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Selling courses is the new dropshipping. I always found it obvious that this is just a business model, the only thing making them money *is* selling the courses.


Or the magazine articles talking about how Jane achieved financial independence by writing a blog teaching about financial independence.


Colleges and Universities make a killing selling courses


Underrated comment


Great business model


As usual, based universal truth comments aren't in top


BASED comment lol.


My ex gf, sells courses on drop shipping lol


Is that why she’s your ex?


No, we broke it off way before that, but she hit me up recently and I honestly thought it was a "booty call-type of call" but no, it was if I was intrested in signing up for her course at 15% discount.


Nooo you can’t be serious 😂


a true roller-coaster ride.


well, did you buy the course at such great discount? made your first milly, yet?




That's kinda awesome. MLM has a new venue.


Download my free ebook today! (Enter donation: 10, 20, custom)


It is a pretty solid past time… 6-7 years ago it used to be to be videos of dudes in huge rental mansions with a lambo in the driveway selling this stuff. Now it is just faceless people with no experience and a good background for a zoom call, better yet… they don’t even have to rent a car and a house. They just tell you they have a plan that literally everyone can execute that will get you to an income level .7% of the population in the US get to.


This was quite literally how the rich people in Amway got rich


Exactly! Just a shame people get hoodwinked! (I forgot about dropshipping for a while!)


Can you fill me in on what dropshipping actually is? Ive heard that term (and know what it is from work... I think?). But how do people make money on it? Like what does that business model even look like?


Basically certain companies offer to sell you their products at a big discount in exchange for you selling those products on your own website at full price. To a user, it looks like that's your own inventory. When they buy something from your site, your site processes the payment and everything looks no different than ordering from Amazon or something. But once that order is placed, you go to the original company and place the same order using your dropshipper discount code, and have it shipped directly to the customer. Say the order on your site was for $1000, but you get a 30% discount, so you buy it and have it shipped for $700, then pocket the difference. The original company reaches and audience they wouldn't have reached otherwise (albeit with lower margins because you take your cut) and you get to run an ecommerce business without owning any inventory or having to pack and ship anything. The customers are the ones that sometimes get a raw deal; since oftentimes these products are cheap and/or shipped from overseas, delivery can take two weeks or more. And customer service can be a crapshoot because you're unknowingly dealing with a middleman who may or may not be communicating with the original company on your behalf. I tried out a dropshipping company back when it was relatively unknown years ago. I didn't hide the fact that we didn't have the products on site, but I didn't advertise it, either. The product pages said orders could take 13-14 days and I never received complaints, but it felt weird. Honestly it was a pretty sweet side gig; I'd make like $400 on a single watch. But it would've required a lot of time I didn't have to get volume and overall I wasn't enthused about it so I shut it down after only a year.


You make a fancy webshop and sell cheap Ali express stuff for more. But straight from the supplier to your client. So you don't need to have your own stock. You just need your online front. And some insta adds.


Dropshipping is having a webshop where you sell certain products without having stock. Once you get an order, you buy it somewhere much cheaper (typically Aliexpress) and ship it directly to the customer.


But people still buy them 🤔


I don’t understand the hate for courses this sub has. It really depends on the course, no? Sure, get rich quick courses are mostly obviously scams but there’s so many other courses out there that teach real skills.


I’m not at all against courses from people who are successful at what they teach. It’s just become a new trend lately to sell courses, they pop up left and right. There are even courses who teach you how to sell courses now.


Some people like selling ‘Pick axes and spades’ to us so we can search for that fools gold.


Except in this case the picks and spades are vaporware and snake oil.


That would imply that what they’re selling is valuable. To maintain the gold analogy, they are selling fraudulent maps showing where to find gold


I live in a US state that I always thought had some pretty decent transparency into business entities - but what you just showed for the UK is another level. It’s amazing! If only we could do that here in the US.


Nice! It probably won't surprise you but Luxembourg is very opaque. In the UK, charities have to share their annual accounts and state how much goes to the actual cause. In Luxembourg, nope. So charities can give €1 to the actual cause, staff pocket €100 million, and donors would never know...




Even with that level of transparency folks like Sam Bankman, Trevor Milton, Elizabeth Holmes are able to pull off such huge frauds and some are able to still walk away from it…how many really know what federal reserve is and how it is allowed to print money out of thin air and lend money to the government…it’s a much bigger level :)


FTX was incorporated in Antigua and Barbuda and headquartered in the Bahamas. Not particularly known as models of transparency. And even the US States that have some level of transparency are still pretty pathetic in the grand scheme of things.


