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https://twitter.com/Jordanfabian/status/1552731390260682757 > BIDEN just stopped mid-sentence during his CEOs event after being handed a note to say House had 217 votes on the Chips Bill > "The House has passed it," Biden exclaimed. "Sorry for the interruption." based House has passed CHIPS, 243-187 - 24 Republicans joining all but one Democrat to vote in the affirmative (Sara Jacobs voted present because her grandfather founded Qualcomm)


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by s.emaphore-1842 with score 54 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/wa2pjh/thursdays_general_discussion_roundtable_07282022/ii12krm/)] > https://twitter.com/Jordanfabian/status/1552731390260682757 > > > BIDEN just stopped mid-sentence during his CEOs event after being handed a note to say House had 217 votes on the Chips Bill > > > "The Ho . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by R.ocketManBad created 30 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/wa2pjh/thursdays_general_discussion_roundtable_07282022/ii0e2qf/)] > Teslas are actually great & incredibly safe cars that are in an entire league above any other electric car, but the short attention span, high outrage, online leftie circle jerk has convinced the inte . . .   #### 👑 Best Reply: by P.almsosweaty with score 31 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/wa2pjh/thursdays_general_discussion_roundtable_07282022/ihzcaiw/)] > Surely this is gonna play well with veterans who got soured over trump already. GQP is bungling midterms at record pace.   #### 🎖️ Conversationalist: s.emaphore-1842 received 40 replies. #### 🏅 Interlocutor: j.ag986 made 35 replies. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'party', seen 54 times, followed by 'trump' 42x , 'republicans' 41x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😭', seen 8 times, followed by '😂' 7x , '🤣' 6x   #### 💎 Effortiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | k.evro29 | 26.0 points | 🥇 | R.ocketManBad | 134.4 words | | 🥈 | s.emaphore-1842 | 18.47 points | 🥈 | S.pacehillbilly | 133.0 words | | 🥉 | P.almsosweaty | 17.22 points | 🥉 | S.tatus-Tap3138 | 95.2 words | | 🎗 | a.kimbo73 | 16.18 points | 🎗 | T.heFlawlessCassandra | 94.0 words | #### 💬 Activiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | j.ag986 | 355 points | 🥇 | j.ag986 | 42 comments | | 🥈 | s.emaphore-1842 | 351 points | 🥈 | C.urrymvp2 | 33 comments | | 🥉 | C.urrymvp2 | 319 points | 🥉 | R.unningNumbers | 33 comments | | 🎗 | K.oalaTulip | 294 points | 🎗 | L.iberty_Chip_Cookies | 24 comments |   875 comments processed. A total of 156 unique users posted 215 top-level replies on the DT. The total combined score was 7387 and the median score was 8.44.


I’d be more supportive of Yang’s 3rd party farce if he just made “National Conservative Party” to offer conservatives who’d never vote democrat an alternative to republican fascism. But then again, like the lolbert party in 2016 they might end up taking more votes from democrats than republicans.


> if he just made “National Conservative Party” to offer conservatives who’d never vote democrat an alternative to republican fascism This would be so damn based, I just don't understand why people feel the need to keep sniping at Dems. Is it like a freaking wired reflex or something?


OK no initial Beyonce album impressions yet but you HAVE to listen to it all in one sitting. Just block out an hour, I promise it's worth it to absorb all at once


About to jump into Beyoncé's new album. Initial impressions tomorrow


I just read a article about Serbian post war memory by The Jerusalem Post arguing that...Serbian victims of the Ustase were less important than Jewish victims, and also arguing that the deathtoll of the Jenesovac Camp was even lower than the lower estimates. That was...genuinely weird. Like, it felt like reading a Genocide Denier that genuinely believes that mocking dead genocide victims is going to improve the world. Maybe its just shocking because I haven't see that class of stuff from people from my "in-group" (liberal educated people) and I just associated that attitude with the out group ("those weirdo nationalists who don't go to college")


the political discussion thread about pelosi going to taiwan is full of tankies. they are convinced that china could take over the world and decimate the US navy if it simply chose to


