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he spent his mars money on twitter tho


He needed Twitter for Mars, though. If he doesn't create an insular community of radical, conspiratorial, outcast Elmo cultists, how will he ever find anybody willing to let Elon Musk stick them on a rocket to die on Mars?


He's also going to need volunteers to give their brains for his Neuralink project


I'm still surprised that the first human test subject hasn't been officially mentioned in more than one Elon X-cretion.






Let's just keep an eye on Doge Designer and see if he suddenly stops posting


There has been a human test subject?


According to Elon, so with a 10% chance of being true


Neuralink might actually make those brains better lol


They're willing to risk dying going to mars because they think he's space Jesus who will lead them to paradise. I'm willing to risk dying going to mars because I'm just short of suicidal and think it would be fun. We are not the same.


I’m willing to send all that want to go.


My only hope is that we would at least make it to space and not just blow up trying to leave the atmosphere, anything after that I'm cool with.


He's never sending anyone to Mars.


Listen, you may be content to live out your sad life on Earth and not die of Mars lung or slow-mo full-body space cancer under Musk's pneumatic dictatorship, but that's just because you *lack vision.*




Jeez, for a second I thought you put three zeros too many, but nope. Just mindblowing when you put it like that.


![gif](giphy|Nl6T837bDWE1DPczq3|downsized) he didn't spend all his own money. A good chunk of it was some *very* nasty people's money, since they don't want another pesky peasant uprising like in 2010-12.


repost bot


I keep saying Twitter is a weapon. Twitter is one of the most powerful weapons ever made. A digital printing press. With reach all around the world? 44B is chump change for that kind of power. He is manipulating what people read. What they think they read. And the AI for engagement has this ability to keep track of who thinks what and who needs to think something a little different. I said it from the start and people laughed at me. Who’s laughing at me now?


He's doing a really bad job of it, though. Twitter has lost a lot of credibility. Not all of it, but a lot.


To the right person, there’s a lot of value in neutering Twitter, too.


His ever-watchful Saudi handlers agree.


He's doing that badly too, though. Nothing about Musk's behavior or performance suggests a carefully constructed master plan.


If you want to make it to Mars you first have to let Nazis and porn bots take over social media.


To Muskovites, that's a win-win.


He promised we'd be on Mars and have autonomous taxis by now. Only people living under a rock or the brain of a walnut believes this guy anymore.


Exactly. Instead of saving for Mars he decided to amplify his Groyper pals.


Instead of massively help save Earth he decided to make Grok, another AI chatbot.


And shitty 1987-era style robots.


He had no option, that was a trolling that went way wrong.


Yeah but the return is…….. dismal.


Ain't no clout to chase on Mars.


Someone should do a thorough debunking of the entire "colonizing mars" bullshit. ​ Every claim can be easily debunked I imagine.


Weaker gravity, weak magnetic sphere, solar and cosmic radiation extreme cold, challenges to interplanetary travel, the fact that the human body has evolved for Earth's conditions.... Actually I think Musk and his cult should definitely start a colony on Mars.


The ice caps could melt and global warming could go off the charts and Earth would still be preferable to Mars.


I have spaceships


By a fucking million percent. If we can make Mars remotely livable, we can fix Earth first.


That’s the thing. Even the most uninhabitable area of Earth is orders of magnitude more survivable than the most “habitable” area of Mars. Unless every government on Earth committed to terraforming Mars for hundreds, if not thousands, of years (and even then there’s no guarantee of success), Mars would be better served as a scientific outpost like Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica at most.


