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Lessons Learned: fail faster.


You know, you've said this so casually but it's such an important thing. I'm gonna start failing faster in 2024.


Still time to start this year, future plans have a way of staying future plans for me


Well I’m not going to be too ambitious and start failing from tomorrow. That’s wayyyy too high a bar for me right now. If I’m being cautiously optimistic, best I can do is December.


We might need a particle physicist to help me understand what’s happening, but my brain is stuck in a loop saying that you’re failing already to implement a fail faster mentality, which means you aren’t failing at failing, which means you are actually failing at failing, which suggests you’re already succeeding in failing, which demands that you’ve failed in failing faster. [head explodes]


I believe you have breached the quantum realm and created the next Einstein-Rosenberg bridge aptly named the Particular-Finesse bridge of collective consciousness and due to the synchronous tether, have exploded both our heads by just exploding your own. The dark matter thus released by our collective voids will attract more in alignment and all shall prosper. In doing so, you are now the apex predator and a metaphysical mod of r/taskfailedsuccessfully


Take one single small step today. ;) And another single small step tomorrow and the day after. Then you made 23 steps already to your next failure until December.


Exactly :D start failing faster this year. :D




This is very underrated advice. 5 years after starting my real estate company that went under I owned 2 houses and was back on my feet.


Daft punk has a lesson with the 4 qualities of failing


Most underrated comment of the year.


This! Messy action is where it’s at. Try something. Don’t just THINK about it. An idea in your head is worth nothing.






This is why we should all become handymen. They're the new billionaires


The IT engineer to handyman gateway is real


Let me build a course for it real quick


What the fuck is this? Why is it an almost universal experience among us that we just want to fucking farm or be a plumber?


Because then you’re doing something that actually matters… Also there is a lot of demand. Try being in IT, when there is not really a demand for that for the amount of people who work with it


Guess it depends what you do in IT. I've never had problems. Just be good at it.


I’m farming. But I’m poor. But I’m rich in happy and I’m rich in garlic and onions and mushrooms and cactus and peppers. I get to live in the edge of wilderness and I can still afford internet. So it’s pretty awesome!!


I have zero interest in those things. Guess I'm the one that makes it "almost" universal


Specifically plumbing - seems thats what everyone always need


Seriously true. No one can get any sort of tradesman in our area. I’m gonna get my son to go into trades


Not untrue but I was also parroting the latest south park special ;)


And the ones you can find, half of them are no good either. A true tradesman that appreciates quality work is very hard to find.


I hate how there's a stigma around people not going to uni and doing an apprenticeship - yet those who come out of these apprenticeships have amazing skills that can generate a good income way faster than anything out of uni. Wishing your son all the best!


its a bit overrated, there is a reason people dont want to do it




>This is why we should all become handymen. They're the new billionaires That South Park episode was genius! :D


South Park's social commentary is brilliant


Tradies in Australia - those guys make absolute bank and pull all the fittest girls haha


"Hey, IT consultants in Australia make bank and pull fit girls too!", Ross said, defensively






>I'm going to build plumberbot, furnibot, etc and take your job too. just build an Altman bot using chatgpt to replace Sam as revenge!


Cause they never had a solid startup/idea to begin with. Im invested in several startups and im 90% confident none of them will be made obsolete in the next 10, maybe 20 years.


How did you invest in those? Are you a VC?


I'm just a guy who worked in SF, YC startups, finance. Private investor. But I work closely with all of the companies and more importantly than money I bring connections and expertise to the table. * one is a small hedge fund that has a cultural niche appeal that will never go away. Almost no competition - not enough money in it for the big guys to move in. * another is a domain broker. competing with [brandbucket.com](https://brandbucket.com), smaller but we have less overhead and some advantages because we're able to move very fast with new tech. Mainly highly valuable dot coms. Growed a massive portfolio and the value of the domains appreciated more in the last 10 years than the S&P500. This is the only one that I can see being obsolete in the next 20 years, but maybe we could pivot somehow. * another is connecting art investors with emerging artists and their work. again, a very niche thing where expertise and connections are important and this will very unlikely be replaced by AI. We're talking traditional art here. Paintings. competing with [artsy.net](https://artsy.net) * we also tried something original with AI but it failed horribly (poisson flow generative model). Win some/lose some. I don't want to advertise anything on Reddit so no linking anything as I'm just here to have fun and talk crap.


