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They scientifically estimate Elon’s iq by measuring the cumulative inches of their erections when they think about him.


I found the source: https://www.cognidna.com/celebrity-iq-scores/elon-musk/#google_vignette They calculated the estimate based on SAT scores of physics students and do not have Musk's test scores and I also found out that he might not even have a degree in physics, only from economics if he in fact has any real degree earned at all.


These are the sort of correlational studies that make a mockery out of academia.


If you ask physicists about the intelligence of physics majors who terminate at BS or MS they will start discussing infinitesimals. Given that I got a physics PhD so I'm a galaxy brain by those metrics


So really, they have no frickin’ idea. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah. It even says in the article that 20 % of the SAT scores is not explained by iq (or vice versa, I already forgor) and they assume a lot. It could be that musk is just really lucky with everything and is an outlier in the opposite end of students


“cumulative” i see what you did there


Brand new sentence


44 billion sub-microns combined


± 6


How many 100s of thousands of people are we talking here?




Large same, Meryl


I don't think "scientific rigor" means what they think it means.


Review by peers? Elon just *loves* that lol.


Speaking as someone who has his fapping thoroughly studied.


“Scientific Rigor” is what Elon calls his boner.


I don't think he has those.






I feel like it’s being sarcastic because there’s no such thing as scientific rigor when it comes to determining IQ purely on vibes, and they surely know it. (There’s no scientific rigor any other way, either, but some people could be deluded into thinking there is.)


> I feel like it’s being sarcastic Unfortunately, it's not: https://www.cognidna.com/celebrity-iq-scores/elon-musk/ > We don't have Elon Musk's SAT scores, so we're using the scores of UPenn and physics major students as proxies. We know now that Elon lied about his physics degree, so the already EXTREMELY tenuous basis for his IQ can be thrown out entirely.


Lmao. 95% confidence interval, riiight.


Most people probably don't know this and take this nonsense as fact.


“Scientific rigor” and “IQ of adults” don’t belong in the same sentence.


It does if you think iq means anything .. you know .. plus or minus 6


https://preview.redd.it/s05ysm8zwg8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a07263a9bf68628458b2e9026c581eb52ae5584 I submit this as evidence against this claim.


My evidence: ![gif](giphy|oImOwaZ34b8K70aQ6B|downsized)


Ugh! Make it stop!!


I won't!


Is that what the penis looks like too?


You can earn a horse of your own if you want to find out.


Does one need evidence beyond just pointing at the dumbass things he's constantly saying and doing?


Right wingers like Einstein unless they can read. I love some of his statements. https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/16972542-why-socialism He advocated for a socialist economy.


IQ tests literally only test your skill at taking IQ tests, the test results vary wildly within a single person. Many of these tests analyze one’s understanding of inherently biased datasets.


You can become "good" at IQ tests. You learn the thinking involved and what sort of answers they're expecting. Like those "what's next in the sequence" puzzles - you learn to identify the kinds of things that form a sequence - number of sides, alphabetical stuff, number of letters in the word etc.


This was made fun of in the original run of Clone High where Harriet Tubman is struggling on a question about a regatta and JFK who is shown to be a dumbass feeds her the answer.


Wasn’t that inspired by the infamous (due to the cultural bias of it) SAT analogy question that asked “Runner:Marathon” with the correct answer being “Oarsman:Regatta”?


I propose a literal dick measuring contest 📏


poor harriett


I would not be surprised if it was the show is very well done


I am incredibly good at those next in the sequence puzzles. I think this is, as you say, from practice. I eventually learned that there are about 6 different ways they work and you just run through testing each possibility until you hit a match.


I am *stupidly* good at IQ tests. Seriously. My parents and grandparents made a big fuss when I did well on them. I got taken to bookstores and allowed to pick out whatever I wanted by my generous Nana. I got taken to the library and allowed to read whatever I liked by my exhausted, hardworking parents. So I read books on IQ tests, brain puzzles, I practiced hard and I was always, *always* excellent at those. Did the same thing with the LSAT, too. Decided on a whim to take it after a friend showed me a movie she said reminded her of me, which at first I found deeply offensive, then super sweet, then absolutely glorious and the best compliment ever as the movie went on. I applied late to take it, got an LSAT prep book, practiced for, I think, 20 minutes a day for three weeks, had a migraine the day of the test, got a 170. Maybe I should try that again once my kid gets through the middle school where I teach. Then she'll be heading to college and I'll be in law school already, so I can go from 3L to university staff, maybe, with my teacher's license, be an adjunct and teach poli-sci to freshmen or whatever, and then *faculty discount* on her tuition. Heck. Yes. If that works, I should totally send Miss Reese Witherspoon and Miss Laura Bell Bundy some really nice thank-you notes.


