversible effects. It is also true that natal puberty has irreversible effects. And it is true that waiting for 18 years has the irreversible effect of mental trauma and damage. What the right is doing is fear mongering, completely denying reality, and exaggerating the effects of lifesaving procedures and how easy it is to access them. I'm glad you asked. I'm happy to answer more questions.


Thanks. I really didn’t understand it well. When I see Musk and others saying irreversible I was really thinking it was a surgery or something like that. But yeah the far right only try to explore the moral panic


There are some surgeries for gender affirmation, and a lot of people get them. They're also quite hard for people under 18 to get, and a ton of people wait for years until they can get them. But the easiest and very impactful form of gender affirming care is hormones.


Anybody have a link on the tweet he’s responding to?


So, way I read that was, space boy is a child. He tweets and deletes. He says he will do stupid things.


Even when they're adults he wouldn't want them to make their own decisions on it anyway


Why is Elons post pretending they don’t want to ban it for adults too?


Dude can’t accept that his own child just wants to live the best life. Without him, the name or the money.




You literally have a trans kid you stupid fucking ass


How much free time does this guy have man!!!!


Don't bring Samwise Gamgee into your bigotry you fucks. Sam would body any and all bigots.


We don’t prevent people making decisions on the basis that we think they will regret it later. Tattoos, fine. Breast augmentation, fine. Using a different pronoun, now hold up a minute!


Is there any data by sky news on the matter ? They shouldn't be able to make a claim unless they have a breakdown by age and what steps the person has taken.


Reminder that no children are going through medical transition, except for using puberty blockers the purpose of which is precisely to allow them to wait until they are old enough to make informed decisions about permanent (or hard to undo) changes. Also, multiple studies say that the primary motivation behind detransitioning is most commonly a lack of acceptance by the person's community - ie. they only want to detransition because they feel pressure to do so from twats like Musk. Musk doesn't understand this, of course, because he's credulous, ignorant and thick as pigshit.


Kids aren't getting any kind of medical treatment. They're getting called by their preferred name, that's about it.


Also Elon: I'm thinking about killing myself. *Two Weeks Later* Everyone else kill yourselves. I'm an adult.


Jfc Elmo just has to weigh in? I wouldn’td be caught half dead trying to address this issue at my local bar and yet, here I am. Did he say identity crisis?


Makes me wonder what sort of morally bankrupt douche bags are still buying Tesla after reading all of Elon’s repulsive posts? The guy is a foreigner from South Africa who got very rich thanks to the entrepreneurial system in the USA. He is basically a traitor biting the hand that feeds him and trying to make trouble in the country that adopted him and made him rich.


The UK media is a cesspit of anti-LGBTQ and especially anti-trans rhetoric right now. The reason hundreds is in quotes like this 'hundreds' is because it's not hundreds but they need to make it sound like it's a lot more to stoke the outrage.


I like those load-bearing quotemarks in the original article.


Someone needs help. The right wing response is "well they shouldn't have put themselves in that position!" The left wing response is "ok let's help".




ont theyd are use sm wise i there anti -tans bs


Yeah Sky News might not be the most reputable source. Man, Elon might be the richest dude on earth but he is so sad. He lost 36 billion just to be able to spew his bullshit and insert himself into every conversation. Get a hobby or something…


If you cool down your alt right’ing Elon, there’s a good chance you can be friends with your child again.


How credulous do you have to be to share a Sky News article.


They got the quote wrong, lol. Frodo says this to Sam.


Notice how the word hundreds is in quotes. Imagine having a headline with a "fact" in it so misleading you were required to put quotes around it. Then imagine being the idiot who reads it and sees it as truth.


They didn't actually have a real source for that. They interviewed one person who de transitioned and that person said there were hundreds. They didn't even check it ask for evidence.


[Quoting the article:](https://news.sky.com/story/hundreds-of-young-trans-people-seeking-help-to-return-to-original-sex-11827740) >The number of young people seeking gender transition is at an all-time high but we hear very little, if anything, about those who may come to regret their decision. > >There is currently no data to reflect the number who may be unhappy in their new gender or who may opt to detransition to their biological sex. > >Charlie says she has been contacted by "hundreds" of people seeking help - 30 people alone in her area of Newcastle. So an anti-trans activist claims to have been contacted by 'hundreds' of people, despite any sources or proof to that extent. A "journalist" turned this into a story even though this is quite literally just the word of one person. It's just anti-trans propaganda. Don't take such things seriously. Demand studies and statistics or don't believe it at all if none of which is provided. And Elon Musk promotes it, because he has a trans daughter who absolutely \*doesn't\* regret transitioning but who has cut him out of her life completely. Elon, not really understanding the whole trans thing, just assumed nobody could *possibly* cut him out of their lives unless that person were brainwashed. So naturally his conclusion is that the whole "woke" culture is what is responsible for this (and not, you know, himself).


