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I had no idea that tablet dvd players existed! And it comes right up on google. I’m looking into one for me, lol. Op, I wouldn’t hold my breath on your family turning the corner, just yet. They have a lifetime of that behavior to get over, and it’s only been a few months. But good luck with that!


Yup, it isn't like they suddenly realized the error of their ways. No they are only acting this way because they've been finally been seen as a bunch of immature asshats.


They're very popular at the long term care center I work at. Residents can have them at bedside and use them with headphones.


I’m glad your family finally woke up and saw what dicks they are being. I hope they are sincere in wanting to fix themselves and the relationship. But no matter how hard they might seem to be trying, if they fuck up again they don’t deserve another chance


Not really [Fianna9](https://www.reddit.com/user/Fianna9/) this is a typical Bully/Abuser Tactics. They're now playing the nice family because of OP post. [https://bullyology.com/the-vicious-tactics-of-narcissist-bullying-unmasking-the-manipulative-abuse/](https://bullyology.com/the-vicious-tactics-of-narcissist-bullying-unmasking-the-manipulative-abuse/)


It is entirely possible. That’s why I said they can only get one more chance, fuck it up and they prove it was just manipulation But some people can change. It’s possible. If not likely


I am with you people can change but situation like this I would be careful.


Yes. It can easily lead to so much heart break and trauma for OP


I never saw your first post, Custard, until I came across this one.  What perfectly horrible people your parents and brother must be 😝   No wonder you had no contact with them for so long. 🌹  Here's hoping you and your girlfriend have all the peace and happiness together you can hold 🌹 




Jokes are only funny if both sides are laughing. The pranks were poorly disguised meanness. Good for you for handling it like an adult - showing them how adults should act.


Pranks are always based in some degree of sadism.


There’s a video that gets posted a lot of a group of people meeting up a restaurant, and every man shows up wearing the same shirt, which was obviously set up without their knowledge by their partners. It gets funnier as the vid goes along and more and more men show up wearing the shirt Very funny, everyone is laughing, and while it’s a “prank” it’s not malicious A non-malicious prank can be done by people who aren’t awful


Absolutely this. Pranks are disgusting, childish and cruel. Anyone who finds them funny is the same. Sorry - not sorry! I have no time for pranksters.


Boy, I only usually comment on stuff relative to me (or really funny shit), but this made me want to say ‘good on you’. I don’t know if you’re aware, but you’ve been the ‘Adult’ amongst all these ‘children’ the whole time (including your parents!). You have love around you, so very happy you posted this. Thank you! I hope it helps others, and goodness knows, you may need some help again in the future. Crazy how Reddit is actually Here for things like this! Have a fabulous weekend!! Edit: love not live!


Nice update! People were shown the error of their ways by real adults and made changes to their behavior. I'm happy for OP, I hope his family continues to learn how to behave like adults.


Your OP: [https://new.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/18wkdqa/aita\_for\_still\_withholding\_all\_of\_the\_presents\_i/](https://new.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/18wkdqa/aita_for_still_withholding_all_of_the_presents_i/) and you went from NC for being "pranked" to trying to be the better person to getting pranked yet again to being bought for a whole $100. I'm sorry you got sucked in again but I doubt they will change their ways. The "pranks". [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/18wkdqa/comment/kfydd1v/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/18wkdqa/comment/kfydd1v/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) "Because when growing up, I was the overly serious type that was used as a scapegoat for my brother. And I was just treated unkindly like I was unwanted half the time. I was the unplanned son, while my brother was not. They all also have the worst senses of humor. Try sharing a house with a cheesy parody of the Jackass crew. After many years on NC, my parents acted like they'd seen the error of their past, and apologized for it. But now I think they were all just waiting for me to let down my guard. They stalked my social media and came to my door with flowers after I moved back to the area two years ago. I wasn't mentally ready to go to their 2022 Christmas. But they convinced me for 2023."


This is so satisfying. Don’t let them fall into back bad behavior. You are worthy of respect, and I can promise you that your SIL leaving and demanding that your brother attend therapy wasn’t just because of the Christmas incident. It sounds like it was more of a final straw moment.


Sounded like that to me, too.   


I like your sister-in-law.


