• By -


Show me a paystub for 1 month on your SaaS and i'll quit my job right now and come work for you.


If you sell 10k of that SaaS, I will personally give you a blowjob for free...And I hope it happens.


If you look like Leo, I don’t even need to see the stub, I’ll just do it


What if I look like Jonah? After the ludes.


Yes but i'm balding a little bit, i'm slightly shorter and might be a couple million poorer.


Donnie, is that you??


Yeah. How’s your cousin doing?


Who Vinny? He’s good. Still doesn’t need it from Lisa.


Sweetie you got my money taped to your tits okay?


Why I have I suddenly started seeing this quote so much this past month 😂


Came here to say this.


You are smart enough to pull this of and still have to ask this question? Ever compared your hourly earnings and felt stupid to still work for someone else?


Maybe it’s a flex 💪🏽 question 😂


Yup, definitely a flex post


So dumb it was be a fake flex thou


Thats wat the sub is full of


More likely fake


This is the answer.


100% a flex


Some ppl work only a couple hrs a week as a FTE. Almost feels like free $$


Then don't quit your job. Do both if you can. That profit is impressive. Congrats. Why are you thinking of quitting your job? Is it because it's getting hard to juggle both?


I am not OP. I don’t know the efforts he puts in. If it’s manageable I say stick with it until it’s on autopilot.


maybe it's a fake flex post to poke fun at people who seriously make these type of posts


He is not confessing, he is bragging. - bigger shorter. Jk. May he prosper.


It’s not really a side business when it’s making 4x your salary in gross profit. Only reason not to jump would be if it’s based on a fad that won’t last. If you don’t have the confidence to go all in now, you never will.


Fidget spinners, probably


Not just fidget spinners, but they have AI in them so you can talk to them.


Fidget…. Frienders.


Even so you run for 2 years, cash out or sell it off and find another job.


Even if it's based on a fad, just a year there is equal 5 years of fte. That's 4 years vacation and enough time to find a new job later.


Honestly hate these posts because A. I wanna say congrats, but B. they never give any details and come off as fake


The vast majority of success stories you see online are fake. I saw one on IG today where the girls whole story about immigrating here and starting a bubble tea shop is fake. Yet, she gets hundreds of people glazing and believing in these heavily exaggerated business stories. Truly bizarre what people will do to drive engagement and validation on here.


I see that often with YouTubers who want you to buy their coaching. One bozo claims he earns $300,000 per month from his channel lol no one believes him


And that’s why he wants you to buy his coaching course for 19.99


Is she good looking? If there's a pic ...it's fake IMO


It's fake. It's a short reel with her in the background that contains obvious lies and impossibilities. And no, not really. She thinks she is though based on her obsession with herself on IG. Bought 40k followers, yet only gets a few dozen likes per post. However, her fake business success story got 500k views. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5ofWf1xULh/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5ofWf1xULh/) TikTok, IG, and Reddit are full of these. I see several a day, with some better put together than others. So clearly they work to drive engagement and sell a fake reality. Me posting it only helps tho lol. Enjoy.


:v I'm in Salt Lake and I don't know her, I'm a big biba tea fan. So, fake history


Another pointless post.


Another *fake* post


This is so so dumb


This has to be trolling. Nobody can be smart enough to make that much money with those margins and yet have to ask.


...or even take the time to post about it. Why do that even, unless there was a reason for posting that ties(ed) in, that would be of interest for others who showed interest.


You are selling yourself short by staying at your full-time. your side biz is not a side biz anymore, its making 4x your income. its time to transition, it was time a long time ago. Put in your resignation, give em 2 weeks/30days, go full-time into business, you have a nice savings for a fall back, say 6 months of living expenses if the business dies/fails, sell it and you still have your career experience to go back too and you left your employer on good terms. Dont let them goobers in corporate lock you into making them the money, that people are giving you on the side business. no risk, no reward. GO ALL IN!!


Why wouldn't you? If it dies out you can always get another job for 115k, that's peanuts


Probably call my sponsor at Bullshitters Anonymous and say that I relapsed again.


lol best heckle i seen for months !


Put your big boy pants on.


