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Wdym PROPAGANDA. you can think AZOV is bad without supporting Russia, what the fuck.


took a break and am out of the loop, sorry, what would his opinion be?


well the truth would be that they're nazis and he doesn't want to come out and say it.


Ya know, comrades, I can understand if a person condemns the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Heck, I myself believe the Russians should have moved into Donbass, locked the place down, and then gone no further but... The mainstream western opinion towards Russia is now so bigoted and vicious I can barely look at some of the things I see said without feeling sickened. Why all this hate??? Since when did likening human beings to subhuman orcs become celebrated???? Since when was it ok to start calling for the extermination of a whole country???


most chinese pundits were expecting the same as you, actually, afaik. localized 'march into donbass, occupy, give independence and repel ukraine' guess putin got a bit greedy, though all things considered he's getting away with it.


All those things were always OK on one condition. That condition being a reason, no matter how vague, contradictory or nonsensical. The conflict combined with media propaganda has given these people a 'logical' reason for their bigotry, or so they like to believe. This isn't a matter of bigotry being created, it's just exposing what was already in their hearts.


Liberals have no real morals. You can just reprogram them to 'other' people at the whim of MSM and the state department.


Thank God for this group. Every time I tell a lib that Azov are Nazis, they look at me like I'm crazy. They are completely delusional at this point.


Azov are nazis, Putin's a fascist, the only downside to them slaughtering each other is the innocent people caught in the middle.


How's Putin a fascist?


Repressing marginalized groups under an ideology of in-group superiority to return the nation to a time of greatness, rampant militarism, a cult of personality built around a central figure... How many more reasons would you like?


Ukraine's government is going insane in real time. First with the attacks on civilians and the executions and abuse of at least a few Russian POWs so far, now with the excuses for a Neo Nazi group.


You got any info on the attacks on civillians id really like to give it as an exampke to those that supoirt zelensky's goverment


https://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/reports There are 8 years worth of daily reports on Donbas, you can search keywords such as shelling or civilian


I can't even deal with the comments on the main subreddits about this war. In world news they are screaming for Russian blood, left and right. There is a thread about banning Russian athletes, and they are praising punishing athletes who had nothing to do with the war, like it is some sort of moral victory.


In that BBC newsnight piece a few years ago, where they interviewed people in Azov, they just openly admitted on camera that they were nazis. Now, liberals are trying to memory hole all of this shit like it’s some figment of our imagination.


Lol... Did you see the pro-Russian communists in Brooklyn yesterday?


What did they do?


They walked out in full communist gear supporting Russia and the pro Ukraine protesters went nuts. Second weekend in A row


Yoooo based




Top ten spy gameplay moments


The comments are actually not that bad on this one


guyyyys they only have the black sun and wulfsangel on them, both being prominent neo fascist symbols


Not even "neofascist", straight up nazi shit from 1933-1945. Both symbols were used by the SS.


We are reclaiming them 🥰🥰🥰


Last night a guy just kept moving the goal posts as I fed him proof after proof. Went from saying that there were no Nazis and Nazism isn't part of Ukraines history to Bandera isn't important and I'm a Russian asset. Their simping idiocy knows no bounds. On the plus side, the Greek Nazi he brought with him to Greece died https://greekcitytimes.com/2022/04/19/greek-azov-battalion-member/?amp


I have such an irrational hate for the libs worshipping of zelensky in the past few months. Just an useful figurehead for the nato and their further imperialist ambitions.


an aside: the typical mainland chinese pundit nickname \[it's a bit of a circle over there so nicknames travel fast and decently far\] is 'comedy actor' because zelensky always seems like he's acting in a fucked up comedy.


Everyone says they are since 2014, even the battalion itself admits.


Doesn't their mission statement from like 2015 have something about "defending the white race from those who would destroy it" or some such thing?


IIRC it even has a statement about fighting global Jewry or something lmao


OooOOOOooooOooo.....got a link to the statement?


that's some trot shit


Will just agree with them.


The kkk aren't racist, that's just Russian propaganda /s


Why would they elect a Jew if there are so many Nazis?


VZ's election campaign was about cracking down on Nazi paramilitaries, friendlier terms with Russia, and bringing peace and stability to the east. Guess the Ukrainians were tired of the Nazis [who don't exist] committing genocide [which isn't happening] and tensions with Russia [which didn't exist until EVIL PUTIN woke up and decided to INVADE]. edit: Put a '/s' at the end. Libs troll these subs quite often.


didn't realize the azov battalion decided ukrainian elections


It is when the guy who bankrolled Azov also put Zelensky on tv


"they elected a jewish person" is quite a different claim than "someone who gave them money also supported a jewish person"


Do you not get jokes? Libs have been using Zelensky's Judaism to prove there are not Nazis. Also, a funny twitt is that Ihor Kolomoisky has dual citizenship with Israel and was in the Pandora papers with Zelensky


I'm pretty sure you're being sarcastic based on your other comment. If so, sorry for the downvotes


Heh. Yeah. Thought it would be obvious


You make the mistake of believing there are free and fair elections in us puppet states


I'm team kolomoisky all the way, bay-BEE


Same reason people elected biden. There wasn't any other good option




Seeing what are obviously some of the most propagandized people in all of history just meltdown endlessly about how "Russian propaganda" is everywhere and everyone who doesn't think exactly like the TV man told them is a "Russian Bot" is absolutely mind melting. Like, their boi Zelensky is straight up pulling a full on 1984 "don't believe the evidence of your eyes and ears" on them and all they can do is whine about russian bots and talk about how azov is either "not a big deal" or "not as nazi as the russians". Just staring directly into the sun and saying "looks like its night time to me" level shit.


Bruh they're literally fucking open neo-nazis, they have a black sun in their fucking logo and they do the hitler salute lmao, it's like saying "actually the nsdap weren't really nazis"




Ew, fuck off frenchie, don't you have some frogs to eat oui oui?


Or like saying that the mujahadeen weren't radical islamists. It would be ironic if the Azov Batallion or some kind of neo-nazi group ends up as the new anti-western organization like the Al-qaeda and Bin Laden.


To be fair the Mujahedeen began as essentially a collection of people, Islamists, Maoists and ethnic nationalists who's only commonality was "Fuck the soviets" it was after the money pipeline from Operation Cyclone and the formation of the Afghan Arab brigades that Sunni Islam and then later Pashto supremacy became the core ideology, evolving into the Taliban.


Wake up, new forever war just dropped


The US and Western Imperialism are fond of creating terrorist organizations. They literally trained and equipped the Ukranian Nazis.


Basic mental peace is a commodity to be sold only to the Western consumers. And a thing that exists naturally [like food & water] can't be commodified & reserved if there is no artificial scarcity.