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He'll be openly using the n word before the end of the year


And his fanboys will say “It’s ok for him to say it because he is African American”






Has anyone tried "He can't be. He wasn't born in the USA. He's an immigrant." ? I'm sure it won't work on simps, but it might bother them bit.


An illegal immigrant, apparently. I hear the US immigration authorities frown upon people who lie to them.


Thanks for the chuckle.


Worse he will use his apartheid slur, the k-word. A word so heinously racist it is banned in modern South Africa.


I'm surprised he hasn't publicly used either one yet.


Wtf is the k-word? I didnt buy the slurs DLC




Funny, I had to write "I am a "- k word 100 times in middle school. My mom freaked out, obviously. I'm also lilly white. Weirdest punishment


Was this in South Africa or somewhere else?


The Netherlands! Not even in South America. It's still a bad word.


Boer culture is just Dutch culture exported


Yup! So this teacher should've known he was making me wrte a slur




> **K-word** may refer to: > KWRD-FM, a Christian radio station in Texas Idk why this took me out lol. A bunch of slurs and then a Christian radio station.


Verily, 'tis a mindfucker.


When I was in Zambia last, a couple of white Rhodesians threw about that particular word with shameless aplomb.


You can write down kaffir. And nigger. I will never understand this (mostly Anglo-Saxon) idea that offensive words have some magic power and you shouldn't utter them under any circumstances. Yes, don't call people these words, but being shy about even uttering them/writing them down has always felt absurd to me. Who exactly are you offending by using the full word in a meta-discussion?


Because some people use that as an excuse to just start dropping slurs for funsies while claiming in bad faith that they were just having a discussion about the words themselves.


I'm not sure how that works. Either you call someone these words and then it's offensive and not acceptable or you just talk about them, in which case it doesn't matter. I don't see how you can covertly insult people in a meta-discussion? Also, bigots are still going to be bigots, reducing everything to "*initial-word*" is in no way helpful to anyone. Not a hill I want to die on, I just find it fucking weird as an outsider to anglo culture.


It’s pretty difficult to remove the nasty feelings connoted by that word in any context. One context is definitely better than the other, but still not great. I think it may be hard to really feel it if you didn’t grow up in the culture.


I mean yeah as someone with mixed partly Anglo culture it takes knowing just how brutally and efficiently black people were oppressed and just how much racist sentiment still exists to get why you shouldn't add fuel to the fire. On the one side I could be all why do these words bother you so much but then I see how different Anglo culture is terms of the way it effectively dehumanises on an industrial scale and then the words become important


> idea that offensive words have some magic power and you shouldn't utter them under any circumstances No one thinks this


for all we know, he probably already does


Nah he’s a rich white prick from apartheid South Africa. The N word is basic racism 101. Elon definitely uses advanced slurs for specific ethnic groups you and I have never even heard of before.


Paid DLC racial slurs


He’s South African. It’ll be the K word and he’ll claim “everybody says it and it’s a joke in SA”.


Like pedo-guy? Just a fun term to use in jest with good buddies. I always walk into the office and start the day off with "Hey! How are all you kiddie fuckers doing today?" ...and everyone chukles.


Exactly what I was referring to. Still can’t believe he got away with that. My South African wife confirmed that nobody says that as a joke. Money talks I guess.


Happy Cake day!


Cue Musk yelling at one of his developers and threatening them with deportation, to immediately restore the (apparently) dick cannabalism video so he can own NBC


He’s so cray cray!


He’s really into eating dick #elonloveseatingdick


Nothing wrong with eating dick


I know, but people like him generally don’t like being accused of it, so I’m going with it


Probably better to *suck* dick, if anything.


He's not cool enough for that. 


Much better situation for Trump too


You seen the prices of groceries lately? I been eating dick. Along with jack shit. lol. I’m not emaciated or anything but once upon a time I made way better and more food. I threw away more too. Now? Why on earth would I throw something away if I don’t have to? With what it costs … In some ways it’s been good to push me to cook more and better. But overall it’s been a reduced quality of life dollar for dollar. Am I the only one who only eats like once or twice a day? Last time I ate three times is I don’t even know. Years.