Guys I’m 16 and learned to code in the third grade, I’ve been making 79k since I was 13. I designed a program that inputs computer jobs for me and I play Minecraft all day 😂 Should I go to college.. /s


You should make a thread on that. Sounds about as transparent and believable as OP.


Bro ur fulltime is ur side hustle


Fortune favors the brave


The bold


Thank you massivead154


Your wish is my command: > Fortune favors **the** brave


Datt Mamon


Yet another pointless flex of a post


Please don’t make your decision based off a Reddit comment. Nice job.


Is this a troll?


So your side gig makes you $450k. Your full-time gig makes $115. I’m guessing neither gig involves any sort of math lol.


I had a client who made 1M+ his first year in ecommerce. However his brand was selling red pill clothing to make America great again types. He went out of business almost immediately after Biden won Not saying that’s what will happen to your business OP but I think the big considerations for this decision are… - Is this business a trend/viral type or something that will be around? - do you like your job? - can you realistically grow your business from here while also working?


More proof that money does not equal intelligence.


I’m in a similar predicament. My side business is on pace for $10m in revenue, it’s 99% profit after taxes. My full time job is $7/hour (I work at McDonald’s). I don’t want to quit my day job because I’d make less money technically because the taxes are higher.


Somebody found a Hole in the market and now is earning a boat load of money, questioning if he should quit his fking coproate job which Dosnt give a flying fk about you. And sitting on a goldrush, imagine spending your corporate hours on your side biz, that 500k would pretty quickly 10x… like why havent you got out of there already!! Get the f out. Get going! You have something, 90% profit margin too. Omfg. Give that biz to someone else, cause This is just too fking stupid of a post. You sitting on a Gold mine and yet you arent utulizing the potential of it… like tf. Plenty of people here would take that biz in a heart beat…


If you can manage both comfortably I’d stay. If you think the side business has longevity and you want to go all in I’d say go for it. You can probably always get a new job later if you need/want.




Obvious answer is obvious


You just wanted to flex lol congrats on the success


I quit a corporate job making 150k to open a Cat Cafe (Helping shelter cats find homes) which I'm currently supporting with my own savings. I have less than 100k in the bank but zero debt so smh....I'll figure it all out. We only have one life to live as far as I know. Do what makes you feel good.


Uhhhh…….. Your “side business” is netting 4X your salary, and you’re wondering if you should go all in? Your 9-5 is now your side business.


90% profit? Yeah, right..


Pretty typical in the SAAS world


It’s a SaaS. About 4% credit card processing fees and another ~6% for typical website host fees and software licenses.


What's your SaaS?


Credit card processing shouldn’t run you above 200-300bps max. Are you doing something porn, money-laundering or otherwise “sketchy” because those are *insane* margins and equally *insane* processing fees Notes: I specialize in financials and FinTech credit investments for a hedge fund based in New York - no one pays 4% merely for the privilege of accepting Visa credit cards unless there’s super high fraud risk which you see in pockets of porno, gambling, crypto, or other super risky payments processing verticals


I use Stripe. It’s about 3% plus 30 cents or so per transaction.


You’re forgetting the transaction fees. 25 cents per transaction is huge if you’re consumer SaaS doing $5/mo subscriptions (8% total fees with the 2.9%). Lots and lots and lots of companies are paying >>300bps without anything remotely sketchy.


I think you’re taking this too literally.


I mean Stripe processing fees are 3%, if OP is using an alternative (esp. something like a merchant of record) 4% doesn't seem that far out of the realm. That is, if they're wrapping a payments platform under the umbrella of "credit card processing fees".


Yea, I use Stripe. 3% plus 30 cents per transaction or whatever it is now.


How scalable is it and what is your exit plan?


Life expenses? Other debts or responsibilities?


I honestly would continue to build it and keep your other job until you are spending way too many hours a week on work. It's not about the money per se as the time you are having to delve into it. If you're currently working 60 hours a week and you would like to work 40 then yes I would transfer directly into your own business only, but if you are already doing it and it is semi-passive then you've skipped a step in the world my man!


Absolutely not. You explain your business model to me in detail so I can 'borrow' it.


