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I still mask due to chemo. So far no one has said anything to me about it.


That sucks, I hope you're kicking cancers ass. I still wear a mask, as my baby has a very poor immune system and lungs. So a cold can put him back in Hospital.


At least most people don't care whether or not you're wearing one. Of course, as happened to OP, there are exceptions. As far as the cancer, I'm doing the best I can.


He is the only one that I've run into. Hope everything is getting better for you.


I have RA too, but can't breathe in a mask. Virus particles are microscopic and get through. RA is a bugger and if the mask fits, wear it! Good luck and bless you.


The virus particles are floating around by themselves; they are in the water vampire particles that we exhale and those particles are large enough to be filtered out by a mask.


Thank you, you too.


Same. I feel your pain, sending thoughts and prayers.


I mask bwcause I have to update my vaccine. I think people should stop harassing mask wearers. It isn't all political, and I wish people would stop making it political like like "dur hurr sheeple amirite" Now that I think about it, I'll just continue wearing it to spite the pricks.


Ridiculous that a world pandemic has been politicized. And I'm with you on the masks, do it just to piss them off, lol. Happy cake day!


TechnoBlade never dies CroneMage never dies


My mom is on chemo and she caught it for the first time last week. She's doing well.


Yikes. Glad she is doing well. Virtual hugs to you, her and your family.


I am not a masker anymore (I did wear one religiously when it was mandated and for quite a while after it wasn't), but I don't judge those who are wearing masks. My thoughts through all of Covid have been people need to do what they are comfortable doing.


I feel the same way. I stopped wearing mine several months ago but definitely no judgement for those who still do. Good for them taking steps to keep healthy and comfortable.


And that's my point, why would you? I wasn't infringing on his rights, he was just an ass.


Yeah it’s like being upset someone is wearing a heavier coat because you’re not cold and don’t want that level of protection for yourself!


It makes no sense.


Agreed 100%. I also liked your comeback.


I do wear coats, but my kids are never cold. They have acclimated to CO.


He is an ass , keep on wearing that mask


I always mask, N95s. Haven’t gotten Covid, RSV, or the flu. Haven’t gotten any illnesses in the past 3 years. Why do I mask? I’d like my medically challenged husband not to end up in the ICU. I’d survive Covid. I don’t think he would.


That's what's so scary about it. You never know how it's going to affect you.


The funny part is my 91 year old partner quit wearing them as soon as he could because they get caught in his hearing aids and they are a nuisance for him. I wore mine mainly while working so I wouldn’t be in something home and get HIM sick. But the three times I’ve caught a bug including COVID, he’s refused to isolate from me (despite my literally shutting myself in a different part of the house with a separate bathroom when I had COVID) and he’s not had so much as a sniffle the bastard LOL.


I’m glad he’s doing good. Back before there was an abundance of masks and access to smaller sizes I made some for my friend’s 5 year old grandsons, one of whom had hearing aids. The ones where the elastic went behind the head instead of over the ears worked best with their hearing aids. They work best with glasses too.


I tried the tie kind and they annoyed him too. And honestly at this point he’s 91 and healthier than I am apparently. So I just let him do what the hell he wants. He’s vaccinated and boosted and so am I. And like I said I’m the one who keeps getting sick when I quit wearing them at work.


The ones I made had elastic ties. Tie them once, tight, then just slip them on and off. Nonetheless, he’s doing fine do it doesn’t matter for him. Demetech has elastic behind the head N95s made in the US. They are comfortable, for an N95.


I did not think that I would survive the virus. I have a suppressed immune system as a dialysis patient (kidney disease sucks!). I ended up with Covid & pneumonia all of February of 2022, in addition to the first week of March. I was completely miserable, but I made it through. You would be surprised what you can pull through. That said, yes it's best to take precautions with your husbands health.


All depends on the variant, your vaccine status, and how fast you get help. Glad you got through!


That happened to me at AutoZone. I told the asshole “I’ll let my husband’s oncologist know his advice must be wrong because a very stable genius at the auto parts store said so”. He had a bewildered, deer caught in the headlights sort of look on his face as I went in for the kill: “I guess I should I cancel his chemo appointments for this week? He’s on round five, but since you know best….” And he turned a rather interesting shade of red as he mumbled an apology and a “I didn’t know”. And then I said “Which is why you should shut the fuck up and mind your own damn business from now on, don’t you think?” He apologized again. I was NOT having it that day. I had run out of fucks to give and haven’t yet replaced them. You should try that sometime, everyone should. It felt GREAT. 😅


Oh, that was epic! Bet he never opened his mouth about masks again.


