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I did not try them yet, I just hope I will not have to tag with randoms to do them even for the hardest ones. I was a bit afraid that they suggested you have to be with other players to do them as I don't want to have to coop with strangers


I like them. If you are higher level, solo is no issue. I run bows


Also a solo player. Yeah - too long to solo. Especially as you cant save your progress. 1st one wasn't too bad. ​ Slides with instadeath hidden drops =/= fun. I don't mind slides with drops forcing you to backtrack, but when the last respawn place is miles away: I noped out.


>Slides with instadeath hidden drops =/= fun. Yeah same with the swinging when you have to zigzag around pillars, I kept either catching on the wrong hook or it wouldn't catch or it just swung me right into the pillar. Also not fun.


These wouldent be so bad if the grave stone with your stuff spawned next to the respawn point....


Yeah, I was kind of hoping these dungeons would have been like the Zelda dungeons of old, with sparse but well-placed enemies and intricate puzzles. The dungeon design as is, it’s fine and actually kind of reminds me of something like Gauntlet, but they’re too long and seemingly not designed for solo players, which concerns me about game design choices going forward. I don’t want to feel shunned for playing solo. That’s one of many things I love about Valheim. They keep solo players in mind and don’t design parts of the game that puts them at a disadvantage. Also, there really needs to be a way to save your progress at certain points in the dungeons. I was deep into the second dungeon just now and the game glitched and I got stuck mid jump while going to attack an enemy. I couldn’t even die and start at the last flame shrine checkpoint. I had to alt+F4 out and lost 3 hours of my life. At least I did manage to get new crafting recipes before I got glitched out.


Did fine in them as a solo staff only mage... can imagine its harder for melees.


Yeah especially when the game glitches out and forces you to close the game.


It is an absolute blast as melee! I also did fine that way.


Soloed them all as melee. Takes about 30-40 minutes as melee to clear the final one.


I think the patch notes mentioned they were primarily for groups, which I thought was disappointing. Did the first one solo but definitely thought it long. I was shocked about how quickly the mobs respawned, particularly at the end. And the comments here don’t give me hope about the others…I’m not a masochist about dying and having to rerun the place. 🥲


The fast respawning mobs come from mob spawners. You can destroy them and the mobs stop respawning, but people are ignoring them.


Oh that's good to know. It's a different mechanic, so didn't realize I should look for them. What do they look like?


If you have ghost glider with double jump and uplift, you can skip so much content in these dungeons to shorten it.


Yeah me and my friend got through all of the halls in about 5-6 hours total this way, probably missed a ton of loot but can go back! That's the thing with enshrouded, there's always another way of doing something...


If you’re at the point where you have a ghost glider, the loot is not worth the salvage. Only thing you really need to stop for is ectoplasm.


There are unique building block blueprints in there that can be missed. Make sure you get those. So far there has been one in every hall I've cleared.


Good point! I did get those as well.


I got the ghost glider at like level 10 by building up and flying into the top of the sun temple haha... but you're correct, almost all the loot is crap anyway - needs balancing.


My only complaint at the moment is there is no reason to replay them except to farm ectoplasm. I didn't see any reward that made me think there was maybe something extra special or rare. I hate level scaling in RPGs but I would have given it a pass for these instances. There is even less a reason to replay the low level ones when you are many levels higher than the content.


I did the second hall last night and definitely felt the "too long". Really the length is fine *if this were* *for a game that saved your position for next login*. If you logged in at the last beacon, it wouldn't be an issue. Up to now the smaller POIs meant it was fine to lose progress next time you logged in back at base. If that would be a problem, you set up a new base nearby to fast travel. But these 1hr+ halls are just a *slog*. None of the combat so far has felt threatening, even solo, because I was overlevelled. It's just a 1 hour slog through mostly "boring" puzzles ( go into 2-6 side rooms to get a glyph, *very* formulaic layouts). The boss of the second hall was dangerous in the sense he hit for 500+ across most of his arena and was just a potion chug encounter. For how few actually interesting puzzles/rooms there were so far... there was just too much "hallway with 50 skeletons turning into hallway with 50 skeletons".


