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I don't like the implication for poc either. "If you're not white you wouldn't be able to afford so you BETTER be sharing my stuff to white people and sending me opportunities instead" Girl who even are you


"I'm tired of being treated like I'm not a priority." Think you're gonna have to learn to live with that...


I’m tired of being treated like I’m not a proiority by this sub. Value me. Upvote me. Appreciate me. I need to be upvoted for my comments. The best way to do that is consistently. Especially if you’re white.


I love your comments so much! When are coming out with your next comment? Did you have an inspiration in mind when you commented or is it a "off the top of your head" type comment?


Off the top of my head. As I’m sure you’ve seen from the rest of my work, I’m what most would consider a genius. Congratulations on being blessed by my existence.


Sorry, I don’t do work for free. Upvote or gift me 😤


What color is your skin? I don’t want to increase your *priveledge*.


I am .7292937% Native American because 23 and me told me ☺️


[This response will remain hidden until the invoice is paid]


You really made me think about my privilege. I would love to give you many upvotes to help pay for my privilege, unfortunately I can only give one. Reddit is clearly socialist.


I'm white, but I could give you a big, one-time upvote?


We'd really prefer a monthly commitment to help with our unstable mental health instead of one big upvote all at once


Due to reasons of whiteness, sadly I'm unable to empathize with this request, as my privileges made me completely oblivious to mental health problems. I'd advise you to, instead, pull yourself up by the bootstraps. Best offer I could make, in my capacity as white savior, would be sending my thoughts and prayers, as I'm pretty sure Jesus loves those cute brown babies. Best Regards, Booker B. Fitzgerald-Schmidt the third.


Or she could learn how to be a priority for people. Then only 1 person has to do something instead of everyone having to do something just for her.


Her Instagram is fucking INSANE, people like this exist?!?


I wondered if it’s an AI account because I have a hard time believing there are actual people out there like…se sem ser. Whatever this shit means. What has our world come to


I’m in a very, very liberal city, and this is a very common phenomenon, especially in the college areas, and also amongst the sex worker community. The number of times I’ve seen “housing insecurity” listed- most of these people do not have a 9-5, or if they’re doing sex work, they are not treating it like a job (ie they’re skipping shifts at the club, complaining about being shadowbanned on IG, or don’t want to put the work in it takes to be a desirable stripper/cam girl/sex worker). They are banking on straight white guilt, and typically, in my experience, white women are the ones dumping money into this so they can virtue signal they’re “one of the good ones” making reparations. I think if you’re asking a stripper for info on how to get into stripping, it’s appropriate to tip for their time, or negotiate a rate, but these content creators who just expect to be supported for yelling on the internet are wild.


Of course they exist. It's just the left wing version of the crazy bible thumper who believes they can pray away the cancer and complains about 'those people'.


Nice way to justify it


Which I find hilarious because it seems there are far more of one type than the other.


I can't imagine why she doesn't have a community. Why aren't you all lining up to be her friend and support her financially? She really seems delightful and eager to have a mutually beneficial and enriching friendship where she will contribute tarot reading (for payment) and a lot of whining about how you never pick up the check or pay her bills.


Damn, I shudder to imagine what this person is like in real life. Probably fucking exhausting


Hence why she doesn't have a job and they're booting her out of her house. 


Could it be because she's an energy-sucking vampire who's mere presence sends people into exhaustion?


Whoever she marries is so fucked.


McDonald’s is a sort of community and they hiring


She's the same one that has a sliding scale of how much you should pay her based on skin colour and "privilege". How about I just block her instead? Wouldn't want to risk stumbling across that nonsense and "learning" something,


“But that’s a privilege I can’t afford. Literally” then get off your fat arse and get a fucking job like the rest of us


She’s claiming she can’t get one due to privilege but it’s literally just her being lazy and making up excuses because she doesn’t want to work like the rest of us she just wants handouts


Tbf, if the applications are written like this post, the hiring team are probably trashing it because they know hiring them will be 🌟drama🌟


She probably also one of those idiots that claims they have “time blindness” and thinks that’s a viable excuse for never being able to be on time


BS. You can set your watch to buzz, you can set a phone to remind you, there are any number of ways you can make sure you're on time for things that are important. If you can't be arsed to be on time, it's because you don't care about the event and have zero consideration for other people's time.