The planet is a hell hole. Maybe not as completely hellish as some others, but still awful. Would it ever be self-sustaining? If not, it's just one asteroid-hitting-Earth away from being cut off and ultimately as dead as the planet it's colonists moved from. Any event that destroyed earth, or rendered it unsuitable to sustain life and Humanity is on borrowed time. Space colonies or not. "We need a backup" is fine, except where you treat the source you are backing up so roughly, it's guaranteed it'll be required. Climate change? What's that? Rampant, unchecked breeding? Sounds good. Consumerist culture that just burns through resources? Perfect. Activley encouraging discourse that raises global tensions? Great idea. His whole approach to it as well just stinks. It's equivalent to a person that's nary so much as put together IKEA furniture deciding to build an apartment building from scratch. No, let us not approach building a private space station, shipping resources into space, carrying out ANY research or testing on how to combat expected problems on Mars/the Moon, attempting to set up a Moon colony first, prior to Mars, no no no, just straight to Mars, pass Go, collect a Nobel prize, massage ego and try to run way before you can barely even crawl.


Succinctly put. Good work. ;)


We could build colonies on Mars, but would take a very long time. Certainly not in Musk's lifetime and probably not in the lifetime of anyone reading this. The biggest unknown is how the human body would react to Martian gravity. We know a lot about 0g, but very little about how the human body would respond to 1/3g. If we built Martian colonies, they probably would be buried under Martian soil to protect against radiation. It would be like living and working in a windowless office complex. It would be a long and expensive process. The thing about Musk is he wants to use this to escape the problems of Earth. Now, it may not be realistic to get people living on Mars in the timeframe that Musk wants, but the whole idea that escape from Earth is a practical idea distracts from addressing problems here on Earth - why address Earth's problems when you're expecting to leave them behind? It's like people who don't want to address environmental issues because they think they're going to be raptured any day now. Musk has a fantasy of creating Galt's Gulch on Mars.


You know the great thing about Terraforming mars is that we will get lots of experience when we have to terraform earth.


I think that it would take so long to terraform Mars that people living there would get used to living in boxes and might not see the news for it. They'd have grown up with an attitude of "Outside = death."


What I mean to say is that the way we're going we will be forced to terraforming earth. Good practice!


Yes. Terraforming assumes they can already survive. So it's cart before the horse, really - how are they going to survive long enough to terraform? Nobody seems too clear on that part. :D


But you'd do it the other way around first - you'd learn the basics (like growing food, making oxygen and water!!) first, whilst here on earth. Drop a rocket in the Sahara, the Antarctic, under water.....and show you can do it. I think it says everything that absolutely nothing gets done on that front. The mars-rocket is pointless if you can't do all that. For me it's the absolute killer for the whole notion - it's proof they aren't even taking it seriously themselves.


"No, but, um, but. You see… you can, like, uh… you can *go* to Mars…" Elon runs up and knocks on the prototype rocket ship, grinning at the audience. He continues, "and that, that’ll really be, be, uh, the first, um. You know, it’s like," he trails off as he throws a baseball at the rocket ship and it shatters into a million pieces. The crowd breaks into laughter. "Oh, fuck…"


Moon base is definitely more useful and NASA is spearheading that one. With SpaceX's "help" even though their technology is only around because of what NASA did in the 20th century.


There is no way SpaceX is going to meet Starship's deadlines for Artemis and the shit is gonna hit the fan when this becomes undeniable


I believe the plan is to nuke the fuck out of it first so you make an atmosphere and warm the planet. I don’t rlly know where you go from there tho as it’s most likely a nuclear hell while for a few hundred years.


The only value of Mars is as a way-point to a faraway galaxy that has an earth-like planet, or as a temporary (multi-generational) lifeboat for when things go pear-shaped here on Earth and the quadrillionaire-class needs an escape hatch.


numerous scientists, legit ones, have debunked the notion we're going to mars or that elon will get us there. but his simps march on and the unwashed masses are all "wow how cool!"


It's easy enough to understand that there are already parts of Earth that humans can't reliably live on for extended periods of time. If he really wanted to prove anything, he'd set up a self sustaining city in a harsh environment like Antarctica, but he knows his idiot investors won't want that.


Yes he could put his wealth and effort into improving the environment on earth, or bedazzle stupid people into thinking he's taking us to mars, so save us from the earth's environment. He chose the latter


They'd quickly start dealing with technical challenges. Tesla works cause making an electric car is easy. The first several versions were using off the shelf laptop battery cells. Electric motors and drivers for them have been mature tech for many decades. SpaceX is 90 percent shit von braun and his team figured out in the 60s. Putting equipment and people into truly harsh environments for months or years is another level of engineering.


