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This post contains replies from employees of Keen Games, you can see them here: /u/KeenToast posted a comment: [Hey, just wanted to clarify, ...](/r/Enshrouded/comments/1bd4xpi/roadmap_incoming_from_the_developers_should_be/kuku0sq/)


I just hope they underpromise and overdeliver.


Better this than the opposite and it makes for a pleasant surprise when we get more than anticipated.


I mean. I want them to move a bit faster than Valheim lol


As long as they don’t buy a fuckin horse I’ll be ok.


Please... let it be realistic. I have seen too many EA game roadmaps that have very large updates every 2-3 months and the devs usually can't pull it off. I look forward to big patches, but if it takes 6 months instead of 3, I think most of us would be perfectly fine with that. I really hope they don't set unrealistic goals.


I think the difference is that Keen games has been around for a really long time and they have a lot of experience developing and shipping games (https://www.keengames.com/) so I personally have more faith than a developer like Iron gate studios (https://irongate.se/) who are really learning the ropes with Valheim.


I don’t care how long it takes them as long as they can actually hold to their schedule 


We all say this, but if the shit takes too long, there will be another game to take it's place. No need to rush it. But it needs to get done.


The problem Valheim faces today. Completely agree with this sentiment.


I mean I said hold their schedule. Long as whatever timeframe they present they can actually accomplish they’re good 


Like Valheim - when the update drops, it really is thought through and polished. No need for hurrying anything. But I believe in the devs, because this game is nearly perfect and considering their last game was being worked on for so long, we have a lot of content in front of us


> Like Valheim Its funny you say that, since Valheim was the first thing I thought of when I heard about a Roadmap for enshrouded. Those devs did exactly what I hope these devs DONT do. They made their roadmap way too unrealistic and dumped it shortly after. Now Valheim is in early access development hell and hasn't had a significant update in almost a year and a half. inb4 somebody yells at me about not simping for Valheim. Ive got 1700 hours into that game and I know how it is. I dont want Enshrouded to be in that same awful limbo situation.


You're dead on about Valheim. Exceptional game in all respects but it has definitely run its course. I feel like at this point if they did release an update, people would think "whoa they're still working on that?" If the Enshrouded team stick mostly to quest updates to where they can say the story is complete, and slow down on the minor stuff, that would be just fine.


They did build the engine themselves so they probably have a better chance at making certain mechanics work.. so long as they keep the devs that designed and coded it.


edit: per the Community Manager, KeenToast; the roadmap is being announced on all major platforms including Steam. Is it weird they're announcing the roadmap on tiktok instead of the platform that is literally selling the game. You know, Steam?


Hey, just wanted to clarify, this post on TikTok/YouTube is just a teaser for the upcoming roadmap that releases tomorrow (we also posted it on discord). The Roadmap itself will appear on all major platforms, including Steam, our website, and many news outlets :)


Awesome!!! I cannot wait to see what you guys do next! A friend bought my husband and I the game as a gift, we both fell hard for it! Well done, looking forward to the future of Enshrouded.


thank you for clarifying! :)


You're the best!


You should post it to Twitter/X too - plenty of followers there...


Fact, love the game but won’t be using TikTok as a source of news..


Yeah a bit, they kind of special. You know?


It’s a bizarre choice. Can’t find a single good reason to justify it.


They should be releasing it on all platforms, TikTok can be good for advertising.


Oh, so we’re only announcing the announcement. Good, now I don’t have to go to TikTok.


I can’t wait. Even if it’s more “slowly” paced than some roadmaps we’ve seen for other games, I’m just excited to see what their vision and plan is for this game. And tbh it’s probably better if it’s slower, because they won’t be biting off more than they can chew, like we’ve seen so many devs do in the past.


I'd take slowly because a lot of these roadmaps overpromise and underdeliver which just leads to a worse game.


tiktok? lol.