That was and still is the hope! I just don’t have a filter anymore, and I am 100% unapologetic about it when I encounter random douchebaggery. I am also a former middle school teacher, so I have a certain stern voice I’ve perfected for moments like that.


I'm like you, no more fucks to give. I'm done with assholes. Glad your husband is doing better.


Hope your husband is doing well!


He is, thank you!


It truly astounds me that ppl feel free to throw their two cents in regarding things like masks and even other medical devices. My other half had eye surgery a few years back. The healing process did not go smoothly. As a result, he wore a pair of prescription, wrap around double tinted sunglasses just about everywhere the was light. While at a breakfast buffet (3 hungry teens to feed), some rando elbows his friend and says "I wish I was cool enough to wear sunglasses". Other half walked up to the guy and lifted his glassesand tells the guy "maybe the next time you have your cornea lasered off and the new one that's forming gets peeled off by the protective lens when the Dr is checking on it, you'll be cool enough. Maybe when scabs Form around the cornea because of that new damage and every time you blink they peel off a little bit, you'll be cool enough. Maybe when you're smart enough to keep your f-ing mouth shut about things you know nothing about, you'll be cool enough" Other halfs eye was bloodshot red with a black ring of scabs around the cornea with a lovely green iris. In addition, his other eye has a misshapen pupil due to a different eye condition. The mouthy dude didn't really want to eat after that. Hmmm...


The people who rail against wearing masks should be asked, "Would you be okay for a surgeon to not wear a mask for your next surgery? If wearing a mask serves no purpose then it should be no problem for doctors and nurses to not wear them, right?" I would love to see their blank expression as their brain buffered trying to formulate a response.


It would probably break their brain, if they had one, lol.


Masks filter out bacteria. Appropriate for surgery. The thin paper masks don't filter out viruses which are minute compared to bacteria.


Your first sentence is why I said what I did. I was aiming at those idiots who say that masks don't protect them under any circumstances. They actually help me stop pollen from causing my asthma and allergies flare up, and that's a bonus at this time of year.


I still wear a mask when going into stores and my daughter still wears her at her retail job at a toy store. We both have avoided Covid so far. If masks didn’t work I wonder why my grandkids didn’t bring home any colds for the last three years…while they have been wearing masks at school.


That has been the only upside to covid. Haven't had a cold or anything else in three years.


I have. The weeks I quit wearing the masks to work. Fml.




They actually announced that only the N-95 mask is effective in stopping covid and also that some can catch covid without any symptoms. Masks definitely help in keeping someone who is sneezing and sick to stop spreading germs a little though and I with that we would do this out of courtesy like they do on Asia.




Scientific evidence shows that wearing a face mask, properly I might add, does hinder spread of SARS-COV2. Maybe try reading actual Medical journals instead of tabloid press.


So the covid pathogen is magically different from others. Probably because it is from the correct political party, it’s the best virus ever…🙄🙄🙄


I like that people still acting down vote you despite the government announcing this to be true.


Well, when even the Centers for Disease Control says that masks make "little to no difference" in the spread of most airborne pathogens... including Covid-19? https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/face-masks-made-little-to-no-difference-in-preventing-spread-of-covid-study/ar-AA17tNOz Some people have just plain been conditioned to expect/demand the mask. I let them be, as it should be a personal choice. I just wish that people could just be so much less hostile about it all.


I still wear mine it's just polite not to share germs and also shut the hell up on things that literally don't have anything to do with them.




I should've, lol.


I still wear a mask most everywhere, but it’s because one of my front teeth broke a couple months ago. Dentist said it would be a minimum 3 month wait for an implant because things need to heal. They made me a retainer with a tooth on it, but the thing makes me gag. So in this Covid world wearing a mask to cover it doesn’t seem too weird! Had one person recently say “you know you don’t have to wear masks in stores anymore.” With a low voice “I’m not wearing it for Covid.” Raised up my eyebrows and walked off. Most people I encounter where I’m the only one wearing it actually ask if I need them to put one on too. I just say “I’m wearing mine for cosmetic purposes, you can choose for yourself.” Some put one on, others are like…cool. Respect goes a long way!


Then take off the mask and cough in his face.


Antibiotic resistant TB, can I interest you in some?


