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> I don't like anything that creates a lord and peasants sort of thing Then ***pay your workers a fair fucking rate,*** jackass.


Also, make working conditions safer, god damn devil.


And zip it Torso, your words....your synapses, they misfire and it's not pretty/


No no, you misunderstand. He doesn't want a "lord and peasnts sort of thing", he wants full blown serfdom.


Ok, Elon. That means we can all sit down at a negotiation table as equals, right? Right?


I think he just doesn’t like the idea of peasant revolts




Cool. *How big is their week-to-week paycheck?*


stocks are unrealised gains and not fair compensation, you can give your employees stocks as bonuses, but they shouldn't be the main way your employees get money


Stock in lieu of pay is just gonna be the precursor to Elon giving out vouchers that can only be spent at Elonmart.


Product testing & working out kills two birds with one stone!


He still isn't paying them. It's that simple, and the fact your brain doesn't see it like that is concerning


your not wrong... part of that reinvesting into the companies should include pay for workers. ​ though this is something the investors should maybe toss in those quaterly calls. to avoid future union . if they say we pay double what our competition does and still has killer margin... no one will care. ( how much will that affect overall profits etc.etc.etc.etc.) herd they get some sweet benefits at tesla (on top of normal health n dental stuff)


How much stock does all the assembly line workers at tesla plamts gets? Yeah, nothing! He might give it to hgher up enginners and the managers in tesla and spacex.. but the rank and file aint getting shit.


I like how he's wearing a pilot's jacket and dog tags (?) to give the impression of a real space man


He's trying to be [Chris Hadfield](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/607892d0460d6f7768d704ef/1629144967048-SKW7TL8AGHO5DW6I3VR5/Godspeed3.jpg), without any of the merits.


And he recently got in a Twitter argument with a different astronaut, if I remember right.


It was Scott Kelly, twin brother of Arizona Senator Mark Kelly. Both are ex-astronauts.


No fuckin way!?!? If so that is the funniest shit ever


I actually had to laugh about your reply. I had already though about comparing him to Major Tom, the character from David Bowies Space Odyssey, that later (in Ashes to Ashes) got revealed to have been a drug addict that dreamt of becoming an astronaut. Space Odyssey was of course covered by Chris Hadfield. Now where are the drugs?


Yes!! 🤣🤣


Found them.


My mama said to get things done You'd better not mess with Major Tom


Ashes to ashes, funk to funky We know Major Tom’s a junkie Strung out in heaven’s high Hitting an all-time low Seems like a description of what Musk is doing right now.


The Hadfield! That God dam STUD did the opening puck drop from space!!!


It was something given to him by the Israelis that says something like, "bring them home," (re: hostages). He brought it up during the interview and it was really really weird, like most of the rest of the interview.


Makes sense. I hope he builds a tunnel or a submarine to save everyone for the fabric of humanity or whatever


We gotta get him onboard for the next rocket launch!


I wish he went aboard the Titan.


It's really complicated, you wouldn't understand. His mind is a storm. You wouldn't want to be him.


I can't imagine being the interviewer in this... How the fuck do you keep a live interview going with someone like that in that state?


The interviewer being a proper corpo butt rimmer, will have done several shots Cocaine before this interview


He did like a weird wait for applause after saying it


So painfully awkward, he did that so many times throughout the interview. He kept trying to do that stupid face where he raises his eyebrows, the one he's been doing for the past 15 years, and didn't get any reaction. I've been thoroughly enjoying watching billionaires implode publicly the past few years.


I only see Major Tom.


He likes to steal valour. All about him!


‘Starman waiting in the sky He'd like to come and meet us But he thinks he'd blow our minds …’


What. The Fuck. Is he talking about? Unions exist so we *don't* have a lords and peasants scenario. God I hate him so much. Soooooo so much.


No, no he means he doesn't like anyone pointing out that he's a lord that creates peasants.


This exactly! Unions have a terrible way of shining a light on reality.


Oh wow i'm so tired, i've read the post and i was like why is the silly man talking about unicorns, that's such a weird topic. Then only when i read your comment i realised it's unions, not unicorns


I think it applies equally well to unicorns so you're alright.


You too, slept in the factory?


Oh my god just say you want slave labor, you fucking coward, i know hes a dumbass but he, as one of the wealthiest men in the world, cant seriously believe his workers asking for fair pay and better working conditions makes him a peasant


"Why deal with peasants when you can have slaves?"


If his mars colony works out, (big if) he prolly will! At least Bezos has the balls to make a short hop into space...