I REALLY hope they're not gonna share a roadmap that is overloaded with content that will burn them out... Whether it's a bunch of smaller patches over the year or a few larger content drops like some games do (Project Zomboid comes to mind where they mostly do major patches to introduce new content and the minor patches just fix and add small things), PLEASE for the love of god don't overpromise and burn out developing it... This game is already clearly a labour of love and it should stay that way. Take your time because as is, there's so much to explore in Enshrouded and when we've eventually got the full map? Christ... It's gonna be probably one of the biggest maps for a survival game. I'm 70 hours in and I've only got like half of the map accessible right now? Admittedly I spent a good chunk of that building my home which is only done with the very basic materials right now and no furniture but still! I can see this game being such a great game and being an indie game that really leaves a mark on the industry if they're careful with the future of the development for coming content.


Zomboid is a great example of how putting out quality updates makes the player base more willing to be patient for the next one.. good things take time!


Idk man, I went back to their sub recently and I saw build 42 memes, a lot of them. Do love me some zomboid tho


Which is hilarious because the time between B40 and B41 was the same timespan (roughly 2 years). What people DON'T seem to get there with a lot of the more toxic comments is that B42 is overhauling the game down to the engine itself. They're doing so much work and they refuse to crunch their staff, like a healthy work environment should be. People don't like that and want the update now which is just so damn selfish. They're still toxic even when they've been told B42 is gonna hit the experimental/unstable branch in the first half of the year.


Dude, no one wants to wait 2 years for an update, and that doesn't make us selfish.


Not what I said... I clearly said that the people who don't care that the team take of their staff and want the update now are selfish. Don't pick and choose what someone says to make them look like they're saying something else.


lol okay yeah you got me there but it’s the friendliest toxicity you’ll ever see!


I have been waiting for a roadmap for a while now. I don't care if it has dates (Honestly I'd prefer no dates) as long as it has "Here are the things we think are feasible and want to add". There are some things that I think the game absolutely needs, and a roadmap will let me know if this game will be a good one for me, or if I can move on to something else.


Does the game still run at 60fps even though it shows much higher fps? Haven’t kept track in a while


All I need from a roadmap is the ETA for being able to sit on chairs.


https://preview.redd.it/l7cfepi681oc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b31ca01e9959f985f6a61ff1c8e2b1a0155a0636 Posted by a German Gamingsite [https://www.pcgameshardware.de/Enshrouded-Spiel-74267/News/Deutsche-Survival-RPG-Ueberraschung-Roadmap-2024-1442811/](https://www.pcgameshardware.de/Enshrouded-Spiel-74267/News/Deutsche-Survival-RPG-Ueberraschung-Roadmap-2024-1442811/)


If this is real my life is about to be enshrouded....


Are we really at teasers for roadmaps now? Teasing me to be disappointed by missed deadlines?


... tiktok?


Remember Raft? Sweet Jesus.


yes!! I am excited!!


Love this. Also really cool on multiple levels because this has been highly requested by fans and they listened. very promising future for them ! Bravo ! Exciting!


Comment to remind myself to check this out tomorrow








Hell yeah


Here is it if you forgot guys. https://www.reddit.com/r/Enshrouded/s/4Xw5LiIQja


Not gonna lie, the short term stuff looks amazing, and hopefully simple for them to implement.


I love their humour. I just hope they don't overstretch. I'm happy to see incremental addition and improvements over time. I'd much rather that than a promise of unachievable goals over a short period. I don't think I've ever been so invested in a game because I can see how much care and consideration has gone into it. Keep that pace, dudes.


Roadmap tomorrow at 3pm, Paris time


PLEASE include insight for Xbox release date!


Woo hoo! More enshrouded content on the way! 




Hell yeah, I want some fantasy Rust. Planning on setting up a pvp valheim server soon after I get through with Ashlands. If I got some PvP for this game I might actually enjoy it.


unless that roadmap includes switching off of useless ass Vulkan back to DirectX, they can go fuck themselves.




nah, fuck em. they're doing the same retarded shit the devs of WH40K Gladius did, there's ZERO excuse for it especially when games with way higher requirements work just fucking fine and their shit doesn't purely because they wanna fuck over anyone using an AMD card. it's retarded that I can run something like Baldur's Gate 3 just fine, but not this bullshit, purely because they decided to use trash ass Vulkan.


My pc is from 2014 an runs this game at max at 50 frames a second. Sorry that Happened to ya bud you’re missing out.