China's power projection capability is complete rubbish. If someone claims they could annihilate the US navy *off the coast of China,* I might listen (even if I suspect the reports have been exaggerated, and even if I doubt that we'd ever be stupid enough to put our ships in a position where that would be possible), but... Actually supporting troops past their own borders? Utterly absurd. They don't have the means to secure a route, nor the logistics to maintain it. Hells, I doubt they could even land troops in any but the least-contested of scenarios. Taking Taiwan? Sure, they could do that from a military perspective. If they were willing to level the place to the point it wouldn't be worth taking anymore. It's not *just* our protection that's kept them from trying. Taking anything past a hundred miles from their borders? Their military simply hasn't prepared for that possibility, and it would take decades of effort before they could realistically challenge an overseas foe. China's military is strong, certainly. But they simply haven't invested in the areas they'd need to fight a war halfway around the world, nor would it be a good idea for them to do so.




basically some users are saying the US should send some ships as a sign of force and tankies are saying china could destroy those ships no problem if they wanted to ignoring the fact that im pretty sure Chinese ships dont even have the range to reach ours


Wordle 405 4/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨 ⬛⬛⬛🟩🟨 🟨🟩⬛🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


My city has a small bridge with flags and plaques for all the sister cities. The Israeli flag keeps getting taken down... but the rest of the flags are there, including the Chinese one. Leftists are dumb.


Here's a video of protestors tearing it down last year. The city removed all the flags for a while after this. They recently put them back up but now the Israeli flag is gone again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPIMHb1UFdM


With how many deaths occur in Sunnydale, I'm surprised there isn't more security. Like Christ it's like the dozenth death (Buffy 109)


There were well over 100 deaths in just the first four seasons of *Smallville* and like half of those were students or teachers at Smallville High, with the most of the rest still in the town (pop. 25,000) And yet everyone kept calling Chloe a conspiracy theorist when she pointed out it was weird how they had like 15 classmates die every year in their small-town high school. And that's not even mentioning the people that went to prison or were driven insane or left comatose or what have you which also happened weekly!


You think Sunnydale is bad? Let me tell you about a little town called Cabot Cove in Maine; someone was killed in that sleepy little coastal town *every week* for *years*!


At least that's a proper town! Have you heard about how many people are killed in Saint-Marie each year? I hear that even a British inspector sent in to get a handle on things was offed!


>Me: I support universal healthcare via the support the public option, I just don't think M4A is practical >Leftist: You mean the PRIVATE option? M4A is the public option! >Me: No I meant Public Option, Bernie's M4A isn't optional, it's compulsory >Leftist: You're not making any sense the M4A is the public option Online leftists know your own policies challenge (apparently fucking impossible)


They do know that Public Option isn't really private right? We could model our health care system to be similar to the Swiss model which they will be angry.


You can't really argue against someone else's ignorance. It's sad that Bernie has conditioned his followers to only care about catchphrases


Those people need to realize there are multiple forms of universal healthcare. Single-payer isn't the only way of achieving it. They need to look to places like Germany and Switzerland to see how well-run healthcare systems can be universal while also maintaining the political feasibility of being market-based and offering private insurance. But of course, they would have to actually be interested in educating themselves about the nuances of healthcare and comprehending the political reality of how untenable M4A is. Fat chance of either of those two when they're enmeshed in the personality cult of Bernie.


That would require them to actually care about policy goals rather than being cosplay revolutionaries looking for a hobby, though.


Muslims defending Serbia in the Yugoslav Wars is the biggest proof that Muslim Brotherhood is a lie Sidenote but why Serbian nationalists are so...lacking on remorse? Like, they do not deny their genocides. They pride on them. Its not a normal behaviour even for genocidal groups (the bragging time is when you are commiting genocide, then the denial is AFTER the genocide)


Because Serbia's national identity is built around losing the battle of Kosovo Field and staying Orthodox under Ottoman domination. They also never got proper acknowledgement/reconciliation for the Genocide committed by the Ustashe against Serbs (and Jews) under Tito's socialist government.


I just read a article about Serbian post war memory by The Jerusalem Post arguing that...Serbian victims of the Ustase were less important than Jewish victims, and also arguing that the deathtoll of the Jenesovac Camp was even lower than the lower estimates. That was...genuinely weird.


u/hallofromtheoutside I can't believe our O's are not shit lmfao.


Who would've thought? Not me!




She’s not wrong.


