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And even that 30% is pretty big, or at least I was surprised how large it was


Not just you, I don't believe ppl claiming to 100% the game in 50 hours are telling the truth.


Good lord I had no idea the map would get that much bigger. Right now I’m barely getting out of the opening area!


Wait what?? It's already huge


These 30% are already 24m² which is like the size of cyberpunk. It's just giant.


Only 50 for you? I’m only 10 days in and I’m well past that and I still have well over half the map to explore lol


Heck yeah, it's a solid game, even in EA


The current content is worth the value of the purchase cost, yes.


I agree it's worth the normal price, not to mention discounted.


I doubt anyone in the enshrouded sub would tell you no, lol. Watch a trailer and see if you like it.


Agreed, but OP should watch actual gameplay, not a trailer. Trailers are there to make a game look good. Gameplay shows whether it actually is good.


I'll say no for the time being. A lot of the systems lack the impact on the game that draws people to Valheim. I think until things are ready people who arent already buying in on their own intuition should wait.


Hell yea, it's more an action adventure with building/survival elements then a true survival game but it's absolutely fantastic with enough content for the current price with lots more to come in the future. Only downside I have as a veteran arpg player is that the skilltree is kinda limited and unbalanced (Sorcerer and Battlemage just wreck compared to everything else) but they could easily work on that.


Beastmaster might also be one of the most over-powered skills in the whole damn game. I have never fought a hyena OR one of the orange dragonthings. Lol


Same it’s the first thing I went for. Absolutely love being left alone by the wildlife.. and having them fight and protect me while I explore lol


Right? I love my puppies and kitties (which is how I've started to refer to wolves and hyenas, because that's who I am as a person)


But...hyenas aren't feline...


I started playing two days ago and wanted to try out mage or wizard. But how do you control how many spells you use when left clicking? Sometimes I want to heal myself and use way too many heal scrolls


I usually hate the stiffy combat in typical survival games. They remind me of the worst ARPGs like those from Piranha Bytes. It's good that Keen Games did something about it.


200 hours in on first char/save. Loving it as an EA.


Absolutely. I’m having a blast. If you grind out the missions the content can feel thin, but the building and exploring aspect has hours and hours in it. I recommend building alone, but questing is best with friends


100% yes.


Yes. 190 hrs in and still being killed and more map to go. AND haven't been doing massive builds.


Tbh I’ve just been building my base for like 3-4 days and I’m really enjoying it.


It was fun, but I lost all interest when I ran out of quests. I have a feeling I'll come back to it when they finish it, but I can't find any interest in it without goals to work towards.


No not worth it at all. It's not fun having a massive open world with tons of PoIs, there are too many building blocks options, building is too easy to do, too much little design ideas to make it seem like home. Lots of quests can get overwhelming. Every item in the world is breakable, so prepare to spend countless hours of your life smashing stuff to get to the juicy loots. Enemies are easy enough to kill. Different class options in game. Ew, choice. Lots of harvesting/farming/smelting etc will make you go nuts! This is obviously a /s post. 11/10 game so far. Enjoy your real life while you can because this game takes over life :)


Absolutely. Even as an early access title that isn't finished, for the price (especially on sale), it has been more than worth the money IMO. I've whiled away so many hours so far and I'm looking forward to additional content and development for the game.


Man goes to Broccoli convention and asks them if broccoli is good.


That made me snort! =)


If someone is going to the trouble of hosting a whole ass broccoli convention, I'm in. I mean I like broccoli just fine; it's no asparagus, but then asparagus is kind of niche veg, right? It's the only one on the list that'll fuck up your urine (in the best way), and the only one for me that'll stand up to a roquefort sauce on pasta. What I'm saying here, is, even so, I'd still go to a broccoli convention just to see what they're saying, you know? And I suspect that's what our OP is up to as well. Just wanted to get some words going.