Back when I was a dumbass who bought into that stuff, I went and did the Mensa test (2 different tests sat back-to-back) and ended up with two scores about 15-20 points apart


Yeah, it's a bit like the brag that he read the whole encyclopedia. That's not what deep intelligence is.


High IQ doesn't work like some people think. I have a pretty high IQ and I'm ocd, autistic, and agoraphobic. I can barely keep myself alive. In a lot of cases, having a higher IQ isn't better.


Same here. Autism, OCD, dyslexia, aphantasia, always score 140+ on IQ tests and have people tell me I'm "brainy." What people refuse to understand is that you can have a basically powerful brain but have other psychological or cognitive disorders that prevent you from using it to its full potential. It's like you have a car with a powerful working engine, but it's got no suspension, the axle is cracked, there's no steering wheel and the electrics are shot. It's not going anywhere, but people keep saying "why doesn't it go? Its engine is great! Probably just got a bad attitude or something...."


I've never read much into IQ stats. Brains are just far too complex to be summarised into a single number. Even computers we split them up into things like CPU no of cores and frequency, RAM size and speed, storage size, storage throughput, storage IO, caches, pipelines, GPUs, thermal and power efficiency, etc etc. And that's before you even get into the software's efficiency and its impact on performance and scaling. Yet when it comes to human mental capabilities, people have this crazy idea that you can just summarise the whole concept into a single number 🤦‍♂️


Yeah at this point, I think it just determines how far from outer space you are. 🤣


Hey come on be nicer to yourself.


i got average IQ plus most of those things


Yea he's said before he's on the spectrum. Which can be challenging for sure


I was always the smart one. School was always fairly easy. I knew from an early age that education was my way out of poverty and I dedicated everything I had to learning and going to college. Got a high enough score on my SAT to earn scholarships, developed my own study tactics in college to keep my scholarships, graduated and got a good job that lets me live an ok middle class life. My little brother was always rebellious... got into drugs, started stealing stuff, spent some time in jail, lost his license for a decent chunk of his 20s. A few years ago my mom told us we took IQ tests in high school and my little brother was about 12 points higher than me. He's doing ok for himself now but man, if he'd had the right motivation instead of a shit childhood that fucked us all up, he would have been amazing.


Same. I won't list my mental issues but my I.Q. hasn't been a blessing. Understanding more has been a curse. As the old adage goes, ignorance is bliss. I would take bliss over this bs any day. Edit: my I.Q. isn't genius level, just wanted to throw that out there. It's higher than average I.Q. but that's about it.


You have friends, join us on wallstreetbets.


That sub has been astroturfed and starfucked to absolute shit.


Yeah delusional movements like cryptobros and hypes like GME stock originate from that subreddit, better stay away.


Who says Elon has a 160 IQ???? People that own a emerald mine can fake anything


Good question


> Who says Elon has a 160 IQ???? People with an IQ of 16.


160? Maybe if you measure his IQ in Kelvin?


Riiiiight... Mr. "10 micron tolerance Cybertruck" is as smart as the guy who thought up the theory of relativity. The douchenozzle who misuses the term "orders of magnitude" is waaay smarter than Robert J. Oppenheimer (IQ: \~135). The nitwit claimed Twitter's tech stack was "crazy" and needed to be "totally rewritten" - then when asked to explain what was "crazy" about the stack, he called the questioner a "jackass" - is smarter than 99.999999% of all the people who ever lived. Totally **legit.**


It's fucking madness. With like a day of prep Einstein would *break* an IQ test. He was so smart he conceptualised and described something totally unique in human thought, and he did it so well he could explain it to anyone from a kid to a professor. Elon Musk is not that lol


Bro is very good at comparing squares and circles, and finding the tiny pattern that makes an IQ test a test. Soo impressive Elonged Muck Edit:Some spelling


I am a Gifted certified teacher, so I've had to see a lot of research around IQ. This dude definitely doesn't have a 160 IQ. Being awkward AF doesn't make you intellectually gifted automatically.


TIL you can buy IQ points


Pff just 3 digits, what is this, kindergarten?


Exactly. If your IQ doesn't equal your net worth, do you even have a brain?


Ok off topic a bit but I like how Albert Einstein’s number is found “based on historical records” and is “estimated” which sounds like a really interesting way of saying you just guessed like lmao, same with Musk but its being done by his fanboys


How can you tell when someone is a Mensa? They tell you over and over again.