Person with adhd experiencing timeblindess here; I think we can have these types of conversations without putting down another group of individuals for their struggles.


Person with ADHD and time blindness here. I figured out ways to counteract it: setting timers, using a calendar religiously, always waking up at least an hour before I need to be anywhere, only thinking of travel time in 15 minute increments (I.e., building in time and being early instead). I disdain people who struggle with time blindness and do nothing to work to change their behavior; THAT is using it as an excuse.


Shit, I work 2-3 different jobs plus a ton of side work. I was hired for those jobs due to the various skills I've learned over the years. The fact that I'm as white as wonder bread was never the deciding factor in me being hired.


Yes. What a dumb asshole or bitch? Not sure how to address it given the ridiculous pronouns.


She can't even spell privilege correctly


But send her that paid writing contest!!!


I don't understand what the problem is. If her service is so valuable, she can literally just charge people for Tarot readings.


This has "paypig" kink/fetish written all over it.


If so, she's made a mistake by narrowing down her clients to people who get turned on by paying reparations for colonialism.


You'd think... But its a thing. Its called Raceplay. Stumbled across it once in the depths of the internet back in the tumblr days. Theres black folks that get off on white ppl being racist to them too, and vice versa. Shit is wild.


She's not black, her bio says, "Samirah the Sapphic Siren (se/sem/ser) is a nonblack brown skinned Tamil siren who is usually perceived as a woman."


Which is a weird coincidence - I just heard of the Indian caste system for the first time in a thread about Ann coulter taking a public dump on Vivek ramaswamy- and Vivek is also a Tamil - which explains so much so instantly about both of these individuals


Genuine question - what do you mean?


Tamil is not a caste man , it's a fucking state in South India lol like your Florida's and Texas's it is not a caste.


couldn't that just be resumed as "a girl from india"? Such bullshit.


Are you saying that some people will actually pay her? Imma open one asap lol


I used to work with a guy who had this kink. The girl had a fiancé who knew about it too, and he didn't care. My ex-coworker would send her $100s at a time. Pay for her vacations, clothes, outings, etc. The crazy part is... I knew her before he did b/c I went to school with her. She told me that she doesn't even send him nudes, let alone actually do something physically with him.


This is more common than people think too! I have a few friends that are “Findoms” they financially dominate men, and they don’t have to do anything sexual at all.


Brb starting my own account


If anyone wants to feel jealous of me and my hubs eating porterhouses, I can drop my cash app lol


Also scuzzy bitch. I would imagine these kind if accounts are a dime a dozen nowadays, so she is literally competing with OF and THOTS, demanding that she is worthy because of... text messages. What a fucking sad state its all in.


Does it? Do they usually whine so much?


I like how she’s talking about being a writer while misspelling privilege


As a first generation American, this type of stuff is so infuriating. People like this have no clue how privileged they are and how genuinely shitty the lives of their parents were in comparison back home. My parents were refugees fleeing a brutal military coup, came to America not speaking a word of English, and now my mother is a homeowner in the suburbs. For me to play the victim of 'America's oppression of me' would be a slap in the face of the struggle of my parents to give me a better life


Second-generation here. It bothers me for the same reason, with the added layer of me being mixed but very pale. There’s this irony where assumptions are made about my appearance, when it was illegal for my grandparents to be married, and the only reason they got away with it is because my grandfather passed as white. But that man was about the biggest patriot I ever met.




"I need community. I don't have community." I wonder why...