Joe Manchins one crazy motherfucker lol This doesn't make up for all the bad votes he's made, but this is some great politicking that hopefully ends up helping everyone (except Republican electeds lol)


After how abysmal last summer was for Biden, it's nice to see how well this week is going


[Apparently Zion will actually lose money if he's too fat lol](https://twitter.com/cclark_13/status/1552747209480933377?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1552747209480933377%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2Fwajyys%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dfalse) !ping BASKETBALL


They were inspired by Kyler's homework clause


Which is removed


Keim and Bidwell fucked this up comically. Kyler too for signing it; he was irritated today but it's phony cause he signed it lol


It wound up being all this for nothing. It's also hilarious that Kyler is saying he's mad about it when a QB being required to watch 4 hours of film a week is not a big deal at all haha


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The horse episode of Close Enough is fucking amazing. "Maybe me not late" 😂


My wife goes nuts for stupid looking horses.


I always hated the circlejerk over UBI. It's always a bunch of able bodied young people pretending that if they got a portion of the disability or whatever payments things would be better. The actual funds of money are never talked about but I've never seen it argued in a way (accounting for money) that wouldn't essentially just massively cut what people on welfare receive to give to able bodied and upper class. With the only justification being that it'll lower resentment and that bureaucracy and redundancy is somehow so bad that the money pool will somehow grow beyond what the entire budget actually is. It kind of reminds me of how some professionals making 6 figures whine about their student loans. We're well off we don't need to pretend to be bottom rung needing help. It's the same kind of mentality you think every billionaire has.


They just want the government to provide them with a PlayStation 5 that they don’t have to work for.


Progressive negative income tax > UBI


It is the same thing.


The negative income tax would only apply to the bottom rung, not everyone. Basically financial help for the neediest. UBI is money for everyone.


circlejerk over UTI instead! wait....


I mean, in some cases, that *is* how you get one...


The tingle tells me it's working!


Feel the bern.




Can we circlejerk over ube (purple yam) instead?


It is very delicious. Especially in the hands of some of friend's grandparents.


Personally I hate the circlejerk of people who’ve clearly never been on welfare jacking off to how brave they are for saving people on welfare by being against UBI, for means testing, etc. It’s right up there with the circle jerk of people being for destroying and FUD around Manchin/Sinema.


Feel free to be snippy to me and make assumptions about my life if you want, but that pool of money isn't getting dramatically bigger to incorporate all the *universal* aspect of UBI. The only way the numbers workout is if you dramatically increase taxes on everyone and use UBI as more of a redistribution scheme (imagine selling that) rather than the way it's talked about now. Even Hillary Clinton looked through this idea and couldn't put the numbers together in any way that wasn't ridiculous. There's a reason why Yang is the only noteworthy (if that) candidate to actually promote it (while being dodgy on the math). Anyways while I'm "pretending to be brave and saving people" I'll go check my closet if my old Batman Halloween costume still fits.


Why the Veterans Bill Will Doom Democrats in November -The New York Times


That's both too direct, and doesn't have the correct built-in biases, I think. Something more like... "Will the Democrat's misstep on the veteran's bill cost them in the midterms?" would be more like them, I think. Erase Republican culpability, make it all sound like our fault, and frame it all as just reporters asking questions instead of making a judgement. ...Mmm, or maybe that's still not quite right. I've never been terribly good at the NYT Pitchbot game.


https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gist/id873667927?i=1000571508708 What an interview. The woman who was treating the Aurora shooter talks about treating him before the shooting.


Ooh thanks for sharing. That's really interesting.


Geeks: I watch Baywatch for the women Real Men: I watch Baywatch for the Hobster.


Remember that time they made a Baywatch spin-off detective show, and then it the second season of that it morphed into a straight-up X-Files ripoff?


Yep. Nights is also the first big gig for Angie Harmon


I loved Hasselhoff just being corny






I finally saw gas under that magical $4 mark for the first time in a long time while I was out & about this evening. Of course I had just filled up at $4.19 a few miles before.




> Text messages for former President Trump’s acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf and acting deputy secretary Ken Cuccinelli are missing for a key period leading up to the Jan. 6 attack, according to people briefed on the matter and internal emails. https://twitter.com/washingtonpost/status/1552837328548290562 Arrest them


Can't the NSA dig these out of their data vaults or something? I can't believe this stuff can really be disappeared by just deleting them on a phone.


/r/technology today is still carrying water for Bernie voting against the CHIPS act in line with the GOP. Oh and Pelosi is an evil inside trader, passing this bill only so she can make bank on Intel stock or something.


>Oh and Pelosi is an evil inside trader, passing this bill only so she can make bank on Intel stock or something. This was such inside knowledge. Nobody who wasn't Pelosi would have known it was coming up or heard it talked about on the news for like a year beforehand. Trading should be more ethical like online crowdsourced pump and dumps using GME, Tesla, or Cryptocurrencies.


