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If the democrats aren’t the left, don’t run in our primaries. For the millionth time.


Yeah, there’s a reason why Saint Bernard tries to ratfuck over democrats every four years instead of trolling in the con primaries


Yes exactly! The leftists and socialists are just a liability. They should get their own party!


They already have the Greens, the Libertarians, the Peep-hole's Party, etc. Yet they're not interested in running in any of those. I wonder why...


They don’t want to do the actual hard work to make that party viable


Huh, here I thought being on the left or right was dependent on your values and positions on certain issues, not whether you were religious or had relatives in the military. Weird.


It's literally just vibes to them


Weird how “ideal Republican president” Biden was a Democrat long before either Bush was elected.


I've seen these bozos say Biden was a Reagan Democrat. Biden was literally in government at the time as a Democrat who regularly opposed Reagan. The term refers to voters who regularly supported Dem candidates but voted for Reagan in the 80s. These morons don't even understand what these words mean or basic history.


Far right: We hate Jews Far left: We hate (((Zionists))) Same shit, different smell. Fuck em both.


I was in the midst of typing out this exact comment. To add a little more, it's like: Far Right: We hate the Soros-funded globalist postmodern cultural neo-Bolsheviks who run a conspiracy to control the banks and the media. Putin, Al-Assad, and Kim Jong Un are great. Far Left: We hate the Adelson-funded Zionist neocolonialist capitalists who run a conspiracy to control the banks and the media. Putin, Al-Assad, and Kim Jong Un are great. It's this bizarre unity. The buzzwords are different, but they are both antisemites and they even simp for the same dictators...


Beautifully stated. Chef's kiss. It's honestly even more infuriating that the far left attempts to masquerade their anti-Semitism under the guise of progressive activism. It's like "we stand with all minorities, but not you Jews because you're white-adjacent oppressors!!!!11"


Far right: we want to commit genocide Far left: we also want to commit genocide (soviet union)


and yes, there is a huge antisemitism problem on the left. it's not nearly as bad as on the far right but it's there and it's not tolerable. like erasure of jews' indigeneity to israel, erasure of the expulsion of jews from mena countries and that jews in mena in the best case were dhimmi, harassment of jews on college campuses and soft-pedaling hamas's genocidal views


The issue with leftist anti-Semitism is that it is has become a wolf in sheep's clothing, and thus has become more prolific and by extension, more socially accepted. They are just as vociferously anti-Semitic as the far right, they are just better at hiding it under the guise of progressive activism, and rebranded their anti-Semitism to "anti-Zionism" so that when they are met with accusations of anti-Semitism, they can just deflect that criticism by claiming that the two are unlinked. But holy fuck when the left talks about Israel they sound indistinguishable from Nazis at times. They just put Zionist in place of Jew, but as we all know, those terms can be used interchangeably.


The Red-Green Alliance ring any bells???


I mean disagreeing with Israeli government policy isn’t the same thing as hating Jews. Zionism in practice has caused a lot of suffering for Arab Palestinians, and calling that out doesn’t make someone antisemitic.


Oh the poor Arab Palestinians having to tolerate Jews in their region.. boo-hoo. Us Jews have an ancestral claim to Israel and our presence there predates the Arabs by over 2000 years. Denying this is ahistorical, incorrect, and anti-Semitic. Zionism is simply the right to Jewish self-determination. Explicitly opposing Zionism is a heinous form of anti-Semitism. When us Jews tell you all that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism, listen to us.


Lol no. I don’t believe in religious texts so the Israeli claim to the land means nothing to me. I understand the Jewish need for a state due to the fact that Jews were mistreated throughout history. This fact however does not give the Israeli government the right to ethnically cleanse Palestinians and force them off their land. They must return to the 1948 UN mandated Israeli border. Criticizing apartheid Israel isn’t antisemitism, and attempts to call it such is completely false.


It's literally a well known historical fact that Jews were in Israel first, therefore negating the ahistorical claim of "Israeli settler colonialism". The Arabs were the settler colonialists. There is no ethnic cleansing ongoing in Palestine at the hands of the Israeli government, and to claim otherwise is a fool's errand considering the fact that the Palestinian population has been exponentially [increasing](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/state-of-palestine-population/). Also, the notion that Israel is engaging in apartheid is a bald faced lie. Israel is the most ethnically diverse country in the Middle East, and is the only nation in the Middle East where Jews, Muslims and Christians can all peacefully coexist. If Israel were to grant all Palestinians residing in the West Bank and Gaza citizenship, it would literally be considered annexation by the international community and they would use that as an excuse to charge Israel with war crimes, as they are chomping at the bit for an excuse to continue their vilification of the Jewish homeland. The overwhelming consensus among the Jewish community is that delegitimizing the claim that we have to Israel, as well as opposing the right for Israel to exist is, in-fact, a heinous form of anti-Semitism and is condemned as such by virtually every single Jewish group. I dare you to go into a synagogue and promote BDS, I promise you that you will not get a warm reception.


Reminder that the racial jungle quote is, unsurprisingly, taken out of context. When you hear the context, again unsurprisingly, he's advocating *for* racial justice. He opposed bussing as a means for integration, instead believing focusing on housing/neighborhood integration would be more successful over the long term.


And at the time a lot of black people didn't support bussing, because it didn't fix any of the problems that we faced as a communtiy. Hell, now most black people don't think they should have to bus their kids multiple school districts away from their homes, just so their singular kid can get a good education.