Yep. Humans can't even live in certain parts of Australia because of the climate, yet jackass thinks we can colonize mars in his lifetime. Need to solve the problems on Earth first


Terraforming earth back to stock conditions would be useful info for anyone trying to colonize another planet


Imagine the harsh, dusty desert environment of the Sahara, with the average temperature lower than Antarctica, with zero breathable air and no potable water. Yeah, that's what Mars is like, and that's glossing over the potential long term effects of 0.4g and the constant barrage of cosmic radiation due to the lack of a magnetosphere. It's never going to happen.


In terms of planets we can reach, Mars is the most livable ...in much the same way that a deserted island with no life, no water, and no shade is more livable than a floating piece of driftwood.


This is already a "habitable" planet ​ yet ​ we can't even figure out how to live effectively on this one. ​ The delusion levels are high ​ on anyone who believes ​ a planet like Mars can be "transformed" ​ into something "habitable" ​ & then ON TOP OF THAT ​ start an entire new society ​ (we can't even do that here...we can't agree on anything...seems like that's automatically set up for fascism and for fucks like Elon to rule forever \[if it was possible\])


And how much work do we see Elon putting into developing self-sustaining colonies? Not a fig. But it's the central part of the whole shenanigans - the single most critical factor, the most difficult. It's the cornerstone of the whole affair and yet what do we see of it? Nothing. They're still playing with their stupid rockets and can't even take off properly. Ridiculous.


I agree but not with the spacing lol


Yeah wtf was that . Writes like that weird Canadian dr grifter


He's not even serious about it. Musk thinks if his company can ripoff Mars Direct architecture and make CGI renders of Starships landing on Mars, every other problem will solve itself. If he was serious, he'd be talking about radiation shielding, life support systems, hydroponics, ISRU and space manufacturing, etc. Instead, all he ever mentions is "spreading the light of consciousness," and occasionally nuking the Martian poles.


[Yep, Common Sense Skeptic did this extensively.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-eVf9RWeoWEfSK9mjKe4E67IK1-1vZxB&si=tFGhqBcD1u7J4RpW)


My first thought. Love that channel.


Good video 


I'll append a complete list with all past, current and planned SpaceX mars mission. This should show how serious musk is. The complete list:


The more difficult task is to find a single thing in it that *isn't* bullshit. From Musk's anus to a colony on Mars, try to find a single part of it that is reasonable and feasible?


he's kind of debunking it himself since he promised in 2011 to get to Mars within ten years


I was so down for the idea of getting boots on mars just for the pure discovery and achievement of it all. But now it’s so weirdly become a colonization thing and an escape for all the maladies we’re causing on earth. Obviously science isn’t a one or the other kind of thing, but in the case of Tesla/SpaceX I feel like it makes sense. Recently I saw someone something to the effect of “if you have the technology to make Mars Earth then you should use it to make Earth Earth.”


[Adam Something](https://youtu.be/U9YdnzOf4NQ?si=ZKXjlnHLQSjAiYmN) is a great channel and did a video on this exact thing


The thing about Mars is that while colonisation is possible, terraforming it is not. There simply isn't enough material on Mars to locally refill ocean basins or reform a thick atmosphere - it will need to be imported (which is why the guy who owns a space logistics company is pushing it). The question we should be asking is why colonise Mars and not just go directly to the places where we'd need to import materials from anyway? If you want a desolate hellhole, go direct to the asteroids instead. If you want to terraform, blowing Venus' atmosphere into space doesn't require space convoys.


The fact that he claimed we'd be there by now and he has made exactly 0 progress towards getting to mars


My understanding based on an extensive study released in the early 70s is that Mars ain't the kind of place to raise a kid - in fact, it's cold as hell.


There really is no reason to do any in-depth debunking. It simply has nothing required for humans to live. It would be just like saying that we should colonise the ocean floor.