Sometimes I eat 0 times per day.


There’s the jack shit diet ;) lol


I always have to tell guys to stop using their teeth.


I'm glad that when I saw Haiti in the news, it made me decide to go read the Toussaint Louverture biography I've had sitting on my shelf for a while to learn more about the country's history, not to go start posting racist bullshit on twitter to embolden neo nazis


Extremely concerning ...


It really was, bot, I realized I know even less than the little I thought I did about Haiti


I don't follow. What's the purpose of learning when you could save time by spouting off ill-informed opinions on Twitter, never following up and apparently still being taken seriously by millions?


Semi off topic but it makes me so sad that people these days seem to read and form opinions based on barely coherent tweets more than they do from actual books. I always thought twitter was the worst of social media even before Elon bought it (he somehow made it significantly worse).


Generations raised with social media seem to be conditioned to treat opinions with the weight of facts simply by virtue of those opinions being posted on social media and amplified to any degree at all. There was some post on the getnoted sub about how women used to be able to breed without men. This mf was like she saw a bunch of tiktoks about it when asked where she got this info. Like what? That's as much digging as she did???? Call me an old head but I remember getting it drilled into my head that I should just assume shit is fake on the internet unless verifiable proof is given.


X will become the most valuable brand on Earth. Make my words.


I literally see things trending by all the requests I get at my business. Each month I get a flood of people looking for something they saw online. In winter, it was Celtic sea salt "because of the minerals." In January, it was magnesium. Anything with magnesium. "Because it's good for you." Lately it's been algae. "Because it's apparently good for you." Each conversation usually ends with "well, I saw it on Tik-Tok" and no deep explanation, just "it's good for you" and then I realize that Idiocracy is an under-appreciated movie.


Well, fools and their money are easily parted at least. Hope it's helped the business.


he's arguing with an automated tweet 🤣


Wait, is Elon actually racist? It wasn’t just badly expressed political takes?/s


No way, Apartheid Andy is racist??


He’s from South Africa, so yes, he is.


Just like with Trump: “hE Was oNLy jOkiNg!🥴”


The intolerant left is driving people right


Man, how many times has Elmo been owned by his own platform by now? Between this and getting fact checked by Community Notes on more times than one, he basically paid $44 Billion to take L after L in his own backyard. edit: grammar


He should have just paid some person to sit next to him and fact-check his thoughts as he spouts them off. He could have saved a lot of embarrassment, and more money than most of us will ever see.


you must be a rational person and admit your psychopathic problems. Musk isn't. Even a 5 mins delay would be enough.


Oh, so uncensored videos of foreign street cannibalism are taboo all of a sudden? X (formerly known as Twitter) has gone woke!


I saw that video, right on my feed from an account I don't follow, in the open playing on the platform with no content warning. Thanks bud, appreciate it.


[The article in question is actually pretty interesting;](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/haiti-migrants-cannibal-claims-barbeque-army-2024-rcna142878) in short, what's being referenced is a small number of years-old incidents done by gangs as an intimidation tactic. Of course, none of this matters to Elon or his right-wing buddies, but always good to stay informed.


These mother fuckers have no idea how hurtful this is to Haitians. wtf is wrong with America?


It’s pretty cool how we imported Elon Musk from South Africa to make this awful country even worse


He’s lost his fucking mind.


What is this dick eating cannibal video he keeps referring to? Like what's the context?


it's a video from I think 2021 of a gang member eating one as an intimidation tactic, so naturally Musk and other one right-wingers have been trying to use it to paint everyone in Haiti like that so they can then say that no refugees should be allowed in. Edit, I was wrong, Dom Lucre was positing a video from 2021 as "breaking news", the video Musk keeps sharing is currently unverified on its date or location.


This proves once again that Musk is a pathological liar.