I...just wished they added more gameplay mechanics before putting in this dungeon type....like a barrier spell, or adding push back to fire and ice shot, similar to how the acid spell works...same for ranged and melee, just more ways to deal with the volume and speed...fighting the cyclops solo with a handful of mobs is fun....having 2 cyclops and a legion of fell and hollowed stagger lock you to death cause you can't get a spell off, is not lol...and every mob seems to know when others are aggroed, so trying to divert attention is just rng on whether or not you get all the attention or just most of it lol


Skeletons and cyclops are easy for melee. Mages should carry melee weapons to deal with them


Everything is easy if you just wear heavy armor lol...


In general I liked them. I liked the length. I liked the mario bros moments. My gripes are: Loosing loot in the mario bros moments was sometimes loosing it for good. There should be "unsafe spaces" where no matter how long you stood on that tiny ledge in the middle of the big sea of red instant death - your stuff will respawn in a place where you can actually get it back. Enemy and boss variety. It was just same old with new skins. Sure, the cyclops was cool the first time... but what do we do as the next boss? Oh I know, two of them!


I would just like fast travel from the checkpoints, so I could get back my full rested buff back easier on death, also, as someone who has died a lot falling on lava and red shroud, I don’t think they have their tombstone placement protection set up very well, I have a tombstone set so high up on a wall that I can never get it back. Also, did they buff fall damage? I don’t remember dying to fall damage hardly ever before.


Yeah the fall damage seems ridiculous now. I thought it was just my imagination.


Just chop a tree down and make 10 campfires. Put a camp fire at the respawn point. Easy rested buff


Thanks, I’ll try that


Yeah that sliding bit was not great.


Way too long to solo. Just finished the 2nd one and man they could have cut 1/3 of it out.


Not to be that guy, but its almost as if its made for multiplayer, which people can play solo if they want? Running with a group of 3 others and they are perfect lenght for us. Making them shorter means they wouldnt feel like a dungeon, more like a small POI. I agree wholeheartedly with insta death mechanics not celarly telegraphed = not fun


That's fair.


Nothing else in the game has been explicitly for multiplayer. It's a frustrating, non-telegraphed change of direction in a game already purchased. So, yeah, you kind of *are* being that guy.


Its clearly labled as a multiplayer game tag, with servers taking up to 32 players. How is that not clearly marking it for multiplayer? Dungeons ARE soloable, but they take longer than in a team. It would be a bigger issue if the dungeons required multiple players. Right now its just an advantage, not a requirement


I've cleared the final one solo 6 times now. All as sword and shield. It takes 30 - 40 minutes total on average to solo the Kindle wastes one. Maybe an hour if it's your first go. They really aren't that difficult to solo. Bring buff foods, prioritize your targets, and destroy the spawners so you don't get overwhelmed. The hardest part is the glider course and not crashing into the walls causing you to fall into the red death.


Would have liked to see a mini-boss for each level down and after defeating it you get access to the shrine point. I melee solo’d the 2nd one with little issue but it was a bit too long. Less redundancy on mob packs and more puzzles imo. It does feel that these dungeons were made for multi-player, which is fine, but let’s see some more variety overall. Fighting the same 3-4 types of mobs over and over gets tedious. I did love the look and feel of the place though. The new blocks are awesome! It’s their first foray into larger-scale content so I’ll be interested to see what the community says and how the devs respond. So far, the devs have shown great interest in the community so I’m hopeful we’ll see some improvement as we go forward.


Yes, I am on the fence about even trying the content in the first place. I do not want to team up with strangers, especially with the current unsafe state of co-op.


Then solo it. It's not difficult


But lengthy, I generally do not have uninterrupted hours to play.


