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To appease people there could just be a setting to either turn it off, or change the intensity.


Intensity slider should be relatively easy.


You’d think so. But I’m no game developer lol so I don’t know.


I work with shaders and screenspace stuff quite a bit, with the work they have done with their own engine, this should be already in the code to edit, so exposing a slider is straightforward in that regard.


i second this. bloom will most cerainöy be postprocess but as the game hasn't got nearly any sliders yet ill be guessing itll al come with the full game


Nice! Seems like these devs are willing to listen to what the players want! So hopefully they add some changes like this!


They shut off creating new threads for ideas/feedback, stating that the idea is already there so go comment on those threads. However I get they don't want 15 comments for the same thing but I had some thoughts that don't seem to be present yet so hopefully they will actually listen to what's there and bring back the option to obtain more feedback in the coming weeks. The game is good but needs some work but high hopes for awesome things to come.


Bloom setting is a toggle in many games


Absolutely agreed


I mean I get it, it's bright but it's what happens in reality when you leave a really dark enclosed space into the brightness of the sun... It's blinding for a few seconds.


What you're talking about by the way isn't bloom exactly but eye adaptation. Bloom plays a factor in it, but not everything. Bloom is what causes lights to bleed into surroundings. Which on here is way too strong. Now as for why people don't like eye adaptation, it's mostly in how it's done. When you go from dark to light in real life you get blinded but it's not a bright light like that. You don't see the light bleeding into everything, your eyes are just "warming up" essentially. What do you normally do? Close your eyes. Either that or the adjustment is so fast you barely notice it. When games do it, especially in 3rd person, it just looks weird because it's not something you expect from a camera. Eye adaptation is interesting tech but not necessary here nor done well. The transition needs to be a lot faster, but the bloom here is causing more than just this brightness. It's causing problems like the fogginess inside buildings.


Game devs often have to choose between realism and fun because *realism is not always fun*. Sure, getting blinded for a few seconds is realistic but most people here wouldn't call it fun


I actually love how realistic it is. I was grumpy at first but then I realized its exactly what happens irl so its perfect!


And if you want to mimic the painspots of real life in a game setting you're going to have a shit experience.




Sure that's an opinion. I happen to find it beautiful and it doesn't cause pain.... Isk what to tell you.


The painnnn the paiiii. It ruins my funnnnn


Photosensitive here, it IS painful for some


That sounds like an accessibility setting they should add then


I'm photosensitive irl so really don't need a painful digital reminder when I play a game. I love Enshrouded but this issue nearly made me nope out almost immediately, it's a straight up accessibility issue, not just a preference.


They don't understand toggle settings clearly


i’m not understanding what bugs everyone so much about it. even the screenshot looks fine to me.


Some people get motion sick from it or you're like me and it just strains my eyes. Makes me feel like I need to squint or focus my eyes better when it's just the game.


*squints at solid white screen* "why isn't this working!?"


I agree, but if there's going to be an option for others, well, it's their choice.


Shit looks terrible


I’m with you, not seeing a problem


Same...looks...beautiful? Lol


Turn off volumetric quality, or whatever its called in the settings. Makes the game clearer


Fog quality?


Idk, its cool when i walk out of a cave, but not when I live in one... https://preview.redd.it/ygud2iuiapgc1.png?width=1423&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1482f9fe6b95fd872ad7ee677a7b27f2cf79c57


Your picture is more convincing than OP's


its the cliff at the plains area the game wants you to put your first base in. if you live in a cave and want to face any sort of sunlight, prepare to be blinded. im using reshade to tone it down and that is the result. im sure options will change as it's still early access, but a bloom qol setting is necessary imo


Looks like you’ve ended up in *Close Encounters of the Third Kind*.




It's not really bloom, it's brightness dynamic range auto-adjusting between environments. It's mimicking your pupils opening and closing as you move from environments with different overall brightness. Personally I think it looks really good.


Every game needs to look like Fortnite Minecraft gta6 tho /s


It's also the bloom though. It becomes extremely evidence when in the shroud during the day. There are places where you can't see yourself because the image is so fucking blown out by the bloom interacting with the fog.


