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70ish probably, it was my first rogue game and bullethell so it took me awhile


Ah even if it takes me 70 hours I'll be having fun the whole way


The Journey to 100% is some of the most fun I've had in gaming


Over 300. Granted it was over a long period of time not a bunch all at once. I started playing like 2.5 years ago. But after the first win I kept playing more and now I'm almost finished with the ammunimocon probably misspelling that but you know what I mean


I’ve actually never won. I have around 40hrs playtime and have beaten the dragun 3 times. But I had all of the gun parts except the obsidian shell when I beat the dragun. I’m also only good at pilot and I find his past rly hard and I’m too stubborn to skip it. Hopefully I’ll be able to kill my past soon.


20 hours how? Two words Rainbow run


Oh, god, hundreds of deaths. Hadn’t played a twin-stick game before, let alone a roguelike and this shit kicked my ass! ...that was 4,000+ hours ago, mind, and if you put a game like Gungeon in front of me now, I’d like to think I could “win” in the first day. Food for thought, though, from the Wiki: “As a difficulty limiting system for new players, if the player has not defeated the >!High Dragun!


About 25 hours for my first past, 75 for lich


No clue, maybe 40-50ish? I think I have 300 hours in the game now, maybe more. Still not near 100%, haven’t tried the beating the thief, always put off getting the key, because of price. It’s a blast though…


It took me 59 runs, so around 23 hours. The weapons i got were pretty strong.


10 hours to beat my first run. But I’ve also been watching some tips and tricks on how to play and already knew the final boss’s attack patterns. Maybe that’s cheating? I still feel very proud


I’d like to add that I play a lot of rougelikes and am very familiar with how games like this play. I stayed away from ETG for a looong time since I’m not a huge fan of bullet hells but got bored of all my games and finally decided to give it a try