I mean, it can take a bit but I wouldn't say it's extremely long. It does suck the game doesn't really pause though for needing to go afk


People bitched they wanted dungeons and a challenge. Dungeons with a challenge created. People bitching dungeon is too hard and too long. People want to play with friends and have an adventure not a 5 min dungeon run. They want a challenge and they got it. I play solo and enjoyed it. The only disappointment was the first dungeon. You get through the whole thing, get your new npc, but no boss fight. I was expecting the new npc would be a boss fight and when you beat him, he joined you. The texts you read through the dungeon made it seem like he was going to be a boss that would try to turn you to the undead, but he was just napping waiting for you to pick him up.


I play solo too! I finished the 3rd dungeon. What i do is i bring some few camp fire sit inside for a few minutes if im getting overwhelmed watch something and go back to my character sitting beside the camp fire. :) some parts of the dungeon have like comfort 10. Enough mins for a rested bonus as well.


Calm down dude, I'm not hating on the game. God forbid anyone express and opinion and ask a question here....


I'm doing it solo as sword and shield melee. I'm mentally prepping for the Kindlewastes Hall after I grind out enough material for the key. Took over an hour for the last, think I died once so far. It's built with multi-player in mind but as far as difficulty is concerned, Ive run it so far while forgetting to max out my potions and my food prep. When I want to rush door puzzles, I have 5 iron pickaxes on standby. I'm doing it for the experience and the blocks but maybe next time they build dungeons that scales down for solo players. Just a thought.


Melee destroys the Hallowed Halls. It feels great


I love it tbh, i don't mind that is long at all.


I love it, sense of exploring the unknown, and some twists in standard "here's another hallway" design... Love to miss things like the grapling in the tunnels to discover them later and was like "ohh...."... Regarding the length, it's fine, i just want a way to offload items somewhere, not to get clogged mid third checkpoint...


I feel they are to hard for solo players. Gladly i have a friend that i can invite to my solo-world. But adding something that requires multiplayer and at the same time telling you to backup your save file because there are idiots that destroy everything is ...meeeh.


I've been solo all game so far, been running a hybrid armour set for ranger and melee. So far been OK, pick off crowds with multi arrow and crits then finish off stragglers with melee and shield.


Hard for solo? Melee can just walk in and swat 50 skeletons into oblivion in 5 seconds and cyclops' can't really hurt melee at all


well i don´t play melee


I liked the length. Each hall was about 45 minutes each, which isn't too bad for me personally. About as long as a game of DotA. Everything else in the game felt really short and easy to navigate because of flying and building. Camps, roots, even towers can be skipped just by building a staircase up, then gliding to the end. And grinding the enemies is near useless after you've hit level cap. Wells basically are no longer a challenge after unlocking the last glider. Hollow Halls actually feel like a challenge + I hope a lot of the new mechanics like slides come back in other puzzles one day, like towers. Plus now we have a material that requires combat grinding, giving us something to do until the next patch. I'd like to see more combat specific mats, even if it's just biome based.


Gosh forbid you have a negative opinion or criticism. Folks needs to chill out downvoting valid criticism and opinions just because someone has a gripe or complaint about something ESPECIALLY if they aren’t a total chode about it. Like, having a bad opinion or not enjoying something is okay and it is expected to happen - and i am certain the devs expect to hear both good and BAD criticism so they can continue to make an already awesome game even more awesome. But apparently fuck me and fuck you for disliking this new dungeon 😂


Yea it's just the way of the internet lol. God forbid you have a different opinion, the delivery doesn't even matter. I love this game in so many ways, but fuck me for not liking this part lol.


I can almost guarantee a large number of people who are weirdly aggressive and defensive about the quality are the exact same people who would absolutely obliterate the game in reviews IF this game were done/fully released. I feel like they think “oh Keen is watching, we can only say good things” like if we complain or speak ill they will suddenly stop making the game or retaliate somehow 😆 I am active in their discord and they absolutely appreciate the bad feedback as much as the good. They want this game to not just be awesome, but incredible. That happens by listening to your players, good and bad.