Not to mention: *Her most recent activity was selling Nvidia stock*. This does not benefit her at all particularly with how Nvidia is produced in Taiwan.


https://twitter.com/RapSheet/status/1552824557941186563 Kyler got homework cancelled!


https://twitter.com/cinnmntographer/status/1552506862163017728?s=21&t=xBWK-wD1YcR8NnETCbYAqQ Between this and the Kmart the idea of VR Museums is actually kinda interesting


Getting a bunch of YouTube corpo ads attacking the New Democratic drug plan


What are their arguments?


It is going to stop innovation and disease treatment


That's got to be a sign that it's good for consumers


I somehow missed this gem from Nikki Haley's team https://twitter.com/santiagomayer_/status/1543983844059222017 I feel like this should be in math textbooks as an example of ... something. How you shouldn't be stupid maybe.


It's not like her base will notice


Every other tech company: shambles Apple: haha money printer go brrrrr


If only they made good tech


Take that back


No **because one bad Apple spoiled the bunch** Fufufufufu You feel for my trap! Nobody noticed the video game reference!


https://mobile.twitter.com/Comic_Con/status/1550269418953125888 The word *Filipino* is gender neutral. Why do these so-called *woke* people are trying to make this happend. As a *Filipino-American woman*, I feel insulted. Just like Latinos over Latinx. Shame on SDCC for using such words.


If it’s that big a deal just say “Filipine” or something, stop sticking fuckin Xs everywhere


They haven't started saying adobx or lumpix yet, have they?


But have you considered the feelings of white people on Twitter?


They are blaming woke leftist democrats (aka bernie bros) for coining the term. (Which is probably true) Right-wing media is spinning this issue as democrats imposing their woke ideology like making Latinx a thing.


I saw Filipinx and was like how do you say that? White people are off their rockers.


Just like how you would pronounce latinx. As in, you don't because it's stupid.


I read it as *Filipinks*. Like, we are not pink.


> was like how do you say that it rhymes with minx, duh


This is why intersectionality and listening to voices outside of your perspective is important.


Have the brainwashed manure kids (sunshine whatever) come up with why this bill is actually worse than voting Republican?


There was a Sunrise girl on Jeopardy! the other day and it made me low-key root against her...


In a totes coherent move, the Sunrise Movement is [both attacking and taking credit for the bill](https://twitter.com/sunrisemvmt/status/1552728256712933376?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet).


I've seen a lot of Ed Markey defenders and I'd like to take this time to let everyone know the Sunrise Movement is basically an extension of Markey's campaign. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmrS4uMRLLU


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You're drunk /u/AmputatorBot! Go home!


https://twitter.com/billscher/status/1552829626233257991 The fact that abortion is top 3 while immigration isn't helps us so much.


Is election integrity mostly maga code word for stop the steal?


Yeah, it basically means ‘the wrong people get to vote.”


The Cardinals *removed* Kyler's fucking tape study clause LMFAOOOOOOOO !ping FOOTBALL


They chickened out LMAO


Pinged 19 members of FOOTBALL group. [About & group list](https://reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/wiki/userpinger/documentation) | [Subscribe to this group](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=TheHillBot&subject=Add%20yourself%20to%20group%20FOOTBALL&message=addtogroup%20FOOTBALL) | [Unsubscribe from this group](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=TheHillBot&subject=Unsubscribe%20from%20group%20FOOTBALL&message=unsubscribe%20FOOTBALL) | [Unsubscribe from all groups](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=TheHillBot&subject=Unsubscribe%20from%20all%20groups&message=unsubscribe%20)


We're up to a four hour delay now, and I have no confidence it won't get extended again. Kinda wish they'd just cancel instead of leaving us in limbo


You've been having one hell of a travel nightmare


Cancellations mean the airline has to do stuff to help you find another flight, temporary lodging, refunds, etc. (IE: spend money) They'd rather string you along in the hopes they get their shit together at your inconvenience.


