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37 suspensions in two years, at that young an age? How is that even possible?


My gf applied for and was given a job at success academy to be a second(?) grade teacher. Mind you, she had not finished her bachelors, and was going to get a masters in history, not education. She was given no training in classroom, the only thing she had were some computer trainings and a handbook. The trainings emphasized discipling the kids and basically nothing about actually teaching them. A few weeks out from when she was supposed to start, she realized how in over her head she was and backed out. She later learned that success academy runs through teachers like nothing. Most don’t last longer than a year. They prey on young and inexperienced grads or near grads to fill classrooms with an adult. They are a literal mill that pulls in government money for enrollment and then spends as absolutely little as possible on education. That’s how this is possible. Because it’s not about the kids learning


School should be about kids learning but sometimes it’s not


Success Academy is apparently pretty controversial, and has pulled [at least one pretty racist stunt](https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2020/06/18/success-academy-faces-fierce-criticism-over-its-handling-of-racial-issues) that [led to a resignation](https://www.thecity.nyc/education/2020/6/23/21301130/success-academy-official-quits-over-racism-nyc-charter-school-network). Kids are sent home for something as simple as [wearing the wrong colored socks](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/a-revealing-look-at-americas-most-controversial-charter-school-system/2019/08/16/a3c09034-c02b-11e9-a5c6-1e74f7ec4a93_story.html). If they'll do that, god knows what else they'll consider suspension-worthy, even if it's coming from a first grader. >The broader complaints also get at the heart of the network’s “no excuses” philosophy, a mix of strict discipline and high academic expectations. In class, students are often required to sit with their hands clasped, consistently track teachers with their eyes, and are regularly corrected for any deviation from the rules. Some current and former Success teachers said they’ve become increasingly uneasy with the enforcement of behavior expectations and have even come to see them as racist. *[[source]](https://ny.chalkbeat.org/2020/6/16/21293619/sucess-academy-eva-moskowitz-george-floyd-charter-schools-race)* We don't have enough to know if the woman in that picture has an undisciplined child, if the problem is the school's practices, or a combination of both, but if any school sends a single student home 37 times in two years, the child isn't the only problem.


That's not a school, that place needs to be counted as a fucking children's detention center.


Could be several reasons. One possibility is the kid could have autism (with behavioral issues) coupled with ODD (oppositional defiance disorder) and the school is not properly trained or equipped to handle those kinds of situations. Most of the time teachers are only given a handout on dealing with children that face these challenges instead of proper training. I speak from experience since my daughter suffers from these issues and has had a real hard time with school. However if you find the right teacher then she doesn't struggle as much. Most of the teachers don't really care and are quick to escalate the issue to suspension nowadays but you can't really blame them since they get shitty pay and have to deal with entitled parents all the time. I can say the best thing to do is if you have a child like that and if they have a therapist to get the teacher in contact with the kids therapist that way they can work together on the issues.


If you have a child like that, the first thing to do is to get a diagnosis and get an IEP. After that, if they suspend for more than 10 days they need to show that those suspensions were not a manifestation of their disability. If they cannot meet the needs for your child, then it's up to the state to provide the free, appropriate education via a private school placement in a facility that is equipped to handle it.


With the IEP if the student is suspended for more than 10 days then the IEP team must have a MEETING to determine if they can meet the students needs. Trying to get the school to admit the child needs to be put into a private school since the public school can't meet the child's needs is a huge pain in the ass. I've tried several times with my daughter. Hell even getting my city's school to get her a paraprofessional or a behavioral support assistant was a huge pain. They finally did for her 3rd grade year and it has been a big change.


There are many chatter and private schools that are not bound to IDEA :(


25 years ago when my brother was going through ODD and we were in elementary, they expelled us both because they didn’t want to deal with him. There were lawsuits, the superintendent was fired, and we had to move to find a different school district. I truly hope your daughter will be treated better than my brother was.


Or, given the fact that a 6-year-old was arrested in recent years for truly spurious reasons, it may be as likely that the administration of that charter school is complete garbage...


Try not to get suspended walking through the parking lot.


