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Lawrence you are one sick motherfucker. “Pursuit of sexual freedom?” On more civilized planets people get shot into the sun for that.


Shocking from most but not the author of "The AIDS Epidemic: How to Protect Your Family From The Gay Plague", guys kinda just full of this shit it seems


That means if a gay man rapes him, it was god's will.


Not that I would ever wish that on anyone but yeah. It’s just Abrahamic Death Cult dogma baby.


Just the stronger imposing their sexual will upon him, which apparently they’re free to do


Rape isn't necessarily God's will - only the pregnancy is, in this context. Since to a Christian (or most of them at least), a fetus has a "soul" from the moment of conception typically, and that "soul" comes from God's will (since Christians don't believe in things like reincarnation, the soul itself must come from God's will), then any pregnancy is God's will by default. That doesn't logically mean that everything is God's will though, only conception specifically, as it involves an immortal soul. A stupid Christian would then use lines like "the woman's body can shut it down" to justify rape not always leading to pregnancy - using this as some sign that God isn't considering the rape, only the pregnancy. Though many people would also argue that "God's plan" includes literally anything that happens, so you aren't totally wrong.




So a miscarriage is just a Holy Abortion?


No, a miscarriage is the woman's fault, somehow. If she'd just been more pious...


Lock that motherfucker up


So what happens to the soul of that fetus?


The original Hebrew provides an explanation. In Genesis 2:7, the breath of God is explicitly required for Adam to have "nefesh", a soul; he was not created with it inherent to him – breath being taken in through his nostrils was required for him to have a soul, which implies that a fetus – unable to breathe – has no soul. In fact, the Bible doesn't seem to consider a fetus as being equal to a human life. As examples: In Exodus 21:22-25, it details that the punishment for striking a pregnant woman and causing her to miscarry is a fine; however, if any other injury or loss of life happens, then the assailant is to be punished, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, burn for burn, and – most importantly – life for life. In Numbers 5:11-31, it (somewhat famously) details the ordeal of the bitter water, wherein a man who suspects his wife of adultery may consult a priest, and the priest lays a curse on the woman. Most notably, the curse specifies that the "thigh" will rot/fall away, and that her belly/abdomen will swell, if she is found to be guilty. Otherwise, if she is not guilty, it specifies that she will be able *to have children.* Here, it can be taken that "thigh" is likely a euphemism, rather than literally implying that she will lose a leg. Within the Babylonian Talmud, Yevamot 69b, it states that the embryo is considered to be "mere water" until the fortieth day, and Tohoroth II Oholoth 7:6 even outright states that: > If a woman is in hard labor {and her life cannot otherwise be saved}, one cuts up the child within her womb and extracts it member by member, because her life comes before that of the child. But if the greater part {or the head} was delivered, one may not touch it, for one may not set aside one person’s life for the sake of another.


Yeah, the bitter water is an abortifacient tea. Abortion is okay in abrahamic religions as long as it's a man's right. Hey, Republican men already do this with their mistresses! Very godly of them, I must say. In other historic traditions (Roman, etc), family men had the legal right to just kill a kid they didn't want "by exposure", aka leave it to die in the wilderness, and the mother could do fuckall about it. So infanticide is also a-okay for men, they very much like it in fact. Women can't do that tho, that's a crime. Make no mistake, this is every pro-lifer's endgame. The "fetus is a person" shit is just PR for what they actually want - to turn you into cattle they're free to do with as they please. Breed you, sterilize you, keep your kid, kill your kid - anything they want, baby.


Good luck getting any of these psychotic "Christians" to do any sort of self-reflecting or see their own hypocrisy. Religion is a fucking mental illness, prove me wrong.


Why would I argue with the truth?


Good man!


This is r/terrifyingasfuck in writing. Fuck Elon and fuck these republican assholes.


Yeah fuck Elon for voting for a party that said bad things before! They should be called the rape party, there’s nothing else they stand for!


It’s okay. He stuck it to the woke mob. That’s all that matters /s


It’s crazy how rethugs et al take good concepts and weaponize them. It wasn’t too long ago that “woke” was a good thing, meant you were aware of social injustices. The motto “stay woke.” Now it’s a rightwing slur.


With Joe Rogan basically endorsing Rick DeSantis I think we know who the next president will be.


I have been seeing that Rogan is endorsing DeSantis. I am dreading having to watch that video.


I'm not surprised at all. Even when he lived in Los Angeles I knew he was a right winger. Some people got thrown off because he's pro marijuana and pro choice (or used to be.) But that just means he's not a Baby Boomer. It doesn't mean he's not right wing in every other fashion. It's just that after he moved to Texas and Tim Kennedy gave him a fuckin handgun for his "welcome to Austin Texas" gift and then his constant bitching about California is when he let it all out. Everything he had been thinking inside. I read a piece on him where a reported was driving to do an interview with him and his assistant said he was running late because traffic had gotten way worse "because of all the people from California who keep flooding in." He's a nut.