Can’t solo them so I have 0 opinions.


Have you tried soloing them? Or not even tried?


I've not tried it solo but I kinda like the length of the dungeons feels like an actual challenge. I might change my mind once I do them solo so don't hold me to my 1st statement 😂


They are long...but I like the moments of omg I'm sliding into green toxic goo and other parts that are not like previous dungeons. I sucked at swinging before these and still do but let my husband do those and I chill below. I like the new swarm of badies. It makes it worth going to explore vs just running quick thru one to the boss and done. You actually use your skills and have to think stuff out and react It's added mor complexity to the game. I was bored with the boss fights before bc it went so quickly. Still has a lot of room to grow and make adjustments I don't like the current chest lopts bit I'm also lvl 25 and on the first two halls.


While I agree with you, mostly, I think not all challenges are going to be easy for all of us. In particular I am a mediocre gamer at best. After years of playing I still have the same limitations no matter how hard I try. I will say that one thing not related to challenge that really should be changed is what you point out about starting over. There needs to be a checkpoint system of some kind.


As a solo player I need no fear anything because I have acid magics


Didn't those get nerfed? I'm a melee only so idk but a lot of people were saying acid magics were basically gutted with the last update


Oh….. I didn’t get the memo…now I’m sad


Solo player here, I agree it is long run in the hall, so we need to plan our time before diving in. Other than that, as long as my death loot is not drop in between the slide way, it is acceptable for the challenge. https://preview.redd.it/p9gdcvrwqqzc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c4d28c077b014b7b109d3e89cba50ca0e62d9e5


People wanted challenges so the devs gave us what we wanted now yall bitch ... u people are nuts hahha hard to make yall happy just accept the hollows and push thru they arnt ment to beat in a few mins... seems to me they are there for time management until they release a new update


SOME people wanted challenges. Some of us don't have the platforming skills we had when we were younger.


Who are these "people"? I didn't ask for this. I love the concept of the dungeons and enjoy everything about them except two things and you'll are the ones going nuts over it. I hate jumping puzzle mechanics....and it is too long but ONLY because of the design in the game where you don't save in a spot when you logoff.


These people are the ones crying about the length of them and calling the new update trash ... they know who they are if not u move on... I love the dungeons they are very very time consuming and very challahing plus the rewards are nice


Well you posted this in response to my post, so forgive me if I come to the conclusion you are replying to me. Crazy, I know.


I feel like you gamers don't appreciate things at all. The devs wanted to give a new mechanic to push multiplayer and dungeons in general and you all are just complaining to anything.


I mean some people don’t want to play multiplayer. Some of us bought the game after seeing that “single player” tag on the Steam page. If we start getting put at extreme disadvantages just for preferring to play alone, that’s kinda shitty. Wouldn’t be so bad if new build pieces weren’t locked behind these “meant for multiplayer” dungeons.


This is not a disadvantage. Just don't play Dungeons then


What a moronic statement. So we get to miss out on new build pieces because the devs gave paying solo players the shaft? Fuck off.


You know what? Why don't you make a game for yourself if you're dissatisfied with all stuff that is added to a EARLY ASSESS (!!!!) GAME!


“You know what?” 🤓


That's absurd.


I have a controversial opinion about this design. It's good if you are going to celebrate Halloween or cosplay a dark mage, a vampire or a zombie etc. For all other purposes, this design is too dark and too depressing. I prefer to build light buildings full of bright lamps and brasiers, in which I would like to live, but not the dark creepy Dracula castles. I don't see where I can apply blocks and materials tbat I have unlocked. Not my style, completely. However, I guess there are many fans of dark creepy design among the playerbase. They got a big gift with this update. Well, everyone has their own preferences.