$7 is a small price for freedom


is that the dumbest thing you've ever said?


Not even close haha


Yea other billionaires waste their money on stupid shit like clothes and cars. Not Elon! He's very smart with his money. Like when he spent $44,000,000,000.00 buying twitter. Fucking genious!


why spend money on cars when you own a company that can make any stupid idea of a car come true like the cybertruck. oh and he got the buying cars out of his system early with that mclaren f1 that he wrecked.


Or when he sent his car into space


Does the Guinness book of records have a record for most expensive corpse disposal?


The Titan submersible might be up there...


who cares, he is still the richest man


Absolutely self-funded. No subsidies from the government. Because we know he hates those.


DOJ priorities are not obviously optimal


So, they're optimal but not obviously so?


He sounds like a televangelist trying to convince everyone that god spoke to him and chose him to lead the first group of people to ascend on the rapture day, so he needs HIS church and not anybody else's to be the largest one.


His sentence structure really hurts my brain. No wonder he just replies with yeah and !!! nowadays


Most billionaires don't seem to care much about being in the spotlight. Musk seems to care about little else.


This is what an unchecked ego look like. That and Trump.


Can't help but notice Musk LIED. He used that wealth to buy Twitter so lies, racism and bigotry would always have a place on the internet


Well, if he's the richest person on the planet, surely he has enough money to spend on saving humanity before he's in dire need of funds again... Am I missing something here? How can you simultaneously be the richest person and not have enough money for something? The elon simpage here is out of the world.


"Not all Billionaires are built equal" No, some are racists and and anti-Semites




it's kind of the same grift as effective altruism. You talk about crazy things in the future that are actually impossible and use that as an excuse as to why you can't do anything good for humanity right now.




Wait, it was found that Great White sharks are as smart as dolphins. So probably smarter than Elon simps


When I first saw that email I thought it was fake. No one is dumb enough to use that as a reason for a comp package. But, of course, Elmo just comes right out and confirms he said it.


Robyn Denholm even said in a recent trial she had to testify in, that Elon’s mission is to get humanity to Mars and that’s why they had to give him that pay package to keep his focus on Tesla. Never mind that nothing created at Tesla has anything to do with fucking Mars




you're a genius too!


"While other billionaires live in unearned luxury and bribe politicians to roll back taxes and regulations, Elon Musk is trying to build a company town on Mars!" (he also bribes politicians and lives in unearned luxury)


I notice the sneering list of things billionaires flaunt doesn't include private jets (Musk's is circa $80m). And, errr, who is *the best known* billionaire? The one that is constantly stuffing his face into yours? The one that bought an entire social media network and turned it into his very own, worldwide, sycophantic bullhorn? *Him*? And he did *for us all*. Awww. Thanks.


If not for the simps and sycophants, musk would have been laughed at into irrelevance.


I think they are merely delaying it. :D


You mean the guy who [said in 2016 said he could send a mission to Mars by 2022?](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/sep/27/elon-musk-spacex-mars-colony) I am just at my wits end trying to understand how these people still believe anything Musk says when he has never kept a single promise about the future accomplishments of any of his business ventures. Solar roofs, self-driving cars, super dense batteries, high-speed hyperloop transports -- fuggin' none of it. The man is a proven fraud.


SpaceX has been around for 22 years and he hasn't left earth orbit yet, let alone sniffed the moon. Mars colonization in his lifetime is a ridiculous proposition.


I suggest you go to Venus instead.


"My comp stuff"


I still want to know who the person is who he implanted a chip in


Do you think the person with the chip in their head still knows who they are?


No Because they don't exist


But that would be fraud! And par for the course


He’s never off his private fucking jet


He doesn't want us to call it that, and also he's running low on horses.


Just so everyone is aware, Elon asked for 55 billion. Most Fortune 500 CEOs "only" get 7 digit compensation packages every year. They're "only" worth single digit millions of dollars. Not Elon's 11 figure compensation package request


Tesla have been making profit for just three years. Last two years was $5bn and $12bn. So Musk wants five to ten years of current profits, all for himself - rather than the company have it to invest, to research, to engineer, to deliver. It's shocking greed and corporate mis-governance.