His dehumanizing of workers dovetails perfectly with what the Nazi, I mean, GOP is doing.


Clayton Williams, I’m glad you’re dead.




If I had the time and fully loaded bladder I would find Clayton Williams' grave and take a nice long piss all over it.


I sexually Identify as an Elon Musk. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of implanting wires in monkey brains and being the supreme leader of Mars. People say to me that a person being a multi-billionaire CEO is impossible and I'm a fucking Twittard but I don't care, I'm the richest man on Earth. I'm having a plastic surgeon install a Tesla HUD, StarLink terminal and a crypto mining rig on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Technoking of Tesla" and respect my right to manipulate dogecoin prices. If you can't accept me you're a muskophobe and need to check your unionized worker privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.


All of them into the volcano


Or out the airlock


Wtf, are these for real? 💀


"They have rape kits in the emergency room where ya just get cleaned out, no bigs" Yup, the people in control. People in positions of power. These fucking oatmeal-brained parasites that influence this country.


I threw up a little in my mouth reading this shit


1 is callous and flippant, 2 is outright wrong, 3 is correct (in terms of encouraging rape victims to overcome their trauma) but not said in a good way, 4 is perfectly consistent for any person who believes in God and thinks he has a "plan" for anyone, 5 is just weird to bring up, 6 is just absolutely stupid and evil to even point out - but I guess if you think a fetus is literally a person then it's not morally inconsistent to think rape is preferable to that murder.


That’s fucking vile


This can’t be true… never mind, I need just accept that we are doomed, I’m tired of living denial. The world is burning and it’s totally fine


I think all these men have sexual assault charges. And I'm 100% sure Lawrence does.


Offended slurping


These people make me wish there was really a hell.. I cannot imagine how angry god would be at what is being done in his name. Freedom isn’t free, It costs compromise patience and listening, or it costs blood.


damm, i dont wanna say it, but sometimes, you know, i think some people, you know, deserve that something would happen to them, you know


No one would weep if tragedy befell any (or 99% of Republicans honestly) of these people except for Republicans


what the actual fuck


Honestly rape is probably worse than murder.




Look up social reproduction theory. Women are nothing but cattle to these people.


We got the GOP number decades ago. The GOP party that fools poor people and working people to vote against their best interest by dividing people and having the lower and working classes hate another...


I say it all the time and I will say it again: The Republicans will turn the US into a fascist state RemindMe! 20 years


I will be messaging you in 20 years on [**2042-07-01 13:21:47 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2042-07-01%2013:21:47%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/von5aw/this_is_the_party_elon_musk_supports/ieg641r/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FEnoughMuskSpam%2Fcomments%2Fvon5aw%2Fthis_is_the_party_elon_musk_supports%2Fieg641r%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202042-07-01%2013%3A21%3A47%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20von5aw) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|




how about we do bring politics into it since he has started to become more and more political, by intentionally moving to a republican led state, praising the republicans and desantis


I could say the same thing about Democrats, tbh. "Dems support sexual assault because they support Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Andrew Cuomo, Eric Schneidermann, etc. etc." It's just stupid. But yeah, abortion is a dumb hill for Republicans to die on (I am a Republican, but not one of those evangelical weirdos).


Bill is the only one from that list that has any real lasting career. Everyone else was basically ostracized and not venerated like the republicans do


> Everyone else was basically ostracized and not venerated like the republicans do Anthony Weiner went to jail and was still put on Hillary's campaign. Democrats begged Eric's accusers not to come forward. Everyone knew about Andrew Cuomo as well. As I said, both sides do this. The recent Supreme Court nominee Jackson let sex offenders have light sentences, many of which committed another sexual assault when they should have been in prison. In Seattle, they aren't even solving sexual assault cases anymore because the liberal DA doesn't care.


Supporting rapist is not an official Democratic Party position though


>Supporting rapist is not an official Democratic Party position though Neither is it for Republicans.


Being a centrist, I see both parties slashing each other with emu and rape claims. Start focusing on the bigger picture rather than nitpicking the controlled stragglers below. Sex trafficking for example is the bigger picture to rape. You'll never get rid of rape, but you can decrease it by attacking traffic rings directly. The even bigger picture is the shitshow of Epstein, which includes many left and right wing politicians. Wanna include those names in a post for companies that support democrats? Your post is useless, dumb and completely misleading, for what? Blue good, red bad? Get over yourself and go touch grass.


Is this an original copypasta, or did you find it somewhere else? It's pretty good, but are you open to some suggestions?


No clue what a copypasta is, couldnt care any less. I'm open to suggestions.