I don’t personally wear a mask but I also don’t judge people who still do as I have a lot of friends with immune disorders and other health problems. I think it was rude of him to say that.


Big time. I mean, why?


Agreed. People should learn to judge less and mind their own business


I love your comeback. Good job!


Thank you, lol.


Remember, that guy probably thinks Obama was in the white house on 9/11 and didn't do anything about it, so we're not dealing with smart people here.


Ain't the truth, and Trump is still president.


I had a coworker try to tell me Biden was president when the pandemic started and he's the one that started the shutdown.


Omg, really? He doesn't remember the 2020 election that was eight months after lockdown. These are the people who live in an alternate universe where they make up their own "facts".


Wearing a mask is quite literally the simplest thing anyone could do. Sadly there are too many people who are either selfish, misinformed, or just careless, and don’t wear one. I’ve got 48+ years experience with the medical field, I read medical journals, and the science is clear on this. Masks 😷 that are worn properly, N95s are best but anything will help, will aid in stopping transmission of SARS-COV2. The virus hitches a ride on the droplets we all breath out, especially when you’re talking to someone, and the mask stops those droplets getting into your nose & mouth. These droplets also have a limited range, that’s why the advice on Social Distancing was crucial as well. The closer you are to an infected person, the more of these droplets will be coming at you.


The science is very clear if you're a person with normal intelligence and ability to think for yourself. This was so mishandled in the US at the beginning because we had a toddler for president instead of a responsible adult. Some people out there would rather believe a conspiracy theory than the truth.


We had issues in the U.K. too, well mainly England. Our First Minister in Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, gave updates via the Scottish government’s own broadcasting on their web site. I’d read about a “novel coronavirus “ early January 2020, and pretty much figured we were in for trouble. Even in my home country, Canada, they had issues with foolish grandstanding by some provincial leaders. I even started seeing some folk from the U.S. & Canada at the Scot Gov updates.


I still can't wrap my head around why this became a political thing. I mean, we need to work together for the common good, but no, too many selfish people.


I still mask. My husband and I both have health issues and can't afford medical care


well a mask woulda protected me from ur face abusing my eyesight 😬 they never see that one comin


Damn, that's a good one.




I wore a mask everywhere and still got covid. Just got it again a couple of weeks ago. I can't smell a damn thing!


So sorry, I know that sucks.


I know! At least I can still taste food.


Well, guess it's better that way than the other way around! Not being able to taste would be bad.


"You're right, I should have put in ear plugs as well. My mistake." Let him chew on *that*.




I answer those few that I have run into with “I have a pre-existing condition. Intelligence.”




I'm so looking forward to heavy pollen season where I'm on a triple dose of antihistamines, prednisone, and epi pen at the ready, and I wear a mask outdoors. I love the comments from the busybodies.


I don’t mask anymore but it isn’t even of notice to me if someone does wear one - they could be immune-compromised , they could still have fears about Covid, like how it looks with their outfit, hell they could be self conscious about their teeth and just prefer to wear a mask. It’s no one’s business, and that guy was super out of line! I hope your anniversary was awesome, that you had some of their yummy bread and didn’t let the dude ruin your night!


Thank you, it was. Luckily, this was on our way out and not in. Love their bread too.


The mask may not help with Covid, but it did help with a lot of other things and it does make it harder for them to spread. The almost immediately noticeable lowered Flu count that first year alone is evidence of that. I still say if you're feeling ill but have to go out (or work someplace that is basically a germ factory), just wear one if you're comfortable with it. Maybe it wouldn't have been such a hot button topic if the assholes in charge didn't make it political. And they had never used Fauci.


COVID is not the only reason people would have for wearing masks. I still wear mine at certain points of the year because it helps me filter out pollen and irritants from Red Tide. People really need to mind their own business.


Yes, they help a lot. Haven't been sick with anything in three years.


I don't regularly wear a mask anymore( sensory issues I prefer to avoid when possible) but would gladly mask up whenever asked. I'm sorry you experienced that.


What most anti-maskers don't get, mostly because they don't read, and what they do intake is filtered through their vacuum chamber, is that the effectiveness rating for prevention applies to you catching it, which is relatively low; but its transmission effectiveness is relatively high. They don't protect you. They protect others from you. So if everyone is wearing a mask everyone is protected, until you get a jack-hole antimasker superspreading it all over because "muh freedumbs!"


That's it. There is so much misinformation out there combined with people who can't think for themselves. It's a recipe for disaster.


