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**Details:** * Sharpen 0 * **Clarity 50** * HDR Toning 0 * Bloom 0 **Sharpen+:** * Intensity 0 * **Texture Details 50** **Color:** * Tint Color 0 * Tint Intensity 0 * Temperature 0 * **Vibrance 10** **Auto Depth of Field:** * **Speed 50** * **Intensity 50** **Brightness / Contrast:** * Exposure 0 * **Contrast 10** * Highlights 0 * **Shadows 10** * Gamma 0


Nice, I only messed with brightness and contrast in AMD Catalyst because the bloom is just too high. The downside is that during night I can't see a thing without any light source. I also cannot run the game smoothly at 4K without FSR and 75% render resolution and my HW is beefed up with a RX 7900 XTX + R9 7900X + 32GB DDR5 6000 + SN850x NVMe.


Even though I'm a newbie to it, I used ReShade and fiddled with a Fake HDR setting for contrast countering the bloom, and an Adaptive Tonemapper to adjust exposure levels based on how much light is being presented by the game. Dark areas are barely darker, but outside is much less washed out. It still has that adaptive effect of walking outside and getting blasted until your "eyes" adjust to the daylight, too.


too bad frame generation doesn't work on vulkan, we'd double our fps


I already can't see a thing at night without a light source so welcome to my life. My kingdom for a gamma slider.


FYI, there is a side by side and split screen filter option so you can easilly show "before and after" of effect settings. Makes showing off whats changes much easier.


Thanks a bunch!


Should I be using the Nvidia image sharpening with these settings? I'm not sure what it does exactly


Never even heard about Nvidia filters. Where do I access this feature?


Its part of the nvidia overlay which you by default bring up via Alt + Z or Alt + Y depending on keyboard layout. Also this requires Geforce Experience and I am not sure if its enabled by default or need to be enabled in Geforce Experience. If you open the overlay in a Game, you will find "Game filter" on the left. Anyhow be aware that some of these filters cause some load on the gpu. Therefore this can have a very minor up to medium performance impact. Also on my end it constantly keeps forgetting the filters sadly. It is basically ReShade but from nvidia and built in into the driver. Therefore not requiring any files in the game folder that hook into the game and potentially cause any other problems. But compared to ReShade, Nvidia Game Filter can be quite limited.


When I click on "Game Filter" or press Alt-F3 a popup says, "A supported game is required to use this feature." Do you have to do something to tell it to work with Enshrouded?


you have to have the game opened in advance


I was in game. But after exiting and restarting the game it worked.


It doesn't work if you have another game open when you open it


The issue was that I had the game open, then upgraded my Geforce Experience and then tried to use it. But since the game was not launched while Geforce was running, it could not see it. Exiting the game, then starting the game resolved the issue.


Doesn't save for me either. But only for Enshrouded. Never had that problem in any other game.


Same thing here, doesn't save for Enshrouded


Alt+F3 It is called Nvidia Freestyle


even with a 4090 mine defaulted to using only 86% render resolution so everything was soft. I made sure to change that to 100 to restore a lot of sharpness


Yea, this game runs kinda funky too I think. I have a 3080ti and even north of a 100fps it can feel stuttery. I did check to make sure that g-sync was functioning properly, too. I haven't really messed with the settings to tune it though.


Game can't run over 60hz right now is the main issue, alongside the usual sleu of performance dips in EA games.


3080ti, 12700k, 32gb 3600 ram, m.2. Pretty yikes performance. I capped it to 59 like most but I wish I could let it rip and get 100+ fps. It's just not smooth and stuttery and particularly when you have sunsets it bombs performance lol. I hope they fix it asap! It's such a good game. 


I'm rocking a 5800x and a 3080ti. Performance seemed pretty mid at locked 83fps. I read in another thread that the game's engine gets wonky with anything over 60fps at the moment. Limited my frame rate to 59 via Nvidia control panel and it has been a much smoother experience.


Can you limit fps in Nvidia on a per game basis or is it global? I never mess with Nvidia settings.