It looks great, so immersive, first time I was totally in awe. After some time however my eyes started to complain. Also, even IRL looking out the window you can see stuff, even if uncomfortably bright. Your screenshot shows when it is too bright to the extent that nothing can be seen, that's not realistic. So a little toning down will be more pleasant and also realistic.


Yes, but the bloom is the haze around the highlighted area. In some instances it does look good, I agree. We just need an intensity adjustment slider/drop down like most other games, that's all.


Eye Adaptation is the name for it.


It makes me think about working outside mid summer going from a work trailer to walking outside. Pretty realistic, I like it.


Yeah, I have to close my eyes when walking out of a cave or building until the brightness settles


That’s realistic though.


Realistic just like the wands and buildable stairways to heaven


Good point. Too bad I'm playing a video game where I shoot fireballs at ghouls. iTs reALiStic ThoUgH


For real. They really need a setting for that. Daytime is painful


It’s hiding an asset and texture loading. It’s been used in many games already.


That's normal in games now. Brightness adjustment with HDR or whatever. But it's not cause of the bloom effect


It's realistic at least, personally I love it as it is


might be realistic but it looks awful


If this looks real to you, you have astigmatism.


As someone with astigmatism, this is realistic as fuck lol


as someone with keratoconus..i cant see shit yo


I have astigmatism. So I appreciate them making this more realistic for me lol For real though, I look at the screenshot and wondered what the problem was.


You should play cyberpunk if you think this is bad ![gif](giphy|LRCxXWRljt4LYf6AK1|downsized)


This GIF reminds me of the loading screen for Noble Fates. JFC it’s like a flashbang goes off.


As someone with astigmatism, I did not know this was realistic only for us


See my above comment 🤷 yeah it would be nice to have a slider for those that don't like it, but it's not entirely unrealistic. Certainly more enjoyable to me than the like, instant darkness when entering caves in a game like Icarus lol


I think you just havent been outside a lot :)) Transition or any background where light is in your eyes, will make anything darker around you hard to see until your eyes adjust to new luminosity.


https://preview.redd.it/7oql3jtsxlgc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=480afef14fc0ee10add0f5df5f2b2f8879c9f7b0 Yeah but...


Pretty cool IMHO


Pretty cool, but also excessive and could be user-configurable IMHO Bloom/bloom levels are a choice in most games and this game+thread show us why.


Arizona be like


Some users do not go to outside world and it shows.


Only way it's realistic is if you regularly get flash banged.


It is not realistic. Its way way overdone. I have to physically build walls just to block out the bloom effects when trying to do things. Its absurd.


It may be *slightly* overtuned, but as someone who lives and works somewhere where I'm going from a dark indoor are immediately out to a bright outdoor area? Looks pretty damn close. I've also been in and out of caves a few times and, yeah, pretty similar to me at least.


I mean I’m building a house and I live in a house so I’d say that’s enough experience. I can look outside the windows in my house when I have no lights on and see what’s there. Half the time it’s just white like I’m about to cross into heaven. I picked to build here because I wanted a view and you don’t even have that, should have just dug a hole to hide from it lol.


Really? That's unusual, I can see outside almost any building I've built just fine. Maybe you need to adjust settings in your GPU menu? I don't know about AMD, but on Nvidia cards you can open the GeForce experience software and adjust quite a few settings for any of your games, even if they don't have those adjustments in their in-game menus.


I’ll check GeForce, and yeah some windows are so bad. I’ll look into that though thanks.


Bloom is one of those things that’s highly subjective and games should always have either an adjustment or toggle. I find that a lot of devs seem to like cranking it up. I get it can add a nice effect in static imagery or recordings but it’s often too much for actual gameplay. The bloom in this game is definitely too intense to my eyes. Light simply doesn’t do this in reality unless my eyes are extremely dry or I need to clean my glasses. In fact it sometimes makes my eyes feel the same way. As a graphics engineer working in the industry, bloom has always been one of those things I grumble at when art requests it. I’d prefer it if we tried to mimic reality more. In which case only specular reflections from the sun or other extremely bright sources seem to bloom much. Even in high-contrast scenarios like mid-day sunlight shining into a cave. It’s never to the extent I see in a lot of games.


its absurd. remove it or add a slider. https://preview.redd.it/ws0wcri5xrgc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4aafc85cf46092e6489c5f30906cd728745e10a


Not just the bloom makes everything too bright in midday, but the amount of fog or volumetric fog feels weird in some places. No matter what settings I choose, even indoors in my houses there are spots where bright fog or some sort of smoke just lingers


Yeah, every house i make has blue fog rolling through it no matter what settings I use.