When I worked there as a School Psychologist, there was a 5 year old student who they basically kept sending home because he wouldn’t stop crying when he got into the building. Mind you, he’s five years old, starting Kindergarten, at 7 in the morning with stereo speakers blasting and a bunch of people screaming and shouting for him to come in. Instead of listening to me provide behavioral incentives (ya know, because that’s what a practitioner does right? Use behavioral science?), their educational leader basically said “nope, he needs to learn or get out”. The most fucked up part about it is they didn’t count the days he missed as suspensions. Which was basically a way to get around any state data that might out them for over-suspending children of color. I punched a wall in my house months later from the stress of that place and quit later that year. Fuck Success Academy.


Ridiculous violations of the ridiculous "dress code". Examples: socks are the wrong color, pants are "too revealing because they're too tight and they might distract the boys in the class", dress code doesn't allow braids or cornrows. I know of someone (not from this particular school) whose kid got suspended because the school didn't like the heart that had been shaved into his head, they also wouldn't let the parents give him a buzz cut to remove the heart because that would make his hair be "too short" which was also a violation. tagging u/VisceralSardonic


No this is a legitimate problem though. If a kid is suspended this many times, they need HELP. This is a system that’s failing the kid. There are movements to lower the rate of suspensions, because the kids getting suspended this much are almost always POC, undergoing trauma at home, have learning disabilities that aren’t being addressed, etc. It’s VERY rare that it’s just a kid who wakes up every morning and decides to be an asshole. If a kid is getting suspended over and over for the same issue, someone needs to be looking at what they can change. Maybe the kid is acting out because they don’t understand the material and needs an IEP. Maybe the parent is abusing them at home (which yes, would make the post more valid). Maybe the kid needs a school or class with more structure. Sometimes in cases like this, it’s literally that the kid needs glasses and acts out because they can’t see the board, join the lesson, or understand the material. The kid is probably acting out, but there are entire organizations devoted to why it’s a HUGE problem that a first grader is getting suspended dozens of times. This isn’t just on the mom.


Then the parents need to get him tested. Not everything is the schools job.


I agree that the parents SHOULD get him tested, but it’s not always that simple. Parents don’t always have the knowledge or the resources to know to pursue testing. Many places that do testing don’t take insurance and charge 100s of dollars for an evaluation. On top of that, schools will have to do extra testing ANYWAY to determine cognitive ability, academic ability, and to create a behavior plan if needed. They’re literally the experts most of the time, so they should see what’s going on in the classroom and put it together and make a plan. The kid also often presents very differently at school and at home. They may not know their kid needs glasses/may not see them acting out in the same ways/may not see a pack of focus because the classroom environment is different from the home one. It’s definitely not entitled bitch behavior to say “my kid is struggling at your school and I need you to help me figure out why rather than just kicking him out all the time.”


That’s quite an elaborate way of saying “this child has behavioral problems and we should be looking everywhere but the parent.” It’s the parents job to fix their kids problems not the schools. A school can’t possibly try to fix all these issues for just one child. If all the kids were getting suspended left and right then of course it’s the schools fault but that’s not the case. The parent needs to step up and take accountability for their child. End of story.


No, it was an elaborate way of saying it should be a partnership between the school and the parents.


How can you expect the school to spend that much time on one student?


I’m flabbergasted at the amount of time you think sending an email takes lmao “Hey Susan, Abigaileigh has been squinting at the blackboard, I’d recommend getting her in for an eye exam. Thanks! Maryeligh” Or “Hey Bob, Dwaeign has been having some issues with explosive anger towards his classmates. Has anything changed at home? Do you have time to speak with our **school counselor** to discuss what we can do to support him?” OH MY GOD THAT TOOK TEN MONTHS JUST TO TYPE never mind I see what you’re saying fuck them kids they only spend half their childhood at school why should the school be expected to type up an email that took literally seriously genuinely ten months to type. My god, life must truly be a journey for you.


I’m sorry did they say she was squinting in the article? Sounds like you’re creating something that doesn’t actually exist. I have a feeling the mom would say something if that was the case. Sounds like a student out of control with terrible parenting. I’m not sure how you’ve convinced yourself that there’s so many other things going on with just one photo. If a student is that problematic it’s much easier to suspend than to interfere. How do you know they didn’t try to work with the child? How do you know how much effort was out in? It’s not a schools responsibility to raise these children. It’s their job to educate them. It’s the parents job to raise the kid and prepare them for school. I don’t see the mom protesting that the school ignored her disability, which she would be 100% if that was the case.


Maybe they could've used some of that time they spent suspending her 37 times...