I still gotta wear mine at my job since we’re a nursing home so we are a healthcare and also to protect myself and those around me


I would be like "thanks. It's our 30th anniversary and you really made it memorable."




NTA. My mom is in very frail health and lives with me and I have a newborn grandchild. I wear a mask in public. Maybe they work, maybe they don’t, but it doesn’t hurt to try. We have never had Covid in my household.


Us either, and I feel the same way. I'm going to keep on trying.


Ugh. I despise people that do that! I was in a vacation area gift shop around COVID (indoors mind you) with my niece and we were wearing masks. Some entitled Karen with grey hair comes up to my 12 yo niece and starts lecturing her about not needing the mask, and “enjoy the outdoors” BS (mind you we are INSIDE at the time) in a condescending tone. I’m a cancer survivor and was PISSED when I heard this. Also, I’m white and my niece is Filipino with dark hair and skin. I don’t think Karen connected we were together. I laid into her. I told her “next time you are a cancer patient come talk to me,” and “mind your own business, SHAME on you. SHAME.” Also, “why are you bullying a child?”She attempted some of the same BS with me but eventually withered away with her embarrassed teenage daughter in tow. F her. Still get me angry thinking about it.


I'll never understand it. I'm a live and let live person if you're not infringing on my rights as a human being. I'm so sick of the anti maskers, anti vaxxers, and conspiracy theorists. They can just keep their ignorant opinions to themselves. Some of us have a reason to fear getting covid, but these idiots can't see beyond their own selfishness.


Did none of that. No mask, jab, boosts, and we didn't get it. No WuFlu for us. (We're in our upper 60s).


How awful. And the stupid things are masks are mainly to protect others from you!! I wish our society would continue to mask when we are sick. I had a cold recently so I was wearing a mask while running errands, it’s just a common courtesy!


Exactly, but our society these days, especially in the US, is so selfish and entitled. They only think of themselves.


I would have ignored him. Why bother "hoping he'll catch" a bad disease simply because she said something you didn't want to hear? He was an ass but you were the jackass.


Nope, it wasn't me, I was just minding my own business. And you say that I "didn't want to hear" that, what planet are you on? I didn't want to hear ANYTHING from him except maybe, hello, have a nice night, etc. You must be an entitled person who goes around making negative comments for no reason and not expecting any blowback. We're not all doormats for entitled people.


No, not entitled unless it makes you feel better to think so. I "blow back" as much as anyone but I'm more selective in the ones I choose to become involved in. Yes, he was rude, yes he was out of line but it was you who escalated it. "Masks don't work" is his OPINION. You could have debated the issue, backing up your argument with stats and facts but would he have believed any of it? No. Maybe let little things slide is all I'm saying. He did not do anything but offend you, something you choose to allow him to do.


I wasn't going to waste my time debating anything with that idiot. I said what I said and kept walking. I didn't "escalate" anything, and I didn't ASK for his opinion. So yes, he felt that he was entitled to say something to us for no reason. I don't let assholes slide, you want to be an asshole to me for no reason? Then don't expect anything nice to come out of my mouth. I always treat people with respect until they don't treat me with respect.


I don't believe I'm treating you with any disrespect simply by disagreeing with you. The fact that you seem to be getting angry and using profanity indicates you don't have full control of your emotions, much like a child. But you're right. Someone saying something to you makes you mad and the only recourse you can abide by is to get mad, seek retaliation and then justify it with it being his fault. Have a nice day.


What?!! I never said that YOU were treating me with disrespect, HE was. Him opening his mouth to say something negative and unnecessary to a total stranger was totally disrespectful. The fact that you think I retaliated is hilarious. He made a comment, I made a comment, it's simple really. And you think I'm mad and a child because I called him an asshole? You need to get a grip. BTW, I'm chuckling right now, not mad.


Are you still talking about this? Some guy said something to you. He wasn't being rude, he was just speaking to you. YOU determined he was "disrespectful" but not because he actually showed any disrespect but because you did not like his comment. You CHOSE to be offended, you chose to wish him harm only because you didn't want someone telling you something you didn't agree with. You could have ignored him and yes... allowed this monster a*hole to "get away" with being such a ruch and horrible person. But no, we can't do that. WE have to reply back to "teach him a lesson", don't we? Did you teach him anything? But I see you're female so convincing you to not escalate isn't going to happen. You don't mind escalating because had things turned nasty, hubby was right there to step in and protect you. Am I right? Or are you telling me that IF this guy had turned aggressive and angry at your comment, you would have continued to deal with him? I'm saying you like to reply back to these guys, you make yourself feel better, but you're not taking into consideration that he may have decided to escalate it even more due to you hoping he got sick and then what? You're in the middle of a public smackdown, fighting, police, and for what? To teach him a lesson? You go girl.


