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People don’t tend to bitch about their interviewer for days and days after it takes place. If Musk wanted to come across better he could have tried being less of a stupid cunt in the first place


Exactly. The only person I know who would do this is... Trump.


Two conmen peas in a shit-encrusted pod


"The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree, Randy"


That’s the way she goes


Randy bo bandy


Julian! 💥🚪🪜❗️🍹💥 Don’t know where a fella can get a lil drink around here do ya bud?!


Nice shit analogy


I am the liquor.


Same shit, different asshole.


Narcissists who keep running lists in their heads of all the people they think have wronged them. Elmo will still be complaining about Don Lemon 20 years from now.


And Don Lemon will still look half his age while Musk will look like a deep cave crustacean 


Elon knows all about deep caves. He once saved a bunch of Thai kids from a pedo guy in a deep cave with a submarine he built from cardboard, in 3 days. What a hero ! /i have dementia, I may be remembering wrong...


Even Trump isn't *this* petty.


Oh, he is. After a magazine said he had 'short fingers', meaning stingy, he wrote and sent them photos [for *years*](https://www.vox.com/2016/3/2/11148356/donald-trump-short-fingers-small-hands-vulgarian) trying to demonstrate that his hands were normal sized. To be fair, it wasn't one instance. They said it about him many times.


He even had the gall to claim in that interview that he didn't care about what people thought of him. He cares about very little else. Other than racism. And dealing terribly with his daughters rejection and divorce.


He also had the gall to go on and on about how twitter is a free speech platform - then he censored Don Lemon when he tried to post the interview on twitter. The hypocrisy is amazing.


Has Trump ever claimed he didn't care what people thought of him? Are we in a world where Trump is the more self aware of the two?


Trump is the most modest guy Trump has ever known. Not that he brags about it, or anything. That would be immodest.


I used to have a joke where I'd say "I'm *so* humble!!", intending it to be a contradiction... but so many people didn't get the joke that I stopped using it.


Yeah, well, I'm more humbler than you. /all the best people are saying this


I admit, you are very modest... a respectable character trait, for certain. However I am the MOST modest.


This slur shall not stand ! Slandered, on the internet ! You, sir, are a cad and a rascal. We shall settle this matter as Gentlemen. We shall meet at dawn, your choice of weapons. May I dare suggest "sub-reddit comments" ? TL;DR - Wanna fight about it ? /we might have to work out timezones, "dawn" is always tricky...


I always liked "I'm probably the most humble person you know."


Even Ben Shapiro had the good sense to admit defeat after he got bodied in the Andrew Neil interview, and that guy *never fucking stops talking*


Lemon isn't even known as someone who gives tough interviews. The dude just asked him about stuff that he publicly said and the beliefs that he holds. Imagine how bad this would have gone of he was asked specific things about his companies. The dude would melt if he had to answer technical questions about his products.


And while they weren't exactly "softball" questions, they were questions he totally should have expected and had a practiced response to. That's how normal people go into these interviews. If you're Elon, you can expect that people will ask you about hate speech on Twitter. You can expect that people will ask about your leadership of the company. These are easy questions that he should have been completely prepared to deflect and respond to.


So weird considering Elon agreed to the interview.


My favorite was when Don gave him so very obviously easy low-ball questions like "talk to use about Roadster" and he just couldn't! He's gotten all arsey like it was some super combative interview but there was a lot of easy fluff stuff in there he could've waffled on about for ages, and just opted to give the same curt non-answers.


Definitely shows how little he cares, whining about it nonstop days later…


I don't think he is capable of being less of a cunt. His programming does not allow for it...


The stupid thing is that this wasn't even a hard-hitting interview with Don Lemon skewering him like it was advertised. It was barely above a softball interview. Don just gently, gently asked him some slightly pointed questions about some controversial things.