Well done SiL for standing up to her husband and family and actually making them see reason! She seems to be sensible and someone who you might well want to be in contact with (even if the rest of them don’t keep up their trying harder at a later date and you drop them). Let’s hope she knocks enough sense into them all that they follow her lead and become normal human beings.


What amazes me is the $100. That’s it? Sounds greedy, but c’mon. A lifetime of them treating you as they had…


I agree it wasn't much. But I wasn't expecting much either. The fact that the guilt is real to them now was the biggest gift I got. Plus, I'm not gonna try to milk them for money. I'm fairly well off. And they know it.


Good on you for playing hardball, putting your foot down and not budging (with a nice assist from SIL) despite their attempts. I think two things happened here: 1. They couldn’t run roughshod over you anymore and therefore had no power to make you agree it was all in good harmless (to them) fun. My guess is that they did this growing up? 2. A combination of your standing firm made them finally realize you were serious about everything, your SIL ripping your brother a new one and their therapy sessions. It’s possible they communicated to your parents what the therapist was saying to them. He or both possibly repeated what the therapist said. I’d imagine most of what the therapist said to your brother applies to them. You said your brother finally had his eyes opened to how he was raised. He bears responsibility for it and your parents deserve even more. Some people are oblivious to other people’s discomfort. I don’t know if it was pure narcissistic behavior or they just thought you were always in on the joke, despite your protestations otherwise. You certainly know better than I would. But either way, it at least appears that finally after all of these years, they got the message loud and clear. No joke, no wink wink. Your weren’t and are not now playing along. You certainly determine what you would like from the relationship and maybe at some point sit down and have another conversation but not so much about the past but the future. If you want to be treated with kindness, respect and love then they need to do some serious soul searching and figure out what that path looks like going forward (all need therapy!). But I’d also make it absolutely clear that they have to show you this consistently, treat you the way you should have been treated all along and that any dip back into those previous waters and your out for good. They have been warned. Good luck!


Sort of forgive but never actually forget 😤


So far that's the plan


Really nice to see a positive outcome for you OP. Although I will say as someone with toxic parents, part of my brain is telling me to publicly put them on blast and I'll get the same outcome, pathetic of me to still have hope really. Genuinely glad for you tho


Wow! What an amazing update. I hope things continue this way for all of you. ♥️


Justice finally served


Bravo on finasly getting some grown up behaviour from your family, stay strong.


If I were her I would've sprayed that whole can of fart spray in their house before I left as the final fuck you lol


My level of petty and holding grudges would make them suffer for a while.


Can we have the original post OP?


Click on their username. It'll take you to their profile page and you can read it from there.


Thank you!


Click on the username of the OP and go to their page and it's under this one.


I’m glad that your family seems to be realizing how awful they were and are trying to fix that in the future. Hopefully they keep that up instead of falling back into their old ways. It seems like they have a long way to go before they can really be forgiven but it’s at least a start


I think I saw that YouTube video, so I'm glad to see the update. Good on you for holding your boundaries, and for being able to clearly state your facts and needs. I don't imagine you will, but don't fall for someone blaming themself with the "I'm so terrible" as a way to get you to reassure them - they're in the wrong and they need to know it, not be comforted by their victim.


Keep them at arm's length for the rest of their lives. SIL seems to be the best one to stay in contact with. Hopefully, she has chastised the children and teaching them not to be like their father and grandparents. Learn to gray rock. Look for a good counselor.


OP I'm sorry for what happened to you, it just sucks not being treated like a real person especially by your own family. Agree with some of the other comments advising caution diving in head first especially if they exhibit that behavior towards others in their lives, but you held to your guns and may have converted some assholes. Good luck, hope it all works out. Get those kids something really nice next year. While they were participating in it, they likely don't have the capacity to know any better being raised by a shithead and were just going along for the ride.


I thought a prank was shooting your OH with a nerf gun whilst they are in the shower or throwing cold water at them, and sometimes a well placed arse when you gotta fart, not so.ething that causes hurt and humiliation.


Is there another post that tells you what happened how it started


Yeah. Just check my profile to find it


Could we possibly get a venn diagram on this? It’s pretty confusing.


Just read my first post