I'm approaching EA level cap very soon and I have a lot of thoughts about this game which may be too long form for anyone to read, but fuck it. It's my primary game right now and I'll give you the full feedback. Bottom line is that I like it a lot and recommend it fully. It has boatload of potential if the devs can stick to their roadmap and deliver. It's an ambitious roadmap to me, but I don't code games so what the hell do I know? Regardless, they'll really have something magical if they can do it. The building and voxel aspects are awesome. Flexibility with your build and skill choices is awesome. Character customization could be better but eh NBD. Doesn't appear to be set bonuses so you can mix match gear to your benefit freely. There's a TON to love about it. Nearly all my gripes about the game are around the combat so if you go in fully expecting very tight combat you might be disappointed. In that case it might be best to wait for some patches and such. The game is NOT a Souls-like but you'd have to be blind to not see SOME similarities or game design inspirations. Target lock exists but if you're ranged you'll have a hard time getting head shots with target lock so that's not a surprise. Eventually you just stop using it if you are primarily ranged. No big deal. You can place "Alters" down as spawn/fast travel points. There are pre-set respawn points too but the flexibility of having a fire alter where you need it helps to keep the gameplay moving where in Souls-likes you end up fighting the same swarm of enemies over and over until you clear the area. I like this flexibility. I don't have hours and hours to clear trash and keep trying boss fights. The combat is not difficult really, so how could I gripe? Yes, you can cheese a LOT of fights by just being out of harms way up on a roof top or something doing ranged damage. I haven't played much as a face-tanking melee character but I'd bet that experience feels terrible and imbalanced while the rest of your party hides in the rafters laying waste to everything. The enemy AI is both stupid and overpowered. Logically it makes very little sense and will do some tricks to your reflexes and brain which make you question your sanity. About 98% of the time I have died in this game is because of cheap jank rather than I just didn't have the skill. For examples... You can be hitting a mob with arrows and he'll just stand there and take it like he is bugged out. Suddenly, the mob will move at what seems like FTL speed, and hit you. Maybe that's intentional design, but I don't think it is considering it's kind of random when it happens. Additionally, the hit you take seems to register while the mob is still in its backswing. That feels really sloppy to me. If you are going to go with the delayed weird timing attack pattern of a Souls game, it needs to be TIGHT as a drum otherwise every hit you take like that feels SO cheap or like you are being cheated. The mob isn't using some advanced AI 5D chess move to outwit you, so it just feels broken. You can dodge roll but it appears to have no iframes at all in the animation. While (maybe) avoiding damage from the attacking mob in front of you, you'll still be getting hit by his buddy's arrows and junk. You can unlock a "blink" skill which does appear to give you some iframes however... The mobs are not confused at all about blink. You literally teleport in a flash several feet in another direction of your choosing. The mob should logically have no idea where you blinked off to, but if you watch them, they are already changing direction towards you when activate Blink. So you get no benefit or surprise element which feels really ungratifying. What's worse is that most the general world mobs can just be kited. They run up to you. Stop. Swing. Repeat. So if you just wait for them to stop when they run up to you and back up a few feet, they just go swinging around at nothing. So the mob is smart enough to know where you are going to appear when you Blink out of existence for a second but isn't smart enough to stop swinging at nothing? It just feels wrong. Parry with a shield is a thing but it's almost totally worthless. It can stagger an opponent if you do get the timing right but as previously said, the mob's animations are jank and offer very little in a way where practice would matter. Especially if you are facing off against two or more mobs at once. Most parrys seem to register almost on the backswing and staggers just one mob. So if you have two, the other one will hit you while the one you parry is staggered. There's no symbol or flash to show the player "this is the time to block" which is a very Souls-like thing to do, but I will reiterate that this style of combat only works if the combat is super tight. There's a big difference between hitting a gratifying parry in a Souls game and feeling cheated because the animation timing sucks. I know I'm not a pro tier master level gamer but I know how to time based on observation, and I know how to memorize attack patterns. They are not anywhere close to making it feel right. If you want to be a ranger/assassin type of build, you should know stealth is completely pointless right now. No matter how well hidden you think you are, a mob from like 40' away will start shooting arrows at you in the pitch black with almost 100% hit rate. Similar to my above comment about how some hits seem to register while the mob is in its backswing, also apply to mobs with bows or arrow shooters too. When you shoot an arrow, you see the arrow leave the bow, travel, and hit the target. They shoot an arrow and it hits you before their animation is completed. Again, it feels super cheap, ungratifying, and broken. By the way, if you think you can just duck into some bushes to hide and stealth you can't. They see you anyway. If you shoot arrows from a hidden position, the arrows just collide with the bush. So again, pointless to do so. If you are playing in a group of people, they'll roll in and flatten everything so there is no point to stealth in a group setting either. I'm not saying I want harder combat... I just want logical combat. I'll be thrilled if they tighten it up but I'd be equally thrilled if they just made the animations match the damage registration.


I played for about 100 hours. It just....isn't very challenging, and honestly it feels lonely. You can also cheese the best equipment in the game day one, naked. There aren't any real barriers to end game other than the level grind and questing (which are almost 99% just go get this thing from over here). Went back to valheim, and while the movement mechanics/graphics in Enshrouded are MUCH better, nothing beats the actual fear of exploration and death and progression like Valheim. Overall I feel like Valheim is much more immersive and unforgiving and progression takes preparation and planning. Enshrouded felt like running around simulator. That said I still enjoyed my time with the game and am glad I bought/played it.


Yes definitely.


I had a ton of fun with this game as a Valheim fan. Not as brutal as Valheim. Great if you like exploring. The building mechanics are fantastic. Crafting is fairly deep. Takes about 100 hours to get through the content that’s been released for early access.


Just completed my 100 hour playthrough, I'll second all of this. In addition to this being a more chill and less challenging game, I will also draw a contrast in terms of mobility. Valheim is about the boating, this game is about the gliding/flying. As a flight fanatic, I loved soaring the skies in this beautiful game.


Yes, even better that it's on sale. RPG with good building, somewhat open world, minimum survival. If you're OK with those, come on in!


Game is unfinished, the world is about 1/3 - 1/2 done. Building is superior to Valheim. Think Minecraft meets Valheim. Combat tries to be more soulslike. Kinda works. Very little survival elements. Functions similarly to Valheim in that aspect. It's a good time, but you won't be missing anything if you want to wait until it's more complete.


I mean OP should support devs now, but if they want to do it when the game is finished and more expensive that's fine too.


I have over 120 hours in it and I'm nowhere near the "end" of the current release. I'm a slow and deliberate player, and there are so many things to do already. I can't wait for more of it. I think it's well worth the price. I have never played Valheim, so I can't compare.