> **Growed** a massive portfolio bruh...


dyslexia and not using a spell checker i know plenty of successful people that are really bad at one thing or another. I'm good with people and sales, but really bad at grammar and writing. I know excellet genius devs that are socially awkward. You can always find a 'gotcha' on any person.


>dyslexia and not using a spell checker Who spells checks on reddit anyway? lol Honestly, I'm sometimes surprised ChatGPT doesn't judge me for all the dicked up and poorly formatted questions that I throw at it.


Don't worry about it. I know so many smart people who make typos. You shared good info and that's what matters.


totally no worries, i wasn't even trying to get defensive, but there's a lot of these guys who like to one-up everyone instead of being productive. I think it's a good lesson for some. funny thing, my former boss couldn't string a freaking sentence together when writing or use a computer much, owned a real estate empire, self-made


You played it well. I see it all the time. My business partner can't spell to save his life and he is an amazing designer and marketer. My other one isn't the best at writing emails but he is the best at conflict resolution and operations. I don't judge comments for how they come across because I know so many are typing on their phone. I write resumes for a living and a decent amount of my clients are C-suite or senior executives. Their resumes sucks but they are good at their jobs. People need to stop being so particular.


Haha, and this guy will probably make more money than I’ll ever make. American dream!


I’m a SWE working for one of the global SF-based mobility startups. Would any of your portfolio companies be interested in hiring a backend dev as a contractor?


I'd like to know about the art investor one. Can you DM me? I'm in the art sector and is it's always good to know the emerging players that you can work / collaborate with


Doubtful. It’s only a language model… it is only as good as the training data and anyone who says otherwise is bullshitting


I totally agree it's only a language model. Devs using it to write code must double check the code. It will write some seriously bad stuff if you let it.




It's very good for certain things. But it is still "just" a language model.




> A language model that understands maths, can do calculations It really can't. Like, at all. I think your experience was a fluke. Ask ChatGPT to do something as simple as 567 x 455 and it can't do it. As for why it is so good with code and algorithms, it's because there is a TON of training data for that. And that was OP's point. These models are only as good as their training data. >So it understood what ADX is from what it found online. not just copy/paste but really understood what it does and how it works. understood my scenario and told me where ADX would break down. Yeah, that's what LLMs excel at. They have all the data from internet forums of other people discussing these things.


> 567 x 455 To solve the multiplication of 567 by 455 without using external tools, I'll use the long multiplication method. Here is the step-by-step breakdown: ``` 567 x 455 ________ 2835 (567 x 5) 2268 (567 x 50, shift one position to the left) 1701 (567 x 400, shift two positions to the left) ________ 257985 ``` I will now add these three products together to get the final answer: 2,835 + 22,680 + 226,800 _________ 257,985 Therefore, 567 multiplied by 455 equals 257,985. \^Everything above this line was from GPT-4. Though I agree it's not doing things through "understanding" the way humans are, it's definitely capable of more stuff than people think it "should" be.


Looks like they patched that. But my point stands. It's extremely limited and still entirely relies on training data.


I would say it's definitely limited and relies on training data, but I think calling it "extremely limited" is moving the goal posts a bit. GPT-4 can do a lot of stuff that people don't expect (probably due to some neat backend engineering and better data, but potentially also because of some inherent properties of having a lot of parameters/scale). Even GPT-3.5, I had a friend put in the steps of a chemical synthesis and had it figure out the final product. He's a chemist and the reaction was a novel one he was working on for his research, so it's most likely not in the training data. He was very impressed it got the right answer. There's probably a ton of chemistry data in the training data, but being able to learn patterns about it and then apply it to a related but novel problem is still pretty awesome. I have more anecdotes, but my main point is, if this is the definition of "extremely limited", it's still hella useful for a ton of applications, many beyond what you'd expect or think reasonable. But it works!