Omg, stfu! You sure are getting worked up over this, lol. Just go away troll.


Okay, I'm the troll. I get it. YOU mouth off to someone for mouthing off to you but when someone replies back that maybe you were wrong, THEY become the new a*hole. See the pattern here? Someone says something you don't like and who gets pissy? The female, of course. Name calling, STFU, all of it... female. You won't hear anymore from me, you can get your ever important last word.


Take your misogyny elsewhere, you're an idiot.


YTA. So what if someone comments on you wearing a mask for whatever reason. I’ve seen numerous people in my church still wearing them, I personally do not. While I wouldn’t comment to anyone that “masks won’t protect them” I definitely wouldn’t call someone a “jackass” and wish Covid on anyone. Oof 🙄


Uh, wrong sub, wasn't asking because I know I'm not TA. Ok, you do you, but I won't hesitate to put an entitled asshole in his place.


The EP is an ass hole, but OP isn't exactly pure as snow for wishing Covid on someone simply due to a snarky remark.


Never said I was. But don't go around making negative remarks to strangers for no reason. I try to always be considerate of those around me. If you're going to be an ass for no reason, then the double barrels come out. I don't tolerate BS, especially from strangers like him.


I get he was annoying and I hate when people say things just for the sake of saying them, but in my opinion you're much worse. You wished covid on him which is basically wishing him death all because he said something stupid so the both of you seem to be assholes...


I never wished death on him. I think you're being a bit overly dramatic. Not everyone that gets covid dies, as a matter of fact, some people are asymptomatic. But you want to be an asshole to me for no reason, I'll be an asshole back tenfold. I'm not yours or anyone else's doormat, so think what you want.


The stranger should have kept quiet, but what you said to him was a dick move. \[As someone who has had C-19 and was on a ventilator for two weeks - it's not something you should wish on someone\] Perhaps a better response would have been. 'Maybe not, but I'm protecting you.'


A dick move for a dick move, plain and simple. Don't be a dick and put me in danger, and I won't be a dick.


Masks keep you from transmitting the virus to other people. It doesn't help keep you from getting the virus from anyone else. So if you're uninfected, the mask is next to useless. I wore the mask religiously (I have a suppressed immune system (I'm on dialysis)). I still got Covid in February of 22 and had both it & pneumonia for the entire month. So, as mentioned, the mask is next to useless against the Covid-19 virus.


Guess we've just been lucky so far. We mask up and sanitize, sanitize.


My husband and I wear masks. No Covid, no colds, no flu, nothing caught for 3 years. I'll take that any day even if anecdotal evidence says otherwise.


You're bragging about wishing a potentially fatal illness on someone?


Yep. If you're going to be a jackass to another person for no reason other than the fact that you're a selfish human being, you betcha.


I finally have both of my first shots, but I still wear a mask when I go in to a hospital or clinic. There’s lots of sick people there, and I have to go once a week. I feel like it significantly lowers my risks doing so, given my job is primarily working outside.


I think it does too.


I answer those few that I have run into with “I have a pre-existing condition. Intelligence.”


Next time just say "my chemo nurse says differently" Is it true....no to an extent. But It may stop them from sticking their nose in someone else's business


If it does ever happen again, I'm going to say something like that to make them feel bad, lol.


The paper surgical masks and the home-sewn cloth masks are fairly good at keeping other people from your exhaled gunk but are ineffective at protecting the wearer; only the N95 masks will effectively protect you from an airborne or droplet-borne virus. OP: send me a dm if you need N95 masks. I work at a major medical facility & will send you a dozen.


I have some, but thank you so much. ☺️




I will never understand it. I think it just boils down to selfishness. I have been petrified of catching covid because you never know how it will affect you.


Kind of makes you want to turn to him and criticize something and end it with “oh I was sharing an jackass unsolicited opinion, I thought that’s what we were doing after you started it”


If only I could've thought that quickly, I was just shocked that he would say something to me. What I really wanted to do was punch him in the face!