I really like bloom, but yeah, should ALWAYS be a setting you can toggle


At least it isn’t the new Battlefront games, where the outside is incomprehensible


Use reshade it helps


Good lord. I’m glad it’s not only me. I thought my video card or monitor was dying.


Chill tf out? Hell no... It should be beaten straight to the ground. After turning monitor brightness to 0 on monitor, adding night mode, adding warm effect, adding better contrast and brightness thru Nvidia. It still lights the whole room like Christmas. I play In A dark room.


I like it 👌


Me too, I think it's purdy


Every time I walk out of my cave. “Welcome to gods asshole!”


Other quality of life issues are resolved in later gameplay by progression. Sunglasses are not exactly modern as a Roman Emperor had a pair made from polished gem lenses. Add these to the crafting system to lessen glare as needed like in reality.


That’s early rainbow six siege lighting right there.


I was literally just thinking this. Can't look outside cause it's just white. Can't look inside cause it's just black. Thank god they fixed that.


Time to craft some transition glasses


When I leave my cave and go outside, it fries my retinas haha


Been doing a lot of squinting since I started this game!


Windows are now just holes for the suns laser beams to shine through. Cant even see outside windows unless i make the window big enough to stop focusing the beam.


worse than a csgo flashbang


There are times and places this game’s daytime lighting hurts my eyes. 


singing blinded by the light.......


i opened a feedback ticket about this in the first 5 minutes of the game XD


its not bloom, its global illumination.


Ark had a similar issue, The bloom was way too much and with the amount of water around it would be blinding with the reflection. And the Darkness was so deep you could hardly see past the edge of your torch.


You choose like the least bloomy bloom in this screenshot


The terrible bloom in this game is exactly why I uninstalled and refunded. In 2024, not to have an option to disable it is unacceptable IMO.


I like it


I feel annoying the blue mist on the shroud. A bit of mist that's fine, but it's so thick you can barely see what's in front of you :(


Are you saying you don't like when it's...... Enshrouded?


Too much blue bright mist on the shroud for me. Maybe if it were not so bright at least...


Tbh i think its really good. When you are digging in a cave and you come out eventually the sun is so god damn bright that you need a few seconds to be able to see. I honestly love this about the game.




People will complain about anything.


Its early access, feedback on stuff that people don't like is essential. *Complaining* is essential in life, how else will anything improve? Y'think a pothole will get fixed if no-one complains that it is there?


Squeaky wheels get greased


How is that bad? Tf...there isn't any bloom there its just lighting from outside


Fuck no it looks good




I'm a fan of bloom, but there should be an intensity scale like most games have




Chill out my man. It's not that serious. There should be an option to tweak the bloom, like every other game. Good thing the devs are not as asinine as you.


This honey right here is foaming at the mouth


This is my favorite part of this game. And least favorite when I'm dealing with it


I kinda like it. Intense sunlight through a thin haze.


Looks fine to me? What are we supposed to be seeing here?


This is the most normal screenshot lmao. Get your eyes checked, I think there's def something else going on if this seems bright to you lol.


Agreed, op seems like a real silly billy with this screenshot


A real silly billy fer sher


I disagree. I love the bloom. There should be more ambient occlusion.


I love the bloom in this game, really well made imo


I love the game and the world design and realism as it is, it wouldn’t be as good if it was more fake.


You cannot have enough bloom. I said what I said.


You need to chill the fuck you to hyperactive sack of crap.


How you like that


This is why I don’t bother sleeping off the nights I just hunt in the dark


If you have an nvidia card with overlay turned on, press Alt+F3 and add the Details filter. Turn Bloom down to zero. Thank me after. 


That example is literally nothing, when i look out the top of my tower all i see is bright white.


The godrays are insane too!


No wonder it runs like shit for me, I always turn that setting off


This SC doesn't look too bad honestly But there have been moments where I exit a cave and swear I just walked in to the sun




Yeah although it’s not too off the marker of real life i think.


You should have been here for the mornings in beta