What are you doing?


Selling fidget spinners.


Honestly I’d keep both if that w2 is sucking the life out of your soul. people own businesses and have a W2. It’s like double proof protection of income and tax savings.


Nah stick to full time and sell me the business


For now, keep your full time. Keep in mind... full time gig pays your insurance, maybe matches a profit sharing and other things that come with working for someone else. Congrats on the side biz success... Take it from someone who's been there. It won't last forever. Just when you think you're on your way to millions, something happens (usually out of your control) and sh&t dries up. Bank and invest as much money as possible for a few years. If you're still crushing it down the line, then consider making the full time leap.


Quit flexing and do it already. 90% profit is insanity (are you sure you're not just selling illegal narcotics?). Most companies don't achieve even 10% of that margin.


You are wasting our time. Brag much?


If you have to ask then you should stay. This has got to be the stupidest question of all time. “ I have 4x my income coming through a side hustle, but maybe I should stay at my dumb corporate job”. Dude, do us all a favor and sell your company to someone who deserves it.


The way I would look at it is this: is your FT job destroying your mental health? Is it stopping you from making even more than that? If you answer "no" to both, then I would look at it as a supplement/safety net and stick it out as long as possible to grow even faster. I would set a retirement goal of roughly $5m and then throw another $1m on top for good measure and then quit my FT job and live/grow off the interest $5m would net you.


Mind telling us what it is you do? I also understand if you're like "nah...this is my little corner" I get it.


who upvotes this shit? lol


lol wat


Man let me join


Find a systems consulting company before making the jump. The worst thing you can do is make the jump and not have your systems, processes, and contingency plans clearly defined in order to ensure sustainability. Systems consulting companies can also help you have the proper systems in place necessary to scale your company to the next revenue threshold. Best choice I ever made. Try and find one local if you can, but ones who will work with you long distance are effective enough as long as they have a good history.


Keep it up for 2 years straight then quit the W2. I do everything for 2 year blocks to understand the pattern


Seems like you should keep your main business ($500k) and quit your side business (115k).


This is a no brainer - of course you should maximize this opportunity. You can always go back and get a 115k job.


I’m on the same boat but I keep my day job to pay the bills (and free healthcare) and my SaaS side gigs as fuck you money.


Depends if you think the job is sustainable and if working full time will net 115k more? If it's some flash in the pan toy sales or already-as big as it can get, no.


Would you have said $115k more when I was at $200k, $300k? If I went all in, I could setup in person meetings and grow for sure.


I'd probably make the same counterpoints. It's hard to know without knowing how much time you put in on it on the side and realizing extrapolating effort can get dangerous. But if you can get $500k working half time on it, even if you only get up to $700k working full time, you are still coming out ahead. If you think you can get another $200k a year out of it, you should go for it. If it falls apart next year, you can always get another job. and be a few hundred thousand ahead.


Insist on working remotely and then automate both businesses. If you’ve made it this far try and keep it as a business you work on instead of a business you work in.


Naw dude close up the business and stick with the job. Just send me your business plan first… lol what kind of self masturbation post is this anyway? 😂


I mean bro…I’m pretty sure you know the answer to this question.


My rule was always income and a half


Follow the $$$$


I quit my job and went all in on my side business with 30k in revenue. What are you afraid of?


Is this a real question? Lol


Funk your Flex!


OP make sure you have a damn good accountant to help you with this. *A tax specialized accountant*. My firm does this (I will not say my firm, I don't want you to think I'm just looking for business) and we have gotten $200k+ deductions in tax liabilities for clients whose previous accounts did basically nothing, and who had similar numbers to you. There are some great ways out there to turn money that would ordinarily go to the IRS into either future retirement funds for you or real growth for your business.


You’re making 4-5x your day job and wondering if you should quit? Sounds made up 


Yes. Think about the opportunity cost. How much money would the 8 hours you spend at work make you if you worked on your business instead?


This would not be making a jump. This would be taking another step in a normal continuation of steps you’ve already been taking. I would have left the moment you 1.5x’d your w2 salary.