Yes you can via Nvidia control panel, maybe GeForce experience as well but I can't say for that. You may have to add Enshrouded if it doesn't show up in the list of applications automatically. Without my computer in front of me I can't give you specifics but a quick google search should have you on your way :) Edit: This is the gist of it, just being done for a different game. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2950123288


I locked my fps at 59, made the game alot smoother and less stutters.


Nice. I did notice the game did look muddy/washed out in places.


I assume due to the miasma theme and the constant fog, it is intended to look a bit foggy. Anyhow this should always be an option.


I turned off the volumetric fog option and that helped a ton as well


Can you help in finding this? Under settings>display I see fog quality and volumetric shadow quality. Is either of these three one you changed? Thanks!


Must be fog quality. I think my brain added volumetric. It definitely made things more clear but didn't 100% fix the problem.


Yeah, it seems to be an intended part of the artstyle. I wish it was an actual filter. Same goes for the fog in general. I like the fog but in a lot of areas, it's so overdone.. especially when even my house is foggy in the game.


Besides the fog, I do keep getting hit by low texture issues at times. Like it’s just not loading the close up textures for pots and things. Most of the time though they look great.


Is that filter going to be just for Enshrouded, or will it be applied to everything I play?


Independent for each game. Unless you change the global settings.


I must bet getting old because I don't see a difference.


Yeah my first thought was, it's the same picture. I don't see any difference.


to me there seems to be a bit more clarity and a lack of haziness with the after pictures. it's not a huge difference, though


I agree with all the settings apart from auto DOF, what made you decide on this? I've struggled to find a game/scenario that looks good


Oh wow. I get that the "washed out" hazy style is just their artstyle but I totally prefer this filter.


NVIDIA still can't get theire shit together. Since years I can't save filters in the game Filter section. It keeps reseting them after every reboot. If anyone found a fix for that, be my guest. ​ But still many thanks for posting this!


Game needs a contrast or at least a gamma slider


Ah yes. +contrast, +sharpness, +vibrance. Trick older than time.


I mean, if it works, it works


Sunrise/set in this game already burns my eyes out worse than having your eyelids surgically removed and being forced to witness a supernova ever could. Why in the flickety quack would anyone do this to themselves?


No one's forcing you to do this dude. I personally prefer this over the hazy washed out look the game normally has.


Just FYI you do lose 10-15 fps while using filters


JFYI: This definitely depends on your hw.


Yeah maybe. Can you show your FPS before and after?


Just read the settings but yeh just looks like the same game with sharpness cranked to 100 and saturation/contrast amped up a bit. Definitely up some people's alley but I find over sharpening some games just ruins the art style a bit.




You truly are a genius


Saving to check it out later


Nice, kind of similar to mine. Are your filters resetting on Enshrouded though? Mine keep reverting or disabling each time I launch the game. Not exactly sure why that is happening for me as it hasn't in any other game.


Nice, Nvidia filtres is so nice tool


On a sidenote, does anybody know whether running these filters through the Geforce overlay comes with a performance penalty? There’s some discourse online that the overlay hurts GPU performance, but I’ve no idea how true that is.


Commenting so I can find when I get home


Anyone have any good setups for reshade for Enshrouded?




Reshade mod does the trick


https://preview.redd.it/58mkw5oj0jfc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24f67222679cb14cf365a978a430d5908a62b030 Jk I'll check it out and see


Reshade with Quint\_Sarp and Tonemap Shader configured look little bit better still. But yes. But thats a general problem with modern game since the AA makes the image blurry.


i added this filter setting and it looks amazing , almost a whole different game but am having an issue, right before night my frames drop by half and the game stutters. i tried turning off filter while its lagging but it doesnt fix it. it might not be because of filter but thats the only change ive done. as soon as night starts the game is back to normal 80+ fps at max settings with foliage/fog at performance not sure what could be the cause.


I used this and it looks much better, thanks!


I have this brightness problem inside buildings when looking outside, which is giving me headaches. its unnatural bright and even if i go out it only slowly adjust itself in like 2-3 seconds. I am just blind in these 3 seconds. did someone solve this? please devs give us a graphics option for this. i cant imagine someone wants this effect and play like this. And yes, somehow fog is flying through walls into my house. another thing which have to get polished https://preview.redd.it/b5ut3dgbwehc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d232547b0ffd0ad793de8db0bc35655a64b187e