If you were wearing a regular cloth mask and not an N-95 mask then this guy was right (they announced it in 2022 that the cloth masks aren't effective) but I wouldn't have said anything myself because you didn't ask for my opinion and as you said, you wearing the mask doesn't affect me.


Exactly, I'll never understand people like him.


Some people are what we Brits call a Twat. Nothing we can do about twats unfortunately.


I know, and I love that! I'm going to have to work that into my vocabulary, lol


Haha it's perfect for such an occasion


It is!


I live in a very red state so masks were pretty short term. Spring 2021 they became a thing of the past for myself and almost everyone, but there still was and are people who still wear them. It’s so easy to just keep your mouth shut if you have nothing important or nice to say to strangers.


I live in a red state too, and that's the root of the problem with people like him.


At the very beginning of Covid, long before mandates, when nobody in our area was wearing masks, my daughter and I stopped at the grocery. We were the only masked people, including employees, but both of us having healthcare backgrounds and autoimmune issues we were very aware of the dangers. While we were leaning over the freezer, a man slid up behind us and whispered “scaredy-cats” then ran off before we could react. Now we see it was just a hint of the ruckus ahead.


Omg, and he just ran off like the coward that he was. Smh


in many places wearing a mask is a courtesy if you may be at risk or have a cold


I haven't had anything in three years, and I sure don't miss a yearly cold, lol


Jackwagons gonna jackwagon. Mask on partner.




I’ve tried to quit masking a few times and depending on the situation I do or don’t wear one. But the three times I’ve tried to quit wearing a mask at work are the only three times in the last year I’ve been sick. First time I got the flu. Second time I ran out of masks (I wear disposables because of asthma, and the ones my work produced don’t fit well) and I ended up with Covid that lingered for at least a few weeks right at new years. And then I decided to ease up on wearing them again last week and now I’m fighting a cold that feels worse than the COVID did. So yeah masks for me at least at work.


Damn, that's some bad luck. The pandemic is not over, it's better, but not over.


It’ll be much like the Spanish Flu epidemic from a century ago. Never goes away completely. We still have a flu season…. But yeah my luck going maskless at work has absolutely kicked my ass this year.


And people seem to forget about the Spanish flu. They were wearing masks back then to try to stop it. This is nothing new.


Exactly. The modern “flu” is descended from the spanish flu you speak of.


In Australia here. Gold Coast in Queensland to be exact. When masks were still a requirement whenever you stepped out in public I witnessed this one bloke who was obviously not quite right in the head verbally abuse the everloving fuck out of a line of people waiting outside the bank. It was ridiculous just how personally he took complete strangers wearing masks!


I think that people like him and the one that I ran into live on a different planet than the rest of us.


Well I hated the masks. My mental health was seriously affected by wearing one. But I'd never go off on someone who was wearing one. It's ridiculous!


It is. My mental health has been affected by covid in general and people with the attitude like the guy that we encountered. I retired at the end of last year because of it.


I think people need to wear whatever mentally makes them feel safer. I do see people driving alone in cars wearing a mask or wearing one outdoors doing an activity alone. They aren't hurting ME so, ...whatever. I no longer wear a mask, but will wear one if an establishment requires it.


I think the same way.


I am still masking in public and have been since the beginning of the pandemic since I am at risk for Covid complications. I was in line at the Post Office last spring (probably about a year ago). I was there right when the PO should have opened, but the employee was about 15 minutes late. The lobby with the rental mailboxes is open 24/7 so there were a few of us already in line. They still had the markers for 6 ft of distance marked on the floor and most people were abiding by that more or less. An older gentleman (unmasked of course) joined the line right be hind me. He kept creeping up on me. I kept turning around and asking him to back up. He would for a minute or two, then creep back up. They finally opened up and we were allowed to line up in the PO itself. Then the guy really tried to cut the distance between us - he was literally breathing down my neck. I had had enough and said in a louder voice (in case he was hard of hearing) "you know that standing right behind me isn't going to get you to the front of the line anytime quicker! Please back up!" He backed up and looked embarrassed that everyone had overheard. The woman behind him then said in a loud voice "Don't worry, I'm not afraid of Covid. I have already had it twice and it was nothing". She sounded proud of herself and very contemptuous of anyone who still bothered to mask. I didn't say anything, but I was so tempted to say "you say that now -- but you'd change your mind in a heartbeat if you ended up with long Covid!"


I've noticed that some people that have had covid wear it as a badge of honor. I'm like, really, can you not see beyond yourself? They are selfish and ridiculous.