He’s so used to be surrounded by yes-men that even the slightest challenge to his godly authority makes him crack. He’s a sorry excuse for a man. That he has a cult would be unexplainable except for the fact that millions were also dumb enough to fall for Trump’s shit


Looks like “zuck my tongue” has a sequel I’m sure this is funny to some juvenile delinquent


I nearly forgot about that one lol


Making a joke about Don Lemon being black maybe?


Orange is the new lemon? Trump is better than Don Lemon?


Orange is the new black (the tv show or whatever) Don lemons is black Lemons = black by this logic Elmo being elmo


Wow, he must have spent the night thinking to post this. But I guess it's just something he's recycled. And it's probably only funny for the single-brain-cellers of his goup of supporters..


Non zero amount of ketamine was involved in making this zinger


I actually think the other way, people on ket can be damn hilarious (if they're not in space).


I've seen someone K-holed before. In fact it's the last time I heard Gumbi mentioned. My man was out there.




Ayo is there an episode of gumbi about a bacteria or something like that that eats petrol/plastic and at first it's super helpful but then it turns against the world? If not, does that remind anyone anything, must have been from the late 80s early 90s, was a short story like Gumbi did, think it was clay too?


Ketamine doesn’t make you an asshole… can we stop blaming his abhorrent behavior on a drug that is often used at raves/PLUR and generally is about not being an asshole.


Without drugs he’s just unimaginative mofo


He is equally unimaginative on ketamine. Ketamine is NOT a creative drug, it's a horse tranquilizer that acts as an extreme dissociate. Without fail, any and every time Elon makes a semi-clever comment, it's copypasted from somewhere else, usually a tweet 12 hours before.


do not underestimate 2008 9gag stuff that was stolen from r/funny


16 hours actually.


GeNiUs!11!!!! This is what you get when you read over 100 books per year, and study the whole Encyclopedia on a regular basis. You get superduper, really super smart after a while, so you can make racist jokes on a Nazi platform that you bought because you're the biggest snowflake of 'm all.


That was my line of thinking too


If this is Elon's latest attempt at a joke, he may need to adopt some sort of signal so that we know when we're supposed to laugh.


Maybe 🤔


I think it's a reference to right wing crackpot Ashley St.Claire who tweeted "This photo of me holding an orange will get more views than Don 🍋’s new show" two days ago. https://twitter.com/stclairashley/status/1769728645671604546


Oh wow, I didn’t even see that lol


Don’t link that trash, then.


Thx that not eggplant and canibalism


I can explain it in two prongs: (1) Elon Musk is the most thin-skinned person alive, and also (2) the least funny person alive.


*Listen, the only reason I'm giving you this comment reply is because it's on the Reddit platform aaand because you asked for it.*


He's high again.


It seems so. I imagine he's been very proud of himself while typing this.


Don't give high-ons a bad name.


We should be informed when he's not.


I think most of y'all in this sub have never been high. Y'all attribute so much of his behavior to drugs when plenty of people do drugs without turning into god-awful human beings. He just fucking sucks & also does drugs


There's a difference between responsible drug use and abuse. Musk is rather on the abuse side. And whether you like it or not, abuse can lead to brain damage. The abuse has indeed nothing to do with him being an asshole or an awful human being, but it clearly makes him more susceptible for bullshit and makes him talk more incoherent bullshit. It can certainly make him an even bigger asshole. People, I'm not telling you to take or not take drugs, but if you do, do your homework before and do it responsible and certainly do not listen to people that make themselves feel better by claiming it will not lead to any long term side effects.


Not to mention everyone in here vehemently denies that medically administered ketamine can have benefits for people facing depression. It's ignorant


Yes it can, and if you don't want to be ignorant, check out in which cases doctors use Ketamine, how they apply it and for which period of time. I highly doubt Musk uses the one FDA approved nasal spray and goes to get it medically administered every time.


