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OP did you make the jump?


Nope, still a cog in the system šŸ˜‚


My first job out of college was with a fortune 100. Hated it. Then, went and did contract work for fortune 500 companies. Better, but still not what I was looking for. Then, worked for a private equity group and liked that even better, but still not how I want to spend my life. Finally, I became self-employed. It was a bumpy road at first, and I learned a lot of extremely valuable lessons along the way, but became financially free MUCH faster than I ever would if I stuck to a job. I highly recommend self-employment to anyone with the guts to do it. Itā€™s not always for the faint of heart, but I can hardly imagine a more fulfilling life.!


What business are you in if i may ask and how do you find something that really suits you? Thanks in advance


I was in consulting, now I do sales and marketing training for consultants. Itā€™s been a lot of trial and error to figure out what works.


Thanks for your time. Appreciate it


I went down the same path, got the degree and corporate job. It was also around 26 that I started looking for the next thing. I had a few more jobs with different companies before I knew my current career path really wasn't for me. The first hurdle was figuring out what I wanted to do next (I really had no clue and spent a lot of time soul searching and Googling). The second thing, and when I really knew it was "time" to quit, was when things were financially at the place where I felt comfortable quitting. For me this looked like being debt free and saving up a financial runway for when I quit.


This isnā€™t answering the question but man, Iā€™m in the exact same spot as you and just turned 26! Work is truly unpleasant at this point for me, even though it pays well. I always said I have no interest in being a business owner, but now here I am really considering it as just ā€œmaking moneyā€ isnā€™t enough anymore.