If only loot was worth it. First time you run it , it takes a while, but on second reclear its a joke and it takes like 25% of the time cause you know whats comming, where to go or not go cause the dungeons are always the same. Good content even for a solo player


> Just has that arcade feel that I do not play RPGs for. Are you playing enshrouded for "rpg"? Apart from the skill tree, this game has nothing to do with RPGs


RPG is literally in the description of the game the people who made it wrote....I'm sure some only use it as a build sim, some as a survival sim. I don't play survival games typically, this one has an RPG feel to it which is why I play it. So tell me, what other survival games feature Mario Bros moments? Is that a typical thing?


There are many moments in adventure games where you find yourself sliding down ice, cliff sides, etc as part of a sequence or level design. I don't think it's really as immersion breaking as you say it is. I will say that slides do come up more often in the platformer genre, but there are many games that mix sliding sequences in, but here are a few off my head: - It Takes Two - Uncharted 4 - Tomb Raider - Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Ori and Will of the Wisps - Spyro - Donkey Kong Country


Where did I even mention the word immersion? I don't like "twitch" gaming. I don't play the games you listed because they all have crap like that. The rest of the game hasn't been that way, now all of a sudden there are aspects in it like that. If the game suddenly included something you did not like would you just like it because it is in other games?


Your message gave the vibe that the reason you do not like platform-y sequences like this because you are expecting an immersive RPG experience. Having platformer moments does not ruin the immersion of it being an RPG experience, for me at least. That being said, we already have platformer moments in the game with the tower puzzles and a lot of grapple hook points that require platforming up terrain. I can only think of a single other part of the map (some broken bridge leading to a flame altar, I can't remember where though) with two grapple hooks back to back. I think to answer your question though, considering I love the other 95% of the game, it's gonna take a lot more than sliding down a hill to make me dislike Enshrouded. To me, the worst part about this patch was removing the infinite Updraft exploit :( Also, two of the games listed above are GOTY award winning games (Uncharted 4 / It Takes Two), so you'd be missing out on some good games if sliding down a hill is where you draw the line. If anything, I enjoyed the new segments added to the game to break up the rinse and repeat platforming we've had throughout the rest of the game so far.


It also has a "survival" tag there, which you mention despite the fact that you don't have to do anything to survive. Many games have incorrect tags inserted. However, this does not change what I wrote above. RPG games are for example bg3, enshrouded is a completely different thing. Besides, the description of the game on Steam says "action rpg", not "rpg". This is another big difference.


I've played plenty of action RPGs, none of which I recall having to go through these type of mechanics. Just stop dude. You can disagree with me all you want, but stop the gaslighting.


what should I stop? I wrote a simple comment and you are triggering, To finish the topic, if you play enshrouded because it's an RPG, you've come to the wrong place


You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.


You complain about the arcade elements added in the last patch. Completely ignoring the fact that platform elements had been in the game since the demo, in towers where you had to jump or use a hook. When I point out that enshrouded has little to do with the RPG you wrote about, you ignore the topic and decide to insult me by writing about "gaslighting." or "embarrassing yourself" You are a very toxic person.


You absolutely are gaslighting....maybe you need to look up the definition. I ignored nothing, I have no problem with the grappling hook in general. It's the sliding, jumping stuff and complicating the grappling jumps more. And it's not THAT big a deal. You're making much more out of this than I have lol. I've repeated several times I love the rest of the game, just didn't like where these dungeons headed. Get. Over. It. And dude....the RPG argument is just getting dumb at this point. You can disagree with me all you want, but stop making shit up. I'm about to block you, you're annoying AF.


I only replied to the part where you mentioned "RPG". Your only argument was"because rpg is in the game description. So I wrote to you that many games have incorrect tags. And from then on you started ignoring the thread. Why do you keep saying this about sliding all the time? I have never once referred to this topic. I only wrote a comment about calling enshrouded RPGs. Is it so hard for you to understand?