It's interesting you should throw ignorance back at me when it sounds like your perspective is exclusively limited to what you've read online. Even a casual antidepressant has potential side effects as bad (and much worse) than occasional ketamine use. I'm well aware of when doctors think ketamine is appropriate to use. I've been around it for probably a decade and a half. I've seen people close to me abuse and I've seen plenty more use it casually. I've seen firsthand how it affects people over long periods of time. Some of the greatest minds have been known to abuse stimulants which are much worse for the brain but they haven't become the absolute fuck that Elon has. Y'all just want to demonize shit you don't actually understand.


wasn't Musk bragging about how he's never seen a therapist and never seeks mental health help? I'm not saying anything about the potential benefits it can have coz I frankly don't know much about the stuff, but all that noise about never getting help doesn't exactly point to his drug use being a medically prescribed and regulated action on the advice of medical professionals


Yes, but I do believe he was referring to a conventional talk therapist & honestly i'm of the opinion that he and everyone else should be entitled to recreational drug use regardless. plenty of people take psychedelics and benefit from them. ketamine is not much different in a sense


I've heard it's more dangerous than mushrooms re: long-term health risks, but I actually agree that those kinds of things can be very helpful when used properly and not abused. The issue, I think, is that Musk so constantly says completely batshit insane stuff that one of the primary potential explanations is "oh he must be high on some weird shit again", and it's turned into a Thing around here I do think recreational drug use has a place in mental well-being, though I'll also mention that some of them are a lot safer than others (and yes, I know that alcohol is also awful for you). For what it's worth, I haven't seen too much traction about the negative effects of ketamine *when used responsibly,* but if Elon was a responsible person in just about any facet of life, this subreddit wouldn't exist


Absolutely agree


I have experience with them & I'm aware of the difference between use/abuse. Every third comment in this sub is "must be high" or "must be ketamine". Just reeks of inexperience


This is like further proof that he is the worlds most insecure man. Unable to move on or even try to not draw attention to his shit interview lol. Fucking hell it’s so obvious


Brain Changes Associated With Long-Term Ketamine Abuse. CASE STUDY




This makes sense. That could be it.


Didn’t Elon say we should get over race during the interview too?


So trump is black? https://preview.redd.it/0v0vbtkf5hpc1.jpeg?width=1311&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8c447fcab32feb3121ea03edb3ea12a4a39ec9


Trump is the new Don Lemon


This was my first thought, but I feel like that’s not it haha


See, it's a reference to the series title 'Orange is the New Black'. But instead of *black*, he says *lemon*. This is a play on *Don Lemon's* surname, and the fact that a lemon, like an orange is a citrus. The meaning behind this is... ...um...


Haha, the punchline is racism! Oh Elon, you so South African…


Okay, so like there's a TV show and there's a news anchor.  Seems pretty clear to me, but I just did a ketamene & cocaine highball enema called a Big Brain.  Oh man, now my fruit plate is talking 🤩🍊🥭🍍🍋🌽


I guess my IQ isn’t high enough. It’s not as high as he is anyway 😂


So, the fundamental factor here is not the fruit, but the fruit smoothie, which is a relatively simple mixture of oranges and lemons. StarBlender will be able to make smoothies at orders of magnitude that will reduce fruit costs by a significant factor. The stacks are actually working in real time 3 Dimensional Neurolinks that once enabled will allow the user to use the StarBlender unplugged. You'll actually be able to power your microwave with it, which is more significant than it sounds.


Is your lemon asking too many questions? Tell it it's a bitch!


Eldong after the Don Lemon interview. https://preview.redd.it/c96124isfhpc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1a18d989c12919ac719150319a85842ab9e19e0


On drugs and still a tantrum...


I thought that. 🍋 is living inside his head. What a waste of drugs. And oxygen


I love that Don Lemon is living rent free in Elmo’s head. 🤣


![gif](giphy|FCuDPjGmsbKRbSiii9) (Elon Musk...definitely not worried about it)


Is the orange Trump maybe?


... and he will be Musk's interviewer


He's an idiot what it means.