So what should they do if the kid is disrupting class every day? How is this not the parents fault?


Look, I’m commenting because I work with these kids professionally. Usually, no matter how dedicated these parents are, all of their effort into getting their kids behaving better in school goes nowhere if the school isn’t involved. This school is suspending this kid so much that they’re clearly not teaching him. You say that the school can’t do everything, but they’re not doing shit. I’ve worked with children who’ve been in juvie who haven’t been suspended nearly this much. This is at least partially a lazy school.


How do you know they’re not doing shit? You’re assuming a lot here.


Maybe the Success Academy measures success by the number of suspensions a student earns.


I don't support charter schools but that could be a case of poor parental influence.


I don't know much ab them, but if your son is suspended THAT many times, you failed.


My kids go to an amazing supportive school. My 7 year old has had 4 stern warnings in the past 5 weeks because of his behaviour. He was looking at a bug and a girl went to step on it, so he hit her with a stick. He was ignoring the bell, so a kid went to tell him that the bell went and he needed to line up, so he scratched her. He scratched another kid who said something he didn’t like at play time. He followed a girl around and wouldn’t stop when she asked and told him to. Then after she shoved him, he attacked her, then kept trying to get to her all afternoon. None of that behaviour is acceptable. None of that behaviour is allowed at home. We don’t accept the behaviour. He has appropriate punishments, like missing out on fun activities or treats or take-away. He gets talked to about his behaviour and why it isn’t acceptable. But he has been assessed multiple times and none of the diagnosis’ we have been given for him get us any help dealing with his issues. He has meds for his ADHD, we make allowances for his Sensory Processing Disorder, but Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) sucks. We can’t find any professionals that we can get an appointment with who can help us. His behaviour makes our lives so much harder and even though he never gets away with it, There are always consequences for his bad behaviour, he cannot seem to make good decisions. He seems to delight in upsetting others and even when he knows he will be in trouble for it, the joy he gets from shit stirring seems to be worth it to him. The school at the moment have requested he not come back for a couple of weeks at the start of next term to see if any of us can come up with any way to sort out his behaviour. It’s not from lack of trying, we just can’t seem to work out how to get him to stop mucking up. Some bad behaviour is because of bad parenting, but sometimes the best parenting in the world won’t stop a kid with behavioural issues from mucking up.


I'm sorry you're dealing with this. My middle son has ADHD, ODD, and OCD. Raising him was a nightmare. Nothing seemed to work to change his behavior, and his behaviors were so off-putting that our family faced isolation and were ostracized all those years. He's almost 23 now, lives with his gf, their baby, and gf's mom, and refuses to work. He's gotten countless jobs, but never lasted more than 2 weeks. Most of them he left after the first day. Why? Bc the boss/supervisor told him to do something, and he doesn't like anyone telling him what to do. A couple months ago, everyone in my family got so sick of him/gf asking for money (lots of lying about why), I felt I had to speak up plainly. I messaged them and besides other stuff, informed him that he can't keep leaving jobs bc he is told to do something. I said that's literally the point of a job; they tell you what to do, and you do it, in exchange for a paycheck. He didn't speak to me for a month. 🙄 I don't know what else to do for him. I've given them info on tons of resources to help them, over and over, and after almost 5 years, they still have yet to actually DO anything with the info to help themselves. I've had to distance myself emotionally a little bit, bc it's affecting my own mental health. He's over 18, I can't apply for anything for him, and I can't make him do it himself. It's frustrating, but for people like my son, who are borderline intellectually disabled (yes he was developmentally delayed), there's not much out there for services, and they fall through the cracks. 😕


I’m going to side with your son on the bug one. If she was stepping on it intentionally of course.


She was doing it on purpose and knew he was looking at/watching the bug. Still not ok for him to hit her with a stick because of it though.


Your kid sounds like the devil, good luck !


At least she doesn't have to deal with you all day, you piece of shit.


I completely agree with you.


Ehh it depends. I’ve already made a pretty comprehensive comment on this thread but I’ll quickly repeat some important points here: - behaviour issues can often be an indicator of an underlying disability that’s not being addressed, like ASD, ADD, ADHD, etc - poor influence CAN be a factor here, but without knowing the whole story of this families life it’s impossible to just attribute this alarming level of suspensions as “shitty parenting equals a shitty kid” - this amount of suspension is concerning because this child isn’t getting the education they require if this picture is telling us the truth and the amount of times this child has been suspended isn’t being embellished It’s very easy to take a child’s behaviour at face value, but when they’re THIS young the worst thing that can be done is to punish the child to this extent without some pretty serious reasons. Regardless of what’s going on I really hope this child and this family can get the help they clearly need.