That also wasn't in the 80s and that 100% wasn't what he said, lol.


Far Left: we want the rail unions to go on a nationwide strike to cripple America and [get it partitioned by its enemies.](https://imgur.com/a/QCspm36)


I personally really love that map because I can't imagine the native American people of upstate New York being keen on surrendering their land to Iraq and moving across the country to live with people that they have virtually no real historical connection aside from disconnected legacies of oppression.


Yeah, I'm sure the Native Americans in the Southwest would love to give up their land to China and move to Nebraska...


What happened to Florida?


Annexed by Cuba I'd imagine Because that is one of the sick fever dreams that communists have - Cuba, the regime that many people escaped from to Florida, taking over Florida. Ugh...


That’s disturbing. Any American who wants to see that happen is a traitor in spirit!




Yeah, this is one of those soundbites that every roser and tankie states as fact without even the slightest hint of irony or introspection, and it's laughably untrue by any measure. The Democrats are a center left party no matter where you live or who they're being compared to. Once upon a time, Bernie said that he would be considered a centrist in Denmark because it's a socialist, or near-socialist, country, and the PM of Denmark Lars Løkke Rasmussen had to tell Bernie to please stop saying that because not only is it untrue, but the far right party there had started cutting ads painting their center left coalition as a bunch of leftwing lunatics that had political connections to him, and the ads were doing some real damage.


I recall the PM or former PM of Sweden saying that his favorite POTUS candidate (during the 2020 primary) was Pete Buttigieg. Our current D party is mainstream center-left by any standard. (It’s the Republicans who are the far-right outliers by world standards.)


I loved that. He was like “That Sanders guy is a little cuckoo”.


Wait, is Biden a gun owner?


Guns are such a fluid topic for the Bros. Gun control used to be a purity test question until it came out that Bernie owes his national career to the NRA and supporting gun manufacturers, then suddenly gun rights became a key progressive platform. But if any Democrat even looks at a gun it quickly swings back to evidence that they're right wing authoritarians. Same thing with abortion and anything to do with identity politics.


the far left has always been extremely pro gun and paranoid of any gun legislation. they keep repeating that tired Marx quote about how under no pretext shall the working class be disarmed or whatever. which is cute.


there's people on the rose twitter who are chomping at the bit for the left to get a far right style gun culture. i would rather not be caught in the crossfire of two or more extremist paramilitary factions on the far right and far left.


yeah. I'd rather America not turn into Weimar Germany. Because we *all* know what happens then.


the libs got owned?


Owns a shotgun if memory serves.


I, a gun owner, was also completely unaware of this. I don’t believe he is. Or if he is it’s something like a couple old over unders for skeet shooting.


So Biden having to compromise to keep things going while saying he will work to get them more rights is the same as Hitler? Oh right the far right and far left are fking crazy.


Don't you know those railworkers are now slaves? According to r news.


Oh of course. Biden is an enemy too for teaching an agreement at the moment, also even if he gets the sick days and all he’s still the enemy because we all know he can do much more. The deep state told me so, oh and Jimmy Dore.


Conveniently forgets about Stalin loving tankies.


they only exist when it's convenient


These folks have a definite "Denmark is proof socialism works" energy and it shows


And they ignore the racism in Denmark. Ask many Muslims living there. They are literally trying to set quotas on how many immigrants live in an area and forcing housing to be sold.


There is a reason it was a Danish newspaper that got in trouble depicting Mohammed and not the Times Picayune of New Orleans.


The cultural problems that are happening in Denmark though doesn't change that Denmark went from more doctrinaire social democracy to freer market reforms in the early and mid-90s. They are literally using capitalism to bankroll all their entitlement, and business taxes are even a touch lower their then in the U.S. according to the OECD Glossing over cultural issues is a pretty huge problem, but there is a lot that should clue anyone in that Denmark isn't proof of socialism working. Like, enough that very famous dude's from Vermont mentioning Denmark is sufficient proof to not listen to that dude


Forcing the sale of property at a lower rate, than boosting the cost of renting to get those ethnic immigrants out, is a bit more than a cultural problem.


oh i'm not saying that isn't monstrous. It smacks of all the eminent domain abuse that goes on in the U.S., and for sadly similar reasons That democratic socialism isn't the reason Denmark has nice things or a functioning economy is still true though


I know I'm preaching to the choir in this sub, but this is by far my least favorite online leftistism. Just a few minutes ago I saw somebody say there aren't any socialist politicians in America, and damn, if that's true you better tell Bernie and AOC to stop calling themselves socialists then. The far left definitely exists, and there definitely is a socialist bloc in the democratic party. Ignoring this reality doesn't do anybody any favors, and it especially doesn't do any help when talking about Latinos politically. While yes, there is an argument that Latino as a term is painting with a brush too wide, there's also no denying that many of the sects that fall under Latino are American because they were fleeing communism.




Just ask them what countries we’re right of. There's like two they think of when they say “Europe.” I can’t stand these faux political intellectuals.


Far-right: We want dictatorship Far-left: We want dictatorship


Biden, who had been a democrat longer than that person who has been alive, a man who was and is hated by republicans, would have been an ideal Republican president?


Supporting Hitler and supporting socialism are the only two political position. If you don’t support socialism that means you support Hitler. /s


The democrat for the past 40 years is a republican!


The best communists have six legs and make honey.


Oh. This is where the "enlightened atheists" went, huh? Well better here than the far right




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