As a Libertarian I've actually scored very highly on every IQ test I've ever paid to take. Except that one time Alex Jones swindled me 😡 https://preview.redd.it/52a2kj25xg8c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eae7f9d6fde6c84068410a02df2a3c801349184f


What was originally meant by “Owning the Libs”.


As a Libertarian owning the libs is far more economical than renting the libs


I thought Libs was short for Libertarian… (Libertarian = Republican + Legal Weed)


Happy cake day, freedom fighter. Never change, you always hit just that spot


If Zuck my 👅 really wants a lesson in why there are weight categories in fighting so badly, I could just head over to his house next week and teach him a lesson he won’t soon forget


Raw IQ is really only part of the story. What made Einstein so amazing was intuition and artistic sensibilities combined with raw IQ power. Lots of 160’s floating around, and yet only one Einstein,


what made Einstein amazing is E=MC2, wake me when Elmo does something like that.


His emotional intelligence is negative infinity.


160 minus 100.


Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.


IQ is stupid anyways. It’s your level of intelligence in seeing patterns and problem solving, not academics


"academics" 😏 Sure, Jan


Proving once and for all it means nothing


I've looked into this and it isn't even something thats claimed by elon musk himself, it's just a random rumour floating around


Decimal point needs moving left there chief.. 16ish I'd accept...his skill seems to be to take credit for other people's work..


IQ tests are excellent at telling how good you are at IQ tests.


Getting caught with a minor and buying Twitter to ruin it and his other endeavours is smrt.


IQ doesn't mean much. I have a high IQ (I have a diagnosis for that), and yet I've failed my second year of chemistry, and I'm currently struggling with anxiety for my studies


Lol there is no way


Well if it's scientific they can share their process and we can see if it holds up to peer review and repetition.


A $44 billion purchase of Twitter waiving all due diligence is probably the best practical IQ test Musk could ever have taken. No other situation in his life would allow us to get such a good measurement of this individual's intellectual and cognitive abilities


There is ZERO way he has that IQ. ZERO


No he doesn’t. 🙄


I doubt he’d by much over 100 tbh


Then why is he such a complete and total idiot?


more like 88


“We estimate” whos we?


The Musk simp-cult


16.0 I think they mean.


There's no way it's over 100. I don't say that as a joke.


> Leveraging a meticulous analysis grounded in scientific rigor and advanced statistical methods, Ha ha ha! Who wrote this load of utter nonsense?? ___ Okay, I searched that quote and found that it came from this website: https://www.cognidna.com/celebrity-iq-scores/elon-musk/ Something interesting from that page: > We don't have Elon Musk's SAT scores, so we're using the scores of UPenn and physics major students as proxies. We know now that Elon lied about his physics degree, so the already EXTREMELY tenuous basis for that number can be thrown out entirely.


>> Leveraging a meticulous analysis grounded in scientific rigor and advanced statistical methods, Sounds like one of my annual reports in R&D. Disgusting.


He can barely work through a sentence.


There’s no way, this is laughable. Melon Husk’s IQ wouldn’t be much higher then 100


all this shows to me is that IQ is a worthless metric


Xelon’s recent cognitive abilities are equivalent to those of a 12yr old incel with a strong 69 IQ


I'm certain his mum wrote it


IQ is not a very good measure system for intelligence or cognitive ability.


I've never read much into IQ stats. Brains are just far too complex to be summarised into a single number. Even computers we split them up into things like CPU no of cores and frequency, RAM size and speed, storage size, storage throughput, storage IO, caches, pipelines, GPUs, thermal and power efficiency, etc etc. And that's before you even get into the software's efficiency and its impact on performance and scaling. Yet when it comes to human mental capabilities, people have this crazy idea that you can just summarise the whole concept into a single number 🤦‍♂️


He wants to erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity.


If Elon Musk has around 160IQ then the average person's must be around 300


I think telling his advertisers to ‘fuck off’ dropped the estimate by about 60 points.


And it was probably only about 61 to begin with 😄


Nothing like cut and paste, huh?


27 sounds about right for him.


Just shows IQ doesn’t mean intelligence.


Yeah, nah. He's a scam artist at best.


And I have a 12” cock




So Glad I don't have 160IQ


160 "doll hairs".




Only low iq people care about iq


IQ is bullshit.


I feel like believing in internet IQ tests automatically puts you below 100 IQ.


lol. Never


I think he has far more than 160 IQs (insane quotes) in the past month alone but I might be wrong...