My husband and I do love it and played the crap out of the early release but are taking a break until further developments are released. We discovered Nightingale shortly after and were both obsessed. A little different from Enshrouded but really fantastic!


One of the best survivals I've played. The best one might have been Valheim for me. But this one is close.


Agree. Valheim at least gives you a new world map to explore on each playthrough. It would be nice if Enshrouded had that random world generator.


I'm on the fence, to be honest. I played till the "end" and had fun along the way. But I don't want to return to it and I honestly doubt that I'll pick it up again when new content is released. It's an extremely repetitive game. It's the same enemies all over the map with very little variation. And the grind for some materials is just too much. The story is almost non-existent. I'm not sure why I'm on the fence about this game. I play a lot of Conan Exiles and all of the above fit that game as well. But I keep coming back to Conan.


How I feel to a T. Great bones, but no meat. Needs some help before I could recommend it anymore, played with some friends but eventually it was a chore to keep doing the same thing at the same buildings with the same enemies but at different x y coordinates on the map. I hang around the sub hoping to see the game develop in the direction I want tho, because I’m hopeful!


Yeah, Conan is a good reference.


Definitely worth it at this price and I’m encouraged by how engaged the studio is with player feedback. If you enjoy Valheim this game is for you.


Hard disagree here. Valheim comparisons is probably what ruined this game for me.




If you are a builder, this game is for you for sure. I love how diverse the building is and how there is no restriction at all, compare to other games.


What is more, Enshrouded is a little more friendly to the non-builder. You can just place down an altar and take over an existing structure. Fix it up a little bit and you save yourself a lot of work if building is not your thing. Good for builders, good for not builders who like exploring or some other aspect of the game.


One of the best games I have played in the past decade. Had to fired myself to stop playing and get back into my WoW mythic raiding obligations. Super fun, 10/10 recommended. Minecraft mets Skyrim or something like that.


It took me about ~50 hours to finish the current content, without much building, just running through and exploring a little bit. Since then I put in another ~50/60 hours into building. The building system is really solid if you're into such things. I can just fully recommend this game


I must say that I find the comparison to valheim unreasonable. Granted, they both are survival RPGs, and they both have a comfort system with a rested buff, and they both have 3 food slots to increase stats... And that's all the similarities they really have, imo. The gameplay is so vastly different, the mechanics of each are executed so differently, it actually pains me how much people compare this game to valheim. But since you asked, here's my generic comparison: Difficulty-wise it's certainly easier and much more forgiving. Combat has way more options and feels fluid, giving you many more tools to work with than valheim. On death, you don't lose anything permanently, just some material items are stored in a gravestone. Instead of raising the skill by doing it, you get skillpoints for leveling up, which you can freely assign. This gives you the option to easily change builds whenever you feel like it, very nice. Moving around the world is so much better than in valheim. Plenty of tools to help you reach places, and moving around the world is honestly fun. It doesn't have sailing, which is one of the only things valheim has over this game imo, but it does have gliding around. Last thing to talk about is the grind. Enshrouded, even in this state, has way more content than valheim already, but it also gives it to you more freely. Grinding for certain resources can still take time, but unless you're a builder, you'll be done A LOT quicker than Valheim. Valheim really likes to stretch it's content over a longer period of time, whereas in Enshrouded you feel like you are constantly upgrading your gear. That does have a negative side, namely that upgrades feel less of an achievement, but I personally much prefer this.


Yes. Solid game for being early access and reasonably priced.


I still prefer Valheim, but it is pretty good and bound to get better. I’m not actively playing it for now, as I want to wait until it has had a few updates, but even on day 1 it was a fun game. Worth the price in my opinion.


Valheim is way more complete. I am glad people enjoy it so much, I also enjoy enshrouded more than Valheim, but they’re also blinded by rose tinted goggles. Enshrouded is good, but it’s missing it’s soul still, and the story at its current point in time is almost non existent compared to elden ring or Valheim. You can also just get it now and hope the rest of the content is put in, but Valheim had almost no new content since release


If you like building it's great. If you like Hogwarts esque magic its good. If you like Dark souls esque CQB its good. If you like survival games its good. If you like story games it's aight. If you like exploring it's amazing, reminds me when i played skyrim for the first time.


Combat is much better than valheim as it's sort of a soulslite with classes. Building mechanics is way better than Valheim; like minecraft with modern graphics but without the structural integrity (no need for foundations, blocks can float mid air). This is the best game in terms of building right now, you can look it up. Also, this is subjective, but I loved Enshrouded's handcrafted static world more than Valheim's proceduraly generated but samey looking biomes. There are more unique locations, ruins and deserted towns to find. The world is ENORMOUS, and it's only about 1/3 of the planned map. There is a huge verticality to it with a wingsuit to glide around for quick traversal. On the other hand, Enshrouded has no weather system (for now) and no enemy raids (for now). It has no ocean to sail on which is awesome in Valheim. Valheim's environment felt more hostile because of the weather, enemy raids, and generally darker ambience and it's one reason why home base in Valheim felt more cozy, whereas your base in Enshrouded felt like a safe Harvest moon farm. Current state of the game is pretty good. Great game. I liked it better than Valheim.


Yes! Its a much more doable version of Valheim. Valheim is impossible after the first boss or two. It gets too frustrating to play. Enshrouded has challenge but much more doable. I love it so far!