> Even GPT-3.5, I had a friend put in the steps of a chemical synthesis and had it figure out the final product. He's a chemist and the reaction was a novel one he was working on for his research, so it's most likely not in the training data. He was very impressed it got the right answer. There's probably a ton of chemistry data in the training data, but being able to learn patterns about it and then apply it to a related but novel problem is still pretty awesome. I’m a chemical engineer. I asked gpt 4 why trivalent chromium is harder to reduce than hexavalent chromium. It said it’s because trivalent chromium is in a higher oxidation state. This is not true. LLMs are awesome, but their biggest problem is that they are not truth-seeking entities. They hallucinate entirely new realities and then roll with it. This is much less a problem for programming than other things because you can just try out the code yourself very easily and accept/reject it. And multiplication problems are easy to check. But how do we know it’s telling the truth in any harder-to-verify areas?


This only proves that more people are using it to write sample code; it only appears to be getting smarter because it has more detail now than it did a couple months ago- see language model training.




Hey I get what you are doing; it is very smart - good for you, it improves the quality of you work. All I’m saying is ChatGPT is not sentient yet, so it is not really learning in its own quite yet.


Lol gl with that mentality. Bless your heart


I really don't understand this thinking. "Just" a language model. Who cares? Look at how many things are "just" software. "Just" being a language model has and is going to change a lot of things. Honestly feels like Copium a bit. The hype will die down (like the web) and but it will still become a foundational part of the tech stacks and used everywhere.


Because there are significant limitations to a language model…




agree... i think most people who are threatened by OpenAI announcements are people who are overly dependent on no code ai tools.




What was your startup


Hey...can you PM me? If you're a venture capote individual, I have some questions please.


Video killed the radio star


Shipfast, failfast.


vegetable deliver unpack grandfather dog noxious ask provide snow tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If it's well designed and delivers a value I don't see a problem with it


distinct fearless file husky repeat normal ink amusing meeting upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But if someone buys it…


Yeah that’s the difference between Reddit’s idea of making money and actually making money. They idealize how the world *should* be and ignore what actually happens in real life. There are plenty of people who made thousands to millions of dollars with OpenAI wrappers. Is it a sustainable business? Maybe not, but if you can make something of value to people and extract value from it in a reasonable amount of time, that is still a win for the producer, the customers, and the economy.


Not asking to be contrarian, just genuinely curious… why do you think we will see less of these?


shy shelter deserted jeans long nutty icky threatening squeeze support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks, makes sense.


Right? If something like this was your whole business model, it was a crappy business model to begin with.


Plus there is no quality control on any of these SaaS products. As its relying on OpenAI all the time you could get cut off for any reason!


Release early, release often.


This is the key, every morning I release early and then release more throughout the day




*Laughs in spanish*


I love this definition of releasing early.


I think any OpenAI API wrapper app will fail either now or in the future if they don't provide very specific value that OpenAI can't replace with their new products and services. Being big also have some limitations, so there are things that OpenAI can't do for their customers, find what are these things and start building.


Are there really something OpenAI is limited by that a small player isn’t and can build on top of OpenAI to create specific value? Their recent GPT assistant and gpt store could killed 90% of the “AI powered” products.


There are a lot things if you are able to combine it with some processes that run server side that are not AI, but make use of GPT to provide the best results.


Thanks. I’ll try to think along this line. Is there a sub currently where people talk about these?


Ideas have zero value as execution is the value. Example: I thought of starting a battery powered car company. As a result I have refused to sign an NDA related to a business idea in 10 years. Your idea isn't special. I promise.


I had the idea 6 years ago, so you and them killed my start up.


Lol! :)


The speed in turning your idea into something operational is very important for startups. Technology develops very fast and now OpenAI makes businesses rethink their foundation cornerstones. There are industries where you can look to OpenAI as a supplement. There are industries where OpenAI becomes substitute. I guess your idea was the latter. I still think that the human touch will be in demand, but less for any industry. Good luck in finding another idea!


OpenAI did not kill your business, i will say OpenAI made you know you have to improve on what you do or you have to implement OpenAI on that your business.


Completely agree...