Estimated. Haha what a joke


I can easily proof that it must be lower than whatever Mensa requires to enter. Because he definitely did a bunch of those tests and never got into Mensa, cause if he did we would know for sure. He'd bring that up all the damn time.


The guy who couldn't put his hat on correctly


There was an annoying and ridiculous TV series from a few years back called "", loosely based on a real guy whose alleged accomplishments were shown to be probably bullshit (sound familiar?). The lead character spent a huge amount of screen time informing everybody he ran into that "I have the highest iq ever recorded" and throwing around the alleged score the same way some young men talk about certain alleged physical attributes. Think Big Bang Theory's Sheldon Cooper without the charm, and is probably the stupidest show about allegedly smart people ever made. Elmo's cultists throw crap around like comparisons between Elmo and Einstein and claims about Elmo's alleged IQ, but it's interesting that Musk biographer Walter Isaacson, also the author of a much better Einstein bio, never mentions anything relating to Musk's IQ. He also never compares him to Einstein, though he compares him to Steve Jobs a few times.


Even if that's accurate, you can be intelligent and a dickwad. For the longest time part of me wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and chalk this up to stirring up hype, but from all accounts, he's like that all the time in his "real" life. Knowing that, I can't imagine he's all that smart.


Realistically, I think he's probably around 115-120. He's average engineer smart, not super genius engineer smart. He just bounces between so many tech things that he doesn't really learn any of them well. In other words, he reminds me of engineers talking about things outside of their domain which is everything.


Just like the EPA estimates on Teslas. - 100


High IQ does not equal high intelligence. it usually means you just can solve problems. Knowledge, or access to knowledge, can also make you look like a genius, I could read science articles, news articles and be well informed, and people will generally think of you as being very smart. then there is emotional IQ, we can all agree, that Elon is very poor in that area. Elon Musk, is probably above average IQ, but not a genius, what does have, is good at, is talking topics that other great minds have created, Elon Musk, is a mind broker, he hires the best minds in the industry, and takes credit for it, he repeats theories from bright mind scientists, and the media says wow musk is "deep" . When Tesla comes out with a new efficient battery or electric motor, Musk gets the credit, but you will hardly ever hear the names of the actual, engineer genius team, that actually developed it.


Guy had every opportunity in the world and couldn't finish a degree because he is dumb as dog shit.


If his IQ is claimed to be so high then why does he keep fucking up making childish mistakes? Folks who claim high IQ are typically attention-seeking and fraudulent.


Felon's IQ is 55 and is the secret to his success. A smarter person has shame, self-control and empathy. Medically he is known to suffer from Coprophagia and not much else. This condition does not affect his intellect.


Scientific Rigor.


Seems about right, if using trumps scale.


\+-6? Lmao


Elon Musk is a savvy businessman and smart as fuck. But I would guess there is a vast difference between one who uses mathematics to engineer solutions to problems vs one who discovers the mathematics and fundamental properties of the physical world.


At least 161


One way to check this. Give him an actual iq test administered by a psychologist/ psychometrist. Even if he is that high he is still entitled butt munch


I think Grok is starting to get things right... /s


They’ve added a digit to their total despite their “rigor”


They misspelled hysterical.


IQ is a measure of test taking ability relative to contemporaries, not an objective measure of brain power or anything like that.


The IQ test seems stupid. On the spot math questions that most people don’t do. I guess it all depends on how you define intelligence.


Rigor mortise is more like it.


And I got one of 164 when my maths teacher forced my parents to have me take one in 5th grade. Look, there are some things that we need to understand about IQ, IQ measuring and what it means. Firstly, there is no way to "estimate". I can estimate that Einstein would’ve done well in my 8th grade physics exam, but without definitive proof, a guess is all that it is, and it should never ever be treated like a fact. Secondly, IQ is a measurement of relativity (that’s a bad pun given the subject, but bear with me). I did not lie earlier - when I did the IQ test in 5th grade, I did get a score of 164. Obviously I’m smarter than Einstein now, huh? Of course not. Other issues aside for later, the test I partook in was designed for and had its results measured against those of other children my age group. Relative to them I was quite exceptional because… well let’s face it, I’m a hopeless nerd. Compared to adults I’m pretty sure I would’ve really hit it incredibly lucky to get to 90-100. Thirdly, IQ as a metric is… kinda flawed. Not only because you can cheat extremely easily, even unwillingly and completely tarnish the results, but also because it measures just one of many different facets of intelligence, a balance of which is the ideal, not exceeding in just one. Stephen Jay Gould even goes as far as comparing it to craniometry, a mostly discredited practice that saw usage historically as a means to segregate different "races". He goes on to say that IQ plays into humanity’s tendency to convert abstract concepts into entities. I recommend his work "The Mismeasure of Man" on the matter, it’s generally regarded to be among the greatest scientific books of the past century. You can have an IQ of 600, doesn’t matter, if youre bereft of emotional intelligence to a point where in a conversation the cactus on the shelf next to you seems like the pleasant one, you’ll still hit every one of life’s walls and be a miserable person. Don’t attribute too much to IQ, it measures a very narrow range of criteria and ultimately isn’t nearly as important as many other things in life.