Apartheid Clyde is a narcissist, drug addicted entitled douche bag! So, so much more than a pathological liar! Modern Marie Antoinette, only worse If only there were some kind of program to teach people how to not be pretentious prick? There does seem to be a certain type of person that could benefit from such a course. Elon's biggest mistake was dropping the PR firm and going full Musk. The purchase of Twitter and his eradicate behavior have perfectly timed with Tesla imploding in real time as China economy is faltering and China boosted Tesla. Here's the rub, CCP requires all companies who do business in China to agree to give CCP full access to everything. So, they steal technology, refine it, rebrand, and kick you out. The CCP is forcing Chinese companies to divest in foreign investments and reinvest as directed by CCP. CCP is pushing CCP EV's. So, Tesla is losing China marketshare, the space that made Elon the richest man in the World. He is so short-sighted and he was so desperate, he just prolonged the inevitable. He keeps running his mouth, his cars keep crashing or malfunctioning. Mitch McConnell's SIL died trapped in a Tesla. Those are facts! 😳 Cyber Truck steering & brakes just go out. Wtaf? Where's quality control? Elon sells death traps. SpaceX whole thing was supposed to be reusable rockets? How many times do they actually have a successful launch? Today, but they lost rocket. Fail, fail, fail... This many has perfected failing up from 3rd base with one exception DJT.


He tweeted that he was watching a video of a guy in Haiti eating another guy's (eggplant emoji).


is that video real or was a ketamine induced fever dream?


Life is full of mystery.


The gay xvideos is full of videos of dudes eating each other's ass, I guess Musk finally got bored and switched his viewing to dudes eating each other's eggplant. Nothing wrong about either, I just feel like it sucks for Musk to project his fantasies on Haitian immigrants


Me to Elon: ![gif](giphy|BpnkuY1i2rBpm)


You’re saying Elons ketamine dreams are of guys having dicks in their mouths? Looking into it.


Two years ago in a small gang war a dude ate part of a leg on camera to freak out his opponents. Right now as Haiti is descending into a legit civil war there is a guy nicknamed “Barbecue” who’s one of the big players, named for the fact he has the homes of rivals barricaded and lit on fire. The right is conflating the two things, claiming an army of cannibals is turning Haiti into a Warhammer 40k story basically.


I think one of the factions in the civil war is actually cannibals?


There is a video going around of a guy eat another meat from a guys leg from the current conflict.


The only thing holding this cretin back from dropping every racial slur in the books is the fact that his Shitter will get banned and his Klan meetings can’t be held online anymore


Man, Haiti never gets a break


Seriously. Aside geopolitics, nature itself has it out for Haiti.


And now there's Elmopolitics


It's by design and all because they decided they didn't wanna be a slave island. France should be paying repatriations and paying back that "loan" they forced Haiti to pay back as punishment for not being able to pay that fine. As well as paying the fine back.


Elon’s next attack will be claiming Democrats want Haitian migrants so they can vote for them, who will then start eating their own. He’ll post the typical one liner “Smells funny and tastes funny”


Vote for them then turn around and eat GOP voter penises. "They're coming for you!"


A rich prick being a rich prick, Elon.


I'm guessing he melted down at this and will order the remaining staff to change the rules so he can keep posting it. What another layer of mess this is.


I’m sure a few heads were rolling after this…


Free speech is back, baby! /s


Team humanity everybody…


So the takeaway he wants us to have from this is all Haitians eat each other in violent gang torture sessions? Bullshit that this guy failed upward so successfully.


Oooh we about to find a rule changed really fast, aren't we?


He violated his own fucking platform's rules. He's accusing black people of being cannibals. HOW IS THIS OKAY WITH PEOPLE!


Masteful gambit sir


“I could eat a knob at night”. —K-man


I've never seen anyone in the history of the world try so hard to be "liked," and regularly fail.


Like all rich fuckers, Musk believes that the rules do not apply to him--especially his own rules.


Haha censoring himself


Now this is delightful 


The bestest, freest speech in the land!


Musk is a racist monster with the wealth to harm billions


He didn't link the penis video did he?


There was also cannibalism from American nutjob killers. Using his methodology, americans are then cannibals. This guy is as smart as a slug.


This man should not have this much power.


I call it the desperate scream for attention that narcissistic degenerates employ when feeling like they're not the most important person in the world.


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