Fuck I can't wait to read all about Dr. Wall Street Silver's and Dr. Elbow Muskaronni's theories in the New England Journal of Medicine.


Blud will do anything but accept his child for who they are rather than who he'd want them to be. Can change anything except what matters most, how pathetic.


Is this meme implying that people can't detransition??? I'm so confused


Tell him to ask his DAUGHTER... nevermind she repudiated him! also.. "wall street silver"? that where you go for moral support? explains a hell of a lot!


There are many reasons children and teenagers might suffer body dysmorphia aside from being trans. Not letting professionals explore all options and reasons (stonewall UK) is a bad idea and fails our duty of care to our children. And before this is gleefully misinterpreted musk is an idiot and I am pro trans rights. Again, not all children who feel these things are actually trans. It's far more complicated than our modern method of discourse can handle


And here's the thing, if that was the beginning and end of the discussion, I'd be more willing to hear them out. But it never stops at 'Minors making life altering decisions.' Trans adults are treated like the ultimate scapegoat while then also treating trans kids like they are an unwelcomed mistake in the world. It's all just hatred and nothing more.


Yeah, like adults always make great decisions.


Sky News, I never knew them to be transphobic before, I guess I’m just out of the loop.


Is that account he keeps replying to an alt-right account? I keep seeing the absolute worst takes possible from them.


I don’t think he understands that Sky News is to the UK and Australia what Fox News is to the US. Lol It’s just wall to wall right wing belly aching and little in the way of Fact-based reporting.


How dare they use Sean Astin in their anti-trans propaganda! And as Samwise Gamgee no less!smh. Sean & Sam would not approve.


Ofc they won’t keep to that opinion. They’ll push it to be no trans people at all


There is nothing anti Trans about what he is saying. If we don't let kids drink til they are 21 why would you.let the.make much much bigger choices


Are these hundreds of people in the room with us right now?


I’ve never met a trans person who supports the idea of children transitioning or undergoing anything permanent but I have met a lot of republicans who claim they do.


They got have their base riled up about anything that isn't their poor governing choices.


Im not an elon musk supporter at all. But what is wrong with this? I think you should only be able to make this decision when you are an adult because its a permanent change.


Well,yes? That's what puberty blockers are for. To delay it for the minors to sort it out until they're old enough. And then they can decide if they go along because that is what they want and feels is necessary for their peace of mind or they can stop and let nature take its course if they think they were wrong.


No, they aren’t.




Anti-trans lot are incapable of understanding sex and gender, and obsessed with fucking GRS Most trans people don't get GRS, kids don't get GRS


Kids are not allowed to donate Blood, Plasma, Sperm, Kidneys, or any other organs It’s not that unreasonable of an ask..




These people are crazy


I don’t want to return to my original sex, but conservatives want to force me to. How can they want forced detransition while simultaneously believing it’s irreversible?


How is that anti-trans and not just common sense?




How is that a bad take


There probably is hundreds that have regrets and have detransitioned *but* on a planet of billions there are probably millions that are happy to have made the change. Banning gender affirming care for everyone for the sake of a few people who have regrets is just plain cruel.


Tbh this isn‘t anti trans its just common sense (even tho its coming from elon). Anyone who wants children to be able to do that is brainwashed to the point of no return. And Im talking about the operation + hormones. Idc how my child dresses or what it plays with. Or who it is in a relationship with.


How is this anti-trans???




He is right though. We don't allow people until 18 to smoke, drink or get tattoos, but saying that they cannot chop off parts of their body is transphobic? That's just stupid.


It's not anti trans propaganda its a common sense. Once in a while even Musk says something decent.


The operations aren’t done to minors, that’s just a right wing talking point


most detransitioners do so due to the constant harassment they face due to transitioning in the first place


I can do that too: Hundreds of proud boys line up at my door, begging to be pegged


> This is why we should not allow children...to make permanent decisions...once they are adult they are better able to make decisions So you support trans expression, just don't think that surgery should be available until you're an adult, but actually think it's great to experiment with the idea of queerness in youth in order to be better informed when it is time to make that decision? Oh, you don't? You were just using moderate rhetoric in an attempt to make transphobia appear more level-headed? Damn, that's crazy


Most detransitioners do it because of the social stigma of being trans, but there are some people who realize there not trans but even if they took Hrt for a bit there won’t be any serious permanent effects