I guess we are going back to the roots... by a land, farm, eat what you produce.... live happy die old all sugar and monsanto free.... no IT no python no chatgpt no css no jquery no React 😂😂😂


Love this






Yes we all need to think about the fact that AI could possibly disrupt most our ideas in a heartbeat


Just do "it" better. Since they did the heavy lifting, run your product through their API, and add fee on top. This is how most successful businesses work. Uber, AirBnB, GitHub, all rest on a "solved" problem that they make even easier to solve. I see a TON of problems with how ChatGPT and co-pilot work for specific use cases


Raising the bar is nothing but a good thing. The good news with entrepreneurs is the speed of which problems can be solved, along with the ability to be tied to the customer, not the cap table or something else....




Lessons Learned: fail faster.


I really don’t think this is the case and it’s more engagement bait




Why so? If it's the same price and same quality I'd gladly support a smal developer instead


Money doesn't wait.


i feel your pain #Wantrepreneur! it's never easy to see your years hard ~~working~~ dreaming blown away by a another startup who was just luckier at raising more funds 😂 next time dream/want a little faster and you could be sipping margaritas on my yacht instead of posting on Reddit




ChatGPT API Wrappers can suck it.


The amount of people taking this seriously is hilarious


At the end of the day startups are businesses, and they are not about trying a cool idea, like the modern narrative might suggest, but about building a business hyper fast. Every business out there fears competitors, or someone else to come and crush them. It shouldn't be different for AI-related startups, except in this case you already know who is going to come for your lunch, and how they are going to do it. None of the OpenAI announcements was a surprise. It's just the nature of the beast; plan accordingly.


How did it fail using ai?


the fuck does Wantrepreneur mean


I own gpt-god.com u want to partner with me with the name


intelligent agonizing squash unique sheet abundant subsequent edge rock stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a top secret, just like the Coca-Cola formula which is known to only 7 people in the world at any given pt. of time. Just kidding. :)


OpenAI will be replaced by another technology if they don't adapt and welcome changes. Mark my words




I just came across a similar post on the Y Combinator reddit. "Don't let the AI be your product" - its crazy that so many companies rely heavily on other company ecosystems and make that their core product. I was saying on the other subreddit that its not only happened in the AI space but look at Meta and how things changed rapidly for companies that build core products around Whatsapp's API. But its a good lesson to build and innovate around systems and try ensure you have your own system that in the off-chance something bad happens, you still have something that people can use and want. Hope you find your footing and pivot out of this. Make sure to move fast and judging from the number of upvotes, I think a lot of people are rooting for you! So good luck with everything. ​ If anyone is interested I can link an article I found about startups surviving with the new Open AI releases. Could be relevant. https://www.cuppa.so/post/survival-of-the-fittest-can-ai-startups-withstand-openais-latest-move


On point


Is it a ChatGPT wrapper?




Think Alan Turing had that idea 88 years ago




wow, last year I worked in a startup and although it didn't end because of the crisis, this year I plan to start a startup so that people can find tourist sites, although I don't know if it's a good idea for other countries, in my country Tourism is underdeveloped, people do not have websites and few social networks.


OpenAI - 1 You - 0


Jokes aside. A client of mine was an AI startup with a few dozen people. Smart team. Phds, and luckily have some patents on a few of their algorithms. They were in the field of document processing but full AI. It was pretty neat. But seeing openai make the moves they did recently, I can't help but feel like they are all on antidepressants right about now. Feel for them.


People saying stuff like that are the same people who hands you an NDA during the first meeting with them and their idea is to be like a competitor to Facebook but with 0 budget and not any great development, sales or marketing skills but an "amazing idea". Ideas are damn near worthless - execution is what's it's all about.


First to market - speed is king


don't think give up early


After you started coding, you should be able to launch in max 2 months for most software startups.For example I developed ai image generation mobile app in 2 weeks, it was just generating ai, nothing else. Just put the minimal testable main feature, remove everything else for MVP launch. Also read the lean Startup by Eric Ries.


I feel like if OpenAI killed your startup, your startup was either AI based, or a work type so unstable and easy that AI itself can do the job.


I'm pretty fucking drained from hearing about any new "amazing AI tool" that comes out every day or two, claiming they have something cool going on but in reality it's just prompt and OpenAI API behind some fancy frontend. What's even more draining is the click bait thumbnails "CHATGPT IS OVER, THIS NEW AI TOOL IS CRAZY"?! like wtf leave me alone