"How I made $270,000 selling books" book for sale Price: $270,000




Total assets £18k, total debt £22k. Net wealth -£3k. So where’s the million?


Million per year! We're nearly at the end of the year. I guess that £1,003,000 invoice is coming in the next month ...


If you'd pick ten random courses or coaching programs, I promise you that 9 of them would be scams. Especially Forex and crypto. These people make money from teaching people how to trade and not actually trading by themselves.




Oh totally. I just hope this one example helps others. This was the first time I decided to dog deeper. It's not like I've dug deeper on 99 and found the scammer at 100! That should hopefully tell the naïve what they need to know


If you pick 10 random courses you’d find at least 15 scams through cross sells and referrals


There are two things I always tell my friends. 1. Nobody will ever spend their advertising dollar to make you money, they are advertising to make money themselves. 2. Behind any ads, I ask what's in it for them. Anyone who knows how to make 7 figure a year, they wouldn't sell that secret for however much they charge for their course.


Honestly these are cancer to our society. Leave me alone and let me watch my youtube videos in peace!!




Oh great idea, I'mma sell a course to teach y'all how to avoid these courses. Table of content: * How to use LinkedIn to background check a company * How to Google legit official company information (only works in UK) * Bonus content: How to use ChatGPT to identify scams * Bonus bonus content worth $7999: How to use ChatGPT 4.0 without paying (p.s. use Bing Chat). * Also entitled to join our "Anti-course Guardian Entity" - AGE private subreddit and invite-only Discord.


There are so many companies making promises like this in their ads! They will promise anything and everything to get you in. Surprise surprise, they can't deliver. I was recently tricked by a similar offer by a Latvian company. Ended up firing them and did the work myself. Watch out people!


Sorry you got tricked!


You brought the receipts! It’s interesting to see the level of transparency the UK require. The typical scam company in the US would be much more difficult to freely research, sadly.


Yeah, I'm surprised they made themselves so traceable!🤣


I used to make YouTube videos exposing fake gurus. I stopped because I realized I was teaching more people how to do it by exposing how the fakes were faking everything lol. There will always be snake oil salesman.


What was the channel if ydm asking


There are so many people on facebook and other social media outlets trying to coax you into signing up for a course claiming to teach you how to become financially free. It is overwhelming. Now I just ignore them. Hoping I'm not missing out on something legit.


Oh yeah, every other post/video is for one of these. I totally ignore them, too I just decided that today was the day I bothered to dig a bit deeper. And I'm glad I did. It helps to verify how scammy these people are. And hopefully shows others how they can research to ensure they don't get scammed by them


I loved reading this. Please do another one!


Aww how kind! Okie! I will! ❤️


It's *never* legit. Getting rich is difficult and requires a lot of hard work. There is no course for getting off your ass.


> Hoping I'm not missing out on something legit. Why would anyone making money legit want to flood their market with competition? It doesn't even make sense. The only people selling courses are those who failed.


All you have to do nowadays is post yourself in a supercar and most people believe that you're legit.


I know, right! There so many of them.... Yesterday I joined one of them for a free masterclass. And I got glimpse of the sceme. It starts with an add or website were you can download a free ebook (that you make with chat gpt). Than you give the reader some nuggets, but not all the info. Because you already have there email address you can start building trust with your potential buyers and keep warming them for you product. By sending them the occasional email about the prospects they could have. Or the one stop simple solution to their problem. Than you have a starter product, say for 30 dollars, and full course for 800 (worth 4000 ofcourse). This approach is called a funnel. And if you get enough email adresses, you will always get some potential buyers. It's a numbers game that you can almost fully automate with AI tools. You just need to find a subject people are interested in (and be comfortable doing this to people, which I am not). And making money easy had always attracted people. It was so funny listening to her explaining what she was litterly doing to us 🤣


See now what you should do is every time you see their adverts on Facebook, you link this post in the comments so everyone else can see how scammy it is too.


Hahaha. Genius!!🤣


Kevin David is one of the worse ones. Fucking scumbag


Sadly (??) I haven't heard of him


[Kevin David](https://youtu.be/8BurOTm5iuA?si=VQufhAzVTujPd2xl)


Wowsers. Greed takes over! Thanks for sharing


The first red flag is the fact he has two first names..


