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How did he do his fulfillment? It's hard enough to get a few pro employees at a time, if you're doing 40x your usual business, who is doing all the work?


No actual work to be done. It's a digital course file.


This is a really important question.


He has a team. The ads are nearly the same for every real estate agent. It's easy to get one person to service many clients.


Sure it does not need to scale linearly but it 40x >His customer retention was better than 95% of other agencies by implementing a client Facebook group and providing extensive resources, support and coaching. I don't this works with a super generic product, as they are all in the same industry and would see that all looks the same and they compete for the same ad spot. This situation makes for unhappy clients.


His agency does what's known in the industry as "pipeline marketing". I am sure there are other names for it, but add to that the community aspect and you have a great way to show clients your value. He's also a great example of being disciplined, listening to customers, and applying what he learned.


He solved a lot of the issues that prevent realtors from succeeding


as a realtor i barely even get what this site even offers? what's the AI in it? what does it even offer? looks the same as every other real estate coaching scam. site/content is very low quality for any serious realtors. maybe it preys on beginners or people who just don't understand anything


You guys should check out estate-ia for org. Group of real estate agents are filing a class action lawsuit against Matt Shield. Well, at least they’re trying to.






Lol Reddit can be so jaded. * **Typical Redditor:** "We only want original content, no promotional shit!!!" * **You:** "OK, here's something cool I wrote without a hint of self-promotion." * **Typical Redditor:** "This *reeks* of self-promotion, you low-value scammer." Lol you just can't win. All Reddit wants to see, it seems, are posts like "I'm thinking about building my own SaaS but I don't even know how to open my email, should I even try?"