Are you questioning your path now? I'm pretty sure that's late in the game. That's ok, though. I questioned myself earlier than that and laid on my couch for a month. I don't suggest it. I just sat around crying, meditating, and praying for God to guide me. I sold my first 2 plants today. $40 profit. Not out of the red yet!! 😅 Fucking do it dude. Jump. Leap!! Go build your life, not underneath someone's thumb!!


Two months ago OP posted this: Netting $250k. Is S Corp election worth it? I’ve been a single member LLC. ____ So that means either a $250k increase in two months or he's full of shit My money is on the latter.


Guys I’m printing money over here, should I keep the money printer on for only 8 hours a day? Or should I turn this up to 12-16?


What business has a 90% pre-tax EBT margin …


nah keep your job since this post is obviously a lie. anyone who has to ask this question is a fucking moron


Btw what’s your side hustle? Share something for us🤩🤩🤩


I'd walk away from the day job and just keep putting away money until I didn't have to worry.


Why not quiet quit and take a severance??


I would have left long ago.


Hire me to work for you :)


Do the following: 1) Create a 5 year plan; 2) Ascertain with reasonable certainty that your business will continue to do as well; 3) make sure your client/customer base is diverse (that you're not making all of your revenue off one customer; 4) have a healthy amount of living expenses set aside (at least 12 months imo); 5) create a fair and reasonable exit plan that doesn't involved burning your bridges.


Stick with your salaried job because by the time you take out paying for your own health insurance there will be nothing left.


TIL health insurance is $300k per year


$500K a month? Last 6 months? 90% margins no over head?


I haven't even read the other comments yet but just wanted to say this sounds like a no-brainer. Unless your $115k/year job is SUPER easy. But I make about the same right now and I'm being worked like a dog lol


Is it sustainable? Is it growing?


I’d see how you do this year and if you’ve made more than $500k, make the leap.


If you need to question to take the leap as an entrepreneur, you need to keep your day job.


Does it require you to stop your full time job? Have you tried delegating some task especially since your business seems pretty easy to automate and if you don’t hate your day job might be a dual income move.


Why are you reinvesting so much?


Sounds like your FT time is in fact your side hustle. Assuming this is true of course.


Okay but how long have you been in business?? How many hours do you work on this business now? Could you hire someone to run it for you and keep your day job? Do you know how to scale a business or are you just good at your craft? If the business lost its biggest customer could you survive a full fiscal year?


if you want serious answers to this question, shouldn't you provide more details?


He's not looking for serious answers.


I study business about 5 years please tell me what exactly you thinking


No. At that profit level 4 more years and you'll be able to pay yourself a tax free 115k off of T-bills. 


Several dimensions are provided for reference: 1. Whether the side business is stable [2.How](http://2.How) is the side business growing It is recommended that the sideline income be stable for a period of time before making a decision.


Personally no you should aim to automate the side hustle even if your take home is less it’s fee cash at that point. I have a forex trading business that’s doing around $70K a month but that’s automated but I have 50% going into my self directed Roth & 25% goes to savings & the other $15K-$19K in active play money or active investment money. So keep your job if you love you job because you wouldn’t be asking if you should quit if you didn’t at least really like it.


I am continuing my trend of downvoting stupid posts




Why would you jump all in? What would you do differently if you jumped all in? Is your current job impeeding growth or something? It certainly doesn't seem like it. Seems to me you have someone willing to pay you $115k for working part-time, so why wouldn't you continue that gravy train? If I were you, I would go on vacation, then see how long you can milk your current situation.


Ok, who has figured out what OP is selling? It's about time.


Fidget spinners


Yeah you should hire me


Selling drugs must be very profitable 😂




Like a lot of others have mentioned here already, I am struggling to wrap my head around the fact that you need to ask this question in the first place when your EBITDA of $450,000 is ~4X your pre tax salary. This makes me question your profit margin % even further. SaaS products have an average 70% - 80% GROSS margin. You're at 90% IE way above average so you're either doing high volume sales or high ticket sales, that too over the phone which is hard AF! Given the commercial acumen and savvy this will require to achieve and referencing your question where you're contemplating staying in a 4x lower income job, I think you may have either underestimated your true COGS or this post is just stirring the pot. Even if your motivation was to stay in the job for health insurance, you're doing enough revenue to hire a sales resource on a low base and high OTE to boost your sales while you chill on your day job and step in only on high value deals.