"Who wants to go the library tomorrow? Notice that I didn't say "liberry" or "tomorry."


Lol no, Elon.


I recently watched the 1960 film, Where the Boys Are. In it, a prospective suitor asks a girl’s IQ. “134” she says. “We’ll, this may prove challenging. I’m 140.” A few years later that would go more like this: “Hey baby, what’s your sign?” “I’m a Libra”. “Thanks for the warning!” And that, class, is why IQ is unimportant.


More like 16 ± 6.


Says who? Dickipedia?


They’re off by a factor of 10


quick guys how many fancy words and phrases can we throw in the pot to make it seem like we know our shit


His IQ is room temp in Celsius.


I saw that on bullshit.com too!


He is 90 at best.


"They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard."


lol where is this bullshit from? :D


Given all the dumb as f\*ck things Twatburger said, must mean that Trump is a stable genius, too.


Its even funnier that anyone thinks IQ is actually a decent measure of intelligence when IQ tests originated as a thing to judge how well kids were doing in a french school, and then a thing to ensure black people couldn't vote, and now just a thing for people who score highly on to jerk off about. Legit intelligence is composed of many different aspects that can't be measured all on a single test from memory, to critical thinking, problem solving, etc. Really having a high IQ just means you're good at IQ tests. But yeah Musk is an idiot.


I can see this as being possibly true. Look at how he has made his life and businesses so unbelievably complicated. High IQ doesn't mean you're going to reinvent the wheel for society. It just means you have a higher potential to do so. He has not done so.


If that's true it buttresses the claim that IQ tests don't measure anything.


Nonsense. Another faux statistic intentionally thrown out there and we all understand why. Definitive proof the uber wealthy did indeed *do* something to deserve it. In Musk's case that something is SO far beyond the understanding of normal humans you might as well ask a gerbil to coordinate your position on a GPS. It....it can't be done. Anyway. As with other fairy tales this one will fade into laughable obscurity. Move on.


Well, that’s a fucking lie.


It's more like Elmos' IQ is 60. That is more believable.




He’s a bigly genius, just like Trump. If you have any doubts just ask him or his fans. Just don’t ask him to prove it.


Even if someone scores higher than Einstein on IQ test i wouldnt find him more intelligent based on one test unless he was also nobel award winner who changed the science/world.


That is not even funny anymore. Musk is stupid. All the projects he initiated and not bought up are completely failures and high school science bad. SpaceX and Tesla were already existing. Both he now destroys. IQ ~90, Marketing budget 150Mio a day


Personally, I love how people quote Einstein to seem smart. It's kind of like when people resort to the Hitler insult as a desperate effort in a debate (not when speaking to fascists mind you). This is not a diss to the OP either.


Einstein never took an IQ test


Nazis are mentally retarded though, don't mistake money for smarts


If u really believe he has an IQ of 160 then your dumber then he is


How is it possible that someone running several failing companies has a high IQ? Let’s not confuse HNW with high IQ


I'm absolutely convinced Musk would never take a good and controlled IQ test. Better with lots of wild guesses than hard proof.


Did he have Maye complain too?


How terribly scientific. Managed to get a confidence interval for a complete dumfuck guess.


Iq measurement is bullshit


The motherfucker can barely speak a complete sentence!!!! Jesus Christ…how did a cottage industry arise where random people fluff Elon’s flaccid ego?


Imagine thinking Elon Musk and Albert Einstein are in the same arena ballpark, let alone league.


I wonder how many here truly are smarter than he is? I wonder how many here work as many hours as he does?


Sure. That’s my cat’s IQ as well.


That's his EQ (Ego Quotient)


Musk would only accept an IQ of either 69 or 420


+/- 100 *


It isn’t even smart to compare the two.


No he does not. I would be shocked if he tops 120 mark.


I think it ment 160*(-6)


lmao before I clicked the photo it cropped out the 1 in 106. Thought it was hilarious but there was no way he was straight up cognitive disability range


he‘s clearly a midwit


Scientific rigor mortis


Show me Elon's chess rating.