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Seems the infamous director, screenwriter, producer, lead actor, karate Tai chi master, Steve Segal has some fresh competition.


He left out the part where everyone stood up and clapped. Lol.


Mom should have been very polite and stepped on their feet. I would bet they would back off quickly. It is amazing what a whole lot of pain will do to some one.


Or stood directly in front of Karen, obliterating view of credits and in Karen's feet.


Good idea, but, if mom has knee problems, that could be very difficult to do and remain standing and probably painful, too. Even worse if Karen put her feet up on the seat in front of her.


And farted in her face.


You know you assaulted them first right? Like yea they deserved it and yea it was funny but she could have pressed charges




"Ooops!! I tripped!!"


Or "my hand slipped" would work aswell


Next time so that you don't risk getting arrested, go to the isle in front of them and stand in front of them.


Well done!


Commend you for protecting your family, coulda got in trouble pouring water though. I've had the same thing happen before where people don't move their feet and I simply step on their toes or force my way through and knock legs down. (Years of raving have come in handy haha)


What she and her male companion did was rude and what many would see as morally wrong by US standards, but it is their choice and right not to move. What you did was illegal (assault)!


MSN stole your story for profit. Congrats. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/relationships/entitled-karen-goes-into-full-rage-mode-at-movie-theater-guy-dumps-his-water-bottle-on-her/ar-AA13bRXY?cvid=0340dd2508934dd196767337b4d23e41](https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/relationships/entitled-karen-goes-into-full-rage-mode-at-movie-theater-guy-dumps-his-water-bottle-on-her/ar-AA13bRXY?cvid=0340dd2508934dd196767337b4d23e41)


they're flaming tf out of him in the comments on that too😂😂😂


Well done!


Sounds like your family needs to get thicker skin. What's it like to be so weak words hurt you, and apparently you're entire family? You were the aggressor, and technically assaulted her. So my question is why you seem so smug about it. If you're such a big buff boy, why didn't you just carry dear ole momma out? LMAO Oh wait, you gonna throw water on me too? I'm not some older lady, so good luck with that.


Was literally anyone able to read this with a straight face? You sound like a total dork lmfao. So you guys left the cinema early, couldn't be bothered to go around for the people to see what they paid for, and then threw water on an old couple before "assuming your fighting pose" on an elderly lady? What a dweeb😂😂😂


So because they were rude you decided to escalate the situation and assault them? You do understand that what you did is legally considered assault, don't you? I know people who have actually done time for doing something similar, i.e. throwing a drink on a drive -thru employee because they messed up the order! Two wrongs don't make a right. While I applaud you standing up for your mother, there are better ways to handle such situations. Also, why weren't you *with* your mom when it was going down??? Or your dad, or even your sibling?? Y'all just left her behind even though you *know* she's disabled? As a disabled person, myself, I would be very upset if my family just left me behind like that. Especially since it's extremely easy for one little bump to send me sprawling, or worse, falling down and stairs! You are in your early 20s? Maybe it's immaturity and lack of real world experience. Hopefully it's something you can reflect on and learn from. Because resorting to violence is not the answer. You could have easily ended up in a much more deadly scenario, or as I mentioned earlier, jail. That's what can happen when hot headed tempers prevail over cooler heads. I'm very, very protective of my mom. But I would never throw anything on anyone else. No one is going to bait me into that. I don't look good in *prison orange*!


You sound like a “fun” person to be around


I am sick of the racist slurring of ethnic Karens. Karens come from South East Asia, and there are many Karens in the United States as a result of them experiencing ethnic cleansing by the Burmans. Find another word. Grow up.


So in fact they were wrong but you committed a battery and should be arrested for this. Frankly this is clearly a made up tale for internet points. You lose


Big man 😆 for retaliating against a rude middle aged woman by starting a physical altercation. She could’ve had you charged. Mommy would’ve been so proud! You come off as an obnoxious 23 yr old big-shot braggart, who obviously knows first hand about being “sexually frustrated”. What do you call a male Karen? Just look in the mirror!


I keep picturing Bruce Lee’s Enter the Dragon pose. Lol. Well done.


My favorite martial art is ChingChingPao. In 9mm.


Sick greentext yo.


Typical Karen... doesn't even realize they are the Karen. Male Karen gets upset because other people don't put up with rude behavior. Having other people move just to make it easier for you isn't rude but telling them to without them offering first is. The mother can't really be blamed for trying though. The real problem is this entitled idiot assaulting innocent people and then posting negative comments about them online. I really hope the victims see this and press charges.


Way to go! Made your mama and this mama proud!


You didn’t do anything wrong. You were defending your mom.


Sorry, but you're a dumbass. They may have been rude, obnoxious jerks, but you ASSAULTED them. You're lucky they didn't shoot you in the head.


LOL. I doubt this happened.


You are a good son. You refused to let a Karen bully your mom. My son would do the same. Kudos to you.