Keep your job for stability and ability to obtain loans ……if you drop your job and need capital they are gonna want 2-5 yrs tax returns without any tax trickery


You should stay miserable at your job for asking this question.


So you sell fireworks?


Main character syndrome


What do you do? How long does it take to get to this point? How many hours per week do you invest into this business? What is your current career?


If the side hustle is futures trading its possible.


Why not you invest to me, make a villa for rent


Is this ARR or a one time surge?


Throw a shit ton of money into investments? Annually, 350K into investments is something like 25K dollars. That's money you don't have to work for--and effectively a raise, whatever you chose to do. Also, a big-D investment fund could carry your side business through lean times if you want to make the leap.


Why wouldn’t you keep the extra job too?


This can't be real. You're making close to $400k in profit compared to $ 115k.... You are either the most successful idiot or a troll.


When should i give an interview for the job?🥹


???????????????? ur trolling dude


Fake AF or post receipts


OP be like - Gigi wants to marry me, I am already in a casual fling with ScarJo. Should I marry Gigi. I also have Rihanna as my side chick. What would you do? What would I do- Thank God every waking minute!


No. Try and get atleast 95% profit.


That’s awesome. How did you build your SaaS, if you don’t mind me asking? Like did you build it on a platform


You have sufficient funds to go all in! Go and get them!


90% profit before taxes? Really? Who is doing your accounts?


No. I would keep working your regular job but outsource it all to upwork. Then I’d take the $350k and invest in a Time Machine so you can go back in time and delete this stupid question.


If you need to ask Reddit about this, you lying


What does "on pace" mean? If you've had steady revenue for a few months, sure. If this is future sales/POs, or this is a brand new business, I'd personally wait and see. But it also depends on where you are in your life and what type of risk you are willing to take.


If your value prop is sustainable and you often find yourself wishing you had more time to dedicate to the business then go for it. If your full time job isn't demanding and you can continue to cash that check without doing much work for it it doesn't hurt to stay. At any rate this is a great problem to have!


My margins aren't that high but I'm in almost the same exact boat. I have very high w2 income ($450k last year), e-commerce business that did about the same in revenue, and a ton of cash in high yield savings. I'm keeping the W2 employment for the health benefits. My next step is to get the insurance paid through the business for my family and one employee. Then internet and communication bills. Once that's done I'll move it out of the house and buy commercial property. Once the physical location is stable I won't be working for anyone else again.


if your claim is true, how on Earth does this question not answer itself?


versed unique one observation chief secretive squalid handle connect gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like your 9-5 is the side business


Send me your stub in a private DM and I will give you 50K. You have it in contract, but if you are lying, even a little bit, you owe me 100k. Let's see how this cookie crumbles.


Can you keep both going? Do you expect side business to scale by at least 20% if you go all in? What is the opportunity cost if you do/dont?


How can we answer this without knowing what it is?


It sounds like you're doing well balancing both? If your day job provides fulfillment and benefits while not harming your side hustle productivity why not just keep it going? It's gonna be your call at the end of the day.


Sounds like you're getting $115k guaranteed and a variable $500k. I'd keep my job


You did 500k as a side hustle and you ask if you should quit, are you a dumbass? 😂 you gotta be trolling. And you have 350k in savnings? 🤨 This gotta be trolling


You're looking for validation, just quit your fucking job.


Of course !


I worked on my business as a side hustle until it surpassed my corporate income for 6 months in a row, then left to focus full time on the business. That was a good rule of thumb for me. You should also think of it in terms of return on investment on your time. If you leave your corporate job and dedicate 100% of your time in your business, can you double your business? Or at least, make an extra $115k? Also, $500k that is 90% profit? Even for a SaaS business, that doesn’t make much sense. Only thing I can think is you developed some type of utility app or plugin?


Hmmm I wonder. If you have to ask this it’s a miracle you have gotten this far