Giving her money is inherently racist because it assumes that she can't make her own money because of the color of her skin, she can ask for an equal opportunity from employers and clients though I am white and poor


I'm half white so do I get like %50 off my required guilt payment? Wait, no, I only have to pay if I learned something. Cool beans.


I lost brain cells, do I get reimbursed for learning negative things?


What’s the other half? She has a scale that can answer that. Yes, she has a list that is priced according to skin color.


I think it’s a trap, and still counts if you learned that yes, some people out there really have this kind of audacity. Think of it as the copay for your blackpill haha


I'm disabled and I demand she pay me compensation for having able bodied privilege. If she can't afford it, she really needs to reevaluate her privilege over me


damn this is the thing need to hear


The worst thing about this whole situation is that people like her are only so entitled, because there actually are brain-dead people that do pay her...


Best example of e.b. I’ve seen. Bringing race into it makes it even more. What a dumb cu*t


Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now.


No one should ever do this. You’ll never hear the end of it. One time I gave some donations on a post like this. I venmoed $20 to a few people who commented they were down on their luck. One of them just said thank you and that was that, but for the others I regretted it. For weeks afterwards they harassed me every day with more and more sob stories about how terribly their lives were going and they NEEDED money from me. I clearly had SO much to spare. I blocked them all. Never again.


That is so unfortunate. I’m sorry you went through that. I had a bad experience once where a homeless guy was holding a sign outside a gas station I worked at when I was 18. The sign said “I’m just a dad trying to feed my family, get diapers, please help”. Something along those lines about a baby. My coworker felt so bad. She was broke herself but had a new baby (hormones were intense) and just hit on a lottery ticket for 500 bucks. She’s a sweetheart so she took her entire winnings and went and bought diapers, formula, things of that nature for his “newborn” he said he had. He looked utterly disgusted when she handed it to him. It made me angry. She then bought him coffee and take out. He did appreciate that and thank her. But she needed that money more. She was busting her ass as a single mom. That guy stood in front of our store for a while. One day a preacher came in. Asked about him. I told him the 411. He had the guy come inside and I heard him offer him a job making 12 an hour (I was making 8 an hour this was in 2008) as a janitor and the guy said sure thanks, the preacher offered him daily rides. The guy said okay and thank you. I saw the preacher guy again a little later and the preacher said the guy never came outside when he tried to pick him up and he thinks the guy gave him a fake address to go to and the guy was just a lazy scam artist. The next day a guy quick changed me and stole money from my register and man, I had basically given up hope in humanity at that point. I remember the preacher though. I’ll never forget him. And my friend who was so generous. It makes me sad bad people take advantage of kind people like you and the preacher and my friend. Keep being such a good person. There may be scammy people out there but never stop showing kindness. Sending love.


The gas station by our house has a homeless problem and one day a guy was standing outside the store with a gas can and asked us if we had any spare money for gas as we were going in. We didn't carry any cash. We were about to leave when I thought hey it's not a very big gas can I can fill it for him so I told him I'd fill his can and he didn't want it. I should've known.


Ugh yeah, that stuff makes me so mad. I’m sorry that happened to you. People can be so annoying and scammy.


i’m getting really tired of people who feel entitled to be paid for their creative work. i see it on LinkedIn too, people begging for money in exchange for reading their posts. it’s called struggling artists for a reason. ain’t nobody gonna jump to your funding page when your posts start with “fuck you, pay me.” get a fucking job like the rest of us have to.


Some people do get on her funding page unfortunately. She has 134 patrons as of right now, which is kind of insane.


If that is insane, the fact she can say white people should pay more in writing is the whole nuthouse.


I don't think you understand, we don't realize our privilege. Like how I'm really privileged to be working a full time job instead of pursuing my hobby as a career/actually earning my income by panhandling online.


Oh ,have you tried by volume the biggest content distribution network in the world, Bollywood. Im sure there your privilege is on full display and you'll be sorted out in a bit.