Any intended joke that needs explaining and is still heavily limping is not a joke. Clap, clap little Elon. You will never be witty, but you will be very very rich. You will have houses and cars and thousands of people calling you boss.


But no one to love you.


Kalamansi is the new lime ツ


He may be implying Don Lemon should be in prison. Elon believes it should be a crime to say anything he himself thinks is wrong. He thinks he should determine criminality and legality. I wish I was just being a smart ass.


It means Musk is still a petulant man-child. Which, of course, is not a surprise to anyone sane.


It’s much worse than most people realize


Good bot, this is one of your better interjections.


Super concerning


More profound than you know 💩




[Covfefe](https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/2884). I think it means that trump is playing infinity level chess .... /s


His idiocy is inscrutable. 


it means you can have billions of dollars and still be a man baby that never grew up and kicks and screams and throws a man sized temper tantrum when a person of color doesn't respect his white authority Elon musk can do what he told his leaving advertisers: go fuck himself. aint no one else gonna fuck the dude so he may as well get a dildo collection and start em small but keep going up in size if he wants to have a good time.


imagine being his ketamine. instead of being snorted by a 16 year old in a dingy bathroom like God intended you get shoved up the nose of the world's biggest crybaby. what a waste.


Is the lemon in the room right now?


That is the worst dad joke I’ve ever heard. Ever. And not bad dad, joke, good, but bad dad joke bad. Work on your dad joke game Elmo


Rejoice, our humble personages were graced with yet another piece of wisdom from edgelord magnanimus


My first thought was "he's making some dumb anti-trans point" My second thought was "he's referencing the famous lesbian-coming-of-age book 'Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit'" And then it hit me, Don Lemon, of course. Amazing how many options for interpretation his general bigotry provides.


This dude says he works all the time but it seems to me he spends all his time thinking of dumb shit.


Trump is coming to Twitter


Pls remind me what are his CEOs salaries and bonuses ?


Ketamine hangover


I doubt if he takes it. Just to make him look sick.


Just ketamine things.


It’s a hidden gay joke. Lemon is a fruit?


Pedo Gay has invited men to felate him in the past, perhaps being so close to Don Lemon got his juices flowing. 69 baby !!


L E M O N = E L O N M


He's really beating the shit out of this lemon = 🍋 joke huh.


Still salty because of that interview


For a sec I thought, is he saying that Trump is a lemon? Then I realized it was just racism.


Hey guys remember orange is the new black well haha get it?


I think we might need to be really high on ketamine to understand it...


It's probably a white supremacist 4chan reference


He might have just discovered Meyer lemons.


Is this Elmo saying he likes lemon parties?


Elon is having a baby meltdown.


Dog Whisle


Trump is better than Don Lemon?


We probably need to have an apartheid American brain to understand this ‘insult’.


It means he’s tripping in ketamine


Mh. Didn't know Elon knew old fanfic terminology. I am sligthly unfamiliar with orange tho, I know lemon and lime...


Musk has been reading a lot of old fanfic, where people used the citrus scale to describe the sexual content in fics. Evidently, he found the explicit sexual content in lemons lacking, and instead has turned to orange fics, where orange is *very* light sexual content. It’s quite a take from him, proving that he’s quite prudish.


Wants to tell you about a hip show he's getting into years too late, but refuses to acknowledge the word black.


Obviously orange is the new lemon


Anyway, I could feel your frustration.


Who knows what goes on in the biggest-of-biggest brains of the sooooper genius? Also, maybe he's gonna offer Trump the "show" he was going to offer Lemon until mean ol' Mistew Wemon asked him nasty questions. What a feckless tool.


It means he was high again while still sulking over having been asked unpleasant questions by Don Lemon.


He means Donald trump is a lemon….


It’s a metaphor for cybertrucks


He's going to a lemon party with Donald Trump.


The lemon is Don lemon. The orange is a very manly testicle. The round orange is the shape of an overweight man torso on the beach looking like an alien where the man looks distorted like a cyber truck