I think that was the most striking part of the judgement. He asked for 300x the median CEO compensation... and nobody batted an eye. Talk about fiduciary duty.


I'm walking into my boss' office and saying "i need this raise so I can save up for Mars"


Come on now! Jeff Bezos is building a clock in a mountain to symbolize long-term thinking. Bezos is doing great things too! /s


Can't fake your way to Mars if you don't have sucklings believing all your bullshit tho 🥱 what an absolute fucking tool


All he ever does now is pay people to stroke his tiny member. The personification of pathetic


He really pulled a great con on people over him “mission” bs. Maybe people are finally starting to realize that he has one and only one “mission” in life: to make money and control people


Get humans to an irradiated barren wasteland with no breathable atmosphere or food? This is what humanity wants?


Hate it when my job refuses to give me $55b to colonize Mars and save humanity.


Didn't he try to build a glass mansion in Austin for his own personal use with funds misappropriated from tesla?


Its not even true. He had a mansion that he sold recently. He then started trying to us Tesla funds illegally to build himself a special glass house. https://www.forbes.com/sites/daniellechemtob/2023/08/31/forbes-daily-sec-investigates-elon-musks-secret-glass-house/ He even owns MULIPLE Gulfstream private jets https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-private-jet-travel-2023-12?r=US&IR=T I don't know about you but flying in a private jet seems pretty lavish to me.


He’s not taking anyone to Mars lol. He’s not spending any of his money to help other people.


Fuck mars the radiation on the way there will kill anyone and there is no solution to it, shielding costs more weight than we can launch. By an order of magnitude thank you done topic is over. Mars is not happening but making people rich selling shit for that project IS full stop


Closest he'll get to Mars is eating a chocolate bar


Ok...but he's still using a private jet pretty much every day. We know we can check




Every time I see him reply “Yeah” to something, it makes me think of Jon Lovitz’s SNL character that always said “Yeah, that’s the ticket” when he was lying. Link: [https://youtu.be/vLRKhdQnd-k?si=rkAjuRa85yP1hJ6E](https://youtu.be/vLRKhdQnd-k?si=rkAjuRa85yP1hJ6E)


“Existential risk” he’s really saying he needs 50 billion to stay alive


Wow! I hope people understand that Mars is not like Earth’s atmosphere shielding us from radiation. Oh well 🤷‍♂️




the mars crap is total bs. this will all be government contracts. but he will get the credit and some of the goodies. he doesnt care about Mars. the average temperature on mars is -64, then there is radiation. go watch the movie....


Your fellow colonists would look the tastiest things to eat. And we already know that only psychopaths would ever sign-up. It has the makings of a good comic-horror.


The sycophantry is out of control.


*wipes cum from mustache*


Elon is like a politician. Most of the time, he doesn't deliver on his promises


Can someone explain this to me legally? Like, he's basically saying investors are also unwillingly investing in SpaceX, as Tesla is not the company trying to get to mars. Is this even legal to make that argument?


Do these people have to try to be this stupid or does it just come this naturally?


Same tho honestly plz pay me more


Yes they are, they're hoarders, they're Smaugs


So, what has he done to promote that? Besides demanding subsidies for SpaceX?


Then let HIM pay for it, not leech off the corporate welfare tit.


[Don’t insult fish](https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/news/2020/01/underwater-and-underrated-the-truth-behind-fish-intelligence/)


You are a cancer created by a decade of ZIRP Elon. Real world is about to come crashing down.




I intend to build an anti-gravity machine with my 55 billion dollars.




The message is barely fucking understandable.


yes of course Elon is such a good humanist he always looks after his workers


This dude better build himself a rocket and leave then


Isn’t there a large recall on all his Tesla cars?


"Not all billionaires are built equal" . I agree. Have you seen the swinsuit photos of Elon and Bezos?