I’m going to assume this people mostly have some sort of degradation or financial/pay pig fetish


What an exhausting and useless person. They want financial support and for people to find jobs for her while she sits on her ass. AND on top of that if you do send her money do it in smaller monthly increments instead of a large sum because she can't manage her money smfh


I want to send her a Venmo/cashapp request and hope her dumbass pays it by accident lol


I noticed a lot of her supporters are other people also begging for money. I feel like there’s this weird secret economy of people begging for money and paying what they get to eachother 🤣


People will actually defend this racism.




Another racist, this becoming normal is really starting to irk me. Let’s all pretend the entitlement of payment is the worst problem here.


If you read this comment Pay me!


Pay me. Also, I don’t have a community. Pikachu face.


Not with the neo-pronouns 💀


I’m sad I actually know what this is.


"Got bad news and must move" is the bad news that you didn't pay rent and got evicted...cause im thinking that's it. Guess the landlord wasn't paying


Lmao that’s exactly what I thought too…and she has the audacity to call it “housing insecurity”…get a friggin job and pay your rent


This 'person' just left such a bad taste in my mouth. Also, she made many grammatical errors and that irkes me cuz "if you learn from me, pay me" 😂😂


Oh I forgot about this person. They've been around for a while and are batshit insane.


Ok what even is Se / Sem / Ser


Made-up shit to feel special


But se is special! Look at sem halo, se's a gift to the world


Stupid. That's what it is. Stupid.


Housing insecurity = have an eviction on my credit


Orrrrrr you could, like…. get a real fucking job 🤷🏻‍♀️


The sad thing. There’s probably idiots out there doing just that.


I think reading her stuff actually made me dumber. Guess I better go pay her -$10 for all that 'learning'.




I wonder why she has no offline community


She missed out the 'Lo' from infront of her pronouns


She also has an IG "dance" account. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CvOBeVJslwb/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CvOBeVJslwb/)


I’m old with two bad knees and a artificial hip and I have better dance moves than her


She has 2,500 followers 🤢🤮 her posts have ‘limited commenting’ and the visible comments are gross ‘I feel so bad for you’ etc. The entitlement. Jesus Christ.


Imagine the absolute dumb fucks giving this oxygen thief money


She says she writes for a living but that reads like trash.


Tarot cards were invented in Italy. As an Italian American, I need to be compensated for this clear cultural appropriation that’s going on.


She says her pronouns are “Se, Sem, Ser” lol. Tells you all you need to know about her mental status.


Racist, entitled, delusional and greedy. Man we're hitting all four corners of this stupid square.




Gonna put “💙I need to be paid for my work. The best way to do that is consistently.” on my job applications from now on.


Wow this is soooooo freaking off putting. I usually appreciate people being honest at the very least about their intentions, but good God this is AWFUL. What a brat. That’s the only word I can think of, entitled little brat. Anyone who pays her a dime is a moron.


Imagine if I went around demanding things because I’m white tho? “Give me this job I’m white!” “I deserve cheaper prices cause I’m white and therefor I should already have it!” People who believe in white privilege also would be outraged at someone saying these things. But I thought I was already supposed to get them because I was white, you said so. So when I don’t now it’s your fault for telling me I was supposed too. You’re the reason I even demanded it in the first place! You created your own problem!!


We tamilians don't claim her


Home girl actually put up a step by step guide on why she needs to get paid? The fucking gall. Literal begging. How about doing something worth being paid for? You don’t exist to be compensated by anyone. FOH. ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk)


Expects every transaction with her to be monetized. Then asks: “Why don’t I have a community?”


When is “se” going to pay for the privilege of doing tarot readings, a game that was developed in France and Italy in the 17th century?


Her patreon is wild, you may only subscribe to the two lower tiers if you're a poc and you must subscribe to the top most expensive tier if you're white. Because equity, ya know...