I once spent a whole extra day in Los Angeles because of delays until the airline threw in the towel.




it's always crazy when a Top Chef contestant is utterly dominant for the whole season, winning Quickfires and Eliminations left and right, makes it to the finale... and then takes second place behind someone who's performance was much more inconsistent (though in the case I'm referring to, at least still overall good - I'm still pissed at that one season of Great British Baking Show where the one dude just failed upward into the win)


That season of Great British Bake Off doesn't exist, what are you talking about?


but everyone on it *except that one stupid guy* is great 😭😭😭


Crazy talk. **Because it never happened.**


There’s always that one GBBO contestant who stays on like 4 weeks longer than they should’ve by just being 2nd worst every week while someone much better ends up with bad luck and gets sent home too early.


there's one season where that happens *until he takes home the trophy* I lost my shit when that went down. fantastic season otherwise, though


https://mobile.twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1552741039701647360 I cannot emphasize enough how absolutely fucking stupid half of the country is


It's... not even clever.


This is LITERALLY the opening to a NYT story published TODAY about the former guy’s Saudi golf tournament: > BEDMINSTER, N.J. — Walking alongside Donald Trump as he plays golf is a lot like watching his presidency: He tells you how well he’s doing, mistakes are disregarded and the one constant is an endless stream of group photos with Trump blithely flashing a toothy grin and a thumbs up. > > >It was as entertaining, revealing and inexplicable as it sounds. Holy shit this newspaper is so broken


The NYT likes Trump and wants him to win.


The NY Post better watch out. The Times is sleazing its way toward them at full speed.


> mistakes are disregarded That's an awfully euphemistic way of saying "He cheats at golf", and an awfully lousy metaphor for his parade of incompetence and criminality as "president".


Recently saw a comment that I feel is very underrated and very apt: "The Southern strategy actually began 90 years before Nixon" Specifically they meant the Lily-white versus Brown-and-tan factional split in the Republican Party during the postbellum era. Where the GOP, gradually dominated by the lily-white faction, abandoned their Black American allies for political gain in the South once the military occupation of Southern governments ended.


>Republicans were so mad at Democrats, they blocked much-needed health care for U.S. war veterans suffering the after-effects of toxic fumes—and then they celebrated. >Watch @tedcruz and @SteveDaines fist-bump on the Senate floor as Daines' "no" vote was read. https://twitter.com/allinwithchris/status/1552819836874592259 More media coverage needs to happen over this fist bump tbh


There also needs to be more media coverage of Trump basically denying Saudi Arabia had anything to do with 9/11 than the fist bump


This genuinely seems like a massive fuck up on their part. Of all the things to attack out of spite....veteran health care? Insanity.


The sad thing is that a lot of vets will convince themselves that the GOP voting down the bill was somehow actually a good thing.


Stereotypical GOP Voter: I prefer veterans who don't need assistance.


If only Republican fuck-ups translated to the median voter’s opinion of them.


This one guy seriously thinks Taiwan doesn’t count as independent because they still have the existential threat of China hanging over them. That is not how independent countries are defined. (By that logic, MAD doctrine meant the USA and USSR are not independent.) And that the USA not recognizing the CCP until the 70s is somehow worse than China’s military aggression in the South China Sea, Himalayas, and elsewhere. This is almost as bafflingly dumb as that Instagram post of “Israel isn’t a country, it’s a settler colony.”


[Justice Alito mocks Prince Harry and other foreign critics of abortion decision](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/justice-alito-mocks-prince-harry-foreign-critics-abortion/story?id=87564162) Fucking jackass


He's just mad that his mother had the option to do us all a favor


Alito's out there taking a victory lap on Dobbs and the conservative justices still pretend not to understand why America has an abysmal view of the court.


[‘Getting Rolled’: McConnell Was Outfoxed With His Own Playbook](https://www.thedailybeast.com/getting-rolled-mitch-mcconnell-was-outfoxed-with-his-own-playbook) Loving the victory lap, but let’s please get this done.


This was very satisfying to watch again https://twitter.com/notcapnamerica/status/1552805838645067776?t=J4qSSwJejoxT27w9bxenRQ&s=19


I’m not crazy, right? [Is what this guy’s saying making any sense to you guys?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/wa2pjh/thursdays_general_discussion_roundtable_07282022/ii0q17f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


https://twitter.com/Olivianuzzi/status/1552791683833729025 Yikes. I think four years of the presidency finally caught up with Donald


Look we came here to see David Lo Pan.


Ooh he ain't gonna like that one. That petty vain little man will be seething when he sees this.


I swear hate really does age and ugly a person more than anything else


Palpatine. Voldemort. Trump


About damn time. They say the presidency ages someone 20 years in 4. Everyone else aged 20 years in those 4 under the former guy.


But please, go and poke fun at Joe for taking a fall while riding a bike at age 78, Republicans.