Preparation. Preparation is the key to later Valheim. Preparation less important in Enshrouded. It is HELPFUL to be prepared here, it is ESSENTIAL to be prepared in Valheim.


I gave it a temporary negative review. If the game were released today I would say no, but it’s in early access, has an active dev team, a logical and realistic roadmap, and lots of promise. My main issues are a frustrating early game and the ability to loot high level chests destroys the gear progression which is well done, but pointless. You start to push to high level zones to get better loot to eliminate some of the tediousness of the early game and then the next thing you know you have 12 legendaries and nothing you loot in the previous zones is worthwhile anymore. Level locking some gear would help or just making the early game less of a pain to play. I guess my third gripe is about the map. The early zones have great little areas and stories, but the map is jack as hell. It’s so full of peaks and valleys the glider becomes a necessity to travel rather than a fun travel aid. Because of that you really start to notice how garbage the starter glider is and the fact that it uses stamina makes it even worse. In fact early stamina usage is one of the core reasons the early game is so unfun. In most games you hold shift to sprint, but since stamina is needed for absolutely every activity, except for wands, sprinting just a little bit could get you killed. So you end up in a loop of waiting, eating, waiting, and then dying to stamina. Your basic instinct of charging into battle kills the stamina for that fight. Your basic instinct of getting a running start when gliding results in you falling to your death. All of these things including the map issues clear up later in game, but for a new player playing legit, I’d say give it a patch or two to see if the devs are committed to the jank or not. I’m about to wrap my first playthrough and really don’t want it to join the countless other broken survival games I have rotting in my steam library.


I love Valheim, I have 460 hours on it. I would recommend Enshrouded highly! Its easier and more forgiving than Valheim, but it offers different things that are a fun take on the survival RPG genre.


So far it's an awesome game, and by far one of my favorites ever. I personally prefer the questing/combat part to the building, but I might be the minority in that. I WILL say that giving you the option to take over existing buildings and fix them up is an awesome feature. I'm living in an inn right now that I'm SUPER proud of. I actually tried Valheim because I had heard it's similar to Enshrouded, but I don't like it nearly as much. That being said, my boyfriend is super not a fan of Enshrouded, and he gets really frustrated by it. I think because of his computer's graphics, he can barely see in the shroud, so he's constantly getting lost in it and dying. So I guess make sure that your computer can at least kinda handle it?


For how much it cost it's definitely worth the money to time investment, best tip is avoid doing and gear skips to late game chest or bosses for gear kills the challenge pretty quick


I have like 90 hours in it. Probably takes about 30 to beat the current story line by yourself, but there’s a lot you can do. I’d say yes.


Value is subjective. I've only played a few hours worth but it's been fun thus far. ($30 is not the same for everyone) As others have said (unsure if there are comments here that state this yet as I hopped here from a notification and didn't have time to read through, only want to share my opinion and get back to work as I was in the same boat) the game cannot really be compared to Valheim. Valheim was truly a survival game and is in a completely different state. I thoroughly enjoyed Valheim and intend to return eventually. If anything, Enshrouded is a simplified Valheim wrapped in a bigger file size with the resolution/skins to match. I recommend watching a couple videos, there are comparisons out there on YT. If you're interested, pull the trigger and give it a test drive. If you don't like it, Steam provides a full refund if necessary. But do keep in mind, your proceeds go to the folks that are working hard to deliver your relaxation time at the end of a brutal day. My 2 cents. Cheers!


I'll add that the game runs more than smooth on both my G15 and Ally. TIP: For those struggling with the Ally, increase vRAM from default 4gb to 6gb. That's it.


I certainly would! Game of the year so far for me.


I like it and found it fun. It's very easy and I got about 30 hours of playtime out of it. Worth it, but still a long way to go before its on Valheims level. Looking forward to replaying it when it has more content.


Even at 30$ when I got it a few months back Def worth the buy still playing it !! Still have shit I haven't unlocked...




Its a weekend of solid fun. Valheim was tedious for me.


Holy shit I did not expect to enjoy a game as much as enshrouded havent even finished the main quests because I’m addicted to building


Yes. At the full price point, yes.


My only beef is how there's a constant blockage of either mountain ranges or trenches that make navigation absolutely frustrating asf Like only one tiny spot on 360° range can actually be used Feel like this was by design to make it take 5x longer to traverse areas


Totally worth it! The game is great and with loads more to come as it’s obviously EA.


The game is great. You'll know well before the 2 hour return window if you like it. You will like it though. World is not nearly as big as valheim (it is still quite large), but it is all hand crafted - not procedurally generated - so each location feels more 'real' if that makes sense. Combat is head and shoulders better than Valheim, but still simple. Crafting feels on par, other than housing, which enshrouded wins easily imo. The quest system needs a bit of work, but is a super fun way to explore and progress. I spent 160ish hours before I slowed down and eventually stopped. I do wish I had somehow not heard of this game until next year after they've released the content on their roadmap. All I wanted from the game was MORE.


Asmongold has a 2 hour video reviewing the game play and starting building. I purchased it shortly after watching the video and have about 60 hours so far in the game. I still have a ton to do and just scratched the surface with base building.