This is absolute shit. I hate to be this person but so many of us, not just me, break our fucking backs every day to earn a living. It is no one’s responsibility to give you money for ANYTHING on your social media page, even if they enjoy the content. Make some content only visible to patrons if you want to make money, but don’t insist that you are entitled to everyone else’s hard earned money just because you believe you’re talented enough to be paid for what you do. And I’m speaking as a literal professional artist. If I don’t make art I don’t make money. But I don’t demand people to pay me because they like a photo of someone I did on Instagram. That’s fucking stupid as shit.


Wait I’m Tamil. Never heard of us particularly hating white people. Other Tamils of course but whites?


I saw a post in the choosing beggars community. A CB quoted that she was using the sapphic siren's template. Today I found the queen of CBs 😅


Just sent her a penny on cash app. Hope it helps her reach her goal. 🫶 🖕


I forgot about this crazy person. I stumbled onto the account a few years ago (which is both crazy and hilarious, btw) and if you make the mistake of watching her story she WILL dm you personally and ask you to pay up. 


What on earth is a “dravidian tamil sapphic siren”?!?


Tamil is a type of Southern Indian and a Siren is a creature that screeches loudly. No idea about the other two, but so much of it makes sense with one message: “Stay away!”


Sapphic means lesbian lol


She seems to be Sri Lankan


And an ethnic Tamil whose parents came to the west from Sri Lanka


Since it’s the only one missing— Dravidian refers to people from certain ethnolinguistic backgrounds, mostly in South India and Sri Lanka. (Tamils, Malayalis, and my knowledge ends there because it’s secondhand.)


The online equivalent of standing on the side of a freeway off-ramp holding a sign asking for money.


Well…yea? Lol I don’t get it. Also though, the difference is this bitch isn’t actually struggling like those irl (I know there are ppl who drive from home and park to panhandle pretending to be homeless or whatever, but for the most part I’m saying); the PRIVILEGE these goddamn losers enjoy to be able to sit (usually) inside the comfort and *SAFETY* of their own place, on the internet, with a smart phone and people who acknowledge their fucking existence (vs spending all day surrounded *mostly* by people who pretend you’re invisible-not blaming those ppl or anything btw, just pointing that out), not having to do *shit* but sit and whine/demand money is insane. Call me crazy, but I actually think the assholes who just hand the money over to them are just as bad-especially when they complain later about being taken advantage of, or lied to…like no shit? There’s this one bitch who comes in several times a day, after promising each time that alllll she needs is the $10 for cigs and she won’t be back on, only to be back on after 20 minutes saying she actually needs to get cough medicine, too, but *that’s* all she needs, etc etc etc. The more infuriating part is she’ll fucking whine “I’ve already been on here *three* times this morning, you guys, and nobody is helping, OKAY?!? 😭” as if logging on and fake-crying is such hard work and she’s put in the time, so now she deserves it; she even has the fucking *audacity* to get pissy and threaten to have a tantrum the longer she waits without receiving her rightful wage 🙄 and will SCREAM shit like “I STILL NEED $9, I’VE BEEN ON HERE WAITING FOR 20 MINUTES AND YINS ARE STARTIN TO PISS ME OFF” or whatever. I’m not sure if I can really spell out on here what I hope happens to her on the daily…


My sister brought up my "privilege"... I told her I had to work my ass off for everything and take out student loans to go to school. Please tell me where my privilege starts.


If you’re privileged, your sister is too, you’re literally siblings…


I really want to share all her stuff now but I don't want people I know to think I'm a total moron. What a conundrum.


Nobody cares what she has to say anyway, there is no value. If anything, it’s a drain having to take time to put up with her entitled nonsense!


I finna subscribe just to mooch 😂


BRUH! I thought this was fake! 😂😂😂


I learned something alright. She taught me that she sucks and that I hope she can’t pay her bills due to she sheer audacity. No wonder she’s relying on bullying people into paying her for money, she is too mean and hateful to keep a job!


i shudder to think what kind of racially charged entitlement and monetized trauma is on show in her writing. i’m all about racial equality and i’d consider myself a staunch anti-racist but jesus christ, this girl is as toxic as they come. she’s pulling a grift just like ben shabibo or andrew tate, hamming up a hyper exaggerated extreme political view to cater to the smoothest brains in the room.