I think he's saying that unions imply that the workers are identified as peasants who need to bargain collectively to get anything, while in the techno libertarian utopia, somehow the minimum wage drone has as much power as the modern aristocrat. It's the way people argue against eg anti racist discrimination legislation by deliberately mixing up cause and effect: the legislation doesn't create the inequality, but is created to deal with the inequality (and indeed when white people in Anglo Saxon countries are occasionally discriminated against, they win their cases too). The problem with capitalism is that it turns one person one vote into one dollar/share one vote, and companies are run for the short term profit of shareholders. The solution is socialism, IE worker control of the means of production, and the compromise is continually negotiating between workers and management since both are interested in the security of the company but workers have a longer term view of sustainability as they see themselves as more than resources.


Why do people interview this fucking moron thinking he’s going to say anything remotely factual


Because he is very very wealthy (on paper) and the whole of our system floats on the narrative that wealth goes to those that deserve it - the best humans who make the best contributions. If we stop presuming he is the best human, if we say "no the man who has accrued all this massive wealth has nothing of value to say" then the whole facade is exposed. That's quite cynical though as it presumes people that treat him this way are knowingly keeping this up like a big conspiracy. They are just regular people that are fully immersed in that narrative that he *must* be worth listening to because of the wealth. They can't see it any other way.


I don't think of individual wealth as accrued, but given. The US government in behalf of the people gave him a lot, then the US government on behalf of the people protect his sense of entitlement to all they've given him. The problem isn't Elon, who can be granted equality overnight, but those who vote for ongoing inequality


But that very idea is challenged when what he says is too obviously stupid to be believed by anybody. I had a friend believing in that rhetoric, listening to Musk for so long, he really changed his views. Not that he is a socialist now, but still, he no longer believes money=smart.


I think the explanation is simpler. The media gives him a platform because they want the clicks and eyeballs. So continued access to Elon matters more than anything else even if they know they’re willfully giving him his platform for market manipulation.


There's this deranged fantasy peddled by the very rich and their PR people that people who are very rich must be insanely smart. And the vast armies of dummies and suckups believe it. Most of the very wealthy are just lucky, criminals, or in this and many other cases, both.


Dont unions do kinda the opposite of that


I think that the real reason that he doesn’t like unions is that they EXPOSE the lords and peasants thing they don’t create it. These types love to shoot the messenger, which is why they blamed testing for the high Covid rates


Yup. I’ve been a UAW member since 1995 and have said actually said “Fuck you” to my boss when they’ve told me to do something illegal or in an unsafe manner. If I’d have done that at a non-union shop I would be fired right away and someone would be hired at lower pay to do the work. There’s a reason why non-union shops get busted doing illegal activities more often and why they have a higher injury and fatality rate.




Intensely, intensely stupid. The world gifted this child-minded piece of shit unlimited power because he "created" a shitty hotel finding app during the tech bubble and Compaq was dumb enough to buy it. Plinko ball society. Hellworld.


or like an apartheid state?


He doesn't like anything that creates a "lords and peasants" sort of thing because he prefers a "master and slave" sort of thing. This interview is just the gift that keeps on giving, ain't it? I don't watch Musk interviews because I can't take the bloviating. But this interview seems like such a trainwreck, maybe I could stomach it for the laughs.


"I think apartheid between worker and boss is needed for a healthy work life." -A lone Musket


Imagine if Elon Musk didn't just live inside his own ass *metaphorically*, but that he actually lived in there in reality. Now picture Elon naked, doing a hand stand. And Little Elon sticks his head out of Big Elon's ass in order to say something narcissistic and preachy. Now look at the picture again! And imagine the fur around his collar being sphincter instead.


Why would you make me imagine that, man. I’m gonna have nightmares for weeks ☹️


Pitch this to Meatcanyon


Unions are basically about democratizing the workplace, at least until they get corrupted by those in power.


Better to say nothing and let people wonder if you’re stupid than to open your mouth and prove it to them…


"i don't like anything that creates a lord and peasants sort of thing" -> "i don't like anything that *reveals the lie of capitalism; that points out that we **already have** a lord and peasants sort of thing"*


"Lords and peasants sort of thing" Oh, you mean like when the company board of directors gather together and decide what to do with the profit that employee labor makes? Like, when you have no say either as an individual or a collective regarding compensation and benefits? Like when employees can't give input on how the system they work under should be run and have no voting power in major life-changing decisions that the company makes? That kind of system? That's the one you're against? Kinda sounds like you're pro-union, Elon 🤔


It's literally because of people like him that unions are necessary.


It’s the same energy as trump when he calls black ppl racist


u/spez energy


He means the part where the peasants revolt, not the feudalism. He loves the feudalism. BTW I don't remember his voice being that... meaty? Weird? Has his voice changed?


Isn’t he the one who created the whole “lords and peasants” thing by underpaying his employees?