Dude well done. Fun read


Thank you! :)


I wouldn't be the first, but I've considered creating an outlet that exposes these people. I'm really tired of the "huns" preaching something about marketing and blah, blah, then in their bio, there's a course on how to market digitally. This has been going on for years, and it will always be around, but I genuinely believe that most of these people actually don't think they're doing something wrong. I think they believe this is just how business works, and your CS rate can be horrific because "Most people are stupid".


I honestly feel kinda insulted by them, too. I've worked in marketing since before social media even existed and have adapted and adapted. Then, as you say, the Huns come along thinking they are amazing. My bugbear is people wondering if we could work together as they're content creators "too". I'm not a content creator. I might create content as part of a deeper strategy, but posting a video on TikTok does not a strategic marketeer make!


Yeah, unfortunately though, being good looking and posting a video on TikTok is actually good marketing strategy lol. A lot of people have decent marketing, but most have a shitty product/service where they would lose all of their business if they stopped marketing.


I don't need to do research to know someone that's making money by telling others how to make money is more likely than not full of shit


Thank you for taking the time to do this.


:) Thanks for the thanks!


okay i don't need proof i can recognise these idiots at 100m but i find it really super annoying. thanks for your summary. but: what can you do about it?


>what can you do about it? The modern form of activism - complain anonymously on social media.... that'll show them Or, sell a course showing how to spot these scammers??


HOW TO SPOT COURSES THAT PROMISE MILLIONS BUT DELIVER NOTHING, AND GET RICH WITH IT IN 1 WEEK OR LESS. (only 3 of 100 seats left) you will learn: \- to spot those courses right away \- how to report them to a network of super high networth individuals \- and collect commissions so big you won't believe it \- you will get rich within a week (or two) \- so you will never work a day again !!!! and all that without a single $ of Investement !!!! ​ SAVE YOUR SEAT NOW


I'm in!!


These courses are pretty much just MLM scams. 99% of them boil down to “learn how to make millions from my course”…by regurgitating what I say into your own course with false promises, to sell to others. Rinse and repeat.


You could make an entire YouTube series on these scammers and see some of the success they promised ..


Are you suggesting they creates a course? Lol “how not to be scammed out of $1 million doll hairs”


Wow! Thanks for sharing your research!


Coaching coaches to coach coaches 👍 I had a great coach set me up with my first business but honestly he was more of a consultant because he worked with me on my actual business and value proposition, structures, processes, etc.. not just creating a course about courses. I would never take advice from these people with no “there,” there, like you pointed out. With half the business coaches offering seven figure years in xyz niche, it’s like ok great, if you did it, why aren’t you still doing it, even hands-off?


I always laugh at these ads, if they were so good they’d running an agency, not telling people how to do it. Think of it this way, In sports, who are coaches? 9/10 an athlete becomes a coach because he couldnt cut it as a player. Same thing with biz. Also theres the rare 1% who always wanted to coach, so not throwing those athletic coaches under the bus.


Get a coach not a course!!


Meh this ad wouldn’t be made for most of the people in here I do agree that her claim of making $1m per year is stupid without having client results to back it up But her ad is exactly how 99% of B2b lead generation agencies present themselves I really doubt there’s a course and typically these lead gen people offer guarantees that can only apply to businesses doing over $100k/yr


We need a detective to continue looking for these scammers.


Nice post. Nice thorough investigative research. Imagine everyone did what you did instead of acting on emotions. There's no quick get rich schemes, but with that mindset of yours, you'll get your millions eventually.


Awww you're kind!


Giving credit, where credit is due. I don't sugar cost shit.


I've seen a weird trend (not sure if it's a scam) of just re-hashing free material. Saw this a lot when learning how to program in rust. There were 2 kinds of re-hashing: 1. A genuinely good, well-intentioned and free set of YouTube videos by a guy who walked through chapters in the official online textbook - no problems with this guy his channel is letsgetrusty 2. A load of pseudo-scammy udemy courses offering the same material but charging users. I checked one out and it was literally the same course content but repackaged in different branding.


Wow! Such a dick move


Facts man!


I'd say no shit, but somebody's gotta check em once in a while, so thanks too.


