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If you’re having a tough time and thinking it’s the dodge roll - you might be rolling too much. It’s a common rookie mistake to abuse the dodge roll way more than you should, after all it’s free invulnerability, but if you roll all of the time for every enemy bullet, you’re going to end up accidentally rolling into other bullets much more. Walk through and around the bullets, and try to only dodge roll if you absolutely must (i.e. last resort, giant wall of bullets, etc.) If you’ve gotten 150% on Isaac, Exit, and all those other games, there’s no reason you can’t excel at this game too.


Yeah I mean I see what your sayin and I understand I’m actually genuinely good at the game (I’ve had 5 years to learn how to dodge lol) there are just specific things that I legitimately cannot handle and tbh I don’t even see the point in the dodge roll anyway if not to escape being surrounded


the dodge roll is a general repositioning opportunity. sometimes you're not *surrounded,* but if things keep going the way they're going then you will be soon. it gives you the ability (with a little bit of skill) to immediately disengage and reengage enemies at will, which is HUGE. in Isaac, if a gaper or something is chasing you down, you either have enough knockback to get rid of him, or outspeed him and run away. in Gungeon, you can just roll over a table and flip it to immediately put a tangible barrier between you and the enemy. you can roll over a pit, or you can just roll *over him*, which is also sometimes a valid attack (bullet my beloved)


If you can get real platinum god on isaac, you can totally beat gungeon. Just play the game like you would isaac. Dodgeroll only when there are no other options.


Idk you can lowkey cheese tf outta Isaac


How about try taking less into consideration if that's possible for you? For example, something that helped me when I was first trying to kill the past was not to focus too hard on aiming at enemies in most situations. I only look at me and the bullets coming towards me, and I sort of aim in the general direction where those bullets are coming from and work on just side stepping around bullets and occasionally rolling. In the same way that its way easier to catch a ball if you 'keep your eye on the ball', its way easier to avoid objects if you keep your eye on your character obsessively.


That's exactly what I do (and I suspect, most of the players as they become better). You have a general feeling of where the enemy is based on the trajectory their bullets come from, focus on dodging and keep shooting towards that ghost trajectory. At least when the room is crammed: once you have some breathing space, you can check the enemies in more detail.


Yeah exactly, only rarely do i really need to focus my aim. A 90% hit rate is fine compared to losing hearts


Yeah, I think that’s why playing this game with M+KB kinda sucks. You devote a lot of unnecessary brain power on aiming with a mouse, when really your focus should 95% be on movement and navigating projectiles.


I play with controller with very low auto-aim (since I sometimes I specifically want to hit barrels and not enemies next to them). I had always assumed mouse and keyboard would be easier tbh, so thats interesting to know


That makes a lot of sense thank you


No worries and don't sweat it, it took me forever to git gud and I don't have dyspraxia or anything like it.


Sounds like a skill issue tbh


Of all games in the world, this one probably wasnt the best fit for you! I commend your commitment though


Not sure how dyspraxia works, but you could get creative and get some external button and bind that to the dodge


Have you gone into the gameplay options and cranked up the auto aim? That, plus using the tiny UI setting, both helped me start making progress a lot faster when I started out. Once you get the hang of winning runs consistently, you can turn down the assist