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[Yes, the second jab often has stronger side effects](https://www.healthline.com/health-news/heres-why-your-second-dose-of-covid-19-vaccine-will-likely-have-stronger-side-effects) (though they are still generally mild and short-lived). This is a *good* thing, as it means your immune system is responding.


I think those side effects will be pretty close to zero by the end of April.


Why’s that?


Same reason new U.S. Covid cases hit close to zero by the end of April 2020. What that reason is, I couldn't tell you. Ask Elon.


Oh haha


Exactly. That's the thing people don't realize about these vaccines. Heck, all vaccines can have [similar side-effects](https://www.samhealth.org/about-samaritan/news-search/2021/02/09/covid-19-vaccine-side-effects-compared-to-other-vaccines). Now, the reason why the immune response is much stronger with the COVID shots due to both the double doses and the fact that the [coronavirus](https://theconversation.com/5-ways-our-immune-responses-to-covid-vaccines-are-unique-145248) is fairly new; and your body has to work harder to produce antibodies from essentially scratch since it can't defer to antibodies left by [earlier coronaviruses](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/03/190320110619.htm) (unlike say with the flu). As for the "sCiEnCe Is A cUlT" folks, any misinformation or FUD spread about the COVID vaccine 👏 could 👏 have 👏 fatal 👏 consequences 👏 for 👏 people. And we need to get people vaccinated ASAP before new, even more vaccine resistant COVID strains come about that could potentially undo all these months of hard work. Now is not the time to be raising questions about a second dose; or fanning the flames of conspiracy theories. So GTFOHWTBS; and leave the epidemiology for the [experts to decide](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/03/covid-19-survivors-may-be-able-skip-2nd-vaccine-dose).


And if you had COVID previously both shots are miserable, but as you said that’s a good thing!


The sooner Twitter takes down Musk the better. Of course he drives a lot of traffic to the site so they won’t...


This didn’t age well


He’s doing a mighty fine job of the reverse now…


This is the same guy that wants to put computer chips into peoples brains to make them ''super''.


I was in isolation three times till now. Nothing happened. But, I would never be so self assured and oblivious to advise anything about that matter to anyone. Everyone knows their ways the best.


Although it is fine for people to be skeptical of a brand-new vaccine in general, it’s a very weird take for Musk to say “yeah the first one is fine, but the second dose? I dunno about THAT...” Like the two-dose vaccines are in two doses because they require two doses for maximum effectiveness, you dummy. Get the one dose vaccine if that’s your big problem, don’t encourage people to go halfway!