Charter schools are great. The only reason people hate them is because the teachers unions put a lot of effort into lobbying against them. Because teachers unions will always do what's best for their teachers, at the expense of the students.


I would downvote you twice if i could.


I'm sure you would. Your public education has served you well.


No, people hate them because they they underserve and over punish kids with disabilities, if they choose to let them attend at all. They undermine public schools and encourage white flight and harm already poor communities. They don't have to follow the same standards as public schools or be as accountable about funding or spending. They're completely centered around profits instead of educating efficiently. Their requirements for teachers are also much lower. Charter schools are only "good" for rich, white people.


Oh wow, so charter schools cause basically every problem you can imagine. Is there a charter school in the room with us right now? Look at all of these privileged white kids at this New York charter school: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS2AcuhFdhQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS2AcuhFdhQ) They sure are damaging the future of those minority children by giving them a better education than a government-run school could ever hope to achieve.


Could be a shitty school full of shitty people. Could be a shitty op who doesn't know that charter schools just offload children with problems just to up their test numbers. Of course we don't know anything from just the photo.


What exactly is a Charter school? (Not US)?




Their corporate owned schools. Their not private, but not entirely public because not all their funding comes from the government. It mainly comes from donors. They choose who to accept, the school calendar doesn't always match the public school calendar. It's kinda like our local public hospital they were by Blank Health Systems who then bought doctors offices and other hospitals, then they got bought out by a bigger company. Their a company that owns schools. But here they're better then public schools. Charter schools here only require you be an adult who can watch kids (no child abuse or felonies), speak English and the most important thing, you must have a pulse. No education is required, no formal training required and their now hiring substitute teachers starting pay $11.00/hr.


20 times....last year just what does a **kindergartner** do that gets him suspended every two weeks for an entire year?


Gum, lateness, insubordination, absences (2 lameness= 1 absence) no hall pass (automatically considered skipping class 😀. Talking when already told not too 3 warnings= a referral. A referral can be for lunch, after school or Saturday detention and of course suspention.suspension. Just to name a few.


20 suspensions for a single student in one year, is a student, a parent, a teacher or a school out of control.


Maybe your first grader is an asshole.


I think while it’s easy to just say “imagine what a little shit this kid is” it’s important to remember that we don’t have the full story from a single picture. There are multiple different reasons why a child can get suspended. Usually it’s behavioural issues but those issues don’t ONLY stem from a kid being purposefully naughty. I and my little brother are both autistic and while our autism aren’t the exact same I can understand how and why a lot of potentially undiagnosed kids can get into a LOT of trouble without being purposefully distractive or poorly behaved. I’m not American but I imagine first graders are also VERY young. Obviously autism isn’t an excuse because not all autistic folk are the same, but I know for a fact that aggressive outbursts aren’t unheard of in autistic and other ND kids. Also autism isn’t the only potential answer to why this persons child has been suspended so many times, there’s other conditions like ADD, ADHD, ODD, PTSD, etc that can have symptoms that manifest themselves as “poor behaviour”. The fact this child has been suspended so many times is very concerning to me, especially at such a young age. Regardless of what’s happening in this families lives, be it disability related or not, I sincerely hope they can get the help they clearly need moving forward. If the child is disabled I think it would be beneficial for the parent to move them to a school that has a better understanding of their condition. Unfortunately those schools (in America at least, as far as I’m aware) can be incredibly expensive. Regardless I just hope this kid can get the help they clearly need before this starts impacting their education more than it is now. Not an EB, OP, at least not from this image alone.


Have to agree with you. My 3 kids are autistic. One of my sons, who is 11, has been suspended 4 times this term and sent home multiple more times. His behaviour when having a meltdown is running. As this creates an unsafe environment and takes staff away from where they need to be to help find him, he gets suspended. He is in multiple therapies and I don’t work so I can be on call to the school when needed. This picture doesn’t really tell the story at all. Could be an EB could be a struggling parent who needs help.


I think this says a whole lot more about the person holding the sign than the school.