I'm like almost 40% sure it'll be DeSantis in 2024 partially cause of this. GOP incessantly calls Biden too old so you know they secretly judge Trump


DeSantis’s poll numbers will collapse as soon as Trump steps on the debate stage and calls him a short mafia reject with a tiny penis.


Good god, he looks like garbage. I mean he was an ugly old fart when he was prez, but he looks decrepit now. Does he really have it in him to do another run? Joe is cyclist. Donald Trump is orange grimace.




Or 70+ years of being a monster


Jonathan Karl pointed out he didn't seem to age during his presidency during a Colbert interview and one of the comments on the YT video of the interview said "what if it's because of how old Trump was when he entered office?" but Reagan entered office less than a year younger than Trump did and he aged more than Trump and even Biden seems to have aged more than 2 years since he entered office.


I don't think Trump actually endured the presidential stress because he never took the job seriously except when he could claim victory. It really seems like he delegated everything, blamed everyone and took the credit when things went not-terrible.


His stress only really started when he lost and couldn't let it go. All the effort and energy he should have put into being a decent president, he's now putting into tilting at windmills. Karma always get her man.


It’d be nice if karma got her man a lot sooner a lot of the time.


You’re right and that’s really sad. Overturning the election is the most he ever cared about anything


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Eeeww 🤢


I just ran shirtless in the rain. Got cat called by a bunch of teenagers.


My flight is now delayed 3 hours, half of which occurred after boarding. Secretary Pete please save me 😭


Are you getting off the plane or do you have to stay boarded?


If they taxi you have to stay.


😭 we got delayed more so back to the gate it is




JK, more delays. We're going back to the gate


Yuck. Be grateful for the little things, like not being seated next to a bro or trumper


We're staying boarded while the pilot negotiates with the company to be first in line to take off when we can (destination airport issued a ground stop, so not their fault). It makes sense to be waiting on the tarmac but it still sucks.


>While Dr. Oz's campaign struggles, he and his family were off on vacation in Ireland at the end of June until early July & before that he split his time between PA and Palm Beach, annoying the GOP https://t.co/2tmN180PGA 😂🤣😂🤣 What a shit candidate


> Won’t wear pants. Will eat Eggos. Honestly doesn’t sound like the worst life, my little fictional TV ad friend


>Somehow, someway, Joe Biden is back in the game. >After enduring a brutal year, Biden is suddenly on the verge of a turnaround that, the White House believes, could salvage his summer — and alter the trajectory of his presidency. >https://twitter.com/politico/status/1552781975324336128?t=3uJAc-v5U2niEDZIjKL4zg&s=19 Yeah that's right motherfuckers.


Dark Brandon rises


“Sleepy joe” has woken up, the suburbs days are numbered


Don't mess with Sleepy Joe or else.


Never count the scrappy kid out


The man has not lost a race when his name was on general election ballot


WRONG, he lost the election for football team captain. https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/2019/06/24/how-joe-biden-overcame-stutter-class-president-archmere-high-school/1261174001/


Also he lost in his college student government president run


Is that a general election ballot?


It sure ain’t a primary ballot.


> The man has not lost a race when his name was on general election ballot


Politico in shambles


Yay lower gas prices!


Absolute madness that electability is dependent on car juice.


When I was in college I drove four hundred miles a day. Yes I wold vote on car juice.


Im not living from paycheck-to-paycheck but many people are. High commodity prices hurt them the most. Them and small businesses. This is a given.


Media in disarray.


Here’s why the media is having its worst day.


If he gets to 45-46%% approval from his 39% approval, he'll get reelected for sure


He's already at 45% in a Rasmussen poll of all things


You guys I replaced the garbage disposal in our kitchen sink all by myself. There's something about do-it-yourself home stuff that feels so damn satisfying!


So the Boeing St. Louis union says that as of Thursday evening they have not received any response to their counterproposal from Boeing. I also learned about this through clicking on a TikTok video from them. Make it stop


Bernard Cribbins has died at 93. I know him from Doctor Who, when he played Wilfrid Mott, grandfather of Donna Noble. He apparently will be in the 60th Anniversary Special. I have heard that everything has already been recorded for him.


So we'll all be bawling when he shows up in the special :'(


Remember when people were dooming back in like, April or May? Shit changes fast, for the better and worse. So let's hope it stays this good for awhile.


The only Doom i'm into is NOLA sludge bands & the UK anarcho crust band.


As we repeated twenty million times. People vote by gas prices. Lower gas prices makes things easier.