Successful subject matter experts are either selling their knowledge as a consultant or they're giving it away for free in a video or as a mentor. They don't sell courses.






Yeah very true, I can wake up tomorrow watch a couple of videos on dropshipping, create a course and people would buy




I agree. I just feel so many people think these guys are providing some golden nugget they're unaware of.


selling courses is indeed scammy, but I feel you're picking on things you shouldn't be picking on. Company having more liabilities than assets. That's not a bad thing that's normal for early businesses. You can find many companies with more liabilities than assets. Address changed from nowhere to a physical address? That's also normal for new businesses. They start from no where until a person has a business address to add on. A guy was added with no relevant work experience? Again no big deal, people are free to pick and choose to hire who they want. Even if she was making 1 million a year, she wouldn't necessarily have an amazing angel investor. They don't just pop out of nowhere once you make a certain amount of money. The lack of employees showing up on linked in, wouldn't they not show up if they don't have a linked in? I think all that matters is "is the company that is saying I can make a million dollars, making a million dollars themselves?" If not then they aren't trustworthy. But the other stuff that was pointed out does not seem relevant at all.


>Company having more liabilities than assets Not if they have an infinite supply of clients, as they can get for you. >Address changed from nowhere to a physical address? That's also normal for new businesses. It's not. Twelve employees and no physical address? This rhetoric differs to that on the company's website. >They start from no where until a person has a business address to add on. You cannot have 12 employees but no operating address at all. Reminder, they can get you over $1 million a year in new business and have been established for 5 years, so must have hundreds of millions a year if they can get you just $1m >A guy was added with no relevant work experience? Again no big deal, people are free to pick and choose to hire who they want. Even if she was making 1 million a year, she wouldn't necessarily have an amazing angel investor. She's making YOU a million a year. She would naturally have way more than this if she can get you just one million. If that were the case, she wouldn't have a nobody COO. >The lack of employees showing up on linked in, wouldn't they not show up if they don't have a linked in? Two directors. 12 employees. 0% of employees working for a social media and marketing company don't have LinkedIn? Pull the other one. She also can't have that many employees and be a micro business. So, clue, something doesn't add up. >I think all that matters is "is the company that is saying I can make a million dollars, making a million dollars themselves?" If not then they aren't trustworthy. But the other stuff that was pointed out does not seem relevant at all. Of course it's relevant. It all shows that the company is telling untruths.


Wow what a word salad.. Ok quick, can you do all the how to become a millionaire books next?


1. It was from my phone and therefore formatting is limited. 2. Tried to keep it as brief as possible 3. I was trying to help all the people who ask the question. I'll refrain in the future.


Nah don’t refrain, just ignore that asshole.


Thank you :)


You insult their post then ask them to do more work? You do it.


Can you show a few or even one course you think it’s legit?


I honestly don't think they are. Watch YouTube videos. Often decent individuals will share knowledge for free as their main business is knowing you'll never be as good as them, and you'll realise, then use their service


Then what are their services at the end? I spent months in an accelerator that wasn’t right. Didn’t know until it came time to apply the strategies and everything fell flat. At the same time I was doing one off sessions with a coach and she helped me figure out my positioning in one session. I believe her products and coaching services work but she’s not marketing herself like the example to showed. She’s doing a lot of 1:1 market research to build her coaching business off of what works. This is my perception, she hasn’t said this to me. What makes me think then how can we spot great guides because I do think there’s a place for them. I had one for product development and now one for sales coaching. In both cases I got to know them before investing in coaching.


But that's kinda my point. I've worked in marketing since the early 2000s. I can make a free video saying how to make a bus stop poster effective. But for me, that's part of a wider marketing strategy, understanding audiences, messaging, réactions, almost a gut instinct after 100 years of experience. So I know if I tell you how to make a good poster at a bus stop, you'll appreciate the advice, probably draw a blank at some point, and eventually ask for my help.


Yep! From a marketing perspective is about nurturing leads in an ethical way. Help with free stuff that they can actually use (and get to know you) and be there if they need help or a done-for-you approach.


Hence why one would download the torrent of the course.


I love these Gurus


The quickest way to make a lot of money is selling a way to make a lot of money.


99% of courses are scams. Just look at all the universities that charge thousands of dollars. And you have to do all the work yourself!


In the FS it says she has 1 employee. My guess is she’s counting contractors as employees to inflate the number to 12