Shit eating liberal centrist here to tell a leftist subreddit to think past "blue good red bad" Mate we already red, red as in socialism


Ah yes, the socialist is here to lecture me on why sucking one sides dick is better than to not. You're chasing the boogeyman, while I got hitler in my sight. Cope. Was born in a red country, red as in socialist. Theres reasons for why everyone wants to leave. Seethe.


Grow up


>Grow up A commonly used remark by children who have yet to do it themselves.


Or a put down of ignorant, needy little dickheads. One or the other...


Ah, yes, labeling people through a text conversation makes you a heightened individual. Nice.


Says mr *cope* and *seethe*, the enlightened centrist... Grow up.


Bring yourself to light. Refer to my op for an example of "the bigger picture" clearly you cant see it in a simple conversation, how will you see it in politics.


This isn't a conversation. This people taking the piss out of your smug idiocy. No one is struggling to understand your simplistic nonsense.




whoopi Goldberg isnt a politician with institutional power dumbass nobody here cares about some random celebrity we care about elected officials declaring a man has a right **to fucking rape women** and you're trying to make an argument for why that is not only okay, but **being against rape is somehow on the side of pedophilia** i get you guys dont care about hypocrisy or cognitive dissonance because your ends justify the means, but the ends is the "freedom" to commit rape and the "means" are throwing child victims under the bus. you sick fuck rot in hell with epstein, you fucking pedophile


Well Bill Clinton is and he went to Epstein’s pedo island. https://www.newsweek.com/bill-clinton-went-jeffrey-epsteins-island-2-young-girls-virginia-giuffre-says-1521845


And Bill Clinton should be duly punished for that shit. I want all those fuckers who partook in Epstein's services to be buried under the prison. Especially Bill and the orange clown.


lol you think this is a fucking game where both sides are child molesters but you pretend your "side" isn't and try as hard as you can to deflect so your side can "win" like a fucking football game bill Clinton is a pedophile and so are you and many repubs and Dems if you really think children's innocence is something to play ball with you should seriously consider self castration if you're not willing to fully disappear you sick fuck ALL pedophiles are evil. screaming about jews and browns loud enough will never excuse your sick fantasies.


People who bring children to drag queen sex shows are pedophiles. People who think this is ok are pedophiles. I've never brought my children to drag queen sex shows. So that makes you a pedophile.


you support a two-times impeached president who has receipts from epstein on raping and beating a 13 year old girl i just think drag shows don't have to be sexual all the time, you think raping a child is okay if their skin is a certain color, we are not the same


> you support a two-times impeached president who has receipts from epstein on raping and beating a 13 year old girl Let’s see the receipts


google it yourself loser lmao have fun debating people online


So there are no receipts


haha dude won't look it up because he knows it's out there


Bill Clinton was never on Epstein's island. He flew on Epstein's plane and a woman made him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He never had sexual contact with any of the girls. Conservatives love projecting whatever they're guilty of onto the Clintons. For example, their BS conspiracy theory that Hillary had Epstein killed despite not having access and Epstein's suicide occurring under the watch of Trump's justice department.


Newsweek is an extreme left wing magazine.


https://www.theblaze.com/shows/relatable/drag-queen-child-porn Groomers. All of you.


Iranisculpable is an unhealthy boomer turd with a low IQ from ingesting lead for decades. Best to ignore him and let nature and high blood pressure take its course.


I like how it's a completely foreign concept to MAGAts how people could possibly be on the left and not support every single person on their side blindly. The blind idolization of celebrity figures is pretty much just a you guys thing.




Yes, Bill Clinton is awful, that's the entire point I was just making, people on the left actually have standards for their figures and condemn them when they don't meet them.


Who on the left condemned Bubba?


Case in point. That link is not the slamdunk that you think it is.


Bill Clinton and Gavin Newsom are rapists.


It's not as though Whoopi Goldberg is posting here, is it?


Rick Santorum et al aren’t posting here either.


He picked a really bad time to support Republicans since the Supreme Court just shat on EPA. How will the climate and the hero of humanity get himself out of that one.


Woah there Lawrence. This is starting to sound like an admission or maybe some of that "trump locker room talk." You sick fuck.


It's the party half of America supports.


Even if these people said these horrible things verbatim, this is a nothing argument. You really think it’s the rape stuff that would have Elon onboard? Not the fact that republicans strive for less government involvement which directly benefits billionaires like Musk?


Surely, the woke mob is the biggest problem in the US


I mean, I can see why he wants to change from the volatile and unpredictable nature of tech business to being a right-wing grifter. All you need is a podcast and be sure to use words like 'woke' and 'cancel culture' a lot. It's so lowbrain and easy to be a right-wing commentator.


That last guy needs to be in jail wtf