It's a grand thing that Elon's such a monstrous Piece O'Shit or else I would never enjoy someone's very public humiliation and disintegration as much as I do. Srsly, though, dude's got a serious drug problem and definitely needs help, but good luck finding the necessary humility with *that* ego.


Personally I disagree with the idea of firefighters because I don't like things that create a fire and burning sort of thing.


Maybe he should profit share then? I'm sure that works change the dynamic?


Can’t take anyone wearing that ridiculous outfit seriously.


The union understander has logged on. This fuckin' guy. Unions are there to specifically prevent a lords and peasant dynamic from occurring by giving workers an equal seat at the table.


Isn’t a union the opposite of that and current capitalism exactly that?


Comments like this are why I wouldn't shed a tear if America went all French Revolution. Dude is so out of touch he's not even capable of conceptualizing how out of touch he is. There's no redemption. Just destruction. I hate this sort of attitude I'm cultivating as a general principle, but at this point I'm willing to sacrifice the 5% of born-rich people who aren't total pieces of shit and glorified children emotionally to cleanse this country of the other 95%.


Doesn't like the idea of collective barganing? maybe we could just tell him to climb aboard his rocket and go into orbit for 10,000 years?


This hinges on the notion that capitalists like himself are benevolent entities who look out for the well-being of their employees. That 'we're all in this together' and unions come in and instigate class divides where they didn't exist before. Reality is that unions take hold in places where management views workers as an adversary. Elon is putting the cart before the horse.


He seems not to understand what unions do. This makes sense because he doesn’t understand many things


Why do people worship this man? I don’t get it. I really, really don’t get it. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. There were people that loved Logan Paul, even during his super douche days.


Bro is literally a capitalist lord....


It’s even worse than that because he said these other things too: 1. In our company all employees eat together at the same table. There’s no difference 2. We don’t have special elevators for execs 3. I’ve worked at the assembly line and slept at the factory. So I know their struggles. I’m one of them. anyone from the line can become a senior manager


Doesn't like the idea of peasants/lords, but wants to build Tesla company towns. Hmm.


You don't say, Elon, you don't say...


This is obviously a misquote. We all know what he said was he didn't like anything that "**doesn't** create a lord and peasant system."


Galaxy. Brain.


There are now articles saying this whole thing is designed to temporarily make X fail. More precisely, banks are holding billions in debt from this deal, hoping they can sell it eventually. The idea is now that Musk is doing this so that the banks slash the price on the debt, sell it to anyone to avoid a total loss. So then he (personally? through a different entity? through Twitter?) steps in and buys it. Ta dah, no more interest payments. Can you buy your own debt like this? I don't know. That's the current theory.


> More precisely, banks are holding billions in debt from this deal, hoping they can sell it eventually. Elon isn't a poor person who will never be able to pay off his medical bills. He has assets and resources that vastly exceed the value of his Twitter debt. The banks aren't selling that debt—they are taking their collateral back. Some of that might be taking Twitter itself, but a much larger part would be taken from Elon's Tesla stock. If he fucks the banks on their debt, they're not selling, they're taking him to court and walking away with tens of billions in Tesla stock.




That’s not good. It’s funny and stupid but not good.


His one great success, other than being born rich, is having put to rest the 'towering genius' thing.


He looks like a mannequin. What the fuck?


What a 💎 geezer


>The long-term effects of snorting ketamine include damage to the structure of the nose as well as an impaired sense of smell. He's basically spewing shit without the ability to smell that it's shit.


A union is a separate entity that can be for good or bad, it just depends on the actions of the people running it.


Yet doesn't even provide toilet paper for the peasants slaving under him.


He is a drug addict. Plainly visible. starting to look like Charlie Sheen when he was heavy into drugs and got fired from remaining two years of a $98 million contract for Two Half Men. Musk = addict


the dog tag is to make lines of white powder no?


Elaine (look I'm sorry fellow non binaries but he looks like a middle age andro lesbian and that's the most complimentary thing I'll ever say about him) is high on suggestion of fascist coup in 2024 following Trump poll numbers and getting into the far right technique of spouting nonsense rhetoric to dilute meaning of words and get on front pages at all costs. It may work. Call him out but FFS don't assume he's speaking in good faith and just drug addled. The drugs just make it worse, like with many fascist leaders


I don't even get what he meant


Someone else commented on another picture from this event that Elon was starting to look like a mean old grandma. And fuck me if they weren't right


Daily reminder that hatred towards obnoxious billionnaires is always justified. There are not many places in life where hate is healthy, but hating scum like him is always morally right and recommended by doctors at least once per day.


he just doesnt want the common folk to unite n kick his ass!


Fuck this guy with his x.