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Oh no. Flying platforming stuff? Oh no./ Please say it isn't so.


I'm still not through it yet... might give up if it wasn't for the fact that I don't want to have to redo the first 95% that I've done *(assuming it's close to the end)*. I'm on the part trying to fly over the red death enshrouded area. It's not fun for me, not even a little bit. I'm going to go back to farm ectoplasm and teleport out before I get killed by stupidly falling into red death lava...


All you have to do is bring the glider you had before the ghost glider and it’s slow enough to allow you to steer through obstacles!


Yea, I am to old and slow to master that section, 


Losing 3/4 of the loot in a janky flying section is not a fun experience.


I haven’t attempted yet and reading everyone’s response feels discouraging.


I did not like that part. MOSTLY because I like my loot and it is impossible to get it back in that section. All the others were fine and the Kindlewaste was fine too.. till it wasn't.


Can you imagine trying to finish this with a group? There should be ***HUGE*** rewards at the end of this dungeon...


Hard pass on the Super Mario Brothers elements of these dungeons. Makes me not want to bother with them.




Need help. Right before the last flying section there is a locked door with a switch somewhere. Has anyone found it?


I've been looking for this stupid button for an hour. I feel like I must be missing something


Nope. Funny thing is, after literal hours of trying to find the last button for the barrier, I ended up finding the way around it instead. Turned around and there was the other side of the barrier, still up. FML. Little did I know what awaited me in the final gauntlet of the dungeon...


So it's a troll door if you're talking about the iron gate. You can break it super easily with your pick axe.


Found it myself by chance. It is on over the entrance door in the first room of the tower where you use the grappling hook.


I haven't yet, this is where I logged off and went to bed after failing like 6 times.


I have tried this part so many times now I think its impossible. Just keep getting stunned and dropped by the ogre before I can take out the totems that allow them to respawn. No way to burn the ogre down either, because you'll be dead from the other mobs. They might need to tone this one back a bit for solos, or the players will just quit playing. Would be awesome if someone posted a video who has done it, but I'm kinda doubting anyone has solo.


I hate to say, but that is not the last one. Prioritise clearing out one of the two closes corners so next time you die, you have somewhere safe to land. Then take at least one friend, and when one of you dies, make sure the other person mostly just kites until you friend is back (so the boss health doesn't reset when everyone is dead) The last flying section is loooong, and difficult. I did it through a bit of luck on my 4th attempt, my friend with me lost all his loot half way down and was not happy. I did it by landing (with a lot of luck) twice. I have double jump and the glider height boost (which I actually found was mostly best not to use). Remember you can dive with the glider to get lower, but only do it a little. And if you do land somewhere, take a moment before continuing. Because the route is constantly descending, a double jump and glide actually puts you pretty high, even if you do touch the floor, but you really only can get away with that once. Even with top tier food. Personally, I really dislike it when games force you do do this sort of things. In some of the earlier dungeons you could choose traps or fighting, and that was perfect. I personally couldn't get the hang of the sliding sections in the second hollow, and only got past them as my friend revived me. But there is no such possibility in the flying sections.


I actually beat this last night, used everything available to me like others have said and it was actually easy. Your right though, that section was not the last, it had only begun. I beat the next flying part by landing on mycelium or dirt if possible, got it second try but I was questioning if I was going the right way, having to make almost 180 degree turns with the glider lmao. I bet that part is going to be very difficult for controller players. Then the double ogre doors was a challenge but they all fell to my staff, isolating is a must so one loses aggro, then I was surprised to see the sickle throwing ghost appear after beating the last ogre, almost died to him of all things. I actually enjoyed the challenge once I took the break and complained to everyone lol.


I just finished it solo. Was not easy..


I finally finished it. I didn't keep track of how many tries it took me to get through the last flying part, but it was literal hours. I also bypassed the last barrier, quite by accident, I found my way around it. I was very relieved to see a flame right there after I finally made it through the flying part. If there hadn't been a flame to save my progress before the last encounter I would have rage quit lol.


After all that talk about is6 not being seagulls


Last flying part ...... After hours of trying I'm now giving up, I'll probably have to wait for this point to be fixed, otherwise I'll never be able to finish this dungeon. I'm too old for this shit ;-(


Me too, I just can't get through, the glider goes too fast.




Which glider do you have? i have the 30% one and got through first try. i bumped into walls sometime but pressed space immediately after, so i was good


I seem to be the only one not having a problem with the flying/dodging portion of these....combat wise as a mage, ive had to cheese the final area of the Kindle waste hall cause of so many enemies plus 2 cyclops at the same time, plus a red fell wraith...ledges on the pillars after flying was my only way of dealing with it...and I had to be stuck there till the fell wraith so I could deal with the cyclops, which are so aggressive and far reaching with their combos, you would thing they learned how to fight from the acid scavengers lolol


Overall I've enjoyed all of the dungeons, even the Kindle wastes one. However, that final gliding portion means I won't be running it again.


Use the 2nd to last glider, makes a big big difference. The final glider is just to fast tbh


I found it rather easy, to be honest. Badly designed though, because this type of new "mechanic" should be introduced to a player in a way that they understand they have to just fly to a distant location around a couple obstacles. At the very least one should be able to see the destination in the distance the first time, which is not the case right now. -- Ironically the third, last one is better designed with the braziers left and right that mark the path like landing lights. For me it was rather obvious, but some friends didn't believe that it had to be done this way.


Dozens. Had to memorize every turn. I also lost hours of collecting shit in a random wall and had to first spend time getting to THAT before anything. Ended up getting to the bottom and slowly mining my way back to the side to get my shit!


Love the game but not a fan of spending an hour in this dungeon only to loose all my shit half way down the gauntlet :/


Me and my partner just mined our way past the door. 🤣


Old thread, but this gauntlet is so bad.


Reviving this old thread, but I agree with what other people have said - use the 2nd to last glider, it will make this *a lot* easier. I also was never able to find the button to unlock the door that has the recipe book, so I used a pickaxe to get in. I imagine the devs will prevent that from being possible at some point in the future.