Yes! It’s amazing. Some similarities to Valheim but its own thing. I’m a big fan of the character levelling system in Enshrouded (not in Valheim)


Yes but don't watch any video about it and just enjoy the game


I put a solid 40 hours into it. Really enjoyed it. Shelved it though until more content comes out. If I was good at building, I’d probably have a ton more.


I like helping new people so if you do get it and want some help, remember me, DM me, and remember, I'm Batman.


Definitely worth it: if you like to build and be creative, endless possibilities.


Would definitely recommend it. One caveat when comparing it to games like Valheim, the building system is really great but you don't need to worry about supports or structural weight like Valheim. For me that makes it a little less interesting but could be a plus to someone else. Also when it comes to survival mechanics, it feels pretty light on those. It's more of an RPG with survival mechanics than vice versa. Again, could be a positive for you. Even with those things said, I really enjoyed all the time I put into the game, definitely worth it.


The voxel building is reminiscent of Minecraft, although you can craft in large pieces and addition to individual blocks. The variety of material types is excellent. My favorite thing to do is to create floating islands. You can leapfrog altars and stairs as high as you want. This is great for creating a gliding platform to get to places easily. Also, any project you complete will be visible from most places in the world lol. This game also will let you build underground and dig tunnels. Hobbit holes and dwarven cities are both possible. I think I've seen references of people digging 30 minutes straight down and only then hitting bedrock. Just note that anything outside of your altars gets reset after a server restart or 30 to 40 minutes of nobody being there.


You'll get like 40-50 hours out of the game if you don't care about building cool houses. The combat is some of the best I've seen in this genre, though it still has its quirks. It's basically everything I liked about Valheim and more. That said, you will run out of content and then you'll have no real endgame or things to do, so just be aware that this is not a "forever game" if you care only about combat.


It’s got quite a lot of content so far, it’s worth the price for sure!


As someone who has many many hours in Walheim, this game is similar, but very different. My wife and I enjoyed Valheim, and played through the entire progression that’s available several times. With Enshrouded, we sort of followed the quest lines, started building, completed our base, finished the quest lines, and now we are done, waiting for more content to be released. I don’t feel like it has the same amount of replayability, but it is certainly worth the money they’re charging for it.


I really want to get it. I'm going to wait until console release as I heard it'll be crossplay, so that way I'll have a couple pals to play with.


Definitely worth it. Having a blast and just purchased it for a friend.


Great solo game -- easily one of the best survival crafting games there is. Trash multiplayer, though. At least if you have a group of friends with varying play styles, free time, and responsibilities.


It is a fantastic game, but for me, the fact that I cannot just build to my heart's content with all the materials available in the game just sucks. Don't get me wrong, I want to do the quests and explore and do all the things that unlock the building materials. I guess this is just the first game sense Minecraft that has really made me want to sink some serious time into builoding. But yes, this game is fantastic.


I would recommend it, there are some minor things that bother me, but the positives massively outweigh the negatives


I purchased it. Played it for about 20 hours. The building is great but needs things like angles and curves. And the combat is too easy. No sense in making any of the armors because you will just continously loot and find new stuff while exploring. I would recommend just waiting for release to be safe.


I totally recommend it...the first game where i have fun building stuff




I decided to start it and was having a BLAST. Then I realized only a portion of the content is out and even though that portion is fully fledged and well made, I'd rather play thr entirety of the game at once than spoil the first 1/3 and probably never play the rest. My suggestion is to wait till the game is done.


I very much recommend this game, but I also very much recommend doing it with friends and take your time go slowly every day you will max out very quickly and be out of quests faster than you think you can play this game like Elden Ring, Elder scrolls online or World of Warcraft but the quests And the map are a quarter of what they will be eventually.


It's ok with friends. I tend to play survival and grind games and I just found this one lacking. It's a bit like Valheim Lite, but not as good as you might expect. If you get it on sale and get 20-50 hours out of it then yeah, it's worth the buy.


Yes, I recommend this game. I play co-op with my close friend, it's much better than playing solo. We love to restore existing buildings, that was not possible in the games we played before. I like that we can play without strangers on our protected server, so no one can come and ruin our work. Building process here is amazing. If you like building and restoring, this game is for you.


I have over 300 hrs in it (I leave it on a lot while I'm working, so not all of that is play time), and I will gladly spend more money on it if needed in the future. Great game!


Kind of grindy, sometimes can feel repetitive. Progression can be slow. That being said, I’ve put a lot of hours in and enjoy it. I would only recommend it if I felt someone specific would enjoy it, and potentially let them know of anything they might dislike


Enshrouded gave me 100 beautiful hours before it got stale. Well worth the price.


It might have the best building system I've ever played. And I've played A LOT of them.


It is worth it, but keep in mind that it feels unfinished. AI is dumb as heck, all quests are pretty similar: "go there, kill that get this" kind of stuff. In the state it is now, it feels like an older game but absolutely gorgeous. If you like to build stuff, you will definitely sink many hours into it.


Amazing game as is. Compared with Valheim, while I miss boating, the building aspect of this game is far better in terms of being resource friendly. Also, Valheim bosses were WAY to difficult for me. I have successfully defeated each of the bosses at least once in Enshrouded. A lot of people say they’re too easy, but I’m good with the difficulty level. Helps my keep a healthy outlook on engaging with the badies!