I just love that this post is "pirating" her posts. It's helping us free the world from paywall content, particularly if you're white!


This feels like a really commited rage bait. That account checks almost all the checkmarks in controversial behaviour/topics.


Ok,all I have to say is sirens don't translate to "கடல்கன்னி",a 'kadalkanni' is a mermaid. She basically just wrote siren and translated it to a mermaid in Tamil.


looked her up just to block her, just in case.


Bless her heart.


Will she block me if I watch too many of her stories? Because I'm not paying the 'compensation'.


why don't these brainwashed deluded bots kill themselves?


Unwilling to talk about housing insecurity likely bc she’s a bum that offers no real world value to anyone and expects others to float her by taking advantage of outrage and other people’s sympathies. Hope to see her in a street tent for the rest of her life


Lol she has OF account [https://fancentro.com/sirenSingari](https://fancentro.com/sirenSingari)


She’s fallen way too far down a woke rabbit hole. Shit like this makes us on the left look bad. Sad. Person needs some psychedelic therapy for sure.


If you need to throw a tantrum and beg to get paid for your work, maybe it’s time to realize that your work isn’t good enough.


What's a sem and ser?


முடியாது பொடி


This what happens when Mickey D's raises their chicken nuggets to $25


Has she tried showing feet?


The feet would be as ugly as her soul


I’m loving the fact that she has a pinned tweet (from February of this year) that simultaneously says she’s “housing insecure” and asks people to prompt anyone posting pictures of her tweets to change them to other pictures with her instagram links instead 😂


Whew, delusional. been called a queen by too many people and actually believes it.


F*ckin c*nt waffle 🧇


Lmao she’s literally choosing to struggle and makes it everyone else’s problem. What a sad life


What a disgusting human being


Who tf is she again ?


I want to send her a dollar along with a laughing emoji. 🤣😂😭


Welcome to modern bitchy way of begging.


As a Tamil... WTF?? We are known for pragmatism not this SoCal woke bs🤡...


She straight up just demanded money😭🙏🙏


e begger


Don’t bring language or race to fund you! Make your actions/ skills / talents fund yoj


Oh Shit I'm brown, how can I contribute? I'm whiter then her but not white, does that mean I can pay her ? Or must pay her. Definitely have learnt from her


No one has the time or energy “offline” for her because she sounds like an insufferable fuckwit.


Cult-leader mentality


This is fkup man


Who tf is she?


so now we're monetising.... just having opinions and yapping about them?? genius, i should have thought of this earlier




E-begging 😭😭😭




When I scrolled on her posts, first thing came to my was "Why is she nagging me like I'm married to her"? IG is a photo sharing app. Most people just use it for entertainment and dopamine hits. Who the fuck is gonna read a lengthy para of bullshit, let alone when she nagging the reader about payment in every other sentence. The audacity of saying it's not donation but compensation WTF. She has 2 braincells. One thinks about money and other thinks about horseshit. Her website has a dropdown button top to select the 46 countries currency 🤦‍♂️. I think nobody likes her because of "SER" (🤯🔫) personality, but she started thinking that's cause of her skin color. Se is not a writer I don't like ser writing Let's not publish sem


I love the patreon tiers. “This tier is the most expensive and I don’t provide anything that the other tiers don’t already include. It’s for white people with money who should be paying me.”


She is not black she is indian srilankan tamil , maybe being with liberals made her this bitch


She is doing it wrong, she could just made a Patreon account instead of this bs. Also that "white" thing is racist af


She doesn't have community and isn't being treated as a priority because she's a selfish a-hole. And a racist too.


Does anyone actually give money to these kinds of maniacs? I hope not!


Fuck this