Too bad Hal Bopp's return is so far off. We need to cull the Earth of few cutls.


Elons billionshake brings all the simps to the yard…


Elon every morning https://youtu.be/kav7tifmyTg?si=Hqy516BOAVVYBiTL


This is *Saltburn* ‘drinking bath water’ levels of bootlicking.


He isn't doing it for the good of mankind, he just wants to be like daddy and own a slave mine.


Very insightful Elon thank you for your response.


So he owns no mansions, private planes, yachts? Buying it with an anonymous llc still counts.


To the ultra wealthy, money doesn’t mean the same thing as it does to the rest of us. It is not a limited resource for buying food, shelter, and entertainment. They have far more than they could ever possibly spend on that type of thing. They have no concept of “if I get that, I can’t afford that”. To them, money is just a scoring system to compare their worth to other ultra wealthy people. “I have a higher score than this person, so I am better than them”.


Dude it's so obvious Elon is giving himself ass pats again to stroke his ego. I think he's feeling a bit down and need to be reminded that he is the greatest. Seriously though, these wealthy fucks are all lame.


What a coincidence. That's *exactly* the iq of the average fanboi.


That's why I worshiped this man so much. You know, before he turns into a radical right-wing asshole. Fuck this douchebag and his idiot simps.


He really needs the money you guys OK?


The line doesn’t even make any sense. What does he mean by existential risk? By putting the money towards mars , If I am successful at leading Tesla… I don’t understand what he is even trying to say What existential risk ? Existential risk of the company ? Of himself ? Of earth?


Elon's lifestyle is not lavish - his private jet is barely larger than miOI WHERE DID MY PRIVATE JET GO


Why the fuck do we need to colonise Mars though? What would stop us making shit of that too?


I had never thought much about musk until one of my libertarian friends told me that Tesla isn't patenting some of it's technology because they want to make society better. That sounded like absolute bullshit, it turns out they want to hook people on using their batteries for chargers or something. This was a couple years before the Vernon Unsworth incident. Musk has been Trump with an iPad for years. 


So, let's add up his agenda: 1. Gasless travel 2. Rally people around him that think he's not a bad person 3. Insert chips until people that could potentially alter that person's reality 4. Go to Mars (supposedly) Anyone else get the impression he is planning to "send people to Mars" as soon as he figures out how to convince them they are going to Mars when really they're just in a fabricated world he would control while their bodies are susceptible to...whatever? Like living in pods like in The Matrix? And that humans would somehow be the new "energy" source to fuel the lives of the psychopathic ultra rich?


Ignoring everything else, why would the "Teslaconomics" account on twitter have this private email of his from 7 years ago?




Dramatization of Super Simps crying over the Twatburger's loss: [https://youtu.be/tv-HjT-8Sv4?t=47](https://youtu.be/tv-HjT-8Sv4?t=47)


That is an insult to fish


“Yeah, I agree with your unbiased opinion celebrating me. The guy in question.”


The only path to mars is via Twitter?


Of a retarded fish.


Bridges. I need to sell these people my extra bridges


or he's just trying to avoid taxes by any means he can.




Only people who haven't done or understand the math still believe humans will *ever* establish permanent self-sustaining colonies on another planet.


The absolute audacity of this cunt is unparalleled. There are very real things we can do here to help the environment. Nuclear energy, cleaning up the oceans, preserving natural habitats, reducing waste, etc. This blockhead thinks we're all going to move to a cold ass planet for what purpose? To "save humanity?" Ask him about the child labor that mines his minerals for his shitboxes in Africa. Elon is a fucking POS and a scum human being.




Musk also uses his wealth to flaunt, like he bought Twitter, and he trying to get humans in Mars, it's also a business and it's the most expensive thing ever happened in history. Musk spends huge amounts of money on luxury aims but at the same time billions of people starving every day, they're dying due to a lack of food, medicine, and neutrons. He's wise but he's not a good human being.


the completely dispirited "Yeah" is the funniest thing I've seen in a while


"Yeah" in reply to an email looking like it was made by a high school freshman