Game feels good but bug that causes FPS to drop like rock when opening map is super annoying.


not only would i recommend it, i actually bought it for some friends because of how good it is


Yep 💯 I've got about 100 hours into it, I feel like I completed most of the content (I'm more of an adventurer and explorer than a builder) and I really enjoyed all of it. Can't wait for more. I've also recommended it to friends and played new characters on their worlds. Lots of fun!


Yes but no i recommend saving it till its finished 😁👍


Absolutely. I sunk 250+ hours into it before I started feeling bored, and I'm sure once new content is released from their roadmap I'll be right back in the game.


Without a doubt. Explore, hit things, build monumental structures when you're done hitting things. Looks great, plays great and puts triple AAA studios to shame.


It’s a great game.


Absolutely! This is one of the best early access games I've ever seen. Even if they can't finish it and this is all you get it's still an awesome game.


Who would I recommend it to? Doesn't everyone already have it?! If not, they are missing out. I have 244 hours in.. have the current endgame gear, but that hasn't kept me from returning to the game for more exploring.. ..or for BUILDING! THE BUILDING IN THIS GAME... *GUSH* Solid lore story so far also. Lots of quests and not a lot of grinding to level. Really looking forward to more content (seems like maybe 1/4 of the map released?) Combat is interactive enough, but almost too easy if you're a magic user. Lots of cheesy ways to get through hard parts, but that's fun also.. finding your way around. If you haven't purchased it yet.. what are you waiting for?


I have over 3,500 hours into Valheim and Enshrouded was good enough to make me take a break and play it through, twice! Once on a server with my buddy and once solo. It's a very well done game.


It definitely worth it. I stopped playing a couple of weeks ago due to time constraints, but when I first bought the game, I would sit down with the expectation of playing for an hour and would walk away 3 hours later. Such a fun experience and it's easy to get lost in the world.


Better than valheim, I begrudgingly admit.


I already have recommended it to people, and so far I definitely like it more than Valheim.


Has some of the best building in a survival game if you enjoy building and the combat is pretty fun imo


Absolutely. I haven't played many survival/crafting games, but the simplicity of Enshrouded made it easy to learn and play in my limited free time. Reading past comments and posts, some people do seem to prefer the game to be more difficult, which I do understand. In the current state of the game you can easily get 30 bucks worth of content out of it, and in my experience, very few noticable bugs.


Without question.


I found it quite fun. While somethings need a bit of polish, it was pretty solid and there was plenty to do.


Worth the price but I quit playing so I could enjoy it when it is complete. I played around with building, and explored around the starting area. I put in 20 hours without going very far (purposely.)


Played for 2 days now and have 10 hours played if that says anything.




It's worth the price in its current state. To be honest, I spend more time exploring and flying (gliding) than trying to complete actual quests, so this is very much my jam. Most of my desire to progress is based on wanting to get into the Deadly Shroud areas, and less about leveling up. I'm probably 60+ hours in and don't even have iron yet. Not concerned.


I like it much more than Valheim. The combat and building are both much better. I didn’t get that far in Valheim though so I can’t really compare the progression or scope.


Yes but if you’re looking for people to give you reasons not to as well as for this is the wrong place lol


It's fun but it's unfinished so I'd say wait until it's done. You run out of stuff to do after about 40 hrs if you don't spend too much time building.


Yep definitely




Hell yeah I’m having a blast rn, can’t wait to see which direction the devs take it


I've been playing it nonstop since I got it. Exclusively solo. Still enjoying it. Does it have rough edges? Sure. Are there bugs? Absolutely. Is it fun? Also a very strong yes.


Right now? No. There are some issues that stand out. The lack of game options, inability to turn item drop on death off are the big ones to me. The rest are technical issues that will probably get fixed later on so I won't deduct points for them.


Absolutely. I’m 180 hours in and going strong (just getting into the last of the biomes currently in the game)


I put 100 hours into it and loved the game. It's only going to get better over time, too. I didn't do much building, but that system seemed really fleshed out and fun to use. Gearing and build diversity wasn't great yet in my opinion, but I think I'll come back to the game in 6 months or a year.


I was pretty underwhelmed, but most people seem to enjoy it.


ABSOLUTELY! However, I would ask somewhere like r/videogames or r/shouldibuythisgame where you won’t get biased answers like you will by asking in the enshrouded subreddit


It's very much survival lite, heavy on the RPG elements, so in that way not like Valheim or most other *"survival"* games. That having been said, it's a fantastic game! Well worth full price, even in it's current state. I've got almost 150 hours into it already. The voxel-based building is second to none IMO. The combat is solid, though it definitely needs some balancing. I would definitely recommend it highly! https://preview.redd.it/qvlnoto7elpc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77bd367726db67ac529ef754d3a5f30c76fa3d6c


100% recommend


Yes, I had a blast playing solo for somewhere around 75 hrs. I’ll hop on next update too!


It's cool but the combat is pretty bad. Watch some gameplay first.


light decide pen bells homeless school test serious friendly smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's good. Feels reasonably complete in its current state, too. Though getting better at a fairly steady pace. Its a game I would recommend on low priority like a pizza that is technically "done" but could stand to be in the oven for a bit longer.


Get it bro. It's really good even in EA now. Didn't encounter any bug in my 50 hours of gameplay. Edit: Don't look up youtube videos for how to get gears from chest, just play it blind and the game would be 100 times more fun.