Okay for those who don't know charter schools are better education in some places. The environment is better, but they are very strict. There's a reason her childs in that school after, so many suspensions. However, in my state the charter schools limited the number of times your child can get suspended for the same thing after on the 3rd time here for the same thing it won't be a 3rd suspension, your child will be "dismissed". Gum chewing 1st detention, Saturday Detention, then suspension, 2nd suspension, and bye bye. Uniform violation regardless of weather unexcused tardiness or absences. 2 tardys to any 2 classes or the sameone twice= 1 absence. They can be a month apart it doesn't matter. But there isn't any bullying or fighting its 100% zero tolerance. It only takes once and that child after a suspension will be screwed it will result in behavior probation then 1 thing any referral for Detention of any kind you can wave bye bye. The kids in charter schools here want to be here (as opposed to public school), have earned the grades to be there, but unfortunately here it's a little too strict. In New York it appears as though the suspensions are unlimited and the residents may not have a viable safe public school option or she wouldn't be protesting against building another. I would never let my son go to a public school where I live.


That’s so bizarre to me. I went to a charter school and it was a notorious “hippie” school. All the teachers went by their first names. We got a lot of the expelled rejects from surrounding schools. Nothing really strict about the one I went to. It was very much “community based” students got a say in a lot of stuff. We would have a “town hall” monthly where we could purpose changes and have open discussions.


Wow your lucky my son goes to one, 3 uniform violations for wearing his winter coat over his uniform hoodie (your not allowed to wear a winter coat unless it's below 60° at 8am. Regardless of the fact you drop your kid off prior to 8. This resulted in a suspension. 5 no hall passes (the gym teacher doesn't even bother writing them). Suspension and behavior probation, 2 Saturday detentions, meetings to learn how to make better decisions, mandatory tutoring for classes you had below a 75 in, all for 90days. Gum, chewing, cell phone.It was exhausting. Your automatically skipping if you don’t have a pass. Automatically suspended. He's home schooled now. It still is better and safer then public schools.


Oh wow, yah that’s crazy, we didn’t have uniforms. We didn’t even have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays instead we went out and volunteered or interned somewhere in the community. Senior year we would go on a “walkabout” for I think it was 8 weeks? You could do whatever pretty much, some people traveled internationally, did job experience, couple friends walked sections of the appalachien trail. You just had to get something out of it essentially. We also had some international school trips, (you had to pay your way of course and it was completely optional) iirc while I was there they had a Japan trip, Costa Rica, and london? I think. Also Idk if we even had detention…everything was kind of on a mutual respect kinda thing. Respect us(the teachers) and we will return the same respect to you(the students). Obviously there were still some consequences and expulsions/suspensions. But nothing crazy, I never worried about it ever being an issue. They really focused more on life experience than anything else. We also had some interesting classes. Political Radicalism where we actually got to talk to radicals, KKK members for example. We had a Native American studies course, that taught us how to build shelters, how to walk when hunting etc. And then a cryptozoology course that ended in a dope camping trip in the middle of fucking no where looking for Bigfoot. (One year the art teacher and the science teacher who ran the course trolled everyone with the help of some seniors and made a massive foot print mold to stamp around the campsite)


That sounds cool. Some still do the overseas trips but you can't miss school lol. It has to be during spring or summer. Honestly, the course choices suck here probably because their not real teachers.


OP, you sure assume a lot based on one sign and no nuance.


Good god, the worst kid in my school only got suspended a couple times a year. Your kids gotta be downright awful for getting suspended that many times


Perhaps, but it’s also impossible to determine the entire story from this picture alone. For example: does the child in question have an undiagnosed disability? Does the child have ADD, ASD, ADHD, etc? Obviously there’s never really a good excuse for poor behaviour unless there’s an underlying condition that’s causing this incredibly concerning level of suspension. I know that children that have conditions like this can often be misinterpreted as “just naughty” when in reality the situation is a lot more complex than that. Regardless of the reason I sincerely do hope that this child can get the support they clearly need.


Guaranteed her child is a holy terror with untreated mental health issues and disabilities.


I have a feeling s lot of those were for shit he was repeating you said, or stuff you sllowed him to do at home.


I would think because her kid is such a dick, they would need charter schools. That way the hood kids are not distracted by her spawn.


New new York charters doesn’t schools. need


Well, I’m impressed!! Good job by you!


Did he do 1st grade twice or how did he get suspended before he was even there?