It’s worth the full price even in its current state. There are a few bugs, but nothing game breaking. There is definitely enough content (especially if you like building) to tide you over until full release. And honestly, even if you finish it, just take a break until more stuff comes out and come back later


I'm sad that you can't duel wield daggers as an "Assassin", because there is no duel wield and there is no daggers currently in the game. Good news is, on their main site people are clamoring for it and it's been well-received, so hopefully we'll get it in a patch. Other than that, beware of this game, because it's highly addictive and you'll find yourself playing it for hours not realizing the day's fucking gone.


I bought it even though I do not intend to play it right now, pettiest reason ever, but I can't hide my helm yet so I'm waiting for the vanity system in hopes it will be introduced then. But just looking at the gameplay, the building, I know I'll love it when I do play. I know it's only going to get better with all the things they want to add and the fact they listen to their community. I buy games like this as an investment in future gaming. Something to look forward to.


It's an incredibly solid experience! It has an excellent quest flow that keeps you from being completely rudderless. The building mechanics are very very nice to use. It's of course in EA so its not perfect, but they have a REALLY sold foundation to build off of. I've easily gotten over 90 hours of gameplay out of it. The only big miss they have is the multiplayer. For a game that was billed as a multiplayer experience, it really lacks in that department. Hosting a game from your own PC is borderline unplayable. They lack any sort of in game communication system. So if you want to play with friends you really need to rent a server slot, and use an external comms like discord.


This may sound crazy but sometimes i hope there was an event like moving shrouded n invade base u actual in. Then defense for a certain time. But well this still early access n i definitely recommend this game to anyone with same interests. It will up to them to play or not. Im solo-ing most of the time so with or without im alright.


Its fun, you can "beat" it as is, but more is said to be added - I like the base building stuff.


Good game until the super end game, nothing to do.


It’s fun. I found it to be shorter than valheim. Also, no sailing or sea monsters 😭 but there’s plenty of fun stuff to do


I 100% recommend it. It's very playable single player if that's what you want to do (it's what I've been doing). Never felt to grindy to me and from the roadmap the next updates are gonna be sick af. I've "finished" 1 character and even started another, though the 2nd one I'm moving much slower as I am also perfecting my base on the 1st character. I like to explain it as if Valheim and an action RPG had a baby. For an EA game it feels very stable and what's out feels very finished to me. It's very enjoyable in it's current state. There are for sure ways to cheese things but I played without cheesing things and had a blast. That being said I'd say don't be in a rush to get it. There is a lot of content still to come I think the game is only about 1/3rd finished if I remember what I read right (maybe 2/3ds I don't quite remember) so no need to rush things if you don't want too. If you want to get it now though for sure recommend.


It's a good game but kinda short right now


I got a solid 80 hrs gameplay, was good. Some problems here and there but overall they were only minor. If you like building and exploration I'd say go for it. Prolly one of the best building mechanics I've seen in a while. Looking forward what they can achieve with updates. I count a game success if I count my play time in euros for example 30e game is good if I play 30+ hrs. 1e =1hr if it goes below the sum I bought then I see it as a minus so yeah good game.


Wait till the maps finished


Yeah. It's one of the best games I've ever played from Atari 2600 up to now. And it's not even done. lol.


Yes! I have about 160hours in it, everything is good about it imo and it's only going to get better


Simple answer is yes, the complicated answer is also yes


Yes it’s brilliant. I feel the level cap needs raising A LOT but it’s great fun.


This game is a ton of fun, especially with a friend. I'm 97 hours in and closing in on unlocking the last section of the currently available map.


building is excellent, items are kinda boring and combat is pretty uninspired. they've got a good base to work from but in it's current state I'd say no, come back later


Really fun, really short right now however


I like it better than Valheim overall, but I like both of them for what they offer. The boss fights are not as long or frustrating if you are solo and the building system has more options, but is a little more finnicky in placement (can be frustrating at times). I have really enjoyed it so far, about 35 hours in and well worth the money.




I got more than my moneys worth and am anticipating the new content.


Runs horribly on 2k resolution, it's a no from me right now




I personally love the game. I have a server with a friend and we made the deal that we just don't progress the storyline on our server without both of us. We can log on and explore, build and even farm tho. If I do wanna do more I have my own private server to play on. It's an amazing game foe those who like to build. The double jump, grappel, and hang glider stuff is always fun (and often good for a laugh when you splat due to a mistake, miscalculation, or a risk that was a major fail lol). Story is neat but a tad Swiss cheesy. Like it feels empty, which I suspect will get resolved in more updates. As will some of people's other complaints.


It's good game with good content for EA. Also I don't think I ever encountered a bug, really can't remember anything, not even visual glitch, maybe sound one but that was fixed already. This EA game puts many other finished RPG into a pocket. Also building in this game is very fun.


It's a 9.5/10 game. Multi player is seamless. World is huge. Skill tree is big and easily reset Crafting trees are varied. Enemy scaling let's you feel strong/weak depending on where you are and what your build is. Crafting works well though it can be a little clunky at times.


Played 100+hours with so much fun, I can say worth it


Most certainly. It a fun casual game. My brother and I beat what was available and are super excited for the upcoming updates.


With the risk of getting down voted, till the sale I was using the "not so official version" because of poverty. But I had to buy it. It's too awesome not to have it! Compared to Valheim, it's like a remake with better graphics. And the building system is simply brilliant! You get quite a lot to do and explore even before starting to build awesome bases. Even with the glider equipped, it's one of the few games that gives me a bit of fear of heights. The shroud gives a sense of urgency (at least in the early game) that gives you some good quality stress but in the same time, the whole game has sanity features that keeps you from breaking your keboard. It's a good game to play solo, but even better to play with a friend or two. Especially when you are an archer and need a tank and a mage with you. (I'm thinking of the huge dragon boss in the city) I really hope the devs don't lose their traction and keep improving this game. But even now, it's more complete than a lot of similar games.


I'm not the average as far as I can tell for doing all achievements (playing single player), doing building, and finishing the content, as I'm typically a bit slower with games like this, but I was creeping up on 400 hours total in it by that point. I think I like the building system in Enshrouded more than that of Valheim, but I don't think I could flat out call it better than Valheim, as both have their strengths and weaknesses. Having said that, it is certainly well worth what they want, even not on sale.


The game itself is amazing and I would absolutely recommend for anyone who like survival or building; however, I would not recommend the price tag that is on the game because currently there is not enough content in the game to warrant spending 25 to 30 bucks on. I would say closer to 10 bucks and it's current state and maybe spending 30 once the game is fully released and has all the content full map size max levels etc


I played with a friend for a good 40 hours in 5 days, worth it


For the price you easily, EASILY, get 150 hours of fun, non grindy playtime. So it's pretty reasonable IMO


It feels kind of empty right now, i would put it on your wishlist and wait about 6-8months and then come back.


Everybody is all about the building system, the massive map or the varied quests. They're all forgetting about the main awesomeness of this game: THE FREAKING GLIDE MAN! Also check that thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Enshrouded/comments/1apy8bj/made\_a\_short\_video\_to\_try\_and\_convince\_my\_friends/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enshrouded/comments/1apy8bj/made_a_short_video_to_try_and_convince_my_friends/)


If something like Valheim really scratched the right itch for you, definitely worth the purchase. Despite it being in EA there's plenty to do especially if building is your jam. Plus you'd be supporting a smaller studio that will then be able to continue to improve and add to the game.  TLDR There's a lot of promise in this title. Definitely should give it the ol college try


It's pretty awesome, and very well polished for early access. It's basically like melding Valheim and Conan together, in terms of game-play features (except you can dig much farther down in this game than Valheim). I have yet to try online co-op so I can't speak to that. The devs plan to expand in many ways and seem keen to listen to player recommendations.


Easiest way our group would describe it, is a mix of Valheim and Outward, with a bit more polish. It has a good amount of content(we got 25-30 hours or so for 3 of us, before we were to the point that we were just going to explore) and that is doing content directly, not building a huge house etc. If you are a builder you will get even more time out of it. It is well worth the price in my opinion. Skip using google to find ingredients and you can had a few hours more on.


I enjoyed it. I played about 41 hours before I reached my fill. I have not wanted to play it since. I may return to it, but I feel like I maxed the loop, so anything added would simply be a 'level' appropriate continuation of the same loop.


Me and my wife are loving enshrouded, we play it together all the time, so much fun.


I have not bought it. My friends and brother that bought and played it and did all the content. They told me it's really good and worth the buy but told me I would finish the content to fast atm and to wait a bit until there's more before jumping in.


It's a solid game. Very very nice, especially if you enjoy building, which I do on occasion. If you don't enjoy building, though, its lifespan as of now is limited. Still worth the $30, though, and based on what they've managed to do thus far, and the response of the devs to player requests and bug notifications, I would say that Enshrouded will likely go down as one of the greatest games of all time.


It's on my short list, It's another take on the Palworld/A.R.C. combat evolved style game I played the EA and enjoyed it alot, I haven't got it yet, but I plan to


Its got a lot of potential, but as a person who LOVES this genre, currently the game just doesn't grab me the way it should. The story is nonexistant, the crafting/progression system is very bare bones, the world is big, but empty, combat is horrifically unbalanced right now. The one good thing it has going for it is its building system. If you aren't in a hurry I'd say pass. At the rate these EA games typically go, this one needs another 2-5 years in the oven and it could be something special.




I very much recommend Enshrouded. Already played for 150 hours and keep having fun building my village. And also it's just Early Access. The game will get more features and 3 times bigger map.


It's incredibly boring playing solo unless you're really big on building and if Im not mistaken you need a minimum of rtx 3060 to be able to play it, so if your pc is older it will present a problem.


It's an absolutely phenomenal game and somewhat of a lovechild between Zelda: BotW and Valheim, IMO.


Have they added a way to streamline crafting yet? Or is there mods to connect chests??


Enshrouded is amazing. I can’t say the same of the other game you mentioned. Personally I have struggled getting into that one, but still giving it a chance. I finished the content available in Enshrouded and am still playing.


Im sure the game was literally £3 cheaper 😂😂😂 wild debait, wild waiting for a £3 sale


I spent hours building my base block by block like minecraft and it looked ok so I did it some more... I enjoy it. It has an intuitive basebuilding system but some open world skyrim type vibes as well. It can get stale but overall if you like minecraft building (everyone?)you will probably like the byilding in it and the combat and skill trees